Chapter 799 Demons' Conceit

As the knowledgeable engineer and dedicated soldiers continue their work on fortifying the walls of the Milea Kingdom, little do they know that demons, with their twisted sense of amusement, are using their dark magic to observe their efforts from a vantage point two kilometers away.

Perched on a hill, the demons huddle together, their eyes glowing with malicious delight as they watch the soldiers toil away. Their forms flicker in the darkness, a chilling presence in the night.

"Look at those pitiful humans," one demon sneers, a cruel smile spreading across its twisted face. "They believe their feeble attempts at defense will keep us at bay."

The other demons join in, their laughter echoing through the night, a haunting melody that sends shivers down the spines of anyone who might hear it. Their expressions are filled with contempt and arrogance, their body language exuding superiority.

"They work tirelessly, like ants building their futile mound," another demon remarks, its voice dripping with derision. "They are blind to the fact that we can easily crush their insignificant efforts with a mere flick of our claws."

They continue to mock and taunt, their words laced with malice and disdain, relishing in their perceived power over the human realm. The demons revel in their ability to observe the soldiers' hard work and take pleasure in belittling their efforts.

"Look at their pitiful tools and their naive attempts at defense," a particularly conceited demon remarks, its voice filled with self-importance. "It's almost amusing how they think they can stand against us."

ραпdαn૦νel As the soldiers diligently work on, unaware of the demonic audience, their dedication and perseverance are met with scorn and ridicule. The demons use their dark magic to enhance their view, zooming in on the soldiers' faces, capturing their sweat-soaked brows and determined expressions, only to dismiss them as inconsequential.

"They sweat and strain, thinking they are making a difference," a demon chuckles, its voice dripping with mockery. "Little do they know, their efforts are in vain. The outcome is already written."

The demons revel in their perceived superiority, taking pleasure in belittling the hard work and dedication of the soldiers. They view themselves as unstoppable forces, their twisted minds incapable of comprehending the resilience and spirit of the human spirit.

With their dark magic, the demons continue to observe, finding entertainment in mocking the soldiers' efforts. Their expressions remain twisted with malicious delight, their body exuding a haughty arrogance that stems from their distorted perception of power.


As the sun rises, casting its golden rays across the training grounds, General Qin Mo stands tall, ready to put his soldiers through a rigorous day of preparation. The air crackles with anticipation as the soldiers assemble, their expressions a mix of determination and focus.

"Listen up, soldiers!" General Qin Mo's voice booms, cutting through the morning air. "Today, we will push our limits and hone our skills. The demons may be unpredictable, but we will be ready for anything they throw at us."

The soldiers straighten their spines, their eyes fixed on their commanding officer. They know the importance of these training exercises, the value of discipline and teamwork in the face of impending danger.

With a sharp nod, General Qin Mo sets the training into motion. The soldiers break into smaller groups, each assigned a specific task. They move with precision and coordination, their movements fluid and synchronized.

In one corner of the training grounds, soldiers engage in physical exercises, pushing their bodies to the limit. Their muscles strain, beads of sweat forming on their brows, as they perform push-ups, pull-ups, and intense cardio drills. Their facial expressions contort with effort, but their determination remains unwavering.

Meanwhile, in another area, soldiers practice combat techniques, their swords clashing in a rhythmic dance. The sound of metal against metal reverberates through the air, echoing their commitment to master the art of warfare. Their body language exudes confidence and control, their eyes focused on their opponents, ready to react at a moment's notice.

General Qin Mo circulates among the soldiers, his presence commanding respect and admiration. He observes their every move, his keen eyes analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. He offers guidance and corrections, his voice a steady stream of instructions.

"Remember, soldiers, adaptability is key," General Qin Mo declares, his voice filled with authority. "The demons won't follow a script, so we must be ready to adjust our strategies on the fly."

As the morning training session comes to a close, the soldiers gather around their commander, their breaths heavy but their spirits high. General Qin Mo's gaze sweeps across the sea of faces before him, a mixture of exhaustion and determination reflected in their eyes.

"We have made progress, but there's still work to be done," General Qin Mo says, his voice filled with a sense of purpose. "Now, let's move on to the afternoon exercises. We'll simulate different attack scenarios, testing your ability to think quickly and make wise decisions under pressure."

The soldiers nod, ready to face the challenges ahead. They divide into teams, each assigned a specific scenario. The training grounds transform into a battleground as soldiers strategize, communicate, and execute their plans with precision.

The air fills with the sound of commands and shouts, the soldiers navigating through the simulated chaos. Their faces bear expressions of intense concentration, their body language revealing their commitment to protecting their kingdom.

General Qin Mo watches from a distance, his eyes sharp and discerning. He observes how the soldiers react to unforeseen obstacles, how they adapt their tactics on the fly. He nods in approval, his confidence in their abilities growing with each passing moment.

Throughout the afternoon, the soldiers face one challenge after another, their skills and instincts tested to the limit. They stumble, they recover, and they learn from their mistakes. And with each challenge overcome, their defense IQ sharpens, their readiness for the impending demon attack solidifying.

As the sun begins its descent, casting long shadows across the training grounds, General Qin Mo gathers his soldiers once more. They stand before him, sweat-soaked and battle-weary, but their resolve remains unbroken.