Chapter 201 Inuyasha? Pan Jindou’er

Tian Yuan had barely taken off his jacket when Pan Lei shoved open the door and swaggered in. In his arms was a puppy wrapped in numerous old newspapers. Frankly, it couldn't be considered a puppy. It was 60 cm long and covered in golden fur, and it laid pitifully in Pan Lei's embrace.

"Ow! This doggie bit me just now."

Pan Lei put the dog in the corner. Tian Yuan hurriedly led Pan Lei to the bathroom, repeatedly cleaning his wound with soapy water. The wound was red, but it wasn’t bleeding. Tian Yuan checked him thrice and found no bleeding spots, which relieved him.

"It should be fine. The skin is not broken so germs cannot infect it."

Despite this, Tian Yuan disinfected Pan Lei's wound by gently dabbing it with hydrogen peroxide alcohol. The pair then squatted alongside the puppy.

Pan Lei used his finger to poke the puppy.

"It's sluggish. When I went over to investigate, I found it in a worn-out cardboard box. I thought it was cute and seemed well-behaved, so I carried it back. I'm not sure if it was vaccinated."

Tian Yuan put on gloves, lifted the puppy's paws, and examined his entire body.

"Perhaps it's ill. Why don't you take it to the vet?"

Pan Lei gave Tian Yuan a look.

"Aren't you a doctor?"

Tian Yuan gave Pan Lei a slap.

"Laozi is not a veterinarian. You and your dog can both go to the same doctor. You and he are from the same family."

"That's true!" smirked Pan Lei. He embraced his baby and thought the puppy was pitiful.

"I stay in the barracks, so I'd like to get you a dog. At the very least, it can watch the house when I'm not around. It can help you if a petty thief tries to rob the house. Black Lady had a litter before you returned to China. Those little things are super adorable! I was hoping to get you one. However, Tibetan mastiffs are difficult to raise, and an adult Tibetan mastiff cannot be kept in the house; they need more space. I'm not here. Let's say you take the Tibetan mastiff for a walk, but it bolts. Instead of you dragging it back, it will drag you away. I considered this and abandoned the idea. Let's adopt it. Two men and a dog can also be a family. Although I'm not at home, the puppy will accompany you."

Even though the puppy had golden-yellow fur, it did not resemble a Labrador. It appeared to be a crossbreed. Its eyes were dark and it appeared miserable with its floppy ears, making people feel sorry for it.

Keep a dog? Did the puppy's body and mind suffer when the owners were not at home? Tian Yuan didn’t actually want to keep it, but he couldn’t stomach giving it up after seeing its forlorn appearance.

"I think it's around a half-year old. It should be a half-grown dog, so it doesn't need powdered milk. Close the door securely and make sure there's dog food in the dog bowl. Take it for a stroll when you get home from work. It's easy to raise."

Pan Lei scratched the puppy's fur under his neck, and the puppy licked his fingers.

"Look how obedient he is! Doesn't he look like you? His eyes, I think, are the most alike. And look at this pitiful appearance! You look at me like this when you're unhappy and melancholy. It makes me so sad that I can't wait to pile all the nice things in the world in front of you so you can smile happily."

Tian Yuan remained silent, and Pan Lei could not make decisions on his own. After all, the family wished to embrace democracy, so the couple voted by raising their hands. They couldn't let complaints or cracks in their feelings grow due to differences of opinion between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Tian Yuan narrowed his eyes and fixed his gaze on Pan Lei. I'm like this puppy?

Fine, let’s raise it. It’s just a puppy. They would raise a dog instead of adopting a child. It was all the same. At the very least, when Pan Lei was not at home, he would open the door after a long day and say, "Son, dad is back." The puppy would bark in response.

"Alright. Then you take him to the veterinary and have him vaccinated. On your way home from the vet, pick up some dog food, a chain, and a collar. Oh! You'll have to build him a nest at home. I'm hungry and exhausted. You are in charge of these matters."

Pan Lei agreed when he heard this. He hugged Tian Yuan and kissed him loudly. Then he seized the puppy's ears and vigorously lifted it up.

"Hurry and thank your dad for taking you in."

Because the puppy's ears were hurting from being tugged, he growled and tried to bite Pan Lei.

Pan Lei was frightened and swiftly withdrew his hand.

"He, like you, likes to be harsh with me when he's angry."

Tian Yuan slugged him. Yeah, right. When he was enraged, he didn't bite; at most, he kicked him a few times.

"What do we call him? TianTian? YuanYuan? Tian'er won’t do. What if you both run over when I call Tian'er?! Xiao Yuan? Nah! It'll also be bad if the puppy comes running when your parents call out Xiao Yuan when they come over. We need to think of a good name."

Pan Lei was quite worried. He rubbed his chin, as if working out if a rocket fired from there could curve and strike the target.

Tian Yuan stood up and shooed him away mercilessly, asking the dog dad and dog son to take a hike!

"Just give him your surname Pan. Pan Jin, Jin from Golden Retriever. It's perfectly fitting. His nickname is Jinzi." {jīn máo=golden retriever}

Tian Yuan cleansed his hands before opening the fridge. Pan Lei had prepared the food at midday today, so all he needed to do was reheat it in the microwave.

Pan Lei considered a plethora of names, ranging from Harry Potter to ET, from the majestic General Patton to Al Qaeda, from melon to fruits such as pear and peach, to flowers like narcissus, but none of them were reliable. He racked his brain but couldn't think of a good name.

It's safe to conclude that the couple were excellent partners but terrible fathers. This was truly like adopting a child. Pan Lei went insane for three days trying to come up with a nice name for the child. He couldn't name the dog Shengzi[1] or ErLengzi[2], right? Or could he?

Pan Lei started exploring for names in Japanese manga, from Ultraman Tiga to Crayon Shin-chan to One Piece. After some deliberation, he even decided to visit Nyanko-sensei in Natsume's Book of Friends.

Tian Yuan ripped open a packet of traditional Chinese medication and smelled it. Yuck! It smells fishy.

After warming the Chinese medicine, he unwrapped one of his mother-in-law's candies and kept it ready. He took a deep breath and held it, wanting to drink the medicine all at once before quickly eating the candy.

He opened his mouth, stretched his neck, braced himself for his impending death, and drank from the medicine bowl. Gulp, gulp, gulp!

At the same time, Pan Lei clapped his hands as if he were Ikkyū-san who’d suddenly thought of a solution. His eyes lit up.

"Let’s call him Sesshomaru."

Pfff! Tian Yuan spit out all of his Chinese medication, shooting it all over the counter and his body like a jet.

Tian Yuan hurriedly leaned over the kitchen sink and gargled his mouth under the water after spitting out the vile medicine he'd painfully drunk. Ugh! F*ck you, Pan Lei! Can you please stop scaring me, you jerk! You truly are a Pan. Only the Pans can come up with such ridiculous names that are enough to scare people to death.

Tian Yuan had made a spectacular mess spitting out the medicine. His mouth felt disgusting, so he gargled desperately, nearly choked again, and started coughing.

Pan Lei jumped over and patted him on the back before hurriedly bringing him warm water.

"The traditional Chinese medicine my mother got is too bitter, isn’t it? If you can’t drink it, why don't I load it with sugar?"

Tian Yuan almost hated him to death. His family's names were all intense, and now he wished to name even the dog so specially. Could he hope for a normal name? He reckoned that if they ever adopted a child, the child would have a strange name as well. It wouldn’t surprise him if Pan Lei named the kid Newton.

Tian Yuan coughed so violently that he was on the verge of crying. He hadn't eaten anything yet, and it was all Pan Lei's fault. Why was he so obsessed with a name? It was only a puppy. Just call the dog Shengzi, alright? Why did he insist on such a strange name?

"He has the appearance of a Labrador, his coat is golden, and his eyes are black and round, so he is named Jindou’er[3]."

"I think Sesshomaru is better. They’re both puppies. Look at their ears…"

Damn! Sesshomaru's ears are erect, but our puppy’s ears are floppy. Pan Lei stopped and did not bring up this reason again.

"They're both dogs."

This was the sole thing they had in common. Both are puppies, so call him Sesshomaru, ah!

"Pan, Pan Jindou."

Tian Yuan put his foot down. The puppy was Pan Jindou, and Pan Lei was not allowed to change it.

"All right, that's alright."

Pan Lei was still unhappy. Why don't you make use of my Sesshomaru? He glanced at the time. It was 8.40.

"His name is Pan Jindou, and since he was officially adopted at 8.40, his nickname is Sishi’er[4]."

Why do you insist on bringing in a Si[5]? Pan Zhan is Posi’er, there’s a Ling Si’er as well. Here we go again. Now we have Sishi’er. If Pan Zhan knew, he’d make dog meat hot pot in a fit of rage.

"You eat first, baby. I'll take him to the vet for vaccines and use the opportunity to give him a bath. I'll return once I've taken care of him."

Their home had a new family member since then. Tian Yuan was not alone when he got home when Pan Lei was not around. Having a pet could provide Tian Yuan with some company. He was simply worried about not taking proper care of him.

Tian Yuan drank another bowl of medicine after eating and grieved so bitterly that he gobbled the candy. He turned on the computer to begin writing the surgery report for today. Pan Lei returned about halfway through. The puppy had had an injection and was sad.

"It's nothing major; it's just a cold with a fever. He's already gotten an injection and medication. He's been bathed, so he's clean. I'll make him a kennel."

"Or we can leave him in the guest room."

Tian Yuan dug up some of his old clothing. On his way home, Pan Lei purchased a dog kennel. It was a sizable basket. They made a thick mattress out of Tian Yuan's old clothes, covered the puppy with a small blanket, and placed the basket in the corner of their bedroom.

"He’s so warm. The vet said that the puppy is most likely a stray dog and has been hurt. If we wish to adopt him, we must shower him with love and talk to him frequently so that he does not feel lonely and relies more on us. He will thrive after he becomes acquainted with his new surroundings. The doctor also said that he is only five months old, and should grow a bit more. He’ll be a handsome lad by then."

"You're in charge of bathing him, and you're in charge of taking him for a walk."

"Not a problem! Go ahead and start writing. We'll go to bed when you're finished."

Pan Lei appeared to have found his toy and was no longer as bored as before while waiting for him. Normally, he would have disturbed Tian Yuan every 10 minutes with "Are you done writing? Let's go to bed." and would have dragged Tian Yuan back to their bedroom as soon as he heard Tian Yuan had completed writing.

Tian Yuan focussed on his writing with no interruptions from Pan Lei. He not only completed the operation report, but he also drafted several paragraphs for his paper. When he felt an ache in his neck and saw that it was getting late, he turned off the computer, had a shower, and went to bed.

He walked into the room and noticed Pan Lei sitting on the floor, talking to Jindou'er.

Jindou'er seemed to have regained some vigor after receiving the injection. He’d raised his head to look at Pan Lei.

"That's your Little Dad, and I'm your Dad. You must protect your little dad when I am not home. If anyone approaches him, male or female, and is intimate with him, you bite them. When Dad returns, you will be rewarded with pork sausage."

Tian Yuan was torn between laughing and crying. This was training a spy for use!

[1] Leftover son.

[2] Dolt son.

[3] Jin=golden; dou=bean/pea.

[4] Sishi=40.

[5] Si=4.