v3 Chapter 943: Back to Jinghua!

Name:I Can See Health Author:nib scalpel
Chapter 943 Back to Jinghua!

Outside the operating room.

The family members of the patients paced back and forth at the door.

He looked down at the floor, then at the door of the operating room.

Finally, Gu Xinyue and Jin Miao pushed open the door amid his long-awaited expectations.

He knew the operation was finally over.

The mood of the man is extremely complicated.

He was looking forward to the end of the operation and was afraid of the outcome.

"Director Jin, Director Gu, how's the surgery going?"

Jin Miao and Gu Xinyue are both deputy chief physicians now.

The man ran forward with a very anxious look.

The difficulty of the operation, he has checked on the Internet, and he is very aware of it.

Even if it is placed in the world, it is the top difficulty!

In the sight of the man, Gu Xinyue and Jin Miao were both smiling.

"Don't worry, the operation was a success! The patient's condition is also very stable!"

The voice of    just fell.

The man's eyes filled with infinite surprises.

There were even tears in his eyes.

On the hospital bed, this is his mother!

is the relative who pulled him alone!

When he knew that his mother was seriously ill, how desperate he was in his heart.

Mother has worked hard for most of her life, and finally it is time to enjoy happiness.

But at this time, there is no chance.

After going to many hospitals, they all declared "death penalty".

In the Fifth Academy of the Magic Capital, with Professor Lu Chen, there is a chance of life.

It is this thread of vitality that has created a miracle!

"Doctor Jin, thank you, thank you Professor Lu!" the man said excitedly, "Then I... can I see my mother now?"

Gu Xinyue shook his head.

"Not for the time being. We have just finished the operation and need close monitoring. We cannot see family members for the time being. If there is any change in the condition, we will contact you at any time. When the dangerous period is over, we will arrange for you to meet with the patient at any time."


The man smiled.

His smile was a bit ugly, but it contained hope.

After surgery, the patient woke up normally.

Lu Chen did not go back, but gave her a heart ultrasound again.

The position and shape of the valve were good after surgery.

The pressure on both sides of the valve is reduced, and the regurgitation volume is also reduced to a small amount.

The crux was resolved, and the patient's heart failure improved immediately.

"Auntie, how are you feeling now?" Lu Chen asked with a smile.

The patient was lying on the bed. Although his body was a little weak, he had a big smile on his face.

"I...I feel much better, the breath in my chest is completely healed, and I don't have the feeling of difficulty breathing before."

Lu Chen smiled, "That's good, but then you can't get off the ground right away, and you have to rest in bed for a while to make sure there are no other complications before we can start training slowly."

Patients with severe heart failure may experience chest tightness and panting after a little activity.

And this mitral valve surgery can best improve the symptoms of this heart failure.

When the surgery was completed, the patient’s symptoms also improved significantly.

The difference between before and after contrast shows the necessity of surgery.

This operation in the Fifth Hospital of the Magic City.

Opened Huaxia transcatheter interventional treatment for patients with severe mitral regurgitation after myocardial infarction

Lu Chen also set up the project and is ready to apply for this year's "Outstanding Youth"!

Of course, long-term experimental data needs to be mastered.

Otherwise, if you want to apply for some kind of fund just after a few operations, it will definitely not work.

Therefore, the Fifth Academy of Magic Capital began to promote it all over the country.

Not only publicizes the severe mitral regurgitation surgery, but also many other surgeries, such as TAVR, electrophysiology and so on.

The Fifth Academy of Magic Capital has ushered in a period of rapid development,

During this time, Lu Chen's work was quite busy.

When he got home.

Xu Wei has prepared meals for him.

"I'm home!"

"Yeah." Lu Chen smiled, "Did you go out to buy groceries again today?"

Looking at the food on the table, Lu Chen frowned and said, "I told you, let my mother cook, it's not convenient for you right now."

Xu Wei smiled and shook her head: "I'm only a few months old now, and my stomach doesn't react at all."

"Anyway, be careful."

Lu Chen touched Xu Wei's belly with a happy smile on his face.

Yes, he and Xu Wei got married a year ago.

Xu Wei is currently two months pregnant.

This is also the reason why Lu Chen can have surgery now.

was really guessed by Gu Xinyue and Jin Miao!

"Lu Chen, I'm going to go to work in a few days."

Xu Wei frowned, "Staying at home every day, I'm getting moldy!"

"No!" Lu Chen quickly refused, "Our family does not lack such a little money. If you are too tired from work, the gain will outweigh the loss."

When Xu Wei heard this, she was in a hurry.

"Then I can go out for a walk, okay?"

Lu Chen glanced at the health on Xu Wei's head, which was normal for the time being.

"You can go out, but you must be accompanied by someone. If you have any discomfort, you must let me know in time."

"Okay, why are you so long-winded now."

and Xu Wei greasy for a while, Lu Chen came to his study and continued to write tenders for the "Jie Qing" fund.

In fact, Lu Chen is relatively familiar with the "Jieqing" Fund.

After all, Li Yao, the mentor of the year, successfully applied for the "Jieqing" fund with his "Dapagliflozin" project.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen decided to call Li Yao.

It happened that I haven’t contacted Li Yao for a long time, and now I just catch up.

Not to mention, although Li Yao is now a "remarkable young man", with their influence in the department, Lu Chen really wants to overwhelm Li Yao.

made a call, and the other side picked up immediately.

"Hey, Lu Chen, when are you willing to call me?" Li Yao pretended to be angry.

Lu Chen smiled, "Mr. Li, I think about calling you every day!"

"Tell me, you slick!" Li Yao scolded with a smile, "Nothing goes without going to the Three Treasures Hall!"

Lu Chen smiled, "Teacher, I can't hide anything from you!"

"Let me guess." Li Yao said, "Lu Chen, are you going to apply for Outstanding Youth?"

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded slightly.

Outstanding Youth Application, the first test is coming to an end.

Those in the industry know it.

"Yeah, I still have one more fund project left, so it shouldn't be difficult." Lu Chen said, "But I want to ask about what Jie Qing applied for in advance."

"Jieqing applied for this..." Li Yao hesitated on the phone, "Would it be better if you came to our Jinghua to play and I told you in person?"

"Come to Jinghua?" Lu Chen was stunned, "Alright!"

Since he graduated with a master's degree at Jinghua, he has never gone back.

In Jinghua, Lu Chen stayed for three years, which was also the beginning of his clinical journey.

(end of this chapter)