Chapter 41: My Ancestor, I Was Wrong! Not OK!

“Dr. Tian, he has a shoulder injury, not a life-threatening gunshot wound. You don’t have to be so sad. Finally, I know who your lover is. Well, we have been colleagues for several years. I already knew it on the first day, but I must say, Dr. Tian, you are not quite smart, ah!”

“The real-life boys love is really beautiful and too romantic!” The little nurse enthusiastically commented.

The emergency room doctor knocked him on the head as he said,  “You’ve watched too much. Get a first aid kit ready.”

Pan Lei rolled over and sat up. He took Tian Yuan’s hand and swayed it from side to side while posing like a large dog on one side, acting cute.

“Tian’er, I’m not making fun of you. Don’t be angry. Look at your mouth, you can already hang two catties of meat from it. I’m sorry, I was wrong! I shouldn’t have made it as a joke! Forgive me! I’m just trying to find out if you have me in your heart. I’m so happy to see you crying, and I’m relieved to know that you have me in your heart. You’re just being tough. Admit it that you love me too.”

{TL: catty – The catty, kati or jin (commonly in China) , symbol 斤, is a traditional Chinese unit of mass used across East and Southeast Asia, notably for weighing food and other groceries in some wet markets, street markets, and shops. Click Source to know more…}

Tian Yuan threw off his hand and walked to one side to wipe his eyes. He was almost… so close… and his tears slid down. He was so worried that Pan Lei was seriously injured, that he would really die. He was used to life and death. As a doctor, he had seen life and death many times, but he can’t be indifferent to Pan Lei’s death. Now, he can’t even think properly. He dares not to think what he would feel if Pan Lei really died.

Pan Lei saw that the joke had turned big and saw Tian Yuan wipe his eyes. His heart was pulled into a lump. He quickly jumped off the emergency room’s bed and hooked Tian Yuan’s waist.

“Tian’er, baby, don’t cry. You can hit me if you want to. Don’t cry, ah! Are you not making me feel bad? I am really wrong! I won’t dare next time! Tian’er, look at me. Tian’er, talk to me.”

Tian Yuan pushed him away and took the first aid kit from the hands of the emergency doctor. “I will suture his wound. You’re busy.”

The emergency doctor shrugged his shoulders and pushed the two little nurses out, but the little nurses do not want to leave. “We want to watch them kiss, that is, to see two men kissing live!”

“Don’t you see that people need private space to reconcile ah! Go, you all go! What will you do here? And, you, too.”

The emergency doctor took the little nurses, as well as the extra people in the emergency room away, and then closed the door thoughtfully.

Pan Lei fears nothing in Heaven or Earth, but he is afraid that his family’s wife will not talk to him and that they will be on bad terms. This is obviously silent treatment and he can’t stand it! He would rather have Tian Yuan kick him, beat him up and order him to give respects to his family’s 18th generation ancestors, than Tian Yuan be this cold to him. He scratched his ears and his cheeks as he felt uncomfortable.

Tian Yuan did not say a word. He tore the first aid kit open and took out the gloves.

Pan Lei circled around him as he is at his wits’ end of not knowing what to do.

“Tian’er, baby… dear… Oh, my ancestor, talk to me. Curse me if you want! You can hit me too but don’t treat me so coldly. I was wrong! I was really wrong! I will not dare again next time! I also won’t dare to play tricks on you with life and death! Can you smile at me? Or talk to me? Will you say something to me, please?”

Tian Yuan glanced at the emergency room bed, and Pan Lei obediently sat down on top.

Tian Yuan said nothing to him. Pan Lei dared not to move and looked at him pitifully. Tian Yuan cut off his clothes with scissors, and saw a 5-cm wound on his shoulder, which was grazed by bullets causing the skin and flesh to open. The bleeding seems to have stopped, but the muscle tissue around the wound flipped over, and it looked painful.

“I am really wrong, so forgive me. I said no one could hurt you, but I still played a trick on you that made you worry about me. I’ve become the first person to hurt you and for that, I’m sorry. I let you down. Tian’er, baby, my ancestor, don’t be mad anymore! Can’t you look at me? Alas! If I had known earlier that I will make you so upset, I should’ve shot my heart with this gun so as not disappoint you!”

Tian Yuan simply didn’t respond to him. He doesn’t care if he blames himself, regrets or acts pitiful. He just ignored him.

Tian Yuan put down the alcohol and held the hydrogen peroxide instead. Without using a cotton swab, he poured a whole bottle of hydrogen peroxide into the wound.

To disinfect using hydrogen peroxide is very painful. One can see that on the wound, a layer of foam arose.

Pan Lei instantly turned docile, with the other hand reaching out to pull the clothes of Tian Yuan. However, it was quickly slapped down by Tian Yuan. Pan Lei would not dare to do any thing any more.

Pan Lei watched Tian Yuan with deep remorse. He made a mistake. The joke turned to a big thing and his teasing had gone beyond limit. He had forgotten that his family’s wife is not a gentle little sheep. Tian Yuan is a rose with a thorn and this thorn is poisoned. Once he is pricked by it, he will most like be paralyzed. This surely will cause pain in the heart. Pan Lei knows that. His family’s wife is not angry, but once he is really angry, he won’t show mercy to him.

See? Right? He is now in trouble. He broke his family’s wife’s heart.

Tian Yuan threaded the needle and prepared the tweezers. He looked at the wound like he is catching up with the enemy. He glanced at Pan Lei with a vicious stare. He raised his hand and the needle was about to go down.

Pan Lei searched around to dodge it. This procedure is not right, ah! His wound is not fatal, but the wound is also a few centimeters and is quite deep. Even if he wants to suture the wound, he should put in a little anesthesia. A local anesthetic is fine, right? But his family’s wife does not seem to want to put him under anesthetic.

Suturing without anesthetic? That would hurt so much!

“Tian’er, anesthesia, at least give me some anesthesia.”

Tian Yuan held a pair of surgical scissors and pointed it towards Pan Lei’s heart as he slightly squinted his eyes. Pan Lei immediately became good. His family’s wife’s eyes narrowed up and this was a precursor to a fire. He can’t afford to provoke him now.

A minute later, a scream was heard from the emergency room.

All the special forces members were too scared that their necks shrank. What was happening inside that their captain’s scream was too mournful.

Tian Yuan cut off the thread, and then began to bandage. The gauze didn’t work so he directly put a piece of breathable tape on his wound. He patted his wound with force. Fearing that the plaster wouldn’t stick firmly, he slapped it, and slapped it twice.

Pan Lei’s forehead is now full of sweat. The popular saying that “the most poisonous is a woman’s heart” is completely rubbish! The most vicious is Tian Yuan’s heart, ah! Don’t mistreat your man this much, ah!

“You’re trying to trick me to give you anesthesia? If I do not let you feel pain, you will never learn your lesson. The next time you dare to scare me like that, this Laozi will directly peel your skin off!”

Tian Yuan took the gloves off and threw them on Pan Lei’s face. Then, he walked out of the emergency room. All special forces soldiers collectively fell back when they saw Dr. Tian come out.

If you want to cherish your life, stay away from Tian Yuan!