Chapter 79 The foolish run into a gun asking for death

Tian Yuan could witness all of Pan Lei's movements. He saw Pan Lei land a strong blow on the director's chin, saw his teeth fly out, saw the director in pain, and took a sharp breath involuntarily.

He was secretly congratulating himself. Pan Lei, fortunately, did not hit him while he was enraged. What amazing strength and speed he exhibited. Not to mention the punch's outcome. He guessed that if Pan Lei had hit him, he would have breathed his last. Pan Lei would sooner fling things around than harm even a single strand of his hair, which was good, very good. He was a decent man, killing and setting fire to the robbers outside and taking good care of him when he returned home.

Pan Lei’s appearance when he punched and behaved like a hooligan was handsome, truly attractive. Look at his arrogant look and the speed with which he beat the director of surgery. Tian Yuan gloated to himself: “Humph, dead fat man, today is the day you shall know pain. I have no power or authority and could only let you bully me, but someone came to my aid.”

However, the fight was too intense. What if the director held a grudge against him? What should he do if he made things difficult for him?

Well, if the director made things difficult for him, he would make things difficult for his mistress. If the mistress cried to the director, he would ask Pan Lei to help him out.

This was bad. He was a kindhearted child from a good home. He now understood how to utilize power for intrigue and to fight against others.

No one dared to approach the director’s crackling and rattling room. Pan Lei straightened his collar and came out.

A man cannot attack a woman. Despite the fact he was itching to beat up that woman, he couldn’t possibly disgrace the tall and imposing image of a soldier.

The rage had subsided, and all animosity in the heart had vanished.

"Tian'er, I'm off to the grocery store. Do you still want to eat meat? Should I go out and get a few more kilos of ribs?"

Tian Yuan examined his hand and saw no wounds or swelling, which relieved him.

"Hitting him was a piece of cake. I didn’t even give it my all. You go to work. I'm leaving."

He called his team and told them how his family had rebelled, how he wanted to enforce the family rules, and how he wanted to accompany his family well. Except for a few days, he hadn't been by his family's side in over a month. He planned to take advantage of the end of the martial arts competition and the end of the training camp. He would accompany his man during this time of no missions.

Laundry, cooking, dish-washing, and housekeeping were all part of his job.

"Go back, go back quickly. If you stay here again, everyone will be scared. They’ll believe bandits have descended the mountain."

Tian Yuan shoved him out, hurried him away, and was unwilling to let him linger for another second.

"By the way, I saw a recipe called ‘fu qi fei pian’ the other day. I’ll go home and prepare it for you. It will be delicious."

"Husband and wife lung slices? Not unless you want to split up before getting married. No, eating mandarin duck hot pot is fine."

Pan Lei teased Tian Yuan by holding his hand at the elevator entrance so he could see him off. It was best to say goodbye with a kiss at the elevator. One of them would be inside the elevator, the other would be outside.

“Get lost!”

Tian Yuan blushed and hesitated to look down the corridor to see how many people were in it.

Pan Lei enjoyed watching him blush. He was desperate to kiss him and ask for a reward.

Pan Lei took advantage of Tian Yuan's inattention as they approached the elevator opening. He lowered his head and attacked stealthily. He kissed him hard on the lips and swiftly turned to go. Tian Yuan grabbed his arm and pulled him around.

Pan Lei begged for forgiveness as the elevator door opened, saying, "Baby, baby, I dare not, dare not."

Tian Yuan put in no effort. Pan Lei was simply working with him, causing a commotion. Who would have guessed Dr. Li, who had just arrived at work in a white coat, would emerge from the elevator?

When Dr. Li exited the elevator, she observed Tian Yuan and his ambiguous disagreement with a man. Why had this individual returned? Wasn't he supposed to be going to the country? Wasn't it awful to do such a thing at the elevator entrance? Both of them were men!

She gave a frigid humph and rolled her eyes as she stepped on high heels and passed Tian Yuan and Pan Lei.

"Disgusting, nasty."

Tian Yuan heard it, and Pan Lei heard it as well. Tian Yuan's smile hardened, and Pan Lei's fury flared up again.

He believed that women could not be beaten, and that an adult man and a woman had nothing to fight about. This situation would be resolved as long as he cautioned the director of surgery to take care of this nasty woman.

Unfortunately, she ran into his gun.

He couldn't beat her because he couldn't hit a lady. However, there were plenty other methods to torture her.

This woman was a tyrant. She would never comprehend what it meant to conduct oneself with dignity if she was not taught a lesson. She would remain haughty and pompous, and would walk around with her nose in the air.

Tian Yuan realized something was wrong when Pan Lei's expression sank, so he pushed him into the elevator as fast as possible.

But how could Tian Yuan push Pan Lei away when Pan Lei didn't want to go?

"Stop causing problems. Why do you feel the need to argue with a woman? Go back quickly."

"I don't care about her. It's just that this woman deserves to be thrashed. Give me a minute."

Pan Lei's face was terrifying. Tian Yuan no longer tried to drag him. Pan Lei pushed Tian Yuan aside and strode away.

Tian Yuan was a step behind in pursuing him. Pan Lei followed Doctor Li.

"Hey, you! Turn around."

Pan Lei gave all of his gentle, considerate, and soft-spoken words to Tian Yuan. Don't think it was because he didn’t like women. Even if he liked women, he wouldn’t even look at such women, let alone be polite to them.

Dr. Li was held in the palm of the hand by the director of surgery. No one in the hospital dared to speak to her in such a rude tone. Dr. Li was so angry that she turned around and lifted her hand to slap Pan Lei.

Pan Lei became even more enraged. He was willing regardless of how Tian Yuan kicked him. No one had yet dared to attack him. He avoided the slap by turning his head. He reached out his large hand and grabbed Dr. Li's neck, dragging her toward the window.

On hearing Dr. Li scream, everyone gathered around. Could she, as a woman, stand up to a man with a height of 189 cms[1]? Thanks to Pan Lei’s strong arms and muscular build, pinching her neck was like pinching a small cub. He dragged her to the window by her neck.

He opened the window, and pushed Dr. Li out. She screamed, half her body dangling from the window.

He grasped her waist as he drew his hand from her neck. She strained to break free from his grip so she wouldn't fall. Pan Lei simply let her hang on the window, her upper torso hung outside on the window frame.

Doctor Li screamed repeatedly. They were on the fourth floor. She would collapse as soon as he let go. She would not die, but she would break her bones.

Everyone in the corridor was terrified. Pan Lei's move was unquestionably murderous. Did he intend to throw Dr. Li out the window? That was homicide.

Tian Yuan was scared. He dashed over and grabbed Pan Lei. He couldn’t let Pan Lei commit a crime.

"Come on, let her go quickly. She will die if she falls. If she dies, you will be finished!"

He was a member of the special forces. No matter how powerful his family was, he couldn't kill someone. He would be subjected to a court martial. 

Pan Lei released one of his hands and hugged Tian Yuan by his side. He had only one hand to control Dr. Li. Dr. Li's sobs became more ferocious. If she was let go, she would undoubtedly fall.

"I've never beaten a woman in my life, but you really deserve to be thrashed. I wish I could put my abilities to the test on you, but I'm worried I'll be charged with bullying a woman in the end. You fucking pay attention to what I'm saying. If you ever roll your eyes at Tian Yuan again, I'll throw you down from the fourth level. It will not kill you, but it will severely injure you. I'll let you fall face down on the ground. You'll have a shattered nasal bridge as well as a dislocated jaw. Even with plastic surgery, you won't be able to fix it. If you dare to cry at him again, I will take you to Burma and immediately sell you as a female prostitute. Do you believe me or not?”

Pan Lei loosened his hand, allowing the majority of Dr. Li's body to hang out the window. Her scream was identical to that of a pig being slaughtered.

Torturing a woman did not imply beating her. Pan Lei swished the window open and dangled her. She wouldn't die if she fell because it was on the fourth story. But at the very least, her haughty beauty would vanish. Didn't she advertise herself as ‘Lin meimei[2]’? Didn't she consider herself to be Chang'e who had descended to the mortal world? If she fell face down on the ground, her unrivaled beauty would turn into a large pie. She wouldn't be able to flaunt her excellent looks brazenly with her nose collapsed, mouth at a crooked angle, and jaw dislocated.

Only then did Tian Yuan realize that some of their friends were scumbags, but Pan Lei was the biggest scumbag.

"Enough, don't frighten her any longer. What exactly do you mean by "believe me or not"? Bring her in right away!"

Tian Yuan reached out his arms to draw Dr. Li in, but Pan Lei shoved him away.

"Your arms have recently healed. What happens if you strain them? This woman weighs a lot."

He grabbed her shoulders, yanked her away from the window, and tossed her on the ground. Dr. Li sat on the ground, terrified. Her new lease on life caused her to cry uncontrollably. It was a tear-stained beauty's face.

Pan Lei tsked. In the absence of her precious “older brother”, for whom was she impersonating ‘Lin mei mei’? Who was she crying for with this unrelenting sobbing?

"Don’t ever bully Tian Yuan again. Otherwise, I’ll really throw you down from the fourth floor. If I catch you rolling your eyes at him, calling him dirty, or uttering a ‘humph’ at him, I’ll let you stand upside down in a skirt. If you don’t believe me, try it."

Everyone on the scene burst out laughing. Standing upside down in a skirt? What a great idea!

Dr. Li was busy crying and didn't hear anything.

Pan Lei realized that bullying a woman was unsatisfying. Then, he felt a little ashamed of his thoughts.

He remembered something and turned back.

"You stated that you come from a good family. Why did you get involved with a married man instead of finding a well-matched young man to fall in love with and get married? Did you think you were the only attractive woman in the hospital? You are simply a beauty who walks proudly with your chin high. Is there anyone else in your eyes? Keep an eye on your feet while you walk. Don't break your feet by wearing high heels. If your foot sprains, you will almost certainly break your neck."

"Pan Lei, are you going to leave? I'll get angry if you play a trick again."

Tian Yuan's expression was solemn. Every day, Pan Lei hunted for someone to fight, without taking a break. Seeing Dr. Li cry, he felt relieved, even if he believed she deserved it. After all, they still had to work together. To keep up appearances, he had to chastise Pan Lei.

"I'm leaving right now. At noon, I'll bring you some lunch."

"I’ll just eat in the cafeteria."

"Didn't you mention the food is bad? You can eat more if I prepare a few dishes that you enjoy. I don't want to dine alone at home. Let's meet for lunch at twelve."

Pan Lei returned to the sunshine and grinned brightly after the blast of wind and rain faded. It was a shame that his smile was limited to Tian Yuan. No one else was interesting enough to warrant a peek. Even with this mundane lunch conversation, he was still in a good mood.

"I have surgery."

Pan Lei’s hand stealthily went up his waist.

"I’ll meet you in the office for lunch."

Tian Yuan smiled and nodded solemnly. Yes, they should dine together. They didn't have many days together. They had to dash against the clock to spend time together.


[1] Around 6.2 feet. Average male height in China is 5 ft 9 in while average female height is 5 ft 5 in.

[2] younger sister; young woman. It means she flaunts herself as a woman who looks younger than her actual age.