v2 Chapter 876: The two-year appointment has come!

Name:I Can See Health Author:nib scalpel
Chapter 876 The two-year appointment has arrived!

A week later.

The African chief's condition gradually improved.

The former chief, who had to gasp for a few words, can even chat happily with others now.

He could even walk down the ground, which made him very happy.

He seemed to be a man who kept his promise, and immediately found his chief surgeon, Lu Chen.

Lu Chen of course directly rejected the kindness of the African chief!

His taste is not heavy!

However, under the repeated pleas of the African chief, Lu Chen had to agree to be the honorary "chief" of their tribe.

You don’t need to worry about anything, and you can get a lot of dividends from the mine every year.

As for the dividends, Lu Chen didn't know.

But he envy others to death.

This kind of gold mine, with a little hint of a word, is enough for many people for most of their lives.

As for the assistants Yao Jie and Yamada Kenji who performed the surgery, they both received corresponding rewards.

So, Lu Chen was nicknamed "Chief" in Mayo.

Spring goes to autumn.

Lu Chen's time in Mayo slowly passed another year.

The case sharing meeting every quarter, he must not miss it.

Therefore, Lu Chen earned enough gratitude points.

In the    system mall, he exchanged the electrophysiology expert skill card again!

So far, Lu Chen has successfully exchanged the three most important advanced skill cards.

Coronary intervention, electrophysiology and TAVR intervention!

These three skills are also the most common in cardiology interventions.

And next month, the two-year contract between Lu Chen and Mayo will officially expire.

Shen Wenguang, as the director of Mayo's Cardiology Department, mainly found Lu Chen and invited him to renew his contract.

However, Lu Chen refused!

This surprised Shen Wenguang.

You must know that the resignation rate of Dr. Mayo is quite low, even less than 0.1%.

Every doctor here has a strong sense of belonging.

"Lu Chen, I don't quite understand the reason for your decision." Shen Wenguang liked Lu Chen very much.

Not only because of his superb clinical and surgical skills, but also because of Lu Chen's future.

Such a young doctor, if trained well at Mayo, will definitely be the pillar of the global cardiovascular field in the future.

"Lu Chen, isn't our Mayo bad?"

Shen Wenguang looked suspiciously at Lu Chen sitting in front of him, trying to see a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Lu Chen smiled, "Of course not, Mayo is good, it can be said to be every doctor's paradise. Here, most people will have a sense of ease and belonging."

"If that's the case, then why are you leaving?" Shen Wenguang said.

"Because my roots are in Huaxia, no matter how good this place is, it's still not as good as my home." Lu Chen smiled slightly, "The conditions at home are a bit poor. After I go back, I can do my best to improve the situation."

"But in such a big environment, are you useful by yourself?" Shen Wenguang was a little amused.

The idea of ​​young people is still too immature.

"Whether it works or not, you have to try it to find out." Lu Chen smiled, "You say yes, Director Shen."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Shen Wenguang could only say: "Lu Chen, no matter what, I hope you will seriously consider and continue to stay in our Mayo. You are the attending doctor now, and almost no one can control you, clinical and scientific research, you You can study as you like, but in Huaxia, can you do what you want? According to me, your performance income is all linked to drugs and inspections..."

To be honest, Mayo's clinical life is quite comfortable compared to Huaxia.

The doctor's salary is fixed and will not waste any medical resources at all.

It will not do more useless work for its own interests.

Moreover, Mayo's salary is also quite good, and denial can't attract the world's top talents.

Seeing Lu Chen's silence, Shen Wenguang thought he had changed his mind, and immediately said: "By next year, you will almost be able to be rated as an assistant professor. If you work for ten or eight years, and then return to Huaxia, you will be much better than now!"

"But..." Lu Chen paused.

"But what?" Shen Wenguang raised his brows.

"Director Shen, the pizza here at Mayo is really unpalatable!" Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders with a bitter face, "I really want to go back to eat Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, but I can't, I can eat some skewers! "

Lu Chen subconsciously touched his stomach.

After coming to Mayo these years, he feels that he has lost weight.

Shen Wenguang suddenly choked.

I don't want to stay, there are thousands of reasons.

If you want to stay, one reason is enough.

Lu Chen made it clear that he wanted to leave.

Shen Wenguang could only shake his head slightly when he saw this: "Well, if you want to go back to Mayo in the future, you can come back anytime. As long as I am on duty in the Cardiology Department, there must be a place for you in the future."

"Well, thank you Director Shen."

Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the remaining month, he needs to slowly transfer the work, and hand over the patients currently on hand to other groups.

Mayo Cardiology doctor's office.

"Lu Chenjun, I heard that you are going back to China?"

Yamada Kenji did not know when he came over.

"Well, you know that too?" Lu Chen was stunned, he didn't remember what he said to other people.

"Hey, of course I know." Yamada Kenji smiled, "Everyone thought you would stay, but you didn't expect that you left in the end!"

"Are you all surprised?"

"Of course, everyone wants to keep Mayo! What's more, Director Shen personally invited you to show no respect for him?" Yamada Kenji said.

Lu Chen waved his hand and began to pack up the materials at hand, "You don't understand. I won't chat with you anymore. I have something else to do."

Yamada Kenji paused, but said, "Actually, I'm leaving too, Lu Chenjun."

"Huh?" Lu Chen said quickly, "You've been here for three years?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Yamada Kenji sighed while holding his forehead, "I came from the same group as you. You have been here for three years, how many years do you think I have?"

Fellow's training is three years.

Yamada Kenji's Fellow training is over.

However, he did not receive an invitation to stay in the hospital from the Mayo Clinic.

In other words, Yamada Kenji has no chance to stay in Mayo for the time being.

"Hey, what a pity!" Kenji Yamada shook his head and said, "If it were me, I would still choose to stay in Mayo. The conditions here are simply unattainable elsewhere!"

"You can continue to apply." Lu Chen smiled.

"Forget it, I won't waste my time." Kenji Yamada shook his head, "When I applied for Fellow, I barely met the criteria, and if I apply for it and stay, then I'll run with you!"

"Alright then." Lu Chen stopped persuading.

As the news that Lu Chen was going to return to China slowly spread.

There are undercurrents in China!

Numerous hospitals, whether public, private, or even hospitals in some other countries, have found their way.

(end of this chapter)