Chapter 74 Brothers Come to Help Tian'er

Tian Yuan couldn't stand it. He was feeling ashamed and outraged at Pan Lei's arrogance. He gave him a resentful look before falling asleep. Pan Lei unfastened the belt used to bind Tian Yuan’s hands, which he had previously stated would be bound for three days. But that was inhumane. Who could possibly bind their sweetheart for a few days?

Pan Lei wiped away the fluids that had been left between Tian Yuan's thighs by the two of them. They didn't go all the way, and there was no actual consummation, but Pan Lei was ecstatic. Tian Yuan's eyes were red as they erupted together, charming as a small rabbit.

The tender flesh on the inside of his thighs had been rubbed red, leaving a purple-red bruise. Pan Lei wrapped his arms around Tian Yuan and fell asleep. The obstinate temper that erupted like gale, rain, thunder, and lightning mixed together, vanished.

Pan Lei was fed, and even though he wasn't full, he tasted the sweetness and determined to regard Tian Yuan like an ancestor from now on. They were a young couple and would enjoy a happy, lovely life.

It was a pity that Pan Lei was awakened by the person in his arms before the lovely days began.

In his dream, he appeared to be clutching a heater, which gradually transformed into a furnace. He awoke unexpectedly, and when he touched Tian’er, he discovered that the guy in his arms had a fever.

Tian Yuan’s fever was not surprising. He was shocked and terrified when they returned in the middle of the night. He was also restrained. Furthermore, he did not eat well and did not get enough rest throughout those few days. Naturally, he developed a fever.

Pan Lei sprang to his feet and began looking for clothes for Tian Yuan to wear. "Tian'er, baby, wake up; we're going to the hospital."

His heart was in excruciating pain. Tian Yuan's body was too frail compared to him. Pan Lei never imagined this consequence of teaching Tian Yuan a lesson.

Tian Yuan jerked awake and moved his arms. They hurt and felt like blocks of lead. He was dizzy and his breathing was labored, yet his defiant demeanor remained unaffected. His animosity towards Pan Lei was still present. Don't think that just because he was untied meant that everything was OK. Even though he admitted his error, he had been severely wronged.

"Please bring me the first aid kit. I don’t want to go to the hospital. Maybe it's just a cold. I'll make the medicine myself."

"How can you possibly avoid going to the hospital? Stop causing problems. Baby, if you don't want to be hospitalized, let's just consult the doctor and come back."

He should have been in the countryside at the time. If he went to the hospital now to visit a doctor, everyone in the hospital would know he rushed back, and their director would reprimand him.  

[T/N:Um… does the city have only one hospital?]

"Did you forget? I’m a doctor."

Tian Yuan slumped against the headboard. His arms throbbed, his limbs felt weak, and he was disoriented. But he was still obstinate. If he went to the hospital, the director would undoubtedly question him about why he fled back from the countryside and returned. He didn't have the energy to fight the director right now.

Pan Lei didn't dare to give him orders. He was ill. He couldn't even yell; he could only gently persuade, comfort, and encourage. He was still his darling, his little ancestor. Regardless of his mistakes, he couldn't, of course, make him feel wronged.

"Baby, be obedient."

Pan Lei was holding a brand-new shirt for Tian Yuan but he just refused to comply. Pan Lei asked him to stretch out his hand while holding the shirt. Tian Yuan snatched the shirt from him and tossed it away, then glared at him.

Pan Lei was about to glare back and yell at him when Tian Yuan pouted, hugged the quilt, and fell on the bed, injuring his arm. He yelled in agony, and when he looked at Pan Lei, his eyes were filled with resentment...

Pan Lei's yelling was swallowed and returned to his stomach. It was entirely his fault. He was the one who meted out the punishment and it was his fault for going too far. He should not have used so much strength to tie him up, no matter how angry he was. The tie was painful. He couldn't chastise Tian Yuan like this if it caused him harm.

Pan Lei rubbed his chin and considered how to persuade Tian'er to go to the hospital. This fever was brought on by tying him up. What if something were to happen to his arms? He couldn't reprimand or yell. He could only coax, say something sweet and kind. Who asked him to fall in love with this little ancestor?

Pan Lei scoured his wits, but he couldn't think of any words to coax Tian Yuan. Some people were like Pan Lei. Their lips failed to speak a wise word at the most vital moment. His ideas had been brewing for a long time, and he was going to open his mouth when the phone rang.

Pan Lei cursed. Who had such audacity? Didn't they realize he was preoccupied? Pan Lei looked at the phone and realized that it was his second brother.

"Leizi, you're in trouble yet again. Your commander called Third uncle. I heard you used a helicopter to kidnap someone? Keep your bad temper under control. Don't be too hard on Tian Yuan. Don't employ your approach of teaching recruits at the military camp with him. Do you hear what I'm saying? Third uncle said that if you offend him with your bad attitude, he will not spare you. He is frail, and you have no idea how serious your attacks are. What will you do if he is harmed?"

"Second brother, get Lin Mu here quickly. Tian'er has a fever and refuses to go to the hospital. Ask him to get some antipyretics."

This solution was ideal. His brothers were all more than familiar with them. Tian Yuan was sick and refused to go to the hospital. Then he'd call the hospital to his home. Lin Mu was also a doctor. He could summon him. Wasn't this fantastic?

Pan Lei's voice made all of his friends nervous. Pan Lei was undefeated in combat. His combat philosophy was to thrash the opponent to death. It was typical for people's limbs and legs to be broken. He was like a fish in water when he first joined the army as a special forces instructor. Mr. Violent's policy was rigorous and out of the ordinary. A minor blunder was met with punching and kicking—this was how he taught special forces personnel exceptional skills, earning him the moniker Devil Pan.

Every year, there were multiple death quotas for special forces. They were sacrificed on the training grounds, not on the battlefield. It was obvious that high-pressure training was permitted. 

[T/N: I'm almost certain that this is an exaggeration. That's barbaric.]

It was difficult to keep Pan Lei under control when he became enraged. Tian Yuan's bones and ears couldn't take it. Everyone was concerned when they learned Tian Yuan had a fever. Pan Lei, in his rage, broke Tian Yuan's bones, didn't he? Did he hit Tian Yuan? How exactly did Tian Yuan get a fever?

Pan Zhan, who had been negotiating with overseas businessmen, had stopped the conference call. Zhang Hui and Huang Kai were unable to sit still. They had an excellent rapport with Tian Yuan. If Pan Lei had indeed committed a crime, they would assist Tian Yuan in exacting vengeance. They all drove over soon.

When Pan Lei opened the door, he was taken aback. Why did they all show up? Lin Mu was in a white coat. Had he dashed over in the middle of consultation?

"What did you do to Tian Yuan, Pan Lei? Did you thrash him? Why hasn’t your terrible temper improved yet? Is he a regular person? Are you truly good to him?"

When Pan Zhan saw the living room after the storm, he wanted to slap Leizi to death. The room was a shambles. Basically, there was no totally upright furniture in the living room. The TV had collapsed, the shoe racks were strewn about, and the sofa had flipped over. Was Tian Yuan still breathing?

"What nonsense! We are a couple. He is my true love. How can I do things like assaulting him?!" Who were they thinking he was? Was he the type of person who didn't understand the value of his family's dignity? He had the greatest concern for his lover. He'd sooner shatter the door than harm a strand of Tian Yuan's hair. It was a source of pride for him to treat Tian Yuan well.

Lin Mu shoved him away, and everyone looked down on Pan Lei. Once you reach the age of ten, you can fight with a knife on the streets, but you must never ever raise a hand against your wife. A man who harmed his wife was not a real man.

"Get out of my way! I'm annoyed just looking at you." Lin Mu despised those who engaged in domestic violence the most. Those who pretended to be friendly with strangers while abusing their family were filth. The most heinous type of man. They were expected to protect and cherish their family, but instead they vented their rage on them.

Pan Lei was taken aback. He wondered if his brothers treated Tian Yuan so well because they had drunk together.

Lin Mu anxiously pushed open the bedroom door. Tian Yuan seemed unharmed, despite the fact that the bedroom was thrashed. The headboard was broken, and the closet had holes.

Tian Yuan’s face had no signs of injury, nor did he have any blue, red, or purple bruises from being battered. His spirits were low, yet he grinned at them as he leaned against the headboard.

"He's just in a rush. Because I had a cold and a fever, he insisted you be called over."

He had no intention of giving Pan Lei the cold shoulder in front of outsiders. Besides, Pan Lei didn't really do anything to him. So, he just wanted to exonerate him.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment. After seeing the tragic state of the living room, they were certain that Tian Yuan's bones had been fractured due to Pan Lei's stinky temper. They didn't expect Tian Yuan to look so good. Did this suggest Pan Lei's temper had improved?

Lin Mu took out his stethoscope and sat close to the bed. He was still skeptical of Pan Lei. They grew up alongside each other. They were aware of Pan Lei's temper. Tian Yuan didn't appear to be wounded. But what if he had internal injuries?

"Let me examine you. He could have hit you in places where you couldn't see it."

Tian Yuan felt a little self-conscious. He was a doctor in his own right. He was aware that he was simply feverish as a result of catching a cold.

"You must tell us if Leizi hit you, Tian Yuan. We'll beat him up first, then inform Grandpa to deal with him according to military law. I will avenge you. He's a bad tempered donkey. He is unaware of the gravity of the situation."

Their younger brother's family had been beaten, and they felt terrible because they were the assailant's brothers. The ruffian in their family had hurt the gentle and elegant Doctor Tian.

"He didn't beat me. He couldn't bear to hurt me."

Tian Yuan was well aware of Pan Lei's short fuse. However, he’d rather throw something than harm him even when enraged.

It pained for him to move his arms. His arms had been bound for some time and he couldn't raise them. Pan Lei walked in with a bowl of hot porridge at that precise moment. He hastily set down the bowl as he observed Tian Yuan untie his pajamas. He couldn't lift his arm, and was in pain.

"His arm has been bothering him. I tied him with a belt for a few hours yesterday. Check for any muscle injury," Pan Lei immediately confessed his crime.

Pan Zhan walloped Pan Lei on the back of his head. He was enraged to learn that Pan Lei had constrained Tian Yuan. Why did they have such a jerk in their midst? He deserved to be hung and thrashed with a whip. Pan Lei was frequently disciplined in this manner as a child.

"You tied up sister-in-law all day? Is that how your father and uncles punish your mother and aunts?"

Pan Lei carefully assisted Tian'er in unbuttoning his pajamas, requested Lin Mu to check him, and then spoke angrily.

"Big brother, he's made a mistake."

Tian Yuan let out a snort. He would never have admitted his error if Pan Lei hadn't been so shameless with him yesterday.

Chapter 75 Kneel down and admit your mistakes

Lin Mu put on a stethoscope, listened to Tian Yuan’s heart and lungs, and then gently pressed his fingers against his rib cage. He inquired: "Is it painful here? Do your lungs hurt? Is your lower abdomen hurting?"

Tian Yuan made a shaky motion with his head. He was only dizzy and weak. The rest of his body was fine. If Lin Mu insisted on knowing where the pain was, it was in his legs. Pan Lei had 'massaged' them too much the night before. They were swollen and had some broken skin. It was, however, impossible for him to say this.

"The heartbeat is a little fast, there is no murmur in the lungs, the ribs are good, and there are no evident bruises on the body," Lin Mu said.

Lin Mu double-checked before carefully removing Tian Yuan's nightshirt. He had to carefully examine Tian Yuan's shoulder. He had to be very careful if it was badly twisted. The hands and shoulders of a doctor were equally significant.

Tian Yuan remembered last night's action as Lin Mu removed his nightshirt. His cheeks reddened, and he grabbed the shirt to put on. Lin Mu chuckled, his gaze wandering ambiguously over him. ‘Ahem..., try to relax. I am a physician. I can't intrude on a patient's privacy.'

Pan Lei had left huge and little marks on Tian Yuan's back, neck, and shoulders the day before. His bites left purple-red hickeys and tooth marks. There weren't many marks on his chest because they had leaned against each other while Pan Lei spooned him from behind. Pan Lei had gnawed and bit him, leaving marks behind. His back was covered with small purple-red flowers that were in full bloom.

Pan Zhan, Pan Ge, Huang Kai, and Zhang Hui simultaneously nodded, their voices spread out, and they all shouted oh~~~ at the same time.

They all had the same thought, thus the responsibility was placed on ‘that activity.' In comparison to the typical absolute destruction, it was a good deal to instead ‘eat' pleasantly ah! It not only punished Tian Yuan, but also alleviated his lovesickness. In terms of Tian Yuan's error, Pan Lei's rage must have vanished with a few words from Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan had to have been devoured completely. His fever was probably caused by Pan Lei’s inability to control himself.

"What Oh~, we're a brand-new young couple. If we do something, it won't be a big deal. Don't act like you're a virgin. You've all been through a lot of battles."

Pan Lei stood in their way, preventing them from continuing to examine Tian Yuan's back. He was utterly shameless but Tian'er had a thin face, so he couldn't be allowed to feel bashful or suffer.

Lin Mu sympathized with Tian Yuan's thin-skinned face and did not request that he remove his pants for a thorough examination. In reality, if he had checked, he would have discovered that the two of them accomplished nothing yesterday. Even if they accomplished something, they wouldn't be able to communicate such fundamental concepts in simple terms.

"When you sprain something, do you have any medicine to relax your muscles and enhance blood circulation, or should I send you some? You have a fever, so you should take some medication. It's not serious, and it will go away after a while. Abusing antibiotics is not a smart idea."

"I have medicine on hand. I told him that I was fine, but he had to make a big deal out of it."

Lin Mu rummaged through the medicine cabinet for it. Finally, he discovered an aloe vera gel and presented it to Tian Yuan. He had a twisted smirk on his face, and his attractive face was slightly warped. He was animated and appeared to be an indecent stranger in a white coat.

"Don’t be so intense next time. This medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect. You can apply it to the wound yourself. Next time you should know what to do. Remember to buy a lubricant. There are several brands of lubricants that are good. I can recommend some to you."

"Lin Mu, you are a doctor!"

Thanks to his white coat, he looked like a doctor who healed and saved people. In fact, he was a dark and evil spirit.

"It’s a major diet for men and women. You haven’t had access to a website for a long time, Leizi, so it’s not surprising. But don’t be too fierce in the future. I am a surgeon, not a proctologist. As a result, I can't always treat him."

Lin Mu smiled arrogantly and smugly, his eyes swept down his waist and he smiled happily while touching his chin.

Tian Yuan had a strong desire to throw the aloe vera gel at Lin Mu and knock off the strange smile on his face: I truly want to thump the bed and yell. What ‘be careful next time’? They were really a bunch of scumbags. These scumbags were even worse than Pan Lei!

Pan Zhan and Pan Ge didn't chuckle arrogantly like the others. The two brothers exchanged glances and nodded slightly.

Pan Ge dragged Pan Lei to the bed, right next to Tian Yuan, and then Pan Zhan kicked him in the knees. Pan Lei was caught off guard and knelt on the ground on one knee. When Pan Lei attempted to stand, he was pressed down on his shoulders, forbidden from standing, and asked to kneel on one knee. Kneel before Tian Yuan.

"Kneel down, kneel down. If you do something wrong, there is no shame in kneeling and acknowledging your mistake between lovers."

Zhang Hui whispered in Huang Kai's ear: "Posi'er's technique is quite good. It appears that when he goes home, he often kneels for his wife."

Huang Kai looked at Zhang Hui very contemptuously.

"To be afraid of your wife is to love your wife. I don't understand. What's wrong with kneeling? He’s your man. Rest assured. You can even let him sit on your head, let alone kneel to him."

Tian Yuan hurriedly went to pull up Pan Lei. How could this work? This macho man could kneel down for his parents, but not for him. Despite the fact that he was only kneeling on one knee, which was nearly the same as proposing marriage...

"Remember, Leizi, there is no right or wrong between a couple. You must put yourself in his shoes and consider him. Blindly deciding who is right and who is wrong will result in a schism. In that case, prepare to become enemies.

Who is wrong in this matter? I get your point. Yes, you are worried about his health and fear that he will not be able to eat well. Your aim is to make him live a better life and be happy with you. But keep in mind that he is a part of society, not just your life. In your world of two, he is also a man, and his work is troublesome. He loves his work, just like you love your army. Tian Yuan strikes me as a tough man. He suffered going to the countryside, works hard and conscientiously, is kind, dislikes competition, and is indifferent to the world.

Both of you are correct. You want him to admit his mistakes and punish him, but your method is wrong. If you have something to say, can’t  you say it properly? Fortunately, you still remember that he is your person, your beloved. Don’t take action against him. If he was beaten by you and his nose and face were swollen, are you worthy of him? Would you still have the face to stay by his side?

This is a disagreement between a couple. You can discuss it carefully. You need to respect his ideas and support his work. You can't monopolize power and practice hegemony. What is the difference between you and bandits?

He is not an outsider. He is your family and your lover. You are a couple. You stated that you would not allow anyone to hurt him. If others can’t hurt him, why did you run out to hurt him? Think about it. Did you handle this correctly? Tian Yuan is tolerant because he cares about you. He treats you well, and forgives you for your mistakes. Next time, you are not allowed to repeat this mistake. Make him admit his mistake, and punish him if he doesn’t. But if this happens again, I’ll hang you with the help of your second brother and beat you up."

Pan Zhan’s words caused Pan Lei to hang his head in shame. Initially, he was a bit aggrieved. It was Tian Yuan who was wrong. Why should he kneel? But when he heard what his elder brother stated, he knew he had learned the right lesson. He didn't think about this matter rationally. He insisted that Tian’er disobeyed and fled on his own, but he didn’t think about Tian Yuan. Last night, Tian’er was so scared that he cried. His face was pale, he trembled, and his wrists were still blue. He was a little cruel and hurt Tian Yuan. He was reckless and frightened Tian Yuan. The fact was, he was the biggest scumbag.

Pan Lei, who wanted to struggle and stand up, instantly stopped moving. He hung his head and his shoulders fell, giving the impression that he was confessing his mistakes after being severely criticized by the teacher. He obediently knelt in front of Tian Yuan on one knee.

"Apologize, tell Tian Yuan you’re sorry. Be sincere while apologizing, and promise there will be no next time."

Being an older brother was not easy. The younger brother was in his thirties and had done something wrong. He still needed his brothers in dealing with the repercussions and apologies. Pan Ge held Pan Lei’s head, pushed him a bit, and told him to do what their wise eldest brother Pan Zhan stated.

"Tian'er, baby, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I will never do anything like this to you again. I didn't think rationally and didn't consider your views. Please forgive me. If you can’t let go of your hatred, you can bind me with a belt for three days, Tian'er."

Pan Lei blamed himself and was annoyed. If it hadn’t been for his elder brother pointing out his blunder, he would never have recognized his mistakes. He was a complete moron. He grasped Tian Yuan’s hand in his and apologized sincerely. He was wrong. He was completely wrong, and he would never do something like this again. Tian Yuan’s mistakes couldn’t be dealt with in the same way that the men under his command were. Tian Yuan refused to admit his mistake, so he resolved it by force. He was indiscriminate with his actions.

For a couple like them, there really was no right or wrong. There was no such thing as a pot that did not touch the bowl in a couple’s life. Can you investigate whether the pot knocked the bowl first, or the bowl touched the pot first? Their situation was nothing but a coin with two sides. There was no absolute right and wrong. If one wanted to truly distinguish between right or wrong between a couple, it was no longer an argument, but a war.

Tian Yuan didn’t look at Pan Lei. All the grievances in his heart poured out. He was on the run and still Pan Lei wronged him. He was frightened by him yesterday when he acted so fiercely. While going down the mountain, he was terrified. Fortunately, Pan Lei hadn’t gone too far. Otherwise, they would really have not been able to get together. Even if Pan Lei stalked or threatened him, he would’ve ignored Pan Lei.

And now, as he heard the Pan family say these things, all his grievances erupted. He believed he fell sick and had a fever because of being wronged.

“Tian'er, don't be sad. I'm wrong. I won't do such stupid things again. You can beat me if you're angry. Don't be like this. I am sorry.”

Pan Lei was a little anxious. Tian Yuan looked away from him, but he could still see Tian Yuan's red eyes. Last night, he cried in his arms, his face pale. Pan Lei was a jerk, so he didn’t let Tian Yuan shy away. At that point, he grabbed Tian Yuan's hand and struck himself, begging Tian Yuan to stop being sad.

Wasn’t he punishing himself by punishing his man? Did Pan Lei feel good after making him cry, seeing him sad and hurt, pale and scared? Pan Lei’s heart ached. He knelt upright, stretched out his hand to touch Tian Yuan’s face, frowned, and apologized again.

Tian Yuan slapped Pan Lei’s hand down, then pinched his own hand in puzzlement. His turbulent emotions eased a little.


Pan Lei finally realized his mistake. Hallelujah. It took him long enough.

I am out of my funk now. Thanks a lot to those who bothered to comment (Sorry. I couldn't resist the snark.)

Once I am done with the final blog changes, posts will follow a new schedule. Thank you for your patience. Happy reading~