The next half hour passed by extremely slowly for Qin Yubai.

You could say he was just reaping what he sowed. GsYkb8

Yan Shuang was just too young and too boring.

Compared with his inherently captivating body, his soul was green and frightened.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

They had finally managed to muddle to this point. Yan Shuang’s hands rested weakly on Qin Yubai’s shoulder, the white skin of his face stained red. He bit his lip firmly as warm tears fell from his eyes.

This wasn’t the first time Qin Yubai saw Yan Shuang cry in bed. 2aBQ0w

Yet this teardrop was somehow extraordinarily different. Instead of expressing pain, it only expressed shame.

By the time Qin Yubai reacted, the teardrop had already landed on his thumb.

He had reached out and caught the tear.

The tear slid down from his thumb to the palm of his hand, merging with the fresh blood oozing out there.


An impulsive urge suddenly struck Qin Yubai, he pressed Yan Shuang deeply into his arms.

A cut off scream sounded by his ears, carrying ambiguous notes within.

Qin Yubai was going numb from head to toe.

With his palm pressed hard against Yan Shuang’s waist, Qin Yubai’s body stiffened, ending what was a torturous punishment for both of them. OICdTx

All the strength seemed to leave Yan Shuang’s body at once. He lay on Qin Yubai’s shoulders, his breathing restrained but his body shaking, making Qin Yubai tremble with him.

As his rational mind proclaimed its departure, Qin Yubai scooped Yan Shuang into his arms.


Yan Shuang protested weakly. O vsjt

This was the second time he had spoken to Qin Yubai in bed.

Although it was a rejection, it was a faint, ambiguous one.

Sometimes, being told no in bed only aroused people’s desire for destruction even more.

Before every encounter with Yan Shuang, Qin Yubai always made up his mind not to spend the night with him. l4Fd90

Yet he failed, time and time again.

It was morning now.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qin Yubai who woke first this time.

After saying all those things about mutual respect to lead Yan Shuang into his trap, Qin Yubai didn’t leave too many traces like Yan Shuang had requested, nor did he neglect Yan Shuang’s needs too much. TfOAFd

And Yan Shuang didn’t force himself to remain quiet  either. When he whispered in Qin Yubai’s ear for the man to slow down, he obliged for some reason.

No, he knew the reason. It was all a part of his plan.

Children who lacked love were the easiest to deceive.

For the sake of accomplishing the final goal, some sacrifices were required. WKckRd

Qin Yubai stared indifferently at the still sleeping Yan Shuang. His eyes gradually softened.

–He looked more like Qin Qing when he was asleep.

Yan Shuang was woken up by the 7 o’clock alarm. There was no sign of Qin Yubai in the room anymore.

Fine, he didn’t need to put on a show then. V9PZOi

Yann Shuang checked Qin Yubai’s progress. Plot line 6%, relationship line 12%.


Yan Shuang was about to cry with joy. His autobiography after he retired must mention the great achievements he achieved today.

Lbk jc fwqibsff kfii-nfgrfv lc tewjc cjaegf uglcvfv atf gfijalbcrtlq ilcf bo jc lgbc wlrfg wjc ab 10% lc atgff vjsr. 5sHMF4

Lf mbeiv jigfjvs rff atf ybbxr oislcu boo atf rtfio.

Ktf vglnfg ktb rfca Tjc Vtejcu yjmx ab rmtbbi abvjs kjr j ragjcufg. Lf rffwfv ilxf jc tbcfra wlvvif-jufv wjc ktb vlvc’a vjgf ab fnfc ibbx ja Tjc Vtejcu. “Zg. Tjc, P klii yf gfrqbcrlyif obg frmbgalcu sbe yjmx abvjs.”

Yan Shuang thanked him as he took a seat in the back. He took out his phone and scrolled to Wei Yichen’s number, sending a message to the man.

–“Why aren’t you the one to drive me today?” ikeLEP

Wei Yichen didn’t reply after five minutes.

Yan Shuang checked the progress of Wei Yichen’s relationship line: 1%.

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Oh ho? What a cautious man. The slightest bit of desire made him hide, even refusing to meet him in person?

Yan Shuang scrolled to Wei Yichen’s personal phone number in his contacts list. ISbdgX

He had used Wei Yichen’s phone to call his own before, saving the number along the way.

“The project on the Shangnan side is advancing too slowly,” Qin Yubai was taking off the gauze wrapped around his hand. His complete lack of control last night had made the injuries inside worsen. Qin Yubai threw out the blood-soaked gauze that had turned black as he said to Wei Yichen, “Go there in person and do what you must. Fire the ones that need firing and swap the ones that need to be swapped. You don’t need to report to me. I give you permission to act first, ask later.”

“Understood. President Qin.”

Wei Yichen bowed slightly. He was stopped again by Qin Yubai when he turned to leave. BbfMQn

Qin Yubai frowning slightly as he wiped his palm with an alcohol soaked piece of cotton. “Get someone to keep an eye on that counterfeit.”

Wei Yichen’s expression remained unchanged. “How close an eye, President Qin?”

Qin Yubai looked up with a cold and sharp gaze. “As close as possible.”

“Understood.” 8Wf5tl

His palm stinging something fierce, Qin Yubai threw the dirty cotton aside. “I’ll give you three days to handle the matter of Shangnan. It must be resolved within three days. Qin Qing’s painting exhibition is about to start and nothing must go wrong.”


“If you can’t handle it within three days, set Shangnan aside and come back to help Qin Qing organize the exhibition first.”

“Under…”A cheerful children’s song started playing abruptly in the office. ThE1W9

Qin Yubai paused from staring at his gauze-wrapped hand. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he looked at Wei Yichen.

Wei Yichen’s expression also changed.

As a professional butler, he had always remained steadfast in front of his employers. He had never encountered what was happening now.

He reached almost frantically for the phone in his inner pocket which was playing that nursery rhyme. bLWuJE

It was his personal phone.

The caller ID? Pre-order Lover.

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“What a childish ringtone.”

Qin Yubai found the unique tastes of his serious and capable butler somewhat ridiculous. He made a rather neutral joke. rHwf1U

Wei Yichen immediately rejected the call. “Apologies, President Qin.”   Yet as soon as he said that, the phone rang again.

Qin Yubai laughed and waved him off. “Go outside to answer the phone.”

Wei Yichen immediately exited Qin Yubai’s office, but he didn’t take the call. Instead, he rejected it again before turning off his phone. Just as he was about to push the door open again and listen to Qin Yubai’s instructions for the Shangnan affair, his work phone vibrated again.

Wei Yichen frowned. He could guess who this was. After a moment of hesitation, he took out his work phone. pVvZFH

There was a text message.

“If you don’t answer, should I call Qin Yubai and have him hand his phone to you?”

The previous text message, “Why aren’t you the one to drive me today?” was still on top.

Wei Yichen looked down and replied using his work phone– “In a meeting.” 125Ckl

A reply immediately came.

–“Do you like the ringtone I set for your phone?”

–“Is there something you need?”

The evasive answer made Yan Shuang quirk his lips. Why don’t these people understand that being so evasive was actually sending a signal of sorts? ksHUEZ

–“Not really. I miss you.”

Wei Yichen was clutching his phone with so much force that his hand was turning red.

Little prostitute.

Coming to seduce him as soon as he climbed off his boss’ bed. kPGylc

If he was just after money, then Qin Yubai or Ji Yao alone would be enough to satisfy him.

Could it be…

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The phone screen lit up again.

–“You drive better than him, so I miss you ^_^.” gkSpdT

The smiley expression seemed to almost mock Wei Yichen for overthinking things for a moment.

As expected of a little prostitute. He took enjoyment out of teasing and seducing men for no particular reason at all.

But Wei Yichen wouldn’t be fooled by Yan Shuang. No matter what, he judged Yan Shuang to be dangerous. Since he was dangerous, there was no need to take risks. He would turn a blind ear to the boy’s ridicules.

Holding the phone firmly in his palm, Wei Yichen calmly put the two phones together…and put them back into his inner pocket. vZb4I

The driver escorted Yan Shuang to the hotel. Yan Shuang went into his room to change his clothes, checked the school schedule, and packed all the textbooks he needed today in his backpack.

There were two things of value in the bag.

A new phone.

And a piece of ID. vLk7ml

Yan Shuang tossed Ji Yao’s ID up in the air and caught it with two fingers.

He also brought back the folder that Qin Yubai threw at him in the hotel yesterday.

He would definitely send that photo attached to Ji Yao at a suitable time, ah.

Throwing and catching the ID with two fingers again, Yan Shuang smiled. He would need to thank Qin Yubai for his help in this next step. sM02ZA

The two waiters in the hotel restaurant huddled together, talking about that cheeky student.

The two palm-sized trays he was carrying were filled with almost all the breakfast items that could be taken.

Because most of them were limited to one serving per person, Yan Shuang could only regrettably end his morning raid there.

Since Wei Yichen wasn’t around in Qin Yubai’s presidential suite, Yan Shuang didn’t have the authority to order breakfast. tlSv4D

Damn iron miser.

Fortunately, although the hotel Ji Yao got him a room in wasn’t high-end, and the breakfast pickings were lacking, the food was plentiful and hearty. Yan Shuang wasn’t picky when it came to food. Anything was better than what the Bureau offered.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After eating his fill for the morning, Yan Shuang went to the window to ask, “Hello, do you have ziplock bags here?”

The waiter was speechless. He never thought someone would eat their fill and then ask to take out the leftovers. “Yes, we do.” He glanced at Yan Shuang’s tray. “Two should be enough?” AoQLgW

“That’s enough, thank you.”

Yan Shuang packed the remaining sturdier goods, like buns, rolls, sesame balls and rice cakes into the ziplock bags, which he then brought to the front desk to be kept in the hotel’s refrigerator. This way he would have something to eat at noon when classes were over.

The same young dude as always was at the front desk. He looked at Yan Shuang kind of strangely, his gaze mostly admiration with a bit of fear. He couldn’t resist the urge to gossip in the end. “Another handsome dude came looking for you yesterday afternoon, a really amazing one at that. He called our boss over with one phone call. Who is he, your brother?”

The front desk had a bad habit of gossiping. rJFMD4

He had already found out everything he could about what happened yesterday.

The handsome dude came to their hotel for one reason alone, to check what Yan Shuang had been up to.

After a long discussion, they came to the conclusion that might be Yan Shuang’s brother.

Yan Shuang motioned for him to bend over to listen, and the front desk immediately obliged. p0eun

“He’s not my brother. He’s my boyfriend, who came to catch me cheating.”

The front desk seemed to be petrified on the spot.

“Give me a heads up the next time he comes, okay?”

The front desk slowly turned his face away, with a complex expression: “Don’t worry dude, we’re all bros here. ” He paused before trying to persuade Yan Shuang, “Why don’t you just explain things to your boyfriend? You and the other handsome dude aren’t like that…” Oizt R

“Who said we weren’t?” Yan Shuang casually threw out.

The front desk was shocked again. “He was only up there for ten, ten minutes tops…”

“Shh.” Yan Shuang put his index finger on his lips. “Let that be our little secret.”

The front desk: “…”Damn, this secret’s way too exciting! QmK0Ry

The front desk couldn’t help but complain, “Why are you with him if he can’t even last ten minutes?”

“Because he’s handsome.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The front desk recalled Ji Yao’s face.

Fine, he really was handsome. MAHWV2

This flaw could be tolerated for such a face apparently?

He really didn’t understand the gay world.

After Yan Shuang smeared Ji Yao in front of the front desk, he sent a message to Ji Yao as he left.

On the outskirts of the horse farm, Xiao Qingyang took a sip of tea and pointed to the phone on Ji Yao’s desk. “Hurry up, it’s been vibrating the entire time.” oUakdd

Ji Yao looked coldly at the hazy rain and fog outside the French windows.

“Come on, Big Young Master Ji. You came over without a word yesterday and took my little darling out for a stroll that tired her out to the point where her coat lost its luster, now you’re pretending to be a shut-in? Let me say the bad news first. A small place like mine can only accommodate you temporarily. I’m going to have to kick you out as soon as Uncle calls. Come on…it’s not a big deal. What bad intentions could Uncle possibly have for you…”

Xiao Qingyang saw that Ji Yao was still intent on ignoring people, fully immersed in his own world. He shook his head slightly. Since Ji Yao wasn’t going to do it, he picked up Ji Yao’s phone.

“Huh, who is this?” E4d53p

Xiao Qingyang laughed as soon as he got the phone.

Ji Yao still ignored him.

“Hello, Ji Yao. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday…”

Xiao Qingyang read word by word. 1jqN5Z

An ice cold gaze was immediately shot in his direction. “Put it down.”

Now it was Xiao Qingyang’s turn to ignore him. He stood up with Ji Yao’s phone and ran off, reading aloud as he ran.

“…Things are not what you think.”

“Xiao Qingyang–” Ji Yao stood up. t9bgzT

“Ji Yao, don’t be angry…” Xiao Qingyang laughed while reading. “Fuck me, this is a girl, isn’t it? ….Also, your ID is with me….Fuck.” Xiao Qingyang couldn’t help but curse a bit as he dodged the murderous Ji Yao chasing him with a mischievous smile. “Look at you. How did you ID end up with someone else? Have you been naughty?”

With that, he continued reading, “Are you coming to class today?”

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The phone was violently snached away by Ji Yao.

“I’ll save a seat for you.” fIcdks