“Keep driving.”

In a surprising turn of events, Qin Yubai knew that he had become the passive party somehow. Fortunately, even if that was the case, he would remain the controller and Yan Shuang the controlled. 

A counterfeit really wasn’t worth the price in his mind.

No matter. Yan Shuang had already exposed his care for his adoptive father. He still held the reins to keep Yan Shuang by his side.

Who knows? Perhaps he’ll grow bored of the counterfeit within a week and actually want to be rid of him.

Qin Yubai said in a neutral tone, “Be upfront about any other requests you have. Don’t try to negotiate on the bed.” 

His words were unpleasant and irritating to hear. Yan Shuang looked down, the visible side of his face pale. “There aren’t any.”

For now, at least.

As the night grew dark, the car drove towards a high-end hotel.

After the conversation just now, the two people in the car fell into a mutually agreed silence.

Since negotiations were now over, it was time to honour the contract.

Qin Yubai’s exclusive presidential suite was on the top floor of the hotel.

The sheer luxury of the suit made Yan Shuang dissatisfied with Qin Yubai’s stinginess again.

Only giving a million when you’re so rich? Men can be scum, but they really shouldn’t be misers! 

Wei Yichen’s efficiency was first-rate. He re-drew the contract for the two to sign. After signing, Wei Yichen knew to leave, leaving the suite to the two parties who signed the contract.

Qin Yubai sat down on the curved, genuine Italian leather sofa, leaning back with both arms. His bone-piercing gaze aggressively roamed over Yan Shuang’s body.

Like he was examining a piece of merchandise.

His cold eyes probed the merchandise critically, trying to identify any flaws. 

Unfortunately, this was an excellent piece of merchandise that fit his criteria perfectly.

It would be impossible for him to ever find such a similar face again in the sea of people out there.

Yan Shuang knew how the plot would go from here.

Yan Shuang, whose morality had already been chewed up and spit out after so many years in the Transmigration Bureau, didn’t care at all. It was only a task to him. Besides, someone with an appetite like his didn’t exactly dislike this kind of plot. 

Since the core of this novel was the [redacted], he believed that the scum gong’s techniques wouldn’t leave him wanting.

Yan Shuang put down his canvas bag before reaching up and taking off his white T-shirt without much fanfare. When he was about to take off his pants, Qin Yubai called for him to stop. Only by personally taking off the packaging of the merchandise would he find satisfaction.

Qin Yubai got up and walked over to Yan Shuang.

As a youth barely into adulthood, Yan Shuang still retained the androgynous beauty of young adults. The exposed skin of his upper body was as flawless as a jade sculpture. 

His skin wasn’t a pure white, but a healthy ivory colour. Perhaps his skin was naturally thin, but it offered a near unobstructed view of his blood vessels.

This body was fresh, beautiful and teeming with vitality. He could be doing anything in the light of day, instead of waiting here for a man to…dominate him.

Qin Yubai took off Yan Shuang’s glasses and tossed them aside. His large hands forcefully pushed back Yan Shuang’s bangs.

A clean, white face was exposed to his sight. 

Actually, there were some differences.

Qin Qing was like the moon in the sky, cold and aloof in a way that rendered him out of reach. Yan Shuang was instead the bewitching flower growing on a branch, beckoning people to pick him.

Where did everything go wrong?

Was it his fuller lips? The additional tiny mole on his curved nose? Or the slight, indifferent light that radiated from his clear eyes? 

“Are you afraid?” Qin Yubai asked in a low voice.

“Do it already.” Yan Shuang coldly replied, “Don’t stand around talking nonsense.”

He was in a rush, thank you.

Qin Yubai’s face twisted for a moment, “I hope your bones are as hard as your mouth.” 

Qin Yubai never had any intention of treating Yan Shuang gently.

Yan Shuang was his servant, someone for him to toy with however he liked.

Qin Yubai viciously pinched Yan Shuang’s cheek.

That fair and beautiful face was stained with sweat. The flower paled due to the pain, until it was colourless and fragile. Tears slipped free from the corner of his eyes. He was a newly bloomed flower that had just opened when it was brutally ripped from the branch and mercilessly toyed with in someone’s hand. 

Yan Shuang’s body didn’t disappoint Qin Yubai.

It was extremely beautiful.

And wonderful.

Blood was all the assistance they needed. 

The first time needed to be more destructive. If there was no blood, how could you take joy in opening up a fresh flesh-body?

He was the first man to possess Yan Shuang, and he wanted Yan Shuang to remember this forever.

Ktf rcbk-ktlaf yfv rtffa vbaafv klat yibbv kjr kgjqqfv jgbecv j pjvf-ilxf ybvs. C rifcvfg rkjc-ilxf cfmx kfjxis tecu vbkc, fzqbrlcu atf jaafcalbc-ugjyylcu gfv wjgxr atja tjv yffc remxfv bcab atf yjmx. Gjgx tjlg mbnfgfv wbra bo atf ojmf, bcis gfnfjilcu j vfilmjaf mtlc jcv yibbvrajlcfv ilqr.

Hlc Teyjl vlv cba xlrr Tjc Vtejcu. 

He could fuck him, but he would never kiss him.

The wounds littering his lips were Yan Shuang’s own doing.

Qin Yubai stood by the bed. He brushed away the black hair covering Yan Shuang’s face.

Yan Shuang’s eyes were tightly closed, his body slightly trembling as if he didn’t want to face reality. 

Qin Yubai sneered. He had no intentions to cherish or show care. This was the deal they had made. He only got what he signed up for. Even if he’s toyed with to death, Yan Shuang only had himself to blame.

Yan Shuang’s bones were as hard as he expected. He didn’t even scream once.

Qin Yubai brushed a finger over Yan Shuang’s injured lips. “Why bother?”

There was no need to have a backbone in front of him, because Yan Shuang was unworthy from the start. 

Yan Shuang remained silent.

Qin Yubai didn’t disappoint.

Ah, what a time to be alive! 

Abnormal talent paired with simple brutality. The only nitpick would be that his techniques lacked variation, but that was understandable since all of these scum gongs were set to be virgins. 

The setting of his body really was too evil. With the pain shielding on, only pleasure that made one’s scalp tingle was left.

If he didn’t grimly bite his lips the entire time, Yan Shuang was afraid he would ruin the plot of this scene by screaming too loudly.

Seeing Yan Shuang biting his lip and shaking slightly, Qin Yubai’s body warmed up again.

Yes, Yan Shuang was injured. So what? He was only a tool for Qin Yubai to derive pleasure from, and right now? 

–He wasn’t satisfied yet.

Qin Yubai picked up Yan Shuang, who was wrapped in the sheets. He said in a raspy, low voice, “Open your thighs.”

The battle lasted until the early morning of the next day. 

Qin Yubai originally had no intentions of spending the night here, but Yan Shuang’s body was just too alluring.

It wasn’t until dawn the next day that Qin Yubai suddenly realized that he had spent the night outside.

Next to him, Yan Shuang’s hair was a mess and his face blotchy red. He looked like he had been loved until he was pitifully boneless. Especially his lips. In order to not make a sound, he bit himself so hard that teeth marks were still visible. A very arousing sight.

Qin Yubai struggled for a moment before climbing on top again. 

He vented the desires he had suppressed for nearly 30 years onto Yan Shuang.

When everything was over, Yan Shuang was barely there. Even his breathing slowed.

Qin Yubai had settled his demons for the time being. He tidied his clothes and buckled the strap of his watch. Looking down at Yan Shuang, who was like a torn-up flower, he said indifferently, “I’ll call you again when I have need of you.”

Yan Shuang’s face was buried in the pillow. His thin body lying on the dark coloured bed sheet resembled an ink painting, every stroke a brand by Qin Yubai’s hands. 

Qin Yubai’s gaze placidly glided past the marks he had left. The bruises, the hickies, the swelling… Everything accused him of having lost control as well as the pain he left this body in.

Did he go too far? But this was just a substitute for Qin Qing. Were he gentle, wouldn’t that be overestimating this value of this counterfeit?

The voice of the person buried in the pillow was quiet, “Ninety-nine days left.” His tone was calm and lazy.

Qin Yubai’s expression cooled. It seemed like he hadn’t broken down yet, good. “Don’t worry, I’ll make the best use of it.” 

Qin Yubai left.

Practically slamming the door shut behind him.

The sound made Yan Shuang twitch.

Yan Shuang lifted his face from the pillow and spat out the strands of hair in his mouth. The advantage of pain shielding was that you couldn’t feel any pain. The disadvantage was that even he didn’t know how terribly his body had been trashed on its first time. 

Not feeling pain didn’t mean that you wouldn’t get hurt.

Yan Shuang got up and went to the bathroom to check.

There was a mirror as tall as he was there that reflected Yan Shuang’s body.

The base colour of his skin was quite white, which only served to highlight the ferocity of those marks. His inner thigh was bright red. Yan Shuang discovered after touching it that not only was the skin there chafed, it was dotted with yet to dry blood. 

He really had been used thoroughly.

But fortunately, all these injuries were only skin-deep. There was nothing too serious.

Yan Shuang ran himself a bath. After cleaning up, he stepped out wrapped in a bathrobe.

Standing in the suite was Wei Yichen. He was taken aback to see Yan Shuang, who was wet and barefoot. 

Probably because he didn’t expect there to be anyone in the room, Yan Shuang’s bathrobe was wrapped rather loosely, held together by a simple knot of the belt. The deep ‘neckline’ of the bathrobe showed a large portion of his white chest, the hickeys there only becoming more vivid after being immersed in water.

“Is there something you need?” Yan Shuang asked casually. He limped over to bed and sat down in an unnatural position.

“President Qin asked me to deliver the cheque.” Wei Yichen took out an envelope from his inner pocket and set it on the table.

“Oh. Leave it there then.” Yan Shuang turned his head away, causing his wet hair to sway. “Could you please go buy me some ointment? I’m bleeding.” 

He tone was calm, as if he was just talking about a bleeding finger. But he and Wei Yichen both knew where he was bleeding.

Wei Yichen’s throat tightened. He said indifferently, “Wait a minute.”

Wei Yichen called the front desk.

Soon, the front desk delivered a stick of ointment. 

Yan Shuang limped into the bathroom again with ointment in hand to apply the medicine.

Wei Yichen was still around when he finished. Yan Shuang looked at him, his surprise and doubt gradually morphing into understanding. He looked at Wei Yichen frivolously.

“President Qin ordered me to take you back.” Wei Yichen explained himself before Yan Shuang had a chance to say strange things.

Yan Shuang retracted his gaze, “Oh.” 

“Meals should be included in the presidential suite package, right?” Yan Shuang asked.

Wei Yichen frowned, “What do you want to eat?”

Yan Shuang: “How about porridge.”

After getting a free meal, Yan Shuang put on his clothes, tucked the check away and swung his old canvas bag on to his shoulder. Just before he left, he suddenly asked, “Can I take those fruits with me?” 

There was a fruit plate on the presidential suite’s table. Displayed there were fresh specialty fruits flow in by airplane and replaced everyday. After they left, all the fruit left uneaten would be disposed of.

Wei Yichen couldn’t decipher who Yan Shang was.

He could use his own body as a bargaining chip and even threaten to offer himself to the highest bidder like a glorified prostitute. Yet he could also look at Wei Yichen with pure eyes and ask him if he could take away the fruits that no on was going to eat.

Was this just another act? 

Such a thing seemed unnecessary in front of him.

“Suit yourself.”

Yan Shuang carefully packed away all the fruits in to his canvas bag. “Let’s go.”

Wei Yichen drove another car to escort Yan Shuang. “Are you going to school or home?” 

Yan Shuang: “Go to the Xingxing Welfare Institute.”

Xingxing Welfare Institute was where Yan Shuang had lived as a child until the age of eight, when he was adopted by Yan Guofu and his wife. His adopted mother treated him well, but his adoptive father only saw him as a meal ticket issued. If you took in an orphan, you would receive a monthly subsidy of $500 from the government. Yan Shuang was lucky if a tenth of that was used on him. And after the death of his adoptive mother, his adoptive father pocketed the entire amount.

“Thank you.” Yan Shuang politely thanked Wei Yichen as he got out of the car and limped towards the gate of the Xingxing Welfare Institute. His thin figure quickly disappeared from Wei Yichen’s sight.

“President Qin, I have already sent him off… No. He didn’t go home, or to school. He went to the Xingxing Welfare Institute.” 


Wei Yichen got out of the car.

Qin Yubai wanted to know what Yan Shuang was doing at the orphanage.

Yan Shuang dropped the act once he was out of Wei Yichen’s sight. He quickly strode forward. 


“At your service.”

“Place the Money Collection Anchor at the Xingxing Welfare Institute.”

“Acknowledged. The Money Collection Anchor set up is complete. From now on, every cent you donate to the Xingxing Welfare Institute will be synchronized into your backstage pension. Wishing the employee good monetary fortune. May you strike it rich soon.” 

“Thank you.”

The words were like music to his ears.

The Money Collection Anchor was the only benefit method the Transmigration Bureau had to encourage its employees.

Employees could donate all of the money they collected in the world into the Anchor. However, it must be money generated through the plot line. Employees were also not allowed to collect money using force, to prevent them overindulging in making money and not following the plot at all. 

Additionally, the money donated to the Anchor could be used by the location it was donated to. The Anchor could also bring money into the current world. The two funds didn’t interfere with each other at all. The only thing they shared in common was the amount of money.

The Money Collection Anchor couldn’t be set up in any place where profit might be generated, such as banks, foundations and stock markets.

Generally speaking, welfare homes and charities were popular Anchors.

At the same time, employees must also be wary of going OOC. 

For example, Yan Shuang couldn’t do this if his role was a villain, like it had been in some worlds. Finding a suitable Money Collection Anchor in those circumstances was quite painful.

This book was nice in that Yan Shuang originally came from the Xingxing Welfare Institute.

Yan Shuang: The smile of a while lotus.jpg

“A million dollars?!” 

The director’s hands were shaking as she held the check. “Little Shuang, where did you get so much money?”

“I won it in the lottery.” Yan Shuang said with a faint smile.

The director: “This is too much…”

Yan Shuang: “No, it’s not. A million dollars can only go so far for an orphanage.” 

The director was moved beyond words.

Yan Shuang had always been such a good child. He often gave money to the orphanage after he left. When he was little, even if he could only save a dime or two every time he bought lunch, Yan Shuang would donate a few dollars to the orphanage every year. As he got older and often took on part-time jobs, most of his salary would be gambled away by Yan Guofu, a small sum he kept for his own living expenses, and the rest he gave to the orphanage.

After the director accepted the check, Yan Shuang thought about how he was soon going to go to the Qin manor according to the plot. He probably didn’t need $900 worth of food. Like the saying goes, every little bit counts.

“I have another $500 here, Director. Take this too.” 

“How could I, you silly child? Are you going to live on steamed buns again? Look at how thin you’ve become…”

“Don’t worry, Director.” Yan Shuang smiled warmly. “Donating to the orphanage makes me happy.”

For the sake of retirement, fighting!

From a distance, Wei Yichen looked at the youth and the director with a complicated expression as they struggled over who would accept the $500. 

The youth won at the end by stuffing the money in the director’s hands and walking away. Even his steps seemed lighter, like he hadn’t been injured at all.

Yan Shuang saw Wei Yichen as he walked towards the entrance of the orphanage.

Like he was pulled from a beautiful dreamscape back to cruel reality, the youth paled and staggered the moment he saw him.

Wei Yichen took a step forward subconsciously. It was already too late by the time he realized he was going to support the youth. His palm closed around a boiling hot hand. 

That pale face raised slightly, those eyes as clear as ever. “Thank you.”

“Why are you so hot?”

Wei Yichen squeezed Yan Shuang’s hand, then looked at Yan Shuang’s flushed face. “You’re running a fever.”

“I’m fine.” 

Yan Shuang basically didn’t care since he could feel the discomfort anyway.

“Take me to the convenience store.”

Wei Yichen paused while getting on. He turned to see Yan Shuang carefully contorting his body to get in the car.

“You’re still going to go work?” 


Donating the million dollars you earned by selling your body to an orphanage…

Dragging your fevered, injured body to work….

These were either the actions of an angel or a lunatic. 

And Wei Yichen has always been atheist.

He never believed in God, nor did he believe in angels.

The bluetooth phone in the car rang.

Wei Yichen didn’t shy away from taking the call in front of Yan Shuang. 

“Why did that counterfeit go to the orphanage?”

The lazy and deep drawl of a man was clearly amplified by the car’s stereo system, making it both more sensual and impersonal that the voice Yan Shuang heard with his own ears earlier.

Wei Yichen calmly glanced at Yan Shuang’s reaction to being called a ‘counterfeit’ through the rearview mirror.

Yan Shuang sat there with closed eyes and broken lips, not a hint of excess emotion on his face. 

Perhaps he thought ‘counterfeit’ was only a common disparaging term.

“To donate.” Wei Yichen recalled his gaze. “He gave the check to the orphanage.”

There was silence from the other end of the phone for almost half a minute.

Then cold laughter filled with scorn could be heard. “Is he insane?” 

Wei Yichen glanced at the rearview mirror again. Yan Shuang was biting his lip, angrily gnashing the slightly swollen lower lips with his teeth again and again.

So that’s how his lip was injured.

Wei Yichen: “I’m escorting Mr. Yan to the convenience store now.”

There was silence on the other side for a while. When he spoke again, Qin Yubai’s voice had calmed to an almost glacial degree. “Take him to the hospital. Don’t let him die.” 

With that, he hung up.

“You heard him, Mr. Yan.”

“I’m not going to the hospital.” Yan Shuang opened his eyes and accurately intercepted Wei Yichen’s gaze in the reflection of the rearview mirror. “I’m going to work at the convenience store. And I’m not going to die. He’s overestimating his own skills.”

Wei Yichen said indifferently: “This is President Qin’s order, Mr. Yan. I remind you not to forget your identity.” 

Yan Shuang: Heh. My identity is your worker grandpa!