“When it comes to ancient Greek literature, talking about same-sex couples is definitely inevitable, as many European writers are deeply influenced by them.”

“Students,” The professor pushed his glasses up. “Don’t you think this is a very interesting topic?” 

The students present all laughed.

“Take the famous Socrates for example. His student Alcibiad had fallen deeply in love with this elderly teacher…”

There was another burst of laughter in the audience.

The professor hurriedly added, “I’m already married and very much in love with my wife. Don’t get the wrong idea, boys.” 

There was little laughter for the rest of the lecture.

The professor was knowledgeable, quoting classics without forgetting to add an element of humour to the lesson. Yan Shuang listened very carefully and took detailed notes. While the class was going on, he was completely immersed in the joy of learning. To be precise, he was completely immersed in the joy of improving his GPA and chances of winning the

“The homework will be sent after class to the public mailbox. I remind everyone that the homework this time is a group assignment. Form your own teams. The topic is very interesting, and I look forward to how you’ll answer.”

The professor’s expression implied something. He packed up his things and left with a smile.

“Let’s go, let’s go. To the cafeteria!”

“Which cafeteria? The west or the east one…?”

“Let’s go to the west one and have some dumplings.”

Students left the classroom in groups of three to five, headed either to the cafeterias or off school property for lunch. Only Yan Shuang quietly packed up his things beside a conspicously vacant seat. 

This was one of the advantages of being nearly invisible. Even if he embarrassed himself very badly, people would brush by his faux pas with a chuckle or two. No one would really care about the details.

A low temperature system brushed by him. Yan Shuang hurried after them.

A sea of people rushed out of the school building. The stairs were crowded and noisy, but there was a conspicuous clearing around Ji Yao, like he had a barrier around him. Yan Shuang seized this opportunity, ducking and weaving his way through the crowd to catch up to Ji Yao.

There were three paths leading from this building. One went to the cafeteria, one to the school gates, and one to the dormitories. 

Ji Yao chose the path least travelled.

He actually went to class empty-handed, and didn’t even really pay attention to the only class he attended, busy stealing an occasional glance at that person’s back…

Ji Yao’s steps paused. Without turning back, he asked, “Why are you following me?”

“I, I need to go back to the dormitory too. To get a change of clothes…” 

The slender figure changed course towards a smaller, more remote path without hesitation.

Yan Shuang’s eyes narrowed.

Do you feel such distaste for me?

Was it an aversion to germs or a fear that you’ll get addicted? 

Because Yan Shuang remembered very clearly that the number of [redacted] plots Ji Yao had with Yan Shuang was only second to the human extreme exercise enthusiast Qi Feiyun.

What a vigorous young man, ah.

According to the original plot, Yan Shuang would’ve definitely fallen to the ground and cried silly tears after receiving a critical hit like this.

Well Ji Yao wouldn’t turn back anyways, so…Grandpa’s leaving! 

There was no one in the dormitory, which saved Yan Shuang the effort of explaining where he went. He took out a change of clothes from the closet and stuffed it inside his bag. Yan Shuang needed to go eat lunch too.

Sigh. Wouldn’t it be great if someone could give him a free lunch right now?


His phone vibrated. 

Yan Shuang took it out for a look.

Vbwfbcf tjv rfca tlw j akb kbgv afza wfrrjuf– “Efjg fcagjcmf.”

Fcvfg atf rsmjwbgf agff ja atf rmtbbi’r yjmx fcagjcmf rabbv j ojwliljg wjc ys j ojwliljg iezegs mjg, boofglcu j ojwliljg mtjcmf ab ogffibjv.

“Xfa bc.” Qfl Tlmtfc bqfcfv atf yjmx vbbg bo atf mjg. 

Tjc Vtejcu kjixfv gluta jgbecv tlw ragjluta ab atf ogbca qjrrfcufg rfja. Coafg bqfclcu atf vbbg jcv qeaalcu bc tlr rfjayfia lc bcf rwbbat wbalbc, tf fnfc kjnfv ab Qfl Tlmtfc, ktb kjr ralii bearlvf bo atf mjg. “Gglnfg, ifa’r ub.”

“Mr. Wei, executive assistant Wei, can we discuss something?”

As soon as Wei Yichen got into the car, Yan Shuang turned his face away, his tone pouty.

When Wei Yichen ignored him, Yan Shuang batted his eyes and said: “Wei-gege…” 


Yan Shuang said to himself: “Next time you come to pick me up, you should give me a heads up ten– no. Five minutes is enough. Give me a heads up beforehand.”

“What?” Wei Yichen glanced at Yan Shuang’s reflection with a sneer. “Do you need the time to put on makeup, Mr. Yan?”

The emphasis he put on ‘mister’ really brought home the ridicule in his voice. 

“That’s not it, ah.” Yan Shuang had an innocent look on his face. “I need the time to wash my butt.”

His hand tightening its hold on the steering wheel, Wei Yichen’s expression became ice-cold. He stopped replying.

“Where are we going, ah? This isn’t the route to the hotel, ah.” Yan Shuang rested his arms on the car window and looked out. He wondered if Wei Yichen was here to escort him to live in the Qin manor. Was the plot really this fast? Didn’t that mean he’ll save hundreds on food expenses?

Wei Yichen didn’t say a word as he drove the car down a tree-lined path to a secluded courtyard. 

Yan Shuang mentioned as he got off the car, “I have class in the afternoon, I can’t skip anymore.”

It took at least fifteen minutes to get here. That meant he could spend an hour here at most before he had to head back.

Wei Yichen ignored him, “Mr. Yan, please head this way.”

Yan Shuang followed him with backpack in hand, dissatisfied. “Is Qin Yubai a dog? Didn’t he just do it for an entire night? It’s only noon now.” 

Wei Yichen’s temple throbbed sharply. He said coldly: “President Qin wanted you to accompany him during a meal.”


This plot wasn’t in the original novel.

It seemed like the power of the butterfly effect was beginning to manifest in this book already. 

Great! Speed it up, speed it all up!

Create as many plot opportunities to grind the relationship line and freeload as possible!

Yan Shuang’s ‘huh’ seemed to be saying, ‘why’d he call me over if it wasn’t to toss around it bed’.

Wei Yichen seemed to reach the limits of what he could tolerate. He stopped and turned back to face Yan Shuang. “Mr. Yan, please show some self-respect.” 

Yan Shuang opened his mouth, “What did you say? Show some self-respect?”

“Yes. As you’ve brought up before, it’s still daytime now.”

Yan Shuang smiled and took a step forwards, his fingertip coming to rest on Wei Yichen’s black tie. His gaze pierced right through the lenses before Wei Yichen’s eyes. “Bad things can be done during the day too…”

Wei Yichen’s lips moved. Before he could speak, Yan Shuang seemed to lose interest and let go. “Especially if you’re a beast.” 

He knocked heavily into Wei Yichen’s shoulder as he passed, creating the slightest of wrinkles on the man’s pristine suit. He shot another sweet smile back at Wei Yichen. ” get me wrong, I’m not talking about your boss, I’m talking about…myself.”

This was a red wine courtyard.

Qin Yubai’s personal courtyard at that. After entertaining guests, Qin Yubai suddenly felt very tired. He wanted to listen to Qin Qing’s voice, or have lunch with him. But when he called home, the servant said Qin Qing had laid down for a nap after eating. 

“Let him sleep, don’t wake him.” Qin Yubai ordered with a gentle expression. As soon as he hung up, he sent Wei Yichen to pick the substitute up as a consolation prize.

And now, this substitute was holding an entire steak on the end of his silver fork and devouring the meat like a starving ghost. The sight of him eating was so unsightly that Qin Yubai’s appetite was gone.

Qin Yubai held knife and fork in hand as he said coldly, “Are you a wild mutt?”

Yan Shuang devoured the meat in big bites. He hadn’t had breakfast so he was starving. 

Seeing as Qin Yubai had invited him to lunch, he wouldn’t quarrel with the man over his comments.

“Wei Yichen,” Qin Yubai ordered the butler assistant who stood motionless to the side. “find time to teach this wild mutt how to eat Western food.”

Wei Yichen, who had witnessed Yan Shuang’s perfect dining etiquette before, lowered his head and responded respectfully.

“Ok.” Yan Shuang said after practically inhaling the steak and polishing off all the side dishes on his plate. He felt quite full now. “I’m done eating. Enjoy your meal at your leisure. 

Yan Shuang stood up.

“Sit down–”

Qin Yubai sternly reprimanded him. 

“Have you forgotten your identity again?”

The hands he pressed on the table slowly relaxed. Yan Shuang sat down and raised an eyebrow at Qin Yubai. “President Qin, there’s no need to constantly remind me of my identity. If it wasn’t for that contract, I wouldn’t want to see you at all.”

“Is that right?” Qin Yubai took a sip of red wine and sneered. “Who was the one who wouldn’t let go of me all of last night? Who was the one who made the sheets wet?”

Yan Shuang immediately flushed. He slapped the table angrily, “Mr. Qin! It’s daytime right now!” 

Wei Yichen: “…”

“Daytime?” Qin Yubai stirred his glass of red wine. His smile suddenly disappeared as he ordered coldly, “Come here.”

Yan Shuang: No you bastard, I have to get to class, ah!

“Disobedient servants need to pay the price.” 

Qin Yubai leaned back slightly and said to Wei Yichen: “Make a call. Let Yan Guofu go to the freezer to cool off for a bit.”

Yan Shuang didn’t move.

“I heard that if people stay in the freezer for more than eight hours, they’ll lose function of their lower limbs…”

Yan Shuang stood up. 


Yan Guofu was his strong labour force! How could he let him be paralyzed!

Qin Yubai chuckled lightly.

No matter how much Yan Shuang tried to pretend it wasn’t the case, he couldn’t hide his concern for him only relative, even if they weren’t related by blood. 

Qin Yubai: “Get down.”

Yan Shuang did as he said.

Qin Yubai: “…”

“I told you to get down, not squat like a street gangster.” Qin Yubai squeezed Yan Shuang’s chin. “Or do you want Yan Guofu to do a stint in jail?” 

Yan Shuang had no choice but to squat better.

Hmph. What a picky scum gong.

Qin Yubai’s gaze slid downwards. Only now did he notice the very high collared and unfitting shirt Yan Shuang was wearing.

His viciously sharp eyes could tell that this shirt was of higher quality that the things sold cheaply in street shops. In fact, it even looked custom-made. 

Qin Yubai released his hold on Yan Shuang’s chin and suddenly pulled Yan Shuang into his arms.

“Let me go–” Yan Shaung began to struggle. “I need to get back to class.”

Qin Yubai held him by the waist with one arm while reaching into the buttoned high collar with the other. He violently pulled the collar open.

A piece of silk was sewn on the inner side of the collar, with a letter in flowery script embroidered on it — Y. 

“Cough, cough…” Yan Shuang was still being strangled by Qin Yubai. Even though he couldn’t feel the pain, he could still feel his face to his neck rapidly beginning to heat up. “Let…go…”

When the boy’s snow-white face became the colour of blood from a lack of oxygen, Wei Yichen’s eyes flickered sightly. He lightly reminded, “President Qin.”

The person in his arms was struggling weakly. That flowery ‘Y’ wavered before his eyes, seeming to mock him. Qin Yubai gave Wei Yichen a cold glance before finally easing up his grip and tossing Yan Shuang aside.

Yan Shuang fell to the ground in a coughing fit. 

He thought about lucking out three times today.

Tossed to the ground again.

“Whose clothes is it?”

Qin Yubai asked lightly. 

Yan Shuang’s cough slowly subsided. He held his neck and looked down, keeping silent.

“You really are…” Qin Yubai raised the red wine glass on the table and bent over. “very disobedient.”

The sight of such an expensive shirt that obviously belonged to a man on his little servant really made him…furious.

The slightly cool liquid was slowly poured onto the snow-white shirt. 

Yan Shuang was motionless. His black hair covered the upper half of his face, which also concealed most of his expression. Qin Yubai only saw a pair of stubbornly pressed lips. Yan Shuang seemed adamant to not speak, like he wanted to conceal who this shirt belonged to.

The bright red wine stain on the shirt spread slowly and silently.

Melodious music rang in the quiet room, breaking the thick silence.

Qin Yubai’s eyes fell on Yan Shuang’s torn canvas bag. He raised his chin at Wei Yichen. 

Wei Yichen understood and went open Yan Shuang’s backpack. He hid his surprise at the change of clothes inside. Pretending to not see it, he took out the mobile phone laying on top.

“Give it back–”

Yan Shuang, who had been quiet and motionless the whole time, suddenly tried to violently snatch away the phone in Wei Yichen’s hand. 

Qin Yu suddenly stood up suddenly, and clamped Yan Shuang to his side with one arm. With the other, he accepted the phone from Wei Yichen.

It was an unsaved number.

Qin Yubai’s arm trapped Yan Shuang like a chain. His lips drew closer to Yan Shuang’s thin ears. In a heated whisper, he asked, “Who is this?”

Yan Shuang’s only answer was silence. 

Lol. How was he supposed to know who it was.

Qin Yubai accepted the call with a cold expression, immediately turning on the speaker.

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds, before an unexpected but familiar voice to Qin Yubai came from the speaker.

A cold one, laced with inborn pride. 

“Where are you?”

“Why didn’t you go back to the hotel?”