The Ji family and the Qin family were aristocratic families. In terms of who was more powerful, they were about the same many years ago, but now it’s the Ji  family that has the upper hand.

The decline of the Qin family started from the last few generations, where head after head proved more useless than before. It wasn’t until Qin Yubai came that he was able to turn the tide and save his family from further collapse. 

Ji Yao and Qin Yubai. One was the young master lying on the golden mountain, and the other was the savior of the old dynasty. There was a gap between them in terms of age, but their status in the circles was about even.

The Ji family was so strong now that this young master could show off his money and wealth as much as he desired.

As someone who worked closely by Qin Yubai’s side, of course Wei Yichen knew of his powerful connections.

Since Ji Yao ordered him to stop, he could only oblige. “Young Master Ji, do you have something to say?” 

“He doesn’t seem to want to go with you very much.” Ji Yao said lightly.

Wei Yichen looked back at Yan Shuang, who quickly buried his head closer to his chest, shivering pitifully.

Putting on an act. Wei Yichen frowned.

“Mr. Yan,” Wei Yichen said coldly, “Is that right?”

“No, it’s not…I’m doing this voluntarily.”

Yan Shuang’s voice was as small as a mosquito, with a tremble at the end that would make anyone doubt he was being truthful.

But Wei Yichen pretended to not hear a thing. “Young Master Ji, may we go now?”

According to his understanding of Ji Yao, the youth wasn’t the righteous type who liked to intervene in cases of injustice. Ji Yao speaking up at all was already surprising to him. 

Ji Yao knew Yan Shuang? Did Yan Shuang say something to him? Or do something instead?

Wei Yichen’s eyes narrowed behind his lenses.

Ji Yao’s icy gaze flicked over the long black hair that covered most of Yan Shuang’s face.

Beneath that curtain of hair was a face that was strikingly similar to Qin Qing’s, but also a weak, dirty and cheap soul, the antithesis of Qin Qing. 

“Suit yourself.”

Leaving two indifferent words behind, Ji Yao expressionlessly brushed past Yan Shuang and headed straight for the classroom at the end of the hall.

After confirming that Ji Yao had entered the classroom, Wei Yichen mockingly cast his eyes on Yan Shuang. “Is it fun?”

Yan Shuang raised his head to reveal an expressionless face. “It’s only so-so. Kids from rich families really are rather dull.” 

His tone seemed completely disparaging of a big young master like Ji Yao, his terrible attitude suggesting that ‘I could toy with him in my hands anytime I want’.

Tight thumps came from his chest, as his heart raced like it had been stimulated. An instinctive reaction of the body after encountering danger.

Wei Yichen suppressed his heartbeat, his voice dry and hoarse, “Let’s go. We’re going to be late.”

It was Qin Yubai who was late. 

Qin Yubai sent Wei Yichen to pick Yan Shuang up, saying he would be there momentarily. Yet Yan Shuang waited half an hour in the penthouse suite with no sign of Qin Yubai.

Yan Shuang frowned impatiently.

Stingy and poor time management skills… Delaying him from grinding the plot…

I’m deducting another 0.5 points!  

“Jjc P erf atlr mbwqeafg?”

Qfl Tlmtfc kjlafv klat Tjc Vtejcu. Ktfgf kjr mifjgis j rboa rboj, yea tf gfoerfv ab rla atfgf. Pcrrafjv, tf rabbv ragjluta ragjluta klat tlr tjcvr obivfv, wjlcajlclcu atf lwjuf bo j qfgofma yeaifg.

Tjc Vtejcu kjr gfofgglcu ab atf cbafybbx lc atf raevs gbbw bo atf relaf.

This hotel was the property of the Qin family, and this suit was Qin Yubai’s private suite. Of course, this meant the furnishing inside were all private property of Qin Yubai. 

Strictly speaking, so was Yan Shuang.

“No, that’s President Qin’s computer.”

“If not the laptop, can I at least use the wifi?”

Yan Shuang took out his phone. “What’s the wifi password here?” 

Wei Yichen: “I can enter it for you.”

“Thanks.” Yan Shuang handed his phone to Wei Yichen.

His phone was a domestically made model that was known for its cost-effectiveness. The upper right corner of the screen was a bit cracked, but not to the point of being unusable. The phone background was a white wall with gray tiles beneath a blue sky.

Wei Yichen recognized the wall as the one surrounding the Xingxing Welfare Institute. 

He lowered his eyes, and connected Yan Shuang to the wifi without any emotional fluctuations before handing back his phone.

Yan Shuang took off his shoes and curled up on the soft sofa. Holding his phone in both hands and tilting his head, he proceeded to completely ignore Wei Yichen.

Since Qin Yubai was already late, he would take this time to log into his mailbox and start going over the professor’s lecture notes for today’s class.

The suite was extremely quiet. Aside from the shallow breathing of the two, there was almost complete silence. 

Wei Yichen felt like he might be going insane.

The sight of Yan Shuang curled up on the sofa with his phone actually brought the thought ‘living peacefully’ to mind.

Yan Shuang, living peacefully?

He really did go insane. 

A boy who easily sold himself.

A boy who found it natural to sell himself and even negotiated for a higher price.

A boy who deliberately put on an act to toy with a young master from a rich family.

A boy who presumptuously and frivolously perched on the car window and asked him to book in advance… 

Wei Yichen lowered his eyes.

His thin lips remained silent.


Yan Shuang waited an entire hour before Qin Yubai came strolling in. Yan Shuang only turned around after hearing Wei Yichen greet Qin Yubai. He expressionlessly said, “You’re late.” 

Qin Yubai was dressed in a suit with all the buttons of his coat and shirt fastened tightly. He practically radiated the aura of an elite scumbag. Instead of lashing out at Yan Shuang speaking up rudely, he pat Wei Yichen on the shoulder and motioned him to leave. Then, he unbuttoned his suit slowly as he approached the sofa. Holding onto both of the arms of the sofa, he boxed Yan Shuang in, a sneer on his lips and a contemptuous look on his face. “That eager to get fucked?”

Yan Shuang’s eyes peered over his shoulder. Wei Yichen was just closing the door of the suite gently. He looked down as if he had no ears.

Before the door closed, the boy’s cold answer drifted to his ear.


Wei Yichen paused while closing the door. He looked up. Through the crack, he could see Qin Yubai looming over the boy, whose face was turned away, his glasses on the carpet. His gaze peered over the man’s shoulder towards the yet to be closed crack in the door. Like he had caught his favourite prey, the boy’s eyes curled slightly with mischievous amusement.

Wei Yichen closed the door. Heat surged from the palm holding the doorknob. A layer of fine sweat formed, slick yet sticky.

Qin Yubai was biting Yan Shuang’s neck.

He did it on purpose. 

As a bought servant, Yan Shuang was acting a bit too rebellious.

This did not meet Qin Yubai’s expectations of Yan Shuang.

He was determined to break down the meagre layer of Yan Shuang’s stubborn pride, and make Yan Shuang submit to him in both body and soul.

The neck was a dangerous and ambiguous body part. 

It was often bare for everyone to see instead of being wrapped in cloth, but it was also not a part you would easily let others touch. Leaving conspicuous marks in such an area was another type of intimacy mark. One that would let everyone know that a person once gnawed all the way down the blue blood vessels, to a place they could not see.

The tender couldn’t withstand the vigorous sucking. In spite of his pain being blocked, Yan Shuang could still feel a tingling numbness where Qin Yubai’s lips were. It made the rest of his nerves that much more sensitive.

Yan Shuang bit down on lower lip, refusing to make a sound.

A silent round of predation began on the sofa. 

The prey refused to react, angering the hunter.

“Are you a mute?”

Qin Yubai clasped Yan Shuang’s cheeks.

The old wounds on his lips hadn’t healed before new ones were added now. They were like petals torn apart, ruby red with a tinge of blood. 

“You only bought my body,” Yan Shuang said lightly, “not my reactions.”

Qin Yubai sneered as if he had heard some joke. “You mean, you don’t feel anything at all?”

His thumb harshly pressed down on Yan Shuang’s injured lips. There was nono expression on Yan Shuang’s face, not even one of pain. His somewhat nearsighted eyes were calm and still.

Qin Yubai calmed down. How could he react more than Yan Shuang? Was Yan Shuang something worthy of his anger? “Very well. I hope you’ll stay true to that. Next, you’ll be acting like a corpse.” 

Yan Shuang was dragged to bed by Qin Yubai.

Towards a dictator brimming with overwhelming self-esteem and a deep obsession with winning like Qin Yubai, provocations worked every single time.

Compared with the roughness of venting his desires the first time, Qin Yubai, still a beginner, tried to employ some techniques. These were things originally engraved in the DNA of every man. As long as he was willing to, he could continuously discover the thrill of being a gentle predator.

Since pain wasn’t enough to get through to this person, what about another approach? 

Yan Shuang: Feels good but I can’t say anything. 

Qin Yubai’s scornful gaze fell.

“You don’t feel anything?”

His voice was rough and lazy, laced with traces of cruel pride. 

Qin Yubai pinched Yan Shuang’s cheeks as if he had complete control over this person, a wonderful substitute. His lips curled up into a smile. “Speak.”

Yan Shuang retracted his gaze, and met Qin Yubai’s eyes. “Pei.”

Qin Yubai: “…”

Yan Shuang: Don’t ask for too much, dude. We’re playing out an abuse scene. Me saying ‘pei is already showing you the highest respect.  

Qin Yubai was so infuriated that he devoted every fiber of his being to demonstrate the powerful self-learning ability of a virgin who started to eat meat. Yan Shuang couldn’t help but bite the pillow. A moment later, Qin Yubai clasped his cheek and said, “Let go.”

No matter how he increased his strength, the seemingly weak boy still refused to let go. Even though his soft cheeks had been manhandled to the point of flushing bright red, he still bit down on the pillow relentlessly, as if to retain his last bit of dignity.

He would never admit defeat.

Even if his body was already lying under the man, even if he lost control over the sensations his body felt, his soul remained as prideful as ever. 

Qin Yubai let go of Yan Shuang’s cheeks. As soon as that happened, Yan Shuang’s mouth opened. The corners of his mouth were wet and his expression was lost. Qin Yubai’s heart heated up. He picked up the sweaty Yan Shuang and violently turned his entire body over…

It was another sleepless night.

At dawn, Qin Yubai got off the bed and went to the bathroom.

Yan Shuang relaxed the mouth he had been biting down on the pillow with. He rubbed his sore cheeks and wiped the saliva from his chin in a single motion. This was the second time. He should be able to make a sound or two next time? 

The suite had five or six bathrooms, so Yan Shuang went into one of the others to wash up.

By the time Qin Yubai came out, Yan Shuang had already finished. He was standing by the bed and putting on his shirt. The lights in the room weren’t on, so the only illumination came from the bit of light able to get past the high-quality curtains. Just enough to illuminate Yan Shuang’s graceful outline through his large T-shirt, especially his pliable and slender waist.

Yan Shuang slowly moved to the side of the sofa without saying a word and picked up his worn canvas bag.

“Stop.” Qin Yubai ordered in a cold and stern voice. 

Yan Shuang’s indifference made it seem like the two of them were equals, as if he had arrived here after the commonest of dates.

Qin Yubai hated how careless Yan Shuang was acting.

Before he grew tired of Yan Shuang, he wanted Yan Shuang to truly understand the relationship between them.

He was bought by Qin Yubai. 

He was a thing that belonged to the man.

Yan Shuang stopped.

“You don’t seem to understand your identity.” Qin Yubai intoned, “Did I allow you to leave?”

Yan Shuang didn’t turn around. With his back to Qin Yubai, he said lightly, “May I leave…” 
