With 'high-concentration mint flavor' nutrients, she must 'act' drinking a chicken soup?

Liu Yingqin in the car was sweating profusely.

He only had this flavor in his car.

"I'm shopping online now!"

But It was too late...

"Then I went to the roadside vending machine..."

But It also was too late...

Liu Yingqin was very anxious and looked at the fourth sister beside him.

I saw Liu Qingqing take the nutrients, shook her head at him, and reached out to touch the screen, showing that she was already connected to the live game and the camera was already on.

Liu Yingqin's forehead was sweating.

The high concentration of mint was usually a nutrient specially made by the manufacturer to refresh his mind.

The taste is spicy and choking.


Liu Yingqin's heart twitched, but he saw that Liu Qingqing had closed her eyes.

Did you give up?

Yes, it's too hard.


It's all his fault!

If my sister was eliminated today, it would all be caused by him.

Liu Yingqin had never felt such self-blame and pain.

Just as he was feeling uncomfortable, a refreshing and pungent smell comparable to wind came from beside him.

Liu Yingqin turned his head, dumbfounded.

On her small white face, there was no surprise or anxiety stimulated by the smell, but her watery eyes looked at the nutrient in her hand with glowing eyes.

Slim fingers, carefully holding the silver bottle, as if afraid to spill the liquid inside.

She closed her eyes, leaned closer, with a cherished look and took a small sip, her bright eyes showed a satisfied and happy intoxicated expression like a small animal.


Liu Yingqin looked dumbfounded.

In the next second, there was an even more shocking action.

She carefully approached the mouth of the bottle, opened her mouth to take a sip, and then hissed.

As if she was scalded, and the water in her eyes almost fell.

After blowing it two or three times in a row, I couldn't wait to cluck it, divide it into several mouthfuls, and drink it with both hands with satisfaction.


A soft burp.

Liu Qingqing blushed.

Embarrassedly wiping the corners of her mouth, she revealed a contented expression.

Enjoyed it.

It looked delicious.

Liu Yingqin: "...?"

His mint-flavored nutrient must had been stolen!

It's just he suddenly felt hungry!

"This game is a five-person team battle, and one person will be eliminated."

"Title: drink a chicken soup."

"Everyone, please vote after the five contestants perform."

"After the performance, the audience can turn on taste sharing and can experience the taste together."

The four developers on the corner of the street were listening carefully to the rules of the competition.

They did not enter the other's live broadcast room to watch; after all, the game's opponent was around.

The four suddenly looked at each other in a complicated way.

Then smiled relievedly soon.

"Fortunately, we are close to the Liu family's waste wood."

"If one is eliminated, it must be her. We will all be promoted."

Chen Zhiheng agreed.

He was rude and let his AI artist start first.

He researched and developed for three years and upgraded many core-performance modules in the middle, and his perception was very high.

He believed that even if he were compared to Liu Yingqin today, he would not lose too ugly, not to mention the useless person of the Liu family.

The next second, he saw that the number of likes he received in the background skyrocketed.

The audience's praise was synchronized to his Starnet screen.

[Wow, No. 47 is not bad, it seems to be very drinkable in her hand. ]

[Quick taste sharing, I want to taste it!]

[Looking at it this way, I'm also a little thirsty. ]

[It's fun to open a bottle of nutrient supplement right away~]

"Brother Chen, your Xiao An, the program is so perfect!" 

The four male developers were sitting in the same flying car, and they could all see the performance of the AI artist in front of them.

At a glance, they know it was stable!

Chen Zhiheng smiled.

He joined Gao Yu Technology two years ago, although he was still a junior researcher.

But if he rushed to the top ten, he could be promoted to the intermediate level!

"Brother Chen, look at how many rewards you have received in the backstage!"

Chen Zhiheng smiled and showed it generously.

"Five thousand reward!" With envy on their faces, several people exclaimed, "Suddenly you can get so much in the extra test, so Gao Yu can't make it into the top ten performance?"

Chen Zhiheng was praised, but he nodded humbly, "I'm still two away from the top ten."

Several people stared.

The twelve place, that's not far away from the top ten!

It is just around the corner to be promoted to intermediate R&D engineer.

I heard that at that time, I could get a silver medal from the Interstellar Talent Bureau and a monthly reward of 500,000 yuan.

While praising and feeling envious, several people received a background message.

[Team battle ranking: Chen Zhiheng. Gao Yu Technology. Xiao An: No.1]

"Brother Chen is the first in the group!"

"It's just a temporary list, your artists haven't started scoring yet."

"Brother Chen, don't be modest, you are on diferent level from us."

"That's right, Brother Chen will definitely be the first!"

But just after the four of them finished speaking, the screen in front of them refreshed again.

[Liu Qingqing finishes her performance. ]

[Refreshed team battle rankings: Liu Qingqing. Solo Artist: No.1]

[Chen Zhiheng. Gao Yu Technology. Xiao An: No.2]

The trio who boasted and were busy praising someone: "!"

The proud Chen Zhiheng: "!!"

Liu Qingqing didn't know what kind of mental shock the group of four on the corner was feeling.

Just now, she threw herself into acting.

She used method acting.

Pay attention to experience, and every act will be more emotional.

So after seeing the task, she had already begun to mobilize her emotions.

In front of her eyes, there was no screen or car but a bowl of golden chicken soup made by the dean of the orphanage in her memory, which was just out of the pot, it was still hot, but there was no steam on the surface.

In her ears, Liu Yingqin's voice disappeared, but instead she heard the old dean's babbling, somewhat fast voice.

It was only at the end of the performance that she slowly escaped from this world.

Open your eyes.

I saw Liu Yingqin who was stunned beside her.

Liu Qingqing blinked, and a silky smooth perfect smile suddenly appeared on her face, which collided with his eyes.

It's just right to choke and punch.

Liu Yingqin looked at her suspiciously.

I tried to find the flaw in her expression, but there was absolutely nothing.

Could a bottle of counterfeit product be mixed in?

Liu Yingqin had guessed in his heart and immediately took the nutrient she handed back.

Unscrew it, pour a drop into your hand, and take a sip.

Liu Yingqin's face turned black and his eyes turned red.

A bitter and cool top note, which can be said to be cool and refreshing, mixed with an extremely spicy middle note, rushed to his mind!

Then there was a back note that made his tongue feel a little numb and sore.

It's so hard to eat!

How could she still act so beautifully?

Liu Yingqin's heart trembled.   

Liu Qingqing sniffed, her long black eyelashes drooping down, covering her eyes like water, "I'm wasting such a high-quality nutrient, eldest brother, I'm sorry."

"Why is it a waste?"   High quality... that still didn't count!   

He looked at his sister and thought that had she not eaten any good food?   

The family was strict with her, and society didn't want to condone the F-class, and many foods were not open to them.  


She might have never tasted haute cuisine, so she had such a high tolerance for this weird taste.   

Even the Mi Jiang he developed would cry to him after drinking this stuff.

Liu Yingqin's expression was complicated, "Do you really think it tastes good?" 

That's weird.

She shouldn't have lost her sense of taste!

Liu Qingqing lowered her head to hide the twitching at the corners of her mouth, "This is the first time eldest brother has given me a nutrient to drink, I... I'm very happy."

Liu Yingqin's heart stopped beating.

He immediately thought of Liu Qingqing's satisfied and happy expression just now, so it was because of him?

The crease between Liu Yingqin's brows loosened.

"When the game is over, brother will take you to eat real chicken soup."

"Big brother, it's over."


"Well, I seem to have made won."

Liu Yingqin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked over.

Thankfully he's here.

Because of him, the person his sister admires the most, gave her a nutrient.

Let her drink the taste of happiness.

Liu Yingqin became happier the more he thought about it and immediately ordered the flying car to turn around.

He even operated Skynet and let the home laboratory ask Mi Jiang No. 0 to go out to the restaurant to line up for him.

After waiting for the number, Liu Yingqin got off the car in person and went to buy the soup made by the century-old shop.

[Proceed to the playoffs. ]

[The first in the group will be rewarded with 2000 energy coins.]

[Get a reward of 23005 energy coins. ]

[The credit of the live broadcast has been increased, and the number of audience has been increased to 500. 】

Liu Qingqing looked at these data and was in a good mood.

But when she looked at the bowl of chicken soup that Liu Yingqin had served at the dining table, she felt slightly uncomfortable with the oil floating on the surface.

As an actress, she hardly touched these broths unless the crew asked her to gain weight.

She usually ate chicken breasts, vegetables, less oil and less salt for daily meals.

She would have to be on the treadmill for at least an extra hour to drink this big bowl of soup.

"Brother, the first bowl of soup..."

The most oily.

"You drink it first, because you have work hard every day."

Liu Yingqin was moved.

When the family ate together, they usually just took care of themselves.

Even if he was usually inside the lab 24 hours a day, no one would say anything.

"There are also second brother and third brother, and all of them have to be given." Liu Qingqing felt that at least three or four bowls should be given away, so the thick layer of oil could be skimmed off.

My sister was too sensible.

Liu Yingqin sighed.

"Your second brother is working on a project in Imperial Star, and he won't be back in the short term, and your third brother won't be at home every day." 

As he talked, the robot arranging the dining table suddenly paused, "The third young master is resting in the room right now."

Liu Yingqin frowned.

He didn't think so much at first, but now he found that this sister cared about him considerably, which made the third brother seem ignorant.

Why he as the younger brother, didn't welcome him when he got home?

Liu Yingqin's heart suddenly started to compare.

"I'm going to invite the third brother to dinner." Liu Qingqing immediately stood up obediently.

"Don't." In normal times, Liu Yingqin would also tell his younger sister to do that, but today, after a comparison, he felt that his younger sister was better than his younger brother, so he naturally protected her.

He let the robot call in annoyance, "Tell him, let him take the time to upgrade Qingqing's learning machine, and the focus is on the content of the performance direction. Also let him come down and drink soup that Qingqing specially reserved for him when you're done."

"Big brother..." Liu Qingqing was surprised.

However, Liu Yingqin nodded at her, "Your third brother should helps you. He has a strong hands-on ability, so it's an easy task for him." 

But after a while, the robot came to slap him on the face.

IT brought Liu Yingming's video to the room.

He had arrogant blond hair and his left bangs were also highlighted red.

From a distance, it looked like the sun was burning hot.

Lying in the suspended glass chair, his unruly facial features snorted.

"To upgrade the learning machine... Big brother might as well upgrade her brain!"

"I don't drink soup, If I drink something similar to her, I'm afraid brain will flooded!"

Liu Qingqing: "..." I'm sorry

Liu Yingqin was furious, "Come down for me!"

Liu Yingming looked up and the edges of his mouth raised.

"Brother, tell the idiot, I'm going back to school today to help my classmates upgrade his AI artist for the competition. Hehe, if she hasn't been eliminated yet by then—"

"After the PK, I'll pick her up myself!"

The author has something to say: She is so good at pretending.