Chapter 149 Doing something wrong with good intentions

Survival training in the wild was a required subject. The recruits were to live for two days and two nights on a single pack of compressed biscuits and a bottle of water handed to each soldier, along with an illegible map. They must arrive at their destination within 48 hours. Otherwise, they'd be kicked out.

The enormous woodland of more than 100 acres came in useful at this time as none of the recruits had ever been there before. The trees were tall, the weeds were thicket-like, the terrain was unknown, and the environment was unclear. On top of all of this, the recruits had to be wary of lurking foes. It tempered not only willpower, but also a variety of all-encompassing attributes. Each group had seven people.

Everyone had a communication gadget with them, but it was only used to announce an exit. There was also a rescue crew. In the event of danger, recruits could request assistance, but doing so also meant quitting.

There were potential threats, ambushes, limited food and water, while time was running out.

Pan Lei and the assistant instructors were also present. They drove, though, and took the main road, arriving at the indicated site ahead of time.

If any of these recruits opted to withdraw, they would bring back the team and the team would then quit.

Pan Lei had bought Tian Yuan the type of snacks that needed to be carried in two enormous plastic bags and had them ready in the jeep. Survival training in the wild was brutal. It required a high level of rapid advance, recruits to fight in the absence of food and water, and all those caught would have to depart. The destiny of the remaining candidates would be decided during this training.

Pan Lei faced the soldiers with his hands clasped behind his back.

"If you kill the lurking enemy, you will get the lurking enemy's food and drinking water. If you get killed, just give up. Because of man-made or natural damage, the map may be inaccurate. It’s eleven fifty hours now. That is, everyone who does not arrive at their destination by twelve hundred hours after forty-eight hours is regarded to have given up and quit. You can ask for aid if you are in danger, but this will also be the end of your quest and you will be made to leave. Each team has seven people, and I'm hoping that all teams make it with their numbers intact. Remember the team spirit. This is the special forces, not 007! You can't be individualistic! Help and rely on one another. If you lose a teammate in that pile, take a hike and look for them again! Then the team can f**k off!!"

Pan Lei glanced at the time, and the assistant instructors began to hand out compressed biscuit packets and bottles of water to each of the recruits.

That was all the food they had for the next 48 hours. They could eat all of it when hungry, but then they'd have to eat air for the rest of the 48-hour time.

Everyone was carrying weapons and marching bags on their backs, and the total weight was more than fifty kilograms. To put it another way, this was a heavy-load rapid advance.

"Tian'er, wait for me. I'm going to fetch a blanket. We'll be going ahead."

There were barely a few minutes left. If they (PL & TY) followed them (the recruits), Tian Yuan would have to spend the night in the vehicle. Pan Lei didn't want Tian Yuan to freeze because he wasn't in good shape.

Tian Yuan nodded as he watched Pan Lei go away. He then hurriedly distributed the ham sausages he had hidden to each recruit.

Pan Lei, this bandit, this warlord, has no idea what it's like to go hungry! Who can survive for 48 hours on a single packet of biscuits?! They'll starve to death! And you want them to march quickly as well? You’re making it impossible for people to live!

Pan Lei had purchased him an abundance of delicious food, and he couldn't take it any longer. This was his army, not slaves he'd trained! How could he have cheated them so badly?

Tian Yuan hurriedly handed each recruit a packet.

"We can't, Doctor Tian. If we accept it, the team leader will expel us from the special forces team. This is training, and it's not allowed."

Someone said while declining the sausages. The recruits were well aware of Team Leader Pan's temper at this point. With a single look, he could kill someone. They couldn't do anything that broke the rules if they wanted to join the special forces.

"Hide it inside your cap so no one notices."

"Doctor Tian, if you give it to them right now, you'll be doing them harm. Put these things away before Team Leader returns. He's going to lose it, and these people will suffer as a result."

The assistant instructor was torn between laughing and crying. This is not the time to keep food hidden, ah. They can't hide food, ah. This is simply not acceptable.

Tian Yuan hurriedly put his stuff away when he noticed Pan Lei return. Helping(?) was no longer an option.

Pan Lei returned with a blanket, feeling that the mood was off. Despite the fact that no one talked or expressed anything, he had the distinct impression that something was amiss. Even as time was running out, he continued to stare at Tian Yuan, who turned his neck and gazed into the distance. Pan Lei looked at the soldiers.

"What just happened?"

No one dared to open their mouths. Dr. Tian just asked them to cheat because he felt sorry for them.

Pan Lei's eyes screamed murder as he looked at the assistant instructor. The assistant instructor steadied himself and gave Tian Yuan a brief glance.

"TIAN YUAN! Get in the car! What’s all this mess? Did you give them something? Take it out for Laozi!"

How could Pan Lei be unaware of Tian Yuan’s little thoughts? Tian Yuan didn't have the map and had no idea where the ambushes were. He was, however, wearing a coat with long sleeves, and his hand didn't stick out. He must have hidden something to eat and given it to these people.

Pan Lei roared, and everyone who had just collected the sausages rushed to take them out. They took it because they were worried about going hungry for 48 hours.

"Don't tell me you're hoping your enemy on the battlefield will send you food. They're only going to send you bullets! Do you believe someone will go to the front to bring you food in the thick of a battle? You think it's the anti-Japanese era and the regular people send you potatoes? Whatever the situation, even the most difficult assignments can be done at the lowest possible cost. That is what the existence of special forces means. You're happy that someone is pampering you, aren't you? Fine! Those who do not arrive an hour early at their destination can get the f**k out of here. You must arrive in 47 hours! YOU, get in the car!"

Tian Yuan was consumed by self-blame. This group of people were hurt as a result of his own decision. The fact that they had to arrive an hour earlier had made the task even more difficult.

Pan Lei's admonition was correct. He felt it was nothing more than a training camp. However, the so-called training was intended to prepare for a future battle. No one would give them food if they actually wanted to hide in the enemy area to do assignments. He undoubtedly did something wrong.

Tian Yuan was dragged into the vehicle by Pan Lei. He intended to give him a thorough scolding before driving, just like he did the recruits. Tian Yuan realized he'd done something wrong and didn't wait for him to say anything.

"Ge, I was wrong. I shouldn't get in the way of your mission or training strategy. I was wrong."

Tian Yuan was quite astute. At this point, it was best for him to accept his mistake and pretend to be pitiful. Pan Lei wouldn't chastise him harshly because he was a typical case of "amenable to coaxing but not coercion." Tian Yuan took Pan Lei's hand in his fawningly and apologized with docility, "I was wrong. I harmed those people. It won't happen again."

Pan Lei couldn't become upset after seeing Tian Yuan take the initiative to admit his mistake and his submissive demeanor. He pinched Tian Yuan's cheek.

"You have undoubtedly caused them trouble. Don't interfere like this again. I'm strict, but it's for their benefit. I'd rather be called the devil today than see them die on the battlefield. Every member of the special forces is trained in this manner. To be the best of troops, the top special forces soldiers, you must be able to withstand any adversity."

"I was wrong. I truly don't dare to do it."

Tian Yuan took the initiative to confess his fault. Pan Lei was correct; he should not be involved in their training believing it was too severe and inhumane. This was something that every special forces soldier had to go through.

"Okay, next time pay attention. You're such a moron. What are we going to serve in the evening when a handful of us drink beer and eat chicken feet if you give these things away?"

"Hehe," Tian Yuan laughed mischievously. This may be interpreted as "every cloud has a silver lining," correct? Pan Lei was no longer enraged, and he would not be held responsible.

"Then, according to the old guidelines, give them 48 hours."

"That is not an option. A man of character must follow through on his words. He can't possibly eat something he's previously spit out. Isn't that revolting?"

He was to be obeyed. He may be a little too severe at times, but it was the kind of toughness that produced the greatest commandos.

Pan Lei, Tian Yuan, and the assistant instructors spent the night in the wilderness, drinking and eating chicken feet and monitoring each recruit's location tracker. Even though it was late, they were still making good progress.

There were some former special forces veterans lurking, reporting on who had encountered a lurker, and after the confrontation, they were either arrested or the lurker was dead.

Nobody asked for help, and no one announced their withdrawal, which was a very good thing.

Pan Lei urged Tian Yuan to wrap his coat and blanket around him before he went to bed. He and the assistant instructor drove in turns, observing this bunch of people. They didn't care whether they were in a roughly 100-acre forest. They had to keep track of their whereabouts at all times. It was difficult to predict what might transpire.

Only the recruits were aware of the challenges they faced. They couldn't wait to bite into the compressed biscuits when they were hungry. Only when their thirst became excruciating did they take a drink of water to moisten their throats. Whether it was difficult or not, they thought about the Red Army's 25000, Shangganling, and the famine years, and continued to forge ahead.

The hour was drawing nearer and nearer. The so-called destination was to let everyone circle the hundred-acre woodland before returning to the military base at eleven hundred hours after forty-seven hours.

Pan Lei, the assistant instructors, and Tian Yuan all looked at the time, expecting those who returned to race rapidly. There were barely a few minutes left, and there were still a few folks who hadn't shown up.

A soldier appeared, carrying his teammate on his back. He was already wobbly, but he didn't let go of his teammate.

Tian Yuan's immediate instinct as a doctor when he spotted the injured was to run over to see the patient. Pan Lei, a multitasking expert, grasped his body while watching the recruits. Only a few dozen meters remained. He couldn't let one action ruin the best special forces soldier.

Tian Yuan was burning with anxiety. Come on, hurry up! He'll make it in time if he picks up the pace. Such a superb soldier cannot simply leave the special forces unit.

He was stumbling and swaying side to side, but he was still carrying his comrade on his back. Someone pushed them forward from behind, and they walked together.

As soon as they crossed the line and arrived at the end point, Pan Lei let go, and Tian Yuan rushed away.

"Team Leader Pan, what we need most is this kind of team member. Someone who refuses to give up any of their companions."

An instructor stated as he watched Tian Yuan examine the injured soldier.

"All right, I know. Isn't it just a few minutes late? I set my watch a few minutes faster yesterday, so they're all good."

This was also a sneaky technique of keeping such a good soldier from leaving. It was only a few minutes, so disregard it. Both smiled, as if there was an unspoken mutual agreement.

Team spirit was supporting, relying on, and assisting one another. This type of person was exactly what the special forces wanted.