Yan Shuang was quite surprised to run in Wei Yichen here.

“Why’re you here?” 

Yan Shuang immediately answered his own question, “Right, you came to get me.”

“Why didn’t you notify me in advance?”

Yan Shuang sudden realized afterwards, “My phone’s broken.”

The way he talked to himself made him seem even more like a little stray dog. 

Chasing after his own tail with not a care in the world.

Wei Yichen’s expression cooled. He took Yan Shuang’s arm and pulled him up, fluidly taking the old phone from the phone repair person as well. “Let’s go.”

“There’s a new one for you in the car.”

“You bought it for me?” Yan Shuang’s eyes lit up. He approached on tiptoe and asked with a grin.

The scent of citrus came rushing over. Wei Yichen turned his head to avoid it and said lightly, “Mr. Qin asked me to buy it.”

“What kind of phone, ah?”

Yan Shuang suspected a miser capitalist like Qin Yubai would buy him a phone meant for old people as compensation.

Wei Yichen seemed to understand why Yan Shuang had asked such a question. He replied, “The latest model on the market. The most expensive one too.” 

Yan Shuang grinned. “Okay, then I’ll give him another 0.1 points!”

Not knowing what he was talking about, Wei Yichen frowned. “Can we go now?”

“No.” Yan Shuang took his phone from Wei Yichen’s hand and handed it to the phone repair person again. “We had a deal, boss. 110, ah.”

“Really? Didn’t your friend just say he bought you a new one? The latest, most expensive model out? What are you still repairing this old phone for, to make fun of me?” 

“Sigh. Boss,” Yan Shuang put his hands on his knees, his eyebrows arched. “You just said you buy phones here too. How much would you give for that latest and greatest phone?”

The shopkeeper was dumbfounded. He glanced at the man who was completely incompatible with his surroundings. Bringing up selling the new phone he bought right in front of him was too… He bit the bullet and said somewhat awkwardly, “It’ll depend on the specific model.”

“Okay, I’ll come find you again later. Change the screen for me first.”

“You’re really going through with it?” 

The shopkeep glanced at Wei Yichen again.

Yan Shuang also looked at Wei Yichen, confidently opening his palm to the man. “Give me the money.”

Like a little puppy begging for food.

Wei Yichen’s expression remained serene as he opened his jacket without saying a word and took out his wallet from the inner pocket. He withdrew two bills and handed them directly to the shopkeep. 

The shopkeep took the money and muttered something under his breath. He said to Yan Shuang, “Give me just three minutes.”

Yan Shuang immediately repeated to Wei Yichen, “Give me just three minutes.” Then he said to Wei Yichen, “Wei-gege, can I borrow your phone for now?”

“To do what?”

“Come on, just lend it to me…” Yan Shuang blinked his eyes vigorously. His very long eyelashes made him seem like a doll when blinking quickly. 

Wei Yichen handed over his phone to prevent the other party from making a big scene in public.

“Thank you~”

Tjc Vtejcu jrxfv Qfl Tlmtfc joafg ajxlcu tlr qtbcf, “Cgf kf ralii wffalcu eq ja atf ereji qijmf?”


Qlat atja, Tjc Vtejcu rdejaafv vbkc boo ab atf rlvf jcv yfmjwf mbwqifafis jyrbgyfv lc ibbxlcu atgbeut atf qtbcf.

Qfl Tlmtfc tjv ulnfc tlw tlr qfgrbcji qtbcf lcrafjv bo atf kbgx bcf. Vlcmf tf tjv jiwbra cb qglnjaf rbmlji lcafgjmalbc, atlr qtbcf kjr yjrlmjiis cfk jcv jr fwqas jr bcf abb.

Yan Shuang could do with it as he wished.

The shopkeeper finished changing the screen and turned on the phone in front of Yan Shuang. “See that, young man? It’s fixed, ah.” 

“Thank you.” Yan Shuang took the phone and checked it over carefully. “It’s as good as new.”

“Of course. Our domestic phones are durable.”

“Wait just a moment, I’ll find you some change, ah. Hardly anyone uses cash nowadays so I doubt I have enough to give you $90. I’ll go ask around the other stalls…”

“Aiya, boss. Don’t go to the trouble of doing that. Just give me a hundred back and subtract $10 from the new phone I’ll bring you tomorrow.” 

“Sigh…fine. You’re really…” The shopkeep didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he handed back one of the two bills he just received. “In all my years of setting up shop here, I’ve never met such a hard negotiator like you.”

Yan Shuang took the bill and shook it at the shopkeep with a smile. “Thank you~”

The streets near the university were especially lively in the evening. The aroma of various barbecues, fried noodles, desserts, spicy and stinky tofu filled the air. The students in the prime of their life talked and laughed freely among their peers. No one in the crowds seemed majorly troubled, and even if they were, it was a sweet worry, far from painful reality.

As Wei Yichen walked among them, a strong sense of incompatibility made even him feel irritable. 

He glanced at Yan Shuang, who was beside him.

Yan Shuang was busy playing with his phone, a light smile on his face. Seeming to notice his gaze, those round eyes turned to him and winked briefly.

Every time, he was met with such undisguised teasing.

Wei Yichen retracted his gaze, his face turning ice-cold again. 

He admitted that he was more comfortable in the company of a prostitute than any angels.

Wei Yichen kept fiddling with Wei Yichen’s phone, holding on to in even as he got in the car.

Wei Yichen: “The new phone is in the glove box.”

“Oh.” Yan Shuang opened the glove box. The packaging of the new phone was impressive. It was indeed the newest model out on the market. He stuffed it into his canvas bag and continued to fiddle with Wei Yichen’s phone. “Wait, wait. Drive slowly.” 

Wei Yichen fastened his seat belt and asked, “What are you waiting for?”

“Just wait a bit longer.”

Wei Yichen ignored him and started the car.

Upon seeing this, Yan Shuang just opened the car door on his side. 


Instead of getting out of the car, Yan Shuang just knelt on the seat and looked out of the car like he really was waiting for someone.

Was he waiting for Ji Yao?

Wei Yichen spent an entire afternoon investigating almost everything that happened between Ji Yao and Yan Shuang. 

To be honest, Yan Shuang really surprised him.

He had the audacity to get a hotel room with Ji Yao while signing a contract with Qin Yubai.

What made Wei Yichen even more incredulous was that Ji Yao would agree to go to such a cheap hotel with Yan Shuang.

Should he praise Yan Shuang for his outstanding charm that enabled him to catch the most germaphobe fish in their circle, or admire his courage to have his feet in two boats? Maybe his confidence in bringing Ji Yao to confront Qin Yubai? 

It was like he didn’t know the limits of heaven and earth.


Yan Shuang waved an arm vigorously.

Wei Yichen turned. He could see a boy quickly heading in their direction in the rearview mirror. His eyes narrowed. He was sure this wasn’t Ji Yao, because Ji Yao would never wear that kind of loose fitting basketball uniform, short and sneakers. 

“Wow dude, sick ride.”

The boy immediately exclaimed as he took in the all-black luxury car.

Yan Shuang: “Get in.”

“Wait…” Although he didn’t know what was going on, Wei Yichen intended to put an end to things. 

The boy carefully retracted the foot he just lifted. He looked cautiously at Yan Shuang.

Wei Yichen was also looking at Yan Shuang, “What are you trying to do?”

“He’s a classmate, ah.” Yan Shuang said calmly, “He’s just here for the carpool. Don’t worry, he’s going in the same direction as us. You can drop him off at the Shibei Road intersection coming up.”

“Carpool?” Wei Yichen repeated the word incredulously. 

“Quickly get on, we’re going to be late.”

Yan Shuang said as he gave the boy a push. They boy was pleasantly surprised by such a luxurious ride and quickly got in.

Yan Shuang headed back to his seat, closing the door and putting on his seat belt. Then he turned to Wei Yichen. “Let’s go.”

Wei Yichen’s expression had already returned to neutral. His silently oppressive gaze was fixed on Yan Shuang. 

Yan Shuang: “Hurry up or we’re going to be late.”

Now was obviously not the time to start arguing. Wei Yichen turned back and started the car with a cold expression on his face.

Along the way, Wei Yichen noted through the rearview mirror how the boy in the basketball uniform took countless selfies in the car. He was excitedly sending messages on his phone nonstop.

The boy never even dreamed that one of the carpool invitations in the group would be for a ride in an international limited edition luxury car. When he got to where he should get off, he was almost reluctant to do so. “Dude, I’ve transferred the fare to you. If you ever go carpooling again, call me ah.” 


Yan Shuang waved in a friendly manner to him.


A neutral voice drifted over. 

“Of course there’s a fare for a ride.”

Yan Shuang tossed Wei Yichen’s phone back to him. “You’d best register for one of the apps so it’s more convenient to take passengers. Announcing it in the school chat group doesn’t always work.”

The car didn’t move from the intersection.

Wei Yichen could admit to having met many strange people in the business world, but he had never seen such a ‘business genius’ like Yan Shuang. 

“Are you willing to earn money by any means?” Wei Yichen asked lightly.

“It’s not like that, come on.” Yan Shuang had an innocent expression. “I wouldn’t commit murder or arson.”

His tone was so casual that it made people doubt whether he really would or not.

“That remains to be seen.” 

Wei Yichen turned back and stepped on the gas pedal.

Qin Yubai was as habitually late as always when they arrived at the hotel. Yan Shuang happily ordered a lamb chop for dinner.

He needed some nutrients after all the vigorous exercise he had been doing lately.

Wei Yichen looked away wordlessly as Yan Shuang devoured the French-style pan-seared lamb chops with his hands. 

This person had mastered the art of western food etiquette, but he was just too lazy to use it. He only did so last time as a deliberate show of force meant to negotiate a higher price for himself.

The only reason he could see through this trick now was because Yan Shuang wanted him to.

Just what was he after, deliberately teasing him again and again like this?

There was no sign of Qin Yubai even after Yan Shuang polished off his delectable dinner. So he said to Wei Yichen, “Lend me your phone again.” 

“Wasn’t your phone repaired?”

“My phone’s screen is too small. It stutters too. Your phone is easier to use. Gimme.”

Wei Yichen took out his phone to hand to him, lightly saying, “Want to make an appointment for carpooling nearby tomorrow morning?”

The obvious mockery had zero effect on Yan Shuang. 

There was no shame in making money.

Especially by freeloading.

He didn’t have to pay a cent for the driver, the car or the gas!

Yan Shuang was very pleased. 

Wei Yichen regretted saying those words immediately afterwards.

He has been by Qin Yubai’s side for two years now, making him the full-time butler with the longest tenure. It was all because of his immaculate professionalism.

What he said just now was too natural, appearing more like a joke among friends.

He had crossed the line. 

This was a dangerous sign.

His body had been reminding him not to get close to this person since long ago. Otherwise, he might fall into the abyss.

Wei Yichen lowered his eyes. Fortunately, it wasn’t too late. He hadn’t decided to…fall yet.

Qin Yubai came even later than Yan Shuang expected. 

Yan Shuang was here already at 7, but Qin Yubai didn’t come strolling in until after 9. He seemed quite tired. When Wei Yichen saw him coming, he handed Qin Yubai the folder he was holding. Qin Yubai waved at Wei Yichen, who nodded respectfully and quickly walked out with his head down.

Yan Shuang curled up on the sofa, not a trace of his vulnerability at noon visible. He coldly said, “President Qin, punctuality is a traditional Chinese virtue.”

Qin Yubai sat down in the office chair and began to look through the folder. “Oh?”   The photo in the folder made him freeze. He looked up, his gaze filled with knives that scraped over Yan Shuang’s innocent looking, flawless face. He sneered. “Then which traditional virtue does selling yourself fall under?”

Yan Shuang: Dude, how is selling your body to bury your father not a traditional virtue?!