v2 Chapter 578: strange referred pain

Name:I Can See Health Author:nib scalpel
Chapter 578 Strange Referred Pain

Electrophysiological examination is, after all, an invasive surgical procedure.

The patient resisted, but Lu Chen could understand.

On the other hand, Lu Chen was going to review the patient's electrocardiogram and heart ultrasound.

The inspection level of different hospitals varies greatly.

Especially at the level of cardiac ultrasound, ordinary hospitals can at most look at the size of each chamber of the heart, but not others.

And the ultrasound departments of some top hospitals, through ultrasonography, can perform heart ultrasound, and even diagnose cardiomyopathy, valvular disease, congenital heart disease, etc.

Just in case, Lu Chen still checked Li Wenqian again, so that he could feel more at ease.

Back to the doctor's office.

Lu Chen asked Su Rui to write a medical record, and he was responsible for the doctor's orders.

The two people work together, which can save a lot of time.

This is also the first time that Lu Chen has experienced the joy of being a senior doctor!

My subordinates can finally have someone to help write medical records, or give medical orders.

For those junior brothers and sisters in the previous group, Lu Chen really didn't dare to let them write the course of the disease, and he was also a student himself, always instructing the junior brothers and sisters under his command, it was not that kind of thing.

Now that he manages the bed independently, Su Rui is equivalent to the first student he brought!

"Su Rui, in addition to autonomic disorders, what other diseases do you think this patient should consider?"

Lu Chen began to ask questions.

This habit of    also inherits Li Yao's "fine tradition".

When he was rotating in the eight districts in his heart, he was also devastated by Li Yao's questions for several months.

Su Rui pursed her lips, her small eyes filled with big doubts.

No matter how good she is, she is still an undergraduate intern with little or no clinical experience.

"Senior Brother Lu, I haven't thought of it yet." Su Rui glanced at Lu Chen secretly.

The senior brother in front of her is not from Kyoto University School of Medicine, but she does not dare to have any contempt.

On the contrary, after she heard about Lu Chen's deeds, she felt indescribable admiration in her heart.

Lu Chen smiled, "Actually, there is such a principle in our Cardiology Department."

"Young people say that the heart is not feeling well, think of stomach problems."

"The elderly say that the stomach is upset and think of heart disease!"

Su Rui blinked, "Senior brother, but the symptoms described by the patient seem to have nothing to do with stomach problems. She clearly pointed out that the heart is uncomfortable..."

Lu Chen smiled, "Many times the symptom description is inaccurate, or in other words, there is radiating pain. When my roommate had a kidney stone before, the pain in the testicles would also be involved."

After saying this, Lu Chen felt a little inappropriate.

After all, Su Rui is still a young female trainee, unlike those mature and experienced nurses.

"Cough cough." Lu Chen coughed softly to hide his embarrassment.

Su Rui blushed slightly, "Senior brother, you, what kind of roommates are you?"

"There is a chance you can see it." Lu Chen scratched his head and could only sell Wang Zihao, "Actually, what I mean is that the esophagus and the heart are very close to each other, and some patients may have gastroesophageal reflux, which causes the heart to fail. It is comfortable, so it is described by patients as a symptom of the heart.”

Since the innervation of the splanchnic nerves is intricate, there are often overlapping innervations.

For example, a nerve may innervate several organs, which may cause interference to the brain. In fact, it is A’s problem. The brain sometimes thinks that it is B’s problem, so subjectively it will be expressed as B’s pain.

The typical pain of kidney stones is waist pain in the kidney area, and ureteral stones can also cause renal colic or ureteral colic, and can also radiate to the testis and labia.

Su Rui recorded it in her notebook while listening to Lu Chen's narration.

"Congratulations, +1 for the thank you from Su Rui!"

A prompt popped up on the system panel again, Lu Chen smiled slightly, and continued: "So, there is no need to worry about the patient's electrophysiological examination. I am going to try to give gastric protection treatment first, and complete the gastroscopic examination if necessary. After excluding gastric diseases, Do electrophysiological tests again."

Lu Chen's overall thinking was completely displayed in front of Su Rui.

He has no place to hide. As for how much Su Rui can understand and how much she can comprehend, it depends on her understanding.

"Senior Brother Lu, does the patient have coronary heart disease?" Su Rui said again.

Lu Chen smiled, "Don't consider it, because the patient is young and does not have any risk factors for coronary heart disease (high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, etc.), so coronary heart disease is not considered. Of course, if the patient is worried about coronary heart disease, coronary heart disease can be improved. CTA inspection."

"Yes." Su Rui nodded, and wrote down what Lu Chen said in the notebook.

One area in the heart, in the ward.

Li Wenqian was lying on the bed, thinking about the electrophysiological examination that Lu Chen just mentioned.

After thinking about it for a long time, she was still going to look for relevant information on electrophysiology on the Internet.

At this moment, the nurse came in, and she was pushing a treatment cart with several bottles of medicine on it.

"Do I still need an injection?" Li Wenqian asked in confusion.

"Are you Li Wenqian with 25 beds?" The little nurse picked up the infusion sheet for comparison.

"Yes." Li Wenqian nodded.

"That's right, this is the medicine prescribed by the doctor in charge of the bed." The little nurse said.

"What medicine?" Li Wenqian frowned, she doesn't feel any discomfort now, does she still need medicine?

"Stomach-protecting medicine."

"What? Medicine to protect the stomach?" Li Wenqian immediately stopped the little nurse's needles, "I don't have stomach problems! Don't give me needles yet!"

After finishing speaking, Li Wenqian took out her mobile phone again, glanced at the name of the liquid on the infusion list, and then began to search online.

for a long time.

"It's really a medicine to protect the gastric mucosa!" Li Wenqian's brows furrowed deeper, "Why is this young doctor prescribing medicine for my stomach? Does this medicine have a high commission?"

Isn't this a fuck? She couldn't have been stabbed in such a vague way.

Li Wenqian quickly found the doctor's office.

Lu Chen was explaining the patient's condition to Su Rui.

"Doctor Lu..." Li Wenqian called softly.

Lu Chen looked back, "What's the matter with you?"

"That's it, why are you giving me stomach-protecting medicine?" Li Wenqian stared at Lu Chen, trying to get a satisfactory explanation from his mouth.

"Oh, that's it, I'm going to find you." Lu Chen immediately explained his thoughts to Li Wenqian.

"You said that my heart is not feeling well, but it's actually caused by stomach problems?" Li Wenqian's eyes filled with disbelief.

Heart discomfort, and stomach problems, she can still distinguish between these two conditions.

"We just have this consideration." Lu Chen said, "So I'm going to give you some stomach-protecting medicines as a diagnostic treatment measure."

Li Wenqian was still a little unconvinced, she paused, "Then give me some medicine to protect my stomach, I don't want an injection."

"Also." Lu Chen nodded slightly and prescribed pantoprazole capsules and gastric mucosal protector to Li Wenqian.

The next pace will be faster.

(end of this chapter)