Chapter 116 Using a gun to kidnap his man

"Tian Yuan, call him right away to break up! Don’t you think it’s embarrassing to make such a racket at the door and shout for all the world to hear?"

Pan Lei was about to descend as Tian Yuan grasped his arm and repeatedly told him to be careful. Mother Tian slammed the door open and spotted Pan Lei hanging from their house's window at the same time. Tian Yuan and Pan Lei appeared to be hugging affectionately.

Mother Tian instantly exploded. What bravery! He was actually scaling peaks and ridges! What kind of perverted emotions could cause them to constantly act close and shove it in their faces?! They dared to come out(of the closet) in her house?! Did they think this was an interpretation of “indulge without secular constraints”?! No! This was a provocation! This man posed a real threat! He was robbing her son through the window sill because they disagreed!

She had kicked one of them out of her house, and confined the other in his room, expecting that this would make them break up, but to her surprise, they came up with such a trick.

Mother Tian yelled and ran into the living room. To do what, you might ask? To look for something useful.

"Hurry up and leave. My mother is enraged, so you better leave quickly."

Tian Yuan was terrified out of his mind. He urged Pan Lei to leave as soon as possible. They were on the fifth floor. If his mother struck Pan Lei hard enough, he would become crippled if he could not grab the box grill securely and fell.

"I'm not going anywhere. What if she decides to hit you? Take advantage of this opportunity! Dash to the front door, open it, and flee."

What if Mother Tian took out her rage on Tian Yuan after he had left?

Mother Tian moved quickly, and she didn't allow them much time before grabbing a long rolling pin and rushing over. There was a roughly one-meter-long rolling pin in their house. Father Tian was from the Northwest and enjoyed eating miàn shí[1], so he deliberately bought such a long rolling pin. Normally, she wouldn't have had the chance to utilize it. She finally had a chance this time.

The rolling pin was made of hardwood and was as thick as a child's wrist. Mother Tian grabbed it and ran in.

She charged at Pan Lei with the rolling pin in her hand. Tian Yuan blocked his mother. If his mother struck Pan Lei's hand, it would very certainly result in fractured bones, causing Pan Lei to fall off if he couldn't hang on to the box grill. This was not a Mission Impossible scenario. Pan Lei was not Tom Cruise, and no special effects were being used. Pan Lei would undoubtedly be wounded if he fell.

"Mom, mom, please calm down. Pan Lei, hurry up and go!"

"I’ve tried everything, but you refuse to give up. It wasn’t enough to seduce my son and lead him astray; now you want to take away my son using this method? I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you!"

The elderly lady was frantically flailing the rolling pin around. Pan Lei was worried and afraid when he glanced at it, thinking that she would accidentally hit Tian Yuan.

"Mother, I can make Tian'er happier than anyone else. Why don’t you agree?"

"Mom, he and I really can be blissful. Please calm down."

When Mother Tian witnessed her son block her and speak for Pan Lei, her rage erupted and burned out her reason.

The rolling pin shifted its path and collided into Tian Yuan. It struck Tian Yuan's leg, causing him to almost kneel down.

"You shameless thing, I’ll kill you! You have no sense of self-esteem. You will not be a disgrace if you’re killed!"

Tian Yuan was unable to deflect the strikes. He didn't have the skills to catch the rolling pin, and couldn’t push his mother away. He could only dodge to the left and right. But the old lady’s rolling pin was moving madly. He tried everything he could to escape it, but he couldn't.

The rolling pin landed on Tian Yuan’s back, causing him to cry out in agony. The old lady waved the rolling pin again, and this time it swooshed past his ear and landed on his nape. It smacked Tian Yuan in the head when he turned his head away.

Pan Lei grasped the anti-theft box grill and shook it frantically. God damn it! This worn-out thing is tough when I need it to be run down! He couldn't jump in and save Tian Yuan at this critical time.

Pan Lei could only dangle outside the window helplessly as Mother Tian's rolling pin smacked Tian Yuan's body repeatedly. The more it struck, the fiercer and more dangerous it got.

"Let him go! Hit me instead! Damn it! Why are you hitting him?! Let him go, let him go! Do you hear me?! Let him go immediately!"

Pan Lei's eyes were red. No one could beat Tian Yuan in front of him. Nobody. Not even his parents.

It was worse than having his heart plucked. He hung there and watched Tian Yuan get thrashed in front of him. Watched as his Tian'er was thrashed, fell to the ground, and cried out in pain. It was too awful. Every smack of the rolling pin felt like a direct hit to his heart. He'd rather be beaten than witness his sweetheart being beaten.

Pan Lei had forgotten all the etiquette by this point. He started yelling at the top of his lungs, pleading with Mother Tian to let Tian Yuan go and declaring that Tian'er was his baby and that no one was allowed to harm him!

Tian'er was his darling, his beloved, and someone he lavished with attention! He wouldn't even allow Tian'er handle a kitchen knife. Could he withstand this thrashing? Would it break his bones? Were there any internal injuries? He worried incessantly.

He felt totally useless! He could only hang outside and watch it all happen, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Mother Tian wasn't like those criminals. The more she heard she couldn't beat, the harder she hit.

"Will you break up or not? Speak! Will you break up or not? If you don’t speak out, I’ll beat you to death."

Tian Yuan clenched his teeth to avoid saying anything and remained silent.

"Stop hitting him, he can't take it anymore!"

Pan Lei yelled at Mother Tian while dangling from the fifth story, his eyes wild. She is going to beat Tian'er to death!

"If I beat you into disability, I’ll support you for the rest of my life. I won't let you make me lose face."

Mother Tian's wrath had skyrocketed. She slammed the rolling pin into Tian Yuan's head, utterly disregarding Pan Lei's yells and whether Tian Yuan was covered in wounds. She smacked him mercilessly.

Tian Yuan could only hear his father's frantic shout as Pan Lei's voice progressively faded, as did his mother's curses and questions, until he couldn't hear anything at all.

Pan Lei, I want to be with you. I promised to be at your side forever. Look, I haven't given up, and I won't be separated from you.

Pan Lei had no idea when his tears began to pour. All he saw was Tian Yuan being whacked by the rolling pin and collapsing on the spot as his mother's cursing continued unabated.

He had the sensation that his heart had been ripped out. His hands and feet were freezing from the anguish. When Tian Yuan collapsed to the floor, he felt he couldn't live any longer.

Pan Lei took a deep breath, rapidly descended from the fifth floor, and pulled out his phone. He couldn't stand it any longer, couldn't wait any longer. He’d been pushed to the brink of insanity. He had to save Tian Yuan right away, no matter what means he employed.

"Second Uncle? Order someone to send me a gun. Yes, I am currently under your jurisdiction. Ask the local military district to deliver me a gun right away. I need it within ten minutes, so ask them to hurry up and bring it to me."

He couldn't take it any longer. He intended to kidnap Tian Yuan using his own ways. Don't blame him for being impolite if they kept the door shut and refused to let him in. He had been nice and followed all decorum, but Tian Yuan's parents kept blaming him and striking Tian'er. As civilized behavior had failed, it was best to take a direct approach.

He had left the army without a gun and was pressed into a corner, so he had no alternative but to seek assistance. Because this area was under his second uncle's jurisdiction, he had no choice but to let the local military unit to assist.

Second Uncle Pan called the local military post, and someone promptly got in a vehicle. The leader of the local military post was concerned that because the young master from Commander Pan’s family needed a gun to resolve the situation, it must be a major issue. He assembled a small squadron and led them over.

Their movements were lightning quick. They'd been ordered to report in ten minutes, so they'd be there in ten minutes.

A team of armed troops stepped out of a moving vehicle. Pan Lei was pacing back and forth when the leader of the local military unit noticed him. Because his rank was lesser than Pan Lei's, he saluted when he approached.

Pan Lei paced anxiously downstairs, feeling as though time was moving at a snail's pace. He kept reminding himself that he needed to be patient. Meanwhile, Pan Lei's mother was contacted by second uncle Pan, who inquired as to what had occurred to the boy and why he had requested a gun in such a hurry. Pan Lei was nervous and hadn't told him what was going on.

Dang Hong understood the couple's visit had failed when she heard it. Pan Lei was enraged and demanded a gun. What did he intend to do? Murder Tian Yuan's parents in a fit of rage?

She quickly contacted Pan Lei and softly comforted him, gently urging, "Don't cause problems, don't cause trouble to Tian Yuan."

Pan Lei was visibly upset. "I know what I'm doing!" he roared, and hung up the phone.

The military vehicle arrived, the soldiers disembarking quickly.

"Major Pan, here’s what you asked for."

He handed Pan Lei a loaded Type 95 Automatic Rifle(QBZ-95). Pan Lei grabbed it, flipped open the safety switch, and readied the bullets.

The observers were all terrified and took a few steps back. What in the world was this? Why was the military here with guns?

Pan Lei spat his cigarette, extinguished it with his foot, and marched upstairs with his Type 95 automatic rifle. His movements were swift and decisive, revealing the majestic side of the Chinese soldiers to onlookers. He carried the rifle confidently, his face solemn, and dashed upstairs without saying anything. He seemed to be a ferocious soldier headed to war. He appeared steadfast, his demeanor serene and unflappable, but he still had an imposing demeanor.

He rushed upstairs, holding the rifle in one hand. He took a deep breath to keep from going insane and decided to give Tian Yuan's parents another chance. The last chance.

Pan Lei knocked on the door.

"Mother and father, please give me Tian Yuan. We will leave immediately."

The soldiers who came upstairs with him were a little confused. What exactly was this situation?

"Get lost! I’ll never give you my son, you b**t**d!"

Pan Lei clenched his teeth. In that case, don't blame me for not understanding filial piety, and don't blame me for not knowing how to respect the elderly and love the virtuous.

"Then I won’t be polite."

The automatic rifle was loaded with bullets. Pan Lei aimed at the security door lock and fired.

The shells flew randomly, more intense than the firecrackers that were set off during the New Year celebrations, without any pause. He pulled the trigger and emptied the magazine, treating the security door as if it were his mortal enemy, and fired at it until the last bullet was burned out.

Naturally, the shower of bullets shattered the door lock. When the next-door neighbor peeked out, he was hit in the head by a shell, and he shrank back in fright.

Pan Lei finally stopped, slammed open the security door, and raced in with the team.

The Tian couple had been scared silly a long time ago. They were crying when they heard a bang! as something deafeningly hit the security door. Within seconds, the door lock shattered, and a group of people armed with rifles stormed into the room.

Pan Lei didn't waste time talking nonsense. He lifted his foot and kicked open the door to Tian Yuan's room. He tossed the rifle to the side and carefully picked up Tian Yuan. Tian Yuan let out a cry and opened his eyes to look at him.

"Baby, we’re going home."

Tian Yuan felt secure in his arms. Everything was fine now that he had arrived.

Pan Lei's eyes were teary. He turned to exit the room after lovingly hugging Tian Yuan in his arms. He took a brief pause as he passed Tian Yuan's parents.

"He is your son, but above all, he is my lover. If I had known ahead of time that things would turn out this way, I would have preferred concealing our relationship for a lifetime rather than allowing him to suffer so much. You're willing to inflict pain on him, but I can't stand it. Today I was impolite. You don't want him, but I do. He is my lover, and I’m taking him home."

Pan Lei hugged Tian Yuan gently, letting him lean on his shoulders, and hurried downstairs. He didn't care if anyone saw them. He carried Tian Yuan away from the scene to take him home. This horrible trip had come to an end.


[1] Food made from wheat flour, such as noodles, dumplings, buns etc.