Chapter 119 The battle between the two mothers-in-law

Tian Yuan made a racket all day, and the three young ladies claimed complete victory. To quote Dang Hong, it was a case of "Tut! You little rascals, you're just at this level and still dare to fight me. I did not win Lin Mu's bonus for next month because he is no longer young and needs money to find a girlfriend."

Who dared to compete for Dang Hong's money? She was Lin Mu's supervisor, Zhang Hui's next-door aunt since he was a child till he grew up, and the person Huang Kai had always idolized. None of them dared to try.

As a consequence, Dang Hong won their money.

Tian Yuan was overjoyed. His mother-in-law was fantastic. She won money and gave it to him in order for him to enjoy a nice meal at a restaurant. When he was released from the hospital, they would go out to eat at a nice restaurant.

Dang Hong yanked on Pan Lei after noticing Tian Yuan had fallen asleep. Pan Lei followed her out softly.

"What's the matter, mom?"

"Give me Tian Yuan's hometown address. I'll go there with your father right away. It's imperative that I meet your in-laws. You were unable to get the desired result, so your father and I will deal with them."

Pan Lei trembled and felt cold for a minute as Dang Hong smilingly stated "deal with them." His mother did not require a knife to murder people. She had spent a career doing ideological and political work, and she could make people dizzy by running circles around them.

Pan Lei sent Tian Yuan's hometown address to her.

"Don't tell him where we're going. Simply make him happy. I've already filed for his advanced education abroad. I want to groom him to be my successor. Don't whine to me about how you won't be able to see him if he goes abroad to further his education. Man up. I'm doing this for the sake of your future. No one will dare to criticize you when you have a lot of clout. Tian Yuan cannot live his entire life under your care. After all, he is a man. He should have his own domain."

Pan Lei scratched his chin and pulled on his hair. He felt unwilling to part with Tian Yuan. Undertaking advanced studies would take at least a year in any case. Being unable to see each other for a year was tantamount to asking for his life!

His mother, however, was completely correct. He couldn't trap Tian'er. Tian Yuan's position would undoubtedly be higher when he returned from his advanced studies. He wouldn't have to work too hard if he became a cardiothoracic expert. At least, it would not be the same as it was then - rushing to the hospital after receiving a phone call.

Regarding the year-long separation... Humph! He'd figure something out. He was convinced he would go insane if they didn't see each other for a year.

Dang Hong brought her family's old man to Tian Yuan's home.

The commanding officer of a military district embarked on a journey. Even if it was for a personal cause, he got support from all sides.

They were accompanied by four of their own security personnel. When they arrived in Tian Yuan's hometown, the local authorities dispatched a squadron to escort them. They also had police officers in the front and back of the vehicle. Papa Pan stated that such a large force disposition was unnecessary. What the hell is this situation? We're being escorted by both police and troops? We're going to visit relatives, not to loot!

Dang Hong tugged on Papa Pan's arm, her smile as warm as ever. Papa Pan immediately stopped scolding them because of this one gesture of hers. Let them send an escort if they so desire.

It was still that neighborhood, in that slightly run-down building. The cops arrived, sirens blaring. First, two police motorbikes arrived and pulled over to the side of the road. Then two police cars arrived. A vehicle with a military registration plate followed them. Another two police cars and two police motorcycles followed the military vehicle.

A military officer exited the vehicle and opened the door. Dang Hong wore her hair in a high bun and carried a handbag. She had the appearance of a dame. Papa Pan was dressed in a military uniform and appeared really intimidating.

The scene resembled the imposition of martial law. This deployment of forces drew an enormous number of individuals. Onlookers speculated, "What's going on? Which leader has paid a visit? Whoa! He appears to be a high-ranking official. Oh! Oh! Look at those stars on his shoulder! His rank is not small. This is a residential area. Who are they going to see? Wow! Whose relative is such a high-ranking official? How come I've never heard of it?"

One of their escort's men led the way. Dang Hong took the lead, followed by Papa Pan. They were followed by the guards, who had immediately divided and carried the gifts.

"You don't need to say anything. Just sit there and look at me."

"Dear wife, they are our in-laws after all. Pay a little attention to propriety."

"You simply show the attitude you adopt when admonishing your officers and men at an army meeting."

Dang Hong whispered to Papa Pan that his task was to function as a standard weight to keep the situation stable. He only needed to sit there firmly, terrifying everyone.

Dang Hong came to the door and knocked. Mother Tian opened it to find a woman, whose age she couldn't guess, standing at the door, gently smiling at her. She noticed the man in full military uniform standing next to the woman, who had a calm and cool expression on his face, as well as the four young and dashing men waiting behind them at the door. She gulped anxiously as she gazed blankly at these unexpected visitors.

She was quite frightened. She had recently been the victim of a bullet attack and was terrified of these people dressed in military uniforms. Which little common people were idle enough to provoke them?

Here we go again. Why is this group of people here? What do they want?

"We are Pan Lei's parents, elder sister. When my son returned home, he admitted to causing trouble, so we personally came to apologize."

Dang Hong's ideological and political work was outstanding. She smiled first, before saying anything. Mother Tian felt embarrassed to close the door and allowed her in.

"Then come in."

Mother Tian had a revelation and realized that the couple who nurtured that bandit, Pan Lei, were actually such parents. The husband and wife appeared well-educated. How come their son a bandit, ah?

Father Tian was also a little intimidated. What's going on, eh?

Papa Pan merely gave them a tiny nod and sat down like a big boss. The Tian couple glanced at Pan Lei's mother, who had a gentle smile on her face, then at Pan Lei's father, who resembled a warlord, and understood immediately what was wrong with their son. The son followed in the footsteps of his father. The father was a junta leader, and the son was a bandit.

"Commander Pan, we'll be guarding outside the door."

The guard saluted Papa Pan, and two soldiers kept watch outside the entrance. The other two stood behind Papa Pan, one on the left and one on the right, hands clasped behind their backs and weapons bulging at their waists. One look at them was enough to tell you they meant business. Mother Tian shook with horror. Those were real bullets and guns!

The Tian couple exchanged glances. They had no idea the bandit-like Pan Lei had a commanding officer for a father. Isn't this official too high-up?

She scolded and beat up their son the last time. The child's parents had now arrived. Had they come to retaliate? Did they intend to investigate and then arrest people?

Dang Hong smiled and invited the pair to have a seat. She appeared to be the Tian house's owner. The main reason was because the Pan couple's aura was too powerful.

"Tian Yuan was brought home by my son, Pan Lei, last month. He's such a good kid. He is liked by everyone in our family. He is gentle and urbane. My son has been mischievous since he was a child. Our entire family is overjoyed that Tian Yuan will be with him for the rest of his life. It's our fault as well. Our family believes that since the young couple is happy and in love, we should meet you as soon as feasible. In a way, we are also in-laws. Although we can't get them a marriage certificate, families must contact each other on a regular basis, and I really wanted to meet you and chat to you about your views about the situation. So I pleaded with them to come back. But you weren't prepared, so you were scared, right? These two children are also really...they should have told you ahead of time."

"Don't put it so nicely. In-laws? We can't afford to make this claim[1]."

Father Tian's remarks were impolite because he refused to concede. Even if he died, he would not give in.

"Yes, you really cannot claim higher connections in terms of family background. I forgot to mention that Pan Lei has the lowest military position in our Pan family, holding the rank of major. All of his uncles, father, and grandpa are generals. Our Pan family, a military aristocratic family, is more than enough to find a child even from the Military Commission[2]. Drowsiness makes my Leizi like Tian Yuan[3], and who asked us to like Tian Yuan, right? Ordinary people are just ordinary people, aren't they? But it makes no difference if they have no identity or background. Our family is rife with officials. There is no need to find another government official."

Dang Hong maintained her pleasant demeanor. Her smile remained the same. Tian Yuan was labeled as a social climber by what she stated. Since you said that you cannot afford to climb high, let us be pragmatic. It is true from a family background standpoint.

Dang Hong's policy was simple to grasp. Being a member of a moderate faction got you nowhere these days. Because sweet talk didn't work, they had no choice but to adopt high pressure tactics. To put it frankly, that amounted to bride kidnapping.

How did Huang Shiren force Yang Bailao[4]? That was the approach she chose - My family is in a position of authority and power. It's great if you agree. If you don't agree, we'll force you. In any case, we'll have to become in-laws. Being at a stalemate is pointless. Our sons are madly in love with one another. Do you still have the energy to oppose it? Then we have no choice but to resort to heinous measures, such as donning military uniforms and kidnapping the bride.

In short, after spending most of her life with a gang of soldiers and bandits, no matter how good a woman is, she will become a female bandit.

Wasn't Dang Hong gentle and soft, friendly and benevolent? She was naturally that way with her own people. She became enraged when she saw Tian Yuan being beaten black and blue. She intended to have a serious conversation, but it had devolved into a high-pressure policy of bride kidnapping. This phrase was quite suitable. If gentle tactics fail, become rude and unreasonable. The situation had to be resolved sooner or later.

If they don't agree, devise a strategy to make them agree.

Pan Lei was her flesh and blood, her son. She couldn't bear beating him with a rod, no matter how mischievous he was or how much trouble he created. Tian Yuan, on the other hand, was such a lovable child. How could his mother be so displeased with just one thing that she would act in such a brutal manner? His own mother did not feel sorry for him, but his mother-in-law did.

Papa Pan coughed. Had his wife come to flaunt? Did she forget she came to have a proper dialogue, not to start a war? Anyone would be furious if their son was so disparaged.

"What is it that my son lacks? His performance has been exceptional since he was a child, and he is an excellent doctor. He has a stellar reputation and exceptional medical skills! Your son is a bandit. He is rude and unreasonable, completely incapable of speaking in a rational manner. My son will suffer if he is with your son."

"My son Pan Lei, a major, was a soldier at the age of nineteen. He rose to the rank of major without relying on his father's position of influence. He has won numerous battles, rescued countless hostages, and has never backed down from a challenge. He is an outstanding soldier. He will almost definitely become a commanding officer before retiring from the army, much like his father, uncles, and aunts. He has a bright future, an illustrious family background, and owns a house and a car. He's a great catch."

"My son is more than enough to match your son. My son is a gentleman. He's not bad-tempered like your son. Your son fights and snatches as if he were a bandit. He doesn't appear to have had a decent upbringing. We are, to say the least, a family of scholars who will not behave in such an uncivilized manner."

Mother Tian was unbearably angry. Aside from this one incident, her son had never done anything that would cause them to lose face.

Dang Hong smiled as she clapped her hands. That's exactly what I was waiting for.

"Exactly! Your son is more than enough to match my son. Your son has a good temper, my son comes from a great family, your son has good medical skills, and my son has good abilities as well. They compliment each other and bring out the best in each other. Let's not even get started on the external factors. My son adores your son, and your son adores my son just as much. Why don't you agree? Why don't you consent to their being together? They're both such good kids. Don't push your own ideology on your children, elder sister. Like they say, the younger generation will do all right on their own. Being overly controlling is not a good thing. In the end, the son severs ties and abandons his parents to live as a young couple in conjugal love while the parents become an elderly couple with an empty nest[5]. Is that the outcome you want?"


[1] gāo pān: social climbing; to claim connections with people in higher social class.

[2] The Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee is the highest military leadership organization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Its main function is to directly lead the national armed forces.

[3] Doesn’t make sense, right? The sentence is 瞌睡让我家雷子就喜欢田远呢. 瞌睡(kē shuì)=drowsy; to doze; to nap. I don’t know if it’s a typo or if I’m missing something. If you know anything about this, please comment.

[4] In one line - Huang Shiren uses his power to forcefully take Yang Bailao’s daughter as his concubine. You can read the story on Wikipedia - The White Haired Girl.

[5] A home where the kids have grown up and moved out.