Chapter 105 Tian Yuan takes a girl to lunch

Tian Yuan slept soundly, while Pan Lei had to use the bathroom three times. He was overly excited after hearing Tian Yuan's words: "Ge, I love you." He wished he could go to Tian Yuan right away, and whether he was sleeping in the guest room with his parents-in-law or not, he wished he could dance the horizontal tango with him and make him repeat his words.

Pan Lei couldn't take it any longer. His family was falling deeper and deeper in love with him, making his little brother stand at attention like a flagpole the entire night as he thought of Tian'er saying I love you. 

Just you wait for me to come back. I’ll confine you in bed for three days.

Tian Yuan took his parents to the hospital the next day for a check-up. It was a thorough physical examination that included blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidney tests. He understood that as they grew older, he needed to pay closer attention to their health. Tian Yuan was too preoccupied with bringing his parents to various departments throughout the hospital to pay attention to anything else.

Tian Yuan could finally catch his breath after their examinations were completed. He brought his parents to his office, then went to acquire the results that were already available before conferring with the doctors who examined his parents to determine what needed extra attention.

Father Tian nodded pleased as he looked at the nameplate on Tian Yuan's office that read "Deputy Director of Surgery's Office." It was no surprise that the dean lavished Tian Yuan with exquisite gifts. His son had received a promotion. This kid, who never laughed or cried, may be said to have achieved success and recognition.

When Zhang Yan learned that Dr. Tian had requested leave to take his parents for a checkup, her eyes gleamed with cunning, and she dashed to Tian Yuan's office, holding a medical record folder in her hands and opening the door with a sweet smile on her face.

It was a case of the so-called reaching out but not hitting a smiling person[1]. The girl who had smiled before speaking was quite adorable. She was especially charming.

Mother Tian was taken with this sweet, smiling girl at first glimpse.

"Come in, come in, are you looking for my son? Xiao Yuan has gone to pick up our test results. Wait for him if you need to find him for something."

"Hello, Aunt Tian and Uncle Tian. I'm an intern and  Dr. Tian is my mentor. I want to ask him a question." 

Zhang Yan stood there as obediently as a smart child. She had a lovely appearance and an endearing smile that drew people to her. She was pretty and clever, but she had the lovely demeanor of a young girl. This made Mother Tian, who was desperate for a daughter-in-law, adore her. Her eyes shone as she held Zhang Yan's hand.

"Oh! So you’re Xiao Yuan’s student, child? That means you’ll be working here in the future, correct? Xiao Yuan is too honest and dull, and very serious. Does he criticize you? He’s just like his father. My son is not charming."

"No, Dr. Tian is excellent. I really like him. He is quite good to us. He answers all of my questions, no matter what they are. He is really kind, polite, and modest, and he is devoted to his work. He is a good man."

Mother Tian's eyes brightened up as she heard this. The girl expressed her admiration for him. Was it possible that this girl had a crush on her stupid son?

This was fantastic news. Her stupid son claimed that he was too busy. That, of course, was not at all a reason. This girl was his student, and she would be working with him in the future. Didn’t the situation have great potential for development? The girl was adorable. She had small dimples when she smiled, and appeared quite clever and obedient. Mother Tian desired a daughter-in-law like her, and she liked her right away. 

"What's your name, child? Are you a local? Tell me a little bit about your family. My son is stupid. Don’t dislike him, child."

Zhang Yan obediently let Mother Tian hold her hands.

"I am a local, and 24 years old. I’m an only child. Dr. Tian is not stupid. He is the backbone of the surgical department."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


Mother Tian was overjoyed.

"My son doesn't have a girlfriend either. Xiao Yan, I wish I had a daughter-in-law like you."

"Please, Aunt Tian, don’t say such things. Doctor Tian doesn't like me."

Zhang Yan lowered her head, her face flushed.

"Who should he like if he doesn't like a great girl like you? You are a good kid. Don't dislike him because he said something dumb. Even if he liked someone, that child wouldn’t dare say it. Others have told me that nowadays, girls take the initiative and accomplish more with less. Please excuse my son's lack of sophistication."

Excellent. My mother-in-law has almost acknowledged me. Zhang Yan's face was flushed.

Mother Tian grew fonder of Zhang Yan the more she looked at her. She seemed to be the perfect match. She was the right age, she looked really nice, and she was cute. She was the ideal daughter-in-law candidate. 

Tian Yuan was uninformed of the incident, and Pan Lei was equally unaware.

Tian Yuan walked into the office with reports in hand. He noticed Zhang Yan and his mother speaking in full flow as soon as he stepped in and thought it was odd.

"Do you have anything on your mind? Today is my day off. You can ask other doctors if you have any questions."

"This child! I think the girl is pretty good, so I just asked her to stay and we talked for a while. You must not rush her in this manner. Don't pay heed to him, Xiao Yan; he's a moron."

Zhang Yan bowed her head and nodded without saying anything. Mother Tian had already made a statement on her behalf. She wasn't required to say anything.

"Some of the results will be ready in the afternoon, Mom and Dad. It's getting late. We had nothing to eat in the morning. Let's head out to lunch. In the afternoon, I'll take you on a walk."

We should make full use of the card that Pan Zhan has given us.

"Come to lunch with us, good child."

Mother Tian gripped Zhang Yan's hands tightly and didn't let go. It was a chance given by fate to share a meal and foster a sense of intimacy.

"Mom..." Tian Yuan was rather dissatisfied. It was a family meal. Was it necessary to welcome an unneeded outsider?

"What are you calling me for? I like this kid. I want her to eat with us today." Mother Tian stated with a glare.

Tian Yuan was helpless. Forget it. Since mom has spoken, let her come with us.

"Go ask for a leave of absence. Let’s go together."

Zhang Yan cheered and trotted away to change her clothes.

Mother Tian gave her son an earful.

"Be nice to girls. Don't be so cold. The little girl likes you. So what if she’s one of your students? There’s no need to put on airs."

Tian Yuan was totally powerless. She was only an intern, and being polite to her should have meant expanding her expertise rather than inviting her to lunch.

Zhang Yan hurried back, dressed in cute and playful attire. Tian Yuan couldn't help but accompany his parents and Zhang Yan to Zhang Hui's restaurant.

This time, Zhang Hui didn't cause much of a stir, but they still received a warm welcome. The lunch buffet was lavish, and they hadn't even begun to eat when Zhang Hui presented them with a fine wine. It was a bottle of French wine worth tens of thousands of dollars.

As soon as Zhang Hui walked in, he noticed a strange woman at the table. What’s going on? Why is there a woman at the table? What kind of situation is this?

"Xiao Yan, try this dish."

Mother Tian was attentive to Zhang Yan and offered her a sea cucumber. Zhang Yan smiled as if she were a flower.

"Thank you, Auntie Tian."

Zhang Hui poured a glass of wine for Tian Yuan.

"What does this mean? Are you going on a blind date without Pan Lei’s knowledge?"

Zhang Hui was not blind. He could tell at a glance that the situation was worrying. It was because the scene resembled a mother-in-law who was nice to her daughter-in-law.

"Who knows what's going on? My mother insisted on bringing her to lunch."

Oof! Tian Yuan was clueless, wasn’t he? He felt that it was improper to bring Zhang Yan to lunch, and that his mother was being too nice to Zhang Yan, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Xiao Yuan, serve some vegetables to Zhang Yan. Don’t eat by yourself."

Tian Yuan raised his head to look at Zhang Yan's shy expression and realized immediately that what Zhang Hui stated was correct.

His mother was behaving as though she were hosting Zhang Yan, her daughter-in-law. There were five individuals in the room, including Zhang Hui, and he was the only one who didn't understand what was going on until that point.

F**k! What did his mother want? This would tell Pan Lei that he had brought his parents, who had in turn brought their prospective daughter-in-law for lunch. Pan Lei had a good friendship with the proprietor of the restaurant, and he specifically requested that Zhang Hui treat them well. If he knew about this, he'd go insane. Given Pan Lei's temper, Tian Yuan could be ripped to shreds.

Tian Yuan's face became blue as he broke out in a cold sweat.

Zhang Hui shook his head and sighed. Tian Yuan is done for. He’s dead. You knew the consequences, didn’t you? Why didn’t you speak up sooner and clarify everything? You should have told your parents about Pan Lei. You’re in big trouble this time. If Pan Lei finds out about this, he’ll go bat-shit crazy.

"Explain the situation clearly and as soon as possible. I warned you that concealing and delaying the truth would only make matters worse. What is the saying? Right! If you’re honest, you’ll be shown leniency. Think about it carefully, alright?"

Pan Lei and Tian Yuan had just mixed like oil and honey. At this time, adding half a jar of chili would definitely make the two of them spicy. Tian Yuan, the person who shares Leizi’s pillow, knows best what type of temper Leizi has. Hiding this from Pan Lei is tantamount to asking for death.

"I, I need to use the restroom."

Tian Yuan abruptly rose up, turned around, and escaped. Mother Tian was stunned, and Zhang Yan was dazed as well. Father Tian's face fell. The guest is here, and you’re heading to the restroom? Did we educate you to be that impolite when you were a kid? What an unfavorable impression this will make on the girl!

"Uncle Tian, ​​try this bottle of wine."

Zhang Hui regarded Pan Lei and Tian Yuan as pals. Naturally, he assisted Tian Yuan in calming things down and began coaxing Tian Yuan's parents.

Tian Yuan's hands shook as he dialed Pan Lei's number. He was terrified that Pan Lei might become enraged. The last time, Pan Lei became furious because he didn't listen to him and went to the countryside. He was so incensed over such a trivial matter that he destroyed the house's furniture. Now that such a major event had occurred, if he didn’t inform him, he would probably nuke the entire building.

Zhang Hui's statements hit the nail on the head. Being honest will result in leniency. It was also the government's stance on inmates. To avert a storm, it was best to notify Pan Lei as soon as possible.

"It's over, Pan Lei, it's over. I, I'm not sure what's going on. My parents had a check-up today. I don’t know how they ended up conversing with the intern and inviting her to lunch. I’ve no idea what’s going on. I’m not here on a blind date, and I didn’t let her get along with my parents. I really don't know what's going on."

Tian Yuan explained, completely flustered. He simply wanted to clarify the matter as quickly as possible so that Pan Lei did not become angered.

"Your parents invited that intern to have lunch with you? Didn’t I say that intern is odd? She must’ve played a trick to deceive your parents. Why are you so stupid?"

"I don't know what's going on. My mother invited her. I was powerless to do anything about it."

"Forget it. I don’t think you’ll fool me merely to have a meal with that woman. However, it makes me feel bad. Stay away from that intern in the future. Let me tell you, there are two kinds of women in this world who are the worst. The first type are women like Dr. Li who are beautiful and lethal to men. Fortunately, they are easy to deal with. Women who appear fresh and pure but are full of trickery are the most difficult to deal with. She is quite intelligent. She understands that in order to catch a thief, you must first catch the king, and she has begun working on your parents. Don't take your parents to the hospital tomorrow. Collect the test results on your own. Aren’t they leaving the day after tomorrow? Everything will be fine. Remember, stay away from that intern. No matter how much your parents pester you, you pretend to be dumb and look blankly. We’ll talk when I come home."


[1] A Chinese proverb that says you can't bear hitting someone who admits their mistakes.