Chapter 678 The War: South Vs Demons Pt.3

As the fight between Voli, Zohan, and Zalmond against the devils raged on, the nearby degu users couldn't help but be awestruck by the display of power they were witnessing. They had heard stories of the strength of S-rank creatures, but to see it firsthand was a completely different experience.

Some of the degu users were cheering on Voli and the shadow lords, shouting words of encouragement and admiration for their abilities. Others were simply staring in amazement, their mouths hanging open in disbelief at the sheer power being displayed in front of them.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing," whispered one degu user to his companion. "These creatures are on a whole different level."

"Yeah," replied his friend, equally impressed. "It's like they're not even fighting at their full strength, and they're still wiping the floor with those devils."

As the fight continued, some degu users began to feel a sense of envy, wishing they too possessed such incredible abilities. Others simply felt grateful to be witnessing such an epic battle, knowing that they would never forget this moment for the rest of their lives.

Regardless of their individual reactions, one thing was certain: this fight between S-rank creatures and devils was a spectacle that would be remembered for years to come.

With renewed energy, the S rank leaders charged towards the remaining S-rank devils, each one ready to show their strength and skill in battle. The devils fought back fiercely, using their powerful magic spells to try and take down their opponents. But with Voli's help and the combined strength of the Shadow Lords, they were able to emerge victorious in the end.

As they stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, the seven leaders couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. They had faced tough opponents and came out on top, proving their worth as leaders.


Fight between degu users were all over the wasteland. Blood and corpses of demons and degu user could be seen on the ground. The clashes of weapons, vibration of the air and collision of energy showed the intensity of the war. Somewhere on the battlefield.

eαglesnovel`c,om As Kassandra charged forward, her long sword gleaming in the sunlight, she summoned an army of undead to support her. The demons cackled at the sight of the skeletons, zombies, and ghouls, but Kassandra didn't hesitate. She cut through them with ease, her sword glinting in the light.

The demons came at her in waves, but Kassandra never faltered. She dodged and weaved, slicing through their ranks with her sword. Whenever she needed to, she summoned another wave of undead to push the demons back.

As the battle wore on, Kassandra began to tire. Her arms ached from wielding her sword for so long, and her energy was running low. But she gritted her teeth and kept fighting, determined to protect her friends and comrades.

Suddenly, a group of demons broke through her defenses and charged straight for her. Kassandra took a step back, readying herself for the attack. But before the demons could reach her, she gathered a ball of energy in her hand and hurled it at them.

The energy ball exploded on impact, sending the demons flying in all directions. Kassandra took advantage of the momentary distraction to charge forward, her sword flashing through the air. She cut down demon after demon, each strike precise and deadly.

As the the war continued, Kassandra's movements became slower and more deliberate. She was exhausted, but she refused to give up. She knew that if she faltered even for a moment, her friends and comrades could be in danger.


The eight little kids of the Dark Knights sprang into action as they charged towards the approaching demons. They each had their own unique style of fighting, but they worked together seamlessly. The first kid, a short and muscular boy, charged at the demons with his fists raised high. He used his Muay Thai skills to land devastating blows on the demons, knocking them out cold with each hit.

The second kid, a lanky girl with quick reflexes, dodged the attacks of the demons with ease. She used her Ju-Jitsu skills to take down the demons one by one, using their own momentum against them.

The third kid, a boy with spiky hair, moved so fast that he was almost a blur. He used his super sonic speed to zip around the battlefield, striking the demons from all angles. His punches and kicks were so fast that the demons barely had time to react before they were knocked out.

The fourth kid, a serious-looking boy with a buzz cut, fought with a pair of tonfas. He used them to block and deflect the demons' attacks before striking back with lightning-fast strikes.

The fifth kid, a small girl with a big sword, swung her weapon with ease. She sliced through the demons' tough skin and armor like a hot knife through butter, leaving a trail of defeated demons in her wake.

The sixth kid, a tall and muscular boy, fought with a pair of daggers. He moved with grace and precision, striking the demons with deadly accuracy.

The seventh kid, a girl with short hair and a mischievous grin, fought with a pair of nunchucks. She spun them around her body with ease, striking the demons with lightning-fast blows that left them dazed and confused.

The eighth and final kid, a boy with wild hair and a devil-may-care attitude, fought with a pair of sais. He used them to disarm the demons and leave them vulnerable to attacks from his teammates.

As they fought, the eight little kids of the Dark Knights never missed a beat. They moved as one, taking down the demons with ease. With each defeated demon, they grew more confident and more determined to protect their allies and win the war.


Brick Norty surveyed the battlefield with his sharp eyes. He knew that this was not an ordinary war, and the demons they were fighting were not ordinary demons. But he was not an ordinary human either. He had his high-tech energy gun in one hand and a confident smirk on his face. Suddenly, he heard a loud screech behind him, and he turned to see a devil charging at him with its sharp claws.