Chapter 146 Don't follow the captain's lead and become a rogue

Tian Yuan's muscles were painful all over his body as a result of allowing the dog to chase him, causing him to lose his temper. As a result, he considered missing meals, but as he stood outside the dining hall entrance, he realized that skipping meals was merely making himself suffer. He witnessed recruits who were unable to accomplish their allotted training activities standing at the cafeteria's entrance with cracked lips and swallowing their saliva, and then he glanced inside to see men taking big mouthfuls of their food and understood that not eating when hungry was a form of self-harm.

Tian Yuan would never skip meals if he was in a rage. He was going to eat. He'd not only eat, but he'd eat until he was completely satiated.

It was just that his muscles were in excruciating pain and he didn't want to move.

He'd let Pan Lei stay at his side as he wanted to. He'd sit down for the afternoon because he'd offered him a chair. He would, however, make sure that Pan Lei had a difficult time.

Pan Lei demonstrated to the group of people under his command that in order to crush the board with one punch, rapidity, precision, concentration, and explosiveness were required. If you can't break it with one punch, practice until you can. Continue practicing until your knuckles break and bleed, then clean up the scabs and practice some more. When the knuckles are all calloused, a single blow can easily destroy a stack of twenty 5 cm thick solid wood planks. When the fist was strong enough to destroy the bones of the opponent with a single punch, that single move might determine victory.

He punched down wearing leather gloves, creating a massive hole in the five-centimeter-thick board. All of the team members were envious of the Devil Team Leader's abilities, believing them to be first-rate.

Tian Yuan had become tired of sitting. Over there, everyone was training. He was the only one with a book in his hands, sitting idly and watching their training. In the words of other deputy instructors - Dr. Tian, ​​you are more leisurely than the commander of the military district. You can sit with your legs crossed and be happy and content while watching their training.

"Pan Lei."

Tian Yuan propped up his chin and called Pan Lei. Pan Lei returned to his side as soon as he heard it.

Tian Yuan scowled at him the day before yesterday, clearly irritated, when he'd released the dog to chase him. No matter how much he pleaded and sweet-talked, the other party simply disregarded him and refused to let him approach at night. He was a tortured man at the moment. As a result, when he heard his husband calling him, he dashed over. What were his instructions? He was willing to risk life and limb to cross water and tread on fire as long as he could smile at him.

"What is your command, Tian'er?"

Tian Yuan was simply bored and wanted to tease him.

He indicated the left leg.

"My leg is sore. Massage it for me."

Humph, I'm torturing myself by not beating or scolding you. Instead, I'll torment you. You thought this young master was easy to bully, didn't you, old boy? It's time for you to go through some pain.

Pan Lei quickly pulled over a chair, lifted Tian Yuan's left leg, and placed it on his own, rubbing every muscle as he hammered and kneaded.

"Is this strength okay, baby?"

He did everything Tian Yuan ordered and was completely obedient. He only wished Tian Yuan would stop punishing him and sleep in his arms at night. They were in their honeymoon phase. Weren't couples completely engrossed in each other during their honeymoon? Wasn't their passion meant to be hot regardless of where they were? Why were they at zero degrees?

Tian Yuan hummed as he flipped a page in the book, like an important big Young Master.

"Right leg."


Pan Lei instantly raised his right leg and placed it on his knee, massaging and pounding it with his fists.

"Feeling better?"

Tian Yuan hummed without bothering to raise his eyes.

The deputy instructors in the vicinity collectively scoffed. So Team Leader Pan is this type of wife-slave.

"Hey, No.56! Are you hitting cotton? Do you understand the terms speed and strength? Don't be scared to employ force because you are terrified of pain! Don't eat tonight if you can't break 20 boards!"

Pan Lei yelled, and the men below intensified their training.

Tian Yuan raised his eyes to meet his gaze.

"Did I frighten you, baby? I'll speak softer."

The deputy instructors jumped off the stands in unison and began to train the soldiers. If they stayed in the same spot as the feuding couple any longer, they'd probably throw up the nighttime meal out of disgust. Team Leader Pan, in everyone's eyes, you are towering and formidable, like a proud lion and a fierce tiger. When they see you, many people shudder. You are a being capable of warding off evil spirits and protecting people from disasters much like the mythological beasts[1]. How can you sully your image in this way? You can adore your wife and go out of your way to pamper him, but you are far too servile. Who among the soldiers in the military zone, whether they have spouses or not, dares to come up and say that I treat my wife better than Team Leader Pan? There is absolutely no second person like you.

Only half of the more than 100 recruits remained after two weeks of training. Many people were unable to tolerate the high-level training because it was almost non-human in nature. Those who left early were, by definition, unqualified. Those who were emotionally immature, whose character was too inflexible, and who had too many evident rough edges had also left. It was the Spartan method of instruction. It was a living horror.

"We'll practice shooting tomorrow, baby. Are you interested in participating? I'll teach you how to shoot a target."

He'd shot two wild ducks the last time he fired a gun. He was, of course, interested. At the very least, he'd learn to shoot. He could hold a weapon and spar with his father-in-law if he returned to the military compound and ran into a staged CS, right?

"All right, I’ll play."

Pan Lei's massaging hands crept up, beyond Tian Yuan's knees, and squeezed the inner thighs. His strength had dwindled, and he no longer used force. Although he appeared to be massaging, he was actually eating tofu[2].

"Tian'er, stop being angry. I swear I'll never do something so wicked again. Please forgive me and smile."

Pan Lei blinked a few times in response to Tian Yuan's glance, pretending to be cute and pitiful. Tian Yuan laughed, lifted his foot in Pan Lei's arms, and kicked him.

"You scoundrel."

Finally! Tian Yuan had softened and smiled at him. The sky was clear after the rain at last. If one person in a couple feels upset, it is torturing two individuals. Tian Yuan had finally smiled, which comforted Pan Lei and allowed him to revert to his brazen self. As he approached Tian Yuan, he drew the chair closer to him.

"Let me properly hug you tonight, baby. You haven't allowed me to touch you in two days. Isn't it too terrible for a couple to sleep in two separate quilts? We don't get to spend much time together. Let's not get mad like this again. It's a squandering of one's life. Let us be in conjugal love as much as possible at this time. I guarantee you'll fall in love with me even more."

"We'll talk about it later in the evening. Also, tell those wounded soldiers to come to your dormitory following their training. I'll administer medication to them. Those cuts will get infected and will be tough to treat."

"Why should their lives be better than mine?"

Pan Lei was indignant.

"Back then, while I was in special forces training, my fist was filled with blood, but no one bandaged it for me. When I bled, I wrapped a piece of cloth around myself and continued training. It had no effect on the process. They won't understand adversity if you spoil them too much. My baby is kindhearted, so I'll just give them a bottle of hydrogen peroxide."

Tian Yuan yanked Pan Lei's leather gloves off. There were a few small scars on the backs of his hands from his years of training and assignments. He'd just punched a five-centimetre-thick plank, so his knuckles were a touch red. Despite wearing gloves, there was a small portion of skin that had broken. It was a little scratch.

Tian Yuan licked his wound with his palm to his lips.


He worked as a doctor. Even though he was exposed to blood on a daily basis, he didn't lick it with his mouth. He instantly retracted his hands.

"Wounds must be disinfected. Will you please be cautious? Training in the military district can result in injury. Can I rest assured when you embark on a mission?"

There didn't appear to be a single wound on his hand since he met Pan Lei and got to know him. Pan Lei carefully guarded him and never allowed him to be wounded.

Pan Lei leaned in close and pecked his cheek quickly.

"Baby, have faith in my abilities."

Tian Yuan believed he possessed this power, but he was still frightened that something might happen to him.

"There's something we need to talk about, darling. We begin teaching courses in the third week. They will study basic first aid as well as amputation. You're a doctor, so you should conduct a session."

Yes, he was capable of doing so.

"What else are they going to learn?"

"Use of light and heavy weapons, interrogating and being interrogated, cipher communication, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, first aid, demolition, information engineering, assemble and install two ## in 20 seconds. A commander is an all-rounder. They must have all kinds of skills."

"You too?"

"Of course. It's necessary."

Pan Lei proudly vouched for. How could he be an instructor if he couldn't?

"In that case, how long does it take you to assemble a gun?"

He'd seen it on television. Even while blindfolded, a firearm could be assembled with a few clicks. Naturally, he believed that the movies exaggerated it.

"Six seconds blindfolded."

Yeah, right. This guy sure talks big. That’s impossible.

"You don't think so? Mr. Genius, you actually killed two birds with one shot the first time you fired a rifle. To be worthy of my darling, I must also be talented."

Pan Lei's hand continued to sneak upwards. He was holding a certain someone's leg, so he wanted to touch all he could. His hand crossed the knee, went inside to survey, and then squeezed it right on the top, at the most inner region. It was the most tender spot on his ##, or more accurately, the most sensitive spot. Tian'er would flip his body over every time he kissed, nibbled, or lightly bit there.

"F**k! Where are you touching?"

Tian Yuan went all-out this time, kicking him viciously. Couldn't the old lecher, this big hooligan, speak properly? He groped him every time he moved his hands and feet. They were sitting and conversing, but he was able to make something happen. He must cure his body's well-developed wolf nerve.

"Haven’t I touched him before? I'll kiss and lick him when we get home in the evening."

Pan Lei smiled mischievously as he lifted the padded jacket over Tian Yuan's legs and inserted his hand, covering that place.

In an instant, Tian Yuan's face flushed bright red. This pervert, pervert! Does he want face? You don't want it scumbag, but I do.

Tian Yuan quickly pushed his hand away, standing up and moving away from him. Pan Lei was up to no good, and when he stretched out his foot, Tian Yuan's rapid movements came to a halt. Tian Yuan fell into Pan Lei's arms in a fairly classic "throw oneself in somebody's arms" move.

"Oh! My baby is so passionate!"

Pan Lei exclaimed loudly as he held his hubby and stroked his ##.

All of the soldiers in training and the assistant instructors looked over. The assistant instructors choked as they looked at the couple cuddling in the stands.

"None of you must become rogue like Team Leader Pan. You will be punished if you date the local girls. We're here to train exceptional special forces, not first-rate hooligans."


[1] Refers specifically to the four guardians - Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Turtle, and Red Phoenix.

[2] flirt/tease.