Liu Qingqing was dead.

She died in a car accident on the night she was praised by her mentor as the number one actress in China when she was awarded the honor of the best actress.

She kept studying her acting skills for ten consecutive years and lived in Hengdian all year round.

She wanted to retire early, but she died without enjoying any benefits!

Liu Qingqing was so angry that her chest was tight.

And then... wake up!

When I woke up, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"The countdown to the audition is 5 minutes, and the contestants are in place!"

Opening her eyes, Liu Qingqing saw a row of cubicles divided into dozens of booths in front of her.

Inside the compartment, there were microphones and cameras that she was familiar with.

In front of the camera, many girls, from beautiful to cute, wore layers of pink dresses.

And they were surrounded by one or two people clicking on the screen to check the data.

"Gao Yu Technology's robot learning ability has always been good. Last year's champion was their home, and now the income is over 100 million!"

"Not necessarily, the robot sent by Luoxiang Technology this year has 10,000 different expressions, which may be a dark horse!" The other staff exclaimed.

Liu Qingqing: Look at the old Chinese medicine prescription.JPG

"Miss Liu, hurry back to your cubicle."

Liu Qingqing was confused when Li Mo, the head of the control field, pointed at her.

He had a familiar oriental character face and dark skin, but he looked fierce with a pair of raised eyebrows.

"Room No.100 is yours." 

Just as Liu Qingqing was about to ask a question, he turned around and left.

The staff in the surrounding compartments looked sideways.

"That's the disable person sent by the Labor Bureau to the audition?"

Liu Qingqing: "?"

She is a high-level reader who can spend tens of thousands in Jinjiang annually!

"The surname is Liu, is she the only daughter who broke the Liu family's 200-year record and couldn't even engaged in R&D?"

"Not only R&D, OK? with F-level Mental power, and she can't even do inferior management work, like us operating robots. She can't even do a normal job."

"That's such a waste that only can rely on face is left!"

Liu Qingqing: "..."

In the next second, many words from the novel "All the Stars Love Me" flooded her mind.

She was wearing a book (Transmigrated Into a Novel).

The original owner came from a high-end scientist family.

But she was a useless F-rank mental power and couldn't achieve anything, so she could only enter the entertainment industry with subsidies from the labor bureau.

In this interstellar era of the 40th century, all people advocate technology, and many types of work have been replaced by artificial intelligence, and the entertainment industry was no exception.

As a result, she had to fight for food with a bunch of AI robots and AI artists, and she was despised by society.

And the original owner was still unlucky. In the debut audition, she lost to an AI artist, was defined as incompetent by the Interstellar Social Security Bureau, was kicked out of the house by her biological mother, abandoned by her childhood sweetheart, and finally committed suicide on the spot during the live broadcast.

"F*ck, so unlucky."

Liu Qingqing, as one of the best actresses, couldn't help but scold.

On the first day she stepped into the entertainment industry, she deeply understood that acting is art!

Only by investing a strong imagination and fully mobilizing her emotions can she impress the audience.

Robots couldn't replace actors!

In this interstellar era, all actors in the entertainment industry were AI robots, which was outrageous!

Just as she was thinking, she heard Li Mo's notice.

"The audition begins, and each room will be held in turn. The task is crying!"

Liu Qingqing's attention was focused on these AI artists with exquisite appearances.

When the corners of the girl's mouth in Room No. 1 trembled and tears fell from her cute face, a group of barrages quickly swiped on the live broadcast screen.

[Wow, I like her face, her creator must have a high aesthetic. ]

[No. 1's crying expression is very natural, not bad. ]

[It can't be seen that it is the work of a new artist at all, and reward a battery!]

The barrage on the screen was full of praise.

Liu Qingqing's mouth twitched.

Just this, this, this?

This crying scene, even if you randomly found one from the group, was better than this thing!

No matter how advanced the technology was, it couldn't allow an empty shell to possess the complex feelings of human beings.

Tears without emotion, only the face.

Liu Qingqing had the Golden Actress trophy in one hand and had superb acting skills. However, at first glance, the No. 1 crying scene could be seen as full of loopholes.

It was even more visible when it came to number two and number three.

The corners of the robot's mouth trembled, and there were tears in the eyes. There was no difference between them, except that they looked different!

[Wow, the tears of No. 3 are dripping on my heart!]

[My brother's heart is gone.]

I am afraid that you have no heart!

Liu Qingqing looked at the barrage and simply admired this wave of audience.

"Miss Liu, this is for you."

Li Mo appeared in front of Liu Qingqing again and handed her a nutritional supplement.

"When the audition is over, I won't give you another gift. Say hello to your father on my behalf."

Gave her a nutritional supplement... Did it mean to let her receive a lunch box?

Li Mo, the person in charge, obviously didn't think she could pass the audition.

Liu Qingqing resisted the urge to teach him how to be a man, and before he left, she smiled, "Brother Li, can you give me a mirror?"

Li Mo's footsteps stopped for a moment.

He turned around and wanted to refuse, but his voice froze in his throat.

He saw just now that girl with low self-esteem, who always lowered her head and was inferior to an AI artist, finally raised her face.

For the first time, he saw her pale pink face completely.

The jet-black bangs were set aside.

After revealing her smooth and small forehead, her eyes were black and translucent.

The corners of the pale pink lips curled up in an arc—a different arc from those of artificial intelligence, with a hint of...

A smile that he couldn't find in his memory before.

It was hospitable and made him feel extra soft and warm, like a sweet and delicious cream cake that just came out of the oven in the kitchen this morning.

This smile made him unable to look away.

"Brother Li?" The smile on Liu Qingqing's lips widened, and the water in her eyes was more like a shooting star, dazzling.

Li Mo's heart skipped a beat.

How did he think her smile was more beautiful and cute than the AI artist with the most votes to win?

After getting the mirror, Liu Qingqing looked at the delicate little face and the three-dimensional and charming facial features in the mirror, and her pink lips rose.

This face was more beautiful than before her death.

The bones were flawless. Even if you shoot a 365-degree video could handle it.

The facial features are red with white teeth, the bridge of the nose was upturned, and when the innocent eyebrows were slightly squinted, the ends of the eyes were upturned, echoing with a faint tear mole, with a seemingly non-existent charm.

This appearance was impressive, and God ate it.

After getting familiar with this appearance, Liu Qingqing looked into the mirror and moved her facial features.

She had to take the time to get familiar with these five senses and express them accurately.

"This is your first live broadcast, 0 credits, StarNet viewers is limited, and only 100 viewers can enter the room."

In her competition room, Li Mo's voice suddenly jumped out.

The interstellar era's control of idol traffic was very strict.

Relying on high-end technology was prone to cultural erosion, so artists without a good track record were only given to a minimum audience.

The audience can only be expanded once the artist improves the credit record of the performance.

"If you want to be shortlisted for the audition, you must get 100 likes from the audience."

Li Mo's voice was a little dull.

That is, she must get a 100% approval rate.

This is an almost impossible task!

Li Mo, who was standing outside the cubicle, showed a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

Liu Qingqing smiled when she heard it.

The original body was a real 'transparent rookie'.

But she was not Liu Qingqing the original owner!

[The chicken-eating king enters the room.]

[The first handsome man in the universe enters the room. ]

[The King of Stars enters...]

[The number of people in the room has reached the upper limit: 100.]

Liu Qingqing put down the mirror in her hand and closed her eyes.

[Hey, this AI newcomer is very special; why are you closing your eyes? ]

[Out of battery? ]

[Fuck, she's a real person!]


[This... is also OK? ]

[According to the new regulations of the Interstellar Labor Bureau, can people of the F level be engaged in the entertainment industry? ]

[That's the F class! ? I'll go, it's been a long time, and this is a waste of wood!]

[Watch her live broadcast; will I be infected with stupidity? check out!]

[Plastic surgery is so developed now, what kind of beauty can't be there! I don't want to look stupid! Back back back!]

The barrage was in an uproar.

All negative gave reviews.

But the next second, the restlessness stopped!

The live camera was so close that she could see her snow-white face... those black eyelashes curled like butterfly wings.

Each one is very clear, slender, as if alive, and fluttered open, revealing the girl's eyes.

Jewel-like, bright, black and white pair of clean watery eyes.

At this moment, it was full of the shadow of swaying clear water inside.

Sadness, with the rolling tears, fall little by little.

She hold back her breath as if to hold back the tears, not letting them fall.

But it was disobedient and the tears still fell from her charming eyes!

Like a broken silver thread, she lightly brushed her pale face full of sadness.

The final picture was frozen at the moment when the teardrop fell into the air.

[! !]


The barrage freezes for a second and then becomes active again after flying through a few exclamation marks.

[Is it true that her eyelashes fluttered from weak to strong just now?!]

[Damn, this game couldn't enable full perception? I just wanted to catch her tears, but my hand penetrated the light screen! Oh, what a terrible experience!]

[Is the show over? Impossible, let me continue to watch!]

[This girl is an F-class? You must be lying! She must be S-rank. Her mental power can deceive people! I really want to live in this live room!]

After Liu Qingqing finished her performance, she left the booth neatly.

"Bentou, oh no, I want to get the nutritional supplements." She wiped away her tears early and got out of the crying scene.

Li Mo was about to peek at the door and was stunned, "So soon?"

Could not cry?

She was eliminated faster than he thought.

Liu Qingqing waved at him and walked out the door.

"Brother Li, she got 100 votes and got promoted!"


Liu Qingqing went out and was about to study the memory of her original body when a vibration came from her wrist.

[Saturday family routine summary call, is it connected?]


At a loss, Liu Qingqing heard an indifferent middle-aged woman's voice she remembered.

"It's all ready. Let's start with the eldest brother."

"OK, mother. This week, my studio successfully optimized the artist's camera sensor chip, which increased the sensitivity by 1.5% compared to the previous one..."

"OK, it's up to you to increase the 1.8% goal. Second brother?"

"Mother, I optimized the body programming this week, which can improve the fluency of dance movements... In addition, the third brother is doing a smile test in retreat at school, let me report it for him, it is estimated that it will be next week. There is progress."

"OK. Little sister?"

"Mother, I did a horizontal comparison experiment of singing chips with my classmates this week, and it was successful..." 

As Liu Qingqing listened, her red lips became wider and wider.

Is this the scientist family of the original owner?

Parents, brothers, and even the youngest sister were either developing or on the way to research and development.

Only she, who ranked fourth, did not inherit the wisdom of her parents... Gan!

Liu Qingqing soon heard that the majestic mother called her name indifferently and with disgust.

"Liu Qingqing?"

Only to her the mother uses her full name.

"Mother, she participated in the performance training this week, and today's audition competition."

"The fourth sister will not be eliminated, right?"

"I don't have the face to tell my family about the summary of this kind of activity!"

Several siblings were still talking.

"Quiet!" Mother Liu said angrily, "Let her speak for herself! She is not as good as the AI artist developed by her eldest brother ten years ago. If you have the face to speak for her, you have no face to listen to the Liu family!" 

The family is committed to the development of AI robots.

Several generations of outstanding AI artists in the entertainment industry were produced by the Liu family and the male and female protagonists of the novel and were widely welcomed by the audience.

It's a pity that she, Liu Qingqing, was here!

She wanted to let the interstellar people know what real acting is.

Liu family worked destroyer- Liu Qingqing is here!

"This week's summary: Entering the entertainment industry."

Her red lips parted lightly.

"Well, unfortunately, I defeated a few robots today." 

There was a long silence on the other end of the call.