"What are you looking at, you bite me if you can!"

Liu Yingming stared with round phoenix eyes and grinned.

Liu Qingqing was a little speechless.

In the original memory, Liu Yingming, her twin brother, hated her since childhood.

Since her first day of school, she was found unable to engage in any research work, and she had become a shame for the Liu family, who had been a research students for 200 years.

In Liu Yingming's heart, his twin sister had nailed him to the pillar of family shame since then!

Because as long as someone talked about Liu Qingqing, they would say that she was born together with him.

For a long time, he had been looked at with complicated eyes, and it was suspected that as a twin brother, he would be as stupid as her and become a drag on the family.

This caused him to live in the shadows all the time.

In addition, there was a saying that made him even more intolerable, saying that when he was in his mother's womb, he robbed his sister's nutrients that should have belonged to her, destroying her supposed mental power level.

Blame all of Liu Qingqing's stupidity on him.

This theory was maddening!

But it was like the root system of a towering tree, buried in the soil, growing stronger and stronger, pressing on Liu Yingming's body.

To this day, he hated her more than anyone in the family.

"Big brother, I'll just go by myself."

Liu Qingqing was a person who had lived twice and was too lazy to argue with 18-year-old students and grab seats.

Anyway, when she went to the competition before, she originally took a flying car.

Independent girl, flies by herself~

"Go quickly, I will be unlucky all day everytime I see you!" Liu Yingming hummed and turned his blonde head impatiently.

Liu Yingming was the most talented in school but also the most rebellious.

First place in the exam and first place in hair coloring.

No one knew what color his hair would be tomorrow.

But Liu Qingqing, an actresses, knew how to appreciate it, "Sun Color, not bad."

In a few days, she would also consider dyeing her hair.

Interstellar Era's Hair Color, Painless and Harmless. When not acting, she could switch at will and anytime.

Her watery eyes flashed across his hair color admiringly.

Liu Yingming felt goosebumps after seeing it from the car's rear mirror.

Bah, who wanted her compliment!

Nice ass! The sun... eh?

Liu Yingming's brain, which had always been thinking about data, paused.

She said 'Sun Color' seemed to be a bit handsome?

He couldn't help looking at the car's rear mirror and found that the color he chose at random today was gorgeous.

Like gold, it shone in the sunlight.

Glowing, like his wisdom.

But a cold voice inside the car interrupted his self-appreciation.

"Get out of the car."

Liu Yingming turned his head and saw that the door beside him had been opened.

His unsympathetic eldest brother even pushed him out of the seat!

"Big brother! Won't you send me?!"

Liu Yingqin watched Liu Qingqing get into the old car. After that, he opened the door, stepped out of the vehicle with long legs, and put one hand in the pocket of the white coat, his facial expression returned to seriousness, and he nodded.

He took out the three pages of unfinished experimental arrangements and looked at his third brother, "Do you think I am free?"   

Liu Yingming: "...?"

Brother, you have changed!

Over there, Liu Qingqing was already sitting leisurely in the back seat of the flying car and arrived at the competition venue.

"It's still more comfortable to be alone~"

Liu Qingqing could even stretch the ligaments in advance in the car's back seat to move her body a bit.

When she got to the venue, she still entered room No. 100.

After she sat down, a gaze kept silently watching her—that gaze came from Li Mo.

"It's impeccable... There are no loopholes, how can it be?"

Li Mo managed the artist selection of Midsummer Entertainment since five years ago and had the power to send people to debut and marketing. Although he was a B-level and also couldn't do complex scientific research, but his eyes were sharp in seeing an artist's potential.


Li Mo reached out and touched his forehead.

He thought she was ordinary and had no talent even for a round.

His feeling was also consistent with the F rating of the level assessment.

But why... She had come all the way to the present, and she had become more and more 'traditional' as an artist, a dazzling and eye-catching trait standing among millions of people?

Just the walking action of entering the live broadcast room made him feel that there was no flaw?

He was really poisoned.

"I can't think about it!" The more I thought about it, the more terrifying it became.

Subverting his previous cognition, he had the illusion that people were more suitable for being a star than AI.

That was impossible.

In the past three hundred years, the entertainment industry has prospered by AI artists.

[The third game of the preliminary round: 400 into 200. ]

[Admission requirements: The one who gets the most likes from the audience will be promoted.]

Like ratio...

The quest was independently selected by the AI ​​of the competition.

He couldn't interfere.

Li Mo's eyes turned to Liu Qingqing's room.

Could we eliminate her this time?

And Liu Qingqing, who was being watched, calmly picked up the mirror after reading the quest today.

Before the performance, it's better to familiarize yourself with your facial features and various expressions again.

[The number of people in the live broadcast room: 200 people.]

A notification floated across in front of her.

Unfamiliar IDs, mixed with familiar IDs, poured into the room.

[Hey, newcomer?]

[This is the only room I couldn't get into in the preliminary round?]

[Honey juice is curious.]

[Damn, is this girl a waste? ]

[F-rank mental power... can't be touched!]

[Is it too late to leave now? ]

The new audience questioned.

Just like the old audience who entered the room for the first time before.

The old audience didn't get angry when they saw it, they just felt extra kind.

Really fragrant, a slap in the face, that was the road they had traveled.

[Congratulations on entering the treasure room.]

[The fragrance is late but arrives. ]

[High energy ahead...]

[Are there 100 more brothers competing with me?]

[Before it starts, new friends, do you think Yaoyao is good or is it Zero?]

New and old audiences were mixed together.

Until the official text drifted by - [Performance title: Late for school.]

[She also drew this question? Tsk, the No. 1 in the front has been performed perfectly, setting the benchmark there. ]

[Yes, the anxiety and worry of being late on the 1st, the expression is too natural, there is no flaw... I didn't watch the following late performances. ]

200 spectators, most of them started from Room 1 and watched down one by one.

Like if you like it, pass if you don't.

When someone's performance had set a high standard, it would make them unable to bear the poor performance in the follow-up.

Looking at this wave of comments today, it was clear that Room No.1 was the biggest winner.

[With all due respect, I will only vote for No. 1 for being late for this quest... ah...]

But halfway through, The viewer almost screamed like a chicken on the spot, as if his neck is pinched and he was unable to scream!

He didn't leave.

The other viewers in the live broadcast room were also silent.

Because in the picture, Liu Qingqing was dressed in taro cake-colored High School uniform, standing on a path with trees on both sides, with her black hair draped over her shawl, like the sweet breeze of early spring, slowly blowing towards them.

Her appearance was not inferior to any AI idol in this competition.

Carrying a schoolbag and wearing a taro-striped bow tie of the same color, she was youthful, lively and full of vitality.

And halfway through, she glanced at her watch and immediately trotted eagerly.

The legs were straight and slender, the skirt danced with the wind, The picture was like white cream in the taro cake, and the layers were as smooth as snow.

[Pleasant to watch!]

[Ah, at this moment, I look at the screen as if I was also in the field with colorful flowers blooming in spring. It would be better if I didn't have to go to school!]

[She is so cute.]

[Gradually forget that this is a competition...]

[Gradually forget the competition quest...]

As soon as someone scribbled this line, they heard a crash sound in their ears.

Looking at the picture again, the hearts of everyone in the room were pulled!

I saw that cake-like sweet girl fell to the ground with a slam and was less than five meters away from the school gate—the girl gasped in pain because her knees were bleeding.

In the school's clock, only the minute hand has yet to finish the last frame.

Only 59 seconds left!


"The performance of No.100 is over, please vote." The AI ​​host said.

The viewer in the room woke up from a dream-like trance.

This was the first time they had seen a cute girl fall before their eyes on the big screen.

AI artists had flawless sports settings. Their movements were all the standard and full score for walking, running, and even the long jump.

But today, the cute girl on the screen fell down when she walked!

Broken skin and bleeding, just like a real person, the sudden appearance of defects was not only not annoying, but also touched their hearts!

If this scene was true, it would be even more heartbreaking!

They didn't wake up until the AI ​​called them to vote.

[I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I just want to know if she was late in the end?]

[Why stop here, protest! I want to see her walk into the school gate! ]

[Hey, Little Cutie must be late, there is so much left to go, and her little knee is injured again, so it's too late. Will she be scolded to the point of crying by the teacher?]

[I will go. When I think of her tears, my heart begins to hurt.]

[She falls directly to my heart, making out a big hole in me - I'm gone!]

[Which brother is the old audience? How was her performance in the last round? Is there any screen recording? I want to see it!]

[Hehe, if there is such a thing as screen recording, I won't ask for leave every day to squat on the toilet! ]


In the live room, before many people disliked Liu Qingqing's useless level and wanted to leave immediately.

As a result, no one mentioned that again and selectively forgot about it.

New and old audiences also exchanged hotly.

It's a pity that they didn't have enough time. Soon the performance in room No.101 would start, and they would automatically enter the next room.

As a result, the most frequently appeared keywords in the subsequent live broadcast rooms have changed.

#Sister No.100 will fly, brother will always be with you# 

#Who is No.100# 



#I have been unable to get in, who wants to sell me an audience account#   

Liu Qingqing's room had limited viewers, but it also caused a small wave of heat.   

The less you could see it, the more curious you were.   

"No. 100 jumped to hot search rank137th for popularity!" The staff sent the data over.   

Li Mo: "???"   

The author has something to say: If you can't get it, you will always be in a fuss.   

Male lead: I suspect you are connoting me.