v3 Chapter 933: Interview (middle)

Name:I Can See Health Author:nib scalpel
Chapter 933 Interview (Part 2)

The little fat man walked into the office.

Lu Chen wanted to laugh when he saw him.

This little fat guy looks too happy.

I got fat, the flesh on my face is chubby.

"Cough, come and sit."

Lu Chen pointed to the seat in front of him.

"Thank you, teacher."

The little fat man ran over in a hurry.

"Li Zhan?"


The little fat man nodded and looked at Lu Chen nervously.

"Are you from Guanghai?"

Lu Chen finished checking Li Zhan's academic profile.

"Yes, Teacher Lu." Li Zhan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Guanghai is a good place." Lu Chen smiled, "I used to stay in Guanghai for a while."

Li Zhandao: "I know teacher, you have been the director of Guanghai First Academy."

"Oh?" Lu Chen's eyes lit up, "How did you know?"

Li Zhan touched the back of his head, "Teacher, my parents are both doctors in Guanghai No. 1 Hospital. This time I took your postgraduate exam, and they also chose for me."

Lu Chen smiled, this little fat man is sincere.

"Then do you think Magic City is better, or Guanghai better?" Lu Chen asked.

The little fat man was stunned, then smiled: "Teacher, the devil is a big city, and the medical conditions are definitely better than Guanghai. But Guanghai is my hometown, and I still think Guanghai is better."

"Well, do you usually have any hobbies?"

Looking at Fatty's body and figure, Lu Chen asked curiously.

"There...whatever, just hate reading books outside the home."

"Is it sports?"

"Intermediate movement is less..."

Wu Cong's interview method is very random, this is really a professional question.

Instead, it feels like an elder caring for the younger generation.

"This Guanghai, tell me what he knows about you." Bao Fei smiled, "You can say as much, as much, as weak."

The big fat man thought for a while, and then said, "You heard from your father, Director Lu, you are the number one person in China in the field of TAVR!"

Wu Cong was the first to perform TAVR surgery in Baofei.

is only the chairman of the Huaxia Luchen TAVR branch, and it has brought Lu Chen's TAVR level down several steps.

It can be said that Bao Fei's label under Lu Chen is TAVR!

"He still knows a lot." Bao Fei smiled, "Let's talk about it, what is TAVR surgery?"

The big fat man immediately said: "TAVR surgery, the full name is transcatheter aortic valve replacement."

"Well, it's wrong." Wu Cong smiled, "Do you know the operation procedure of that operation?"

"I've seen it before." The fat man shook his head, "Is it because you thought that it should be less or less different from coronary intervention. The only thing that is the same is the replacement valve, but coronary intervention is the implantation of stents..."

That time, Wu Cong asked Big Fatty more deeply about the TAVR surgery.

is some relatively superficial knowledge, and the big fat man can answer all of them.

"Where did he learn all that knowledge?" Wu Cong wondered.

Undergraduate knowledge scope, whether it involves TAVR surgery or not.

The fat man scratched his head and said, "When you were an intern, you were very interested in Cardiology Department. At that time, you applied to stay in Cardiology Department for a few months less. You also know a lot about some of the latest surgeries. question, you will ask your father too.”

"His dad is also a cardiologist?" Wu Cong asked curiously.

"Mmmm." The fat man nodded.

Whether Wu Cong continues to ask questions, I have already finished asking all the questions I want to know.

"Okay, after asking, he can go."

"Goodbye Teacher Lu." The fat man stood up, bowed slightly to Bao Fei, and left.

Wu Cong smiled and wrote his opinion under the data sheet of Big Fatty.

Next, it's the eighth interview student.

"The eighth interview, Li Zhan!"

The low-temperature girl stood up and hurriedly left the office under the gaze of everyone.

At this time, Bao Fei saw the student's data sheet.

"Li Zhan... That person seems to be the student recommended by Dean Dai Wansong, right?"

I am not at all curious about that student.

Under the    data sheet, that student published a total of seven SCI articles!

As an undergraduate student, one SCI is enough, let alone seven papers and one author!

More importantly, the seven SCI papers in English are actually from the same major and research field.

No research on ion channels, no research on genes, and no research on cardiac rehabilitation…

The span of that research field made Wu Cong feel a little ashamed.

The impact factor of those SCI papers is low, but at most it indicates that the authors of the papers have a certain research foundation in those aspects.

It is possible to publish those papers with discretion.

After the student withdrew, Wu Cong called Little Fatty back.

"Please print out those seven papers."

"it is good!"

After Bao Fei retired, Wu Cong's men got these seven papers.

Regularly asked about the basic situation before.

Wu Cong directly pulled out the seven papers, and then said to Li Zhan with a smile: "His ability is very wrong. During his undergraduate period, he was able to publish so few SCIs, even more than a few masters and doctorates."

Bao Fei also smiled when she heard that, "Teacher, you still have few feet, I hope you can get better with your guidance."

"Yeah." Wu Cong nodded, but the conversation changed, "You saw his paper on gene research, which mentioned eight disease-causing genes, and you understood it. Can he explain it for you? ?"

"Huh?" Bao Fei was stunned, "That paper is to study the causative genes of cardiomyopathy and hypotension. By selecting genes in the database, and then performing retrograde blood tests on the patients, the first analysis and comparison, and the first conclusions are drawn. ."

Wu Cong smiled.

Thinking of that Bao Fei, I have no more preparations.

"He is trying to misunderstand you." Wu Cong still had a smile on his face, "You want him to tell him what are the eight disease-causing genes he studied? Name them."


Li Zhan's forehead was dripping with sweat.

"Teacher, it's been a while since that paper. Your memory is too vague."

Wu Cong has nothing to say, I just glanced at the date the paper was published, eight months later!

As before, all the remaining seventeen students withdrew for the interview.

The whole process lasted about two and a half hours.

Wu Cong's interview was also the longest among all mentors.

"The results of the interview will be released on the official website at 8 o'clock tonight. Please check carefully."

Little Fatty gathered seventeen candidates again in the classroom.

"The first thing to inform Xiaojia is that of seventeen of them, only seven of them can eventually become Director Lu's students, or even classmates, and will be transferred to other teachers or other departments."

As soon as the little fat man said that, everyone felt relieved.

"As for Xiao Jiatong's refusal to make adjustments, let's report to the graduate department before the final result tonight."

"Now Xiaojia has packed up his things and can leave."

Continuing, Little Fatty informed the candidates of some precautions.

The mood of all candidates is the same.

is the same doubt of Guo Xiaojia, this is the interview question of Mr. Wu Cong.

A small part of the time is spent chatting with the students, doing family activities, and even chatting about their ideals and aspirations.

In that case, in the interview of Mr. Wu Cong, how do you evaluate your ability level?

Yes, most of the students headed by "Big Fatty" were active inside.

We recalled the conversation of our own teacher Wu Cong, and it seemed that it was a question of professionalism.

Could it be that Mr. Wu Cong’s attitude towards students is the same?

Li Zhan was originally full of confidence, but when I thought about these questions Wu Cong asked me, I felt a little nervous at the moment.

Before leaving the classroom, I quickly called Dai Wansong.

(end of this chapter)