Chapter 624 New Ruler

Fein sat at the head of the conference table, his fingers steepled in front of him as he surveyed the room of the Dark Knights. "We've come a long way," he began, his voice low and intense. "But we can't stop here. We can't settle for just being one of many. We need to be the best, the most powerful. And to do that, we need to take control of the entire underworld."

There was a collective murmur of agreement around the table, but Kassandra spoke up, her eyes narrowed. "Fein, that's a dangerous game. We can't just waltz in and take control. There will be consequences, backlash. We need to be careful."

Fein's eyes blazed with an intensity that made even Kassandra flinch. "We've been careful enough," he said. "It's time to take action. We'll start by eliminating our enemies, one by one."

The room fell silent as Fein laid out his plan, detailing each step with precision and clarity. It was ambitious, dangerous, and exhilarating.


The Dark Knights spent weeks preparing for the final showdown, honing their skills and making sure every member was in top physical and mental shape. They knew the stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

In a dimly lit training room, Kassandra stood in front of a group of Dark Knights, her voice commanding. "Focus on your breath. Find your center. Remember your training. And most importantly, remember why we're doing this."

The group began to move in unison, their movements fluid and precise. Sweat beaded on their foreheads as they sparred and practiced, pushing themselves to their limits.


The final battle took place in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The Dark Knights faced off against their enemies, their bodies tense and ready for the fight of their lives.

Fein stood at the front of the group, his eyes fixed on their leader, a man known only as The Boss. "This ends now," he said indifferently.

The Boss sneered. "You don't know what you're getting into, kid. You think you're the big shots, but you're just small fry."

Fein and the boss faced off against each other, both of them aware of the other's abilities. The boss charged forward, his arms stretching out and morphing into tendrils. Fein dodged to the side and swung his sword, unleashing a torrent of blades that rained down on the boss. The tendrils quickly sprouted into dozens of copies, each dodging the incoming barrage with ease.

Fein sheathed his sword and unsheathed it again in a flash, a blinding white light cutting through the air and slicing through one of the boss's tendrils. The boss grunted in pain and retreated, his wounds quickly healing.

Without a moment's hesitation, Fein drew his sword and charged towards the Boss. His lightning speed enveloped him, making it hard for the Boss to keep up. Fein swung his sword, and a barrage of swords rained down on the Boss, but he easily dodged them by creating portals.

The Boss countered with a quick flick of his wrist, and a zipper-like portal appeared behind Fein, causing him to disappear. The Boss let out a triumphant laugh, thinking he had defeated his opponent, but Fein emerged from another portal, swinging his sword at the Boss.

The Boss parried the attack with his lightsaber, and a fierce exchange of blows ensued. Fein's swordsmanship was unmatched, but the Boss' lightsaber skills were no joke. They clashed, sparks flying in every direction.

The Boss suddenly disappeared, and Fein looked around, trying to find his opponent. But then he felt a sharp pain in his back. The Boss had used his zipper-like portals to appear behind him and strike.

Fein staggered forward, but he quickly regained his composure. He unleashed his World Tree Domain, and hundreds of trees sprouted from the ground, surrounding the Boss. The trees attacked the Boss from all sides, but he used his lightsaber to cut them down.

The Boss created a portal beneath his feet and escaped from the tree domain. He looked up and saw Fein charging towards him, his sword ablaze with flames. The Boss knew he couldn't take a hit from that, so he created another portal and disappeared once again.

Fein stopped in his tracks, frustrated that he couldn't land a hit on the Boss because of the annoying zipper like portals. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his leg, and he looked down to see a small cut from the Boss's lightsaber.

The Boss reappeared behind Fein, and before he could react, he was struck by a barrage of lightning flicks. The Boss was knocked back, and Fein took advantage of the opportunity to use his Destruction Flame.

A purple flame enveloped Fein's sword, and he charged towards the Boss. The Boss tried to create a portal to escape, but Fein was too fast. He swung his sword, and the flame struck the Boss, destroying him in an instant.

Fein stood there, breathing heavily, his sword still ablaze with the purple flame. He had won the fight, but he knew that the Boss was not to be underestimated.

Fein stood over the motionless body of the boss, his sword dripping with blood. The boss's lightsaber lay discarded on the ground, its bright glow extinguished. Fein sheathed his sword and turned to face the assembled crowd of underworld figures, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity.

"Listen well, all of you," he proclaimed. "With the death of the boss, the Eyes of Dark Knights now hold dominion over the underworld. Any who would challenge our authority will meet the same fate as this fool."

The gathered crowd remained silent, fear and respect radiating from their every pore. Fein's reputation as a master swordsman and powerful degu user with a vast array of abilities became well known among the underworld elite, and none dared to cross him.

Fein turned and began to walk away, his white hair fluttering in the wind. 


News of the Boss's defeat at the hands of Fein, the leader of the Eyes of Dark Knights, quickly spread throughout the underworld like wildfire. Many were shocked that the notorious S-rank boss had been taken down, and some even doubted the validity of the news at first. But as reports and eyewitness accounts began to flood in, it became clear that Fein had indeed emerged victorious.

The Eyes of Dark Knights wasted no time in announcing their ascension to the top of the underworld hierarchy, with Fein himself making a public statement declaring their newfound dominance. The announcement sent shockwaves through the underworld, and many of the lower-ranked criminal organizations quickly pledged their allegiance to the Eyes of Dark Knights out of fear of retribution if they didn't.

With their enemies cowed and their power secure, the Eyes of Dark Knights wasted no time in making their presence felt in the underworld. They began to expand their operations and extend their reach into new territories, using their newfound power to eliminate any opposition and establish themselves as the undisputed rulers of the criminal underworld.