Chapter 207 Pan Lei leads a child astray

Want to go back? It's not gonna be easy. Given the current state of affairs, it would take at least three months.

Pan Lei just needed two days to set up camp. There were hidden sentries within five miles and surveillance cameras within ten miles of the stockaded village arranged in these two days. The border was barely twenty miles away, and it was an area of rugged mountains and impenetrable forests, so defense had to be strict.

Pan Lei brought men with him to clean up the cave in the rear mountain, which would be used as an air-raid shelter. If there was a real fight, bullets don’t have eyes and may injure civilians, which had to be avoided at all costs.

Myanmar's situation had been tense in recent years. Every year, artillery bombardment occurred, the Myanmar authorities officially apologized, and some people crossed the border illegally. Many Myanmar citizens were fed up with the country's poverty and backwardness and decided to flee to China. The Chinese government also set up temporary shelters and deported some people back to Myanmar. Because there were so many people coming over, the effect was minimal.

Bandits are created in this manner. They believe it is simply a means of making money, but it is not legal. The drug trade had to be cleaned up at home.

They couldn’t allow any drug channel to form.

Some of the special forces brought in were legal experts. The commandos were all talented in any case. Simply calling out any commando's name at random guaranteed that they were a talent. They were subjected to rigorous training, including classes in international law.

Pan Lei organized for personnel to promote the law among the community, with an interpreter on hand to explain matters. These locals were also honest and generous. When the reality became clear, they all acknowledged it.

Pan Lei and his men resided on the fringes of the fortified village. They were self-sufficient and did not disturb civilians. They would cook on their own after the military supplies were delivered. They strictly followed the Eight Great Disciplines, not taking a grain of rice from the common people or taking advantage of them in any way.

The sentry patrolled around the clock. They could only patrol on foot because there was no vehicle. The signal was poor. They needed to find at least one high ground to make a call.

When the military supplies arrived, they included a large bag of candy. Pan Lei, who had a cold face while smoking a cigarette, grabbed a handful of candies and handed it to a child.

"For you."

The child looked at the candies, then at Pan Lei, who was frowning and smoking a cigarette, burst into tears, and fled in terror.

Pan Lei extinguished his cigarette under his heel.

"Damn it! Laozi will never raise a child! They’re too f*cking hard to serve. They’re not even as good as my hubby’s fingernail. No wonder some people say that children are alien lifeforms, the scariest things!"

The interpreter quickly grabbed the sweets and rushed to coax the child.

In fact, it’s not the child’s fault. Why don't you look in the mirror, Pan Lei? You're wearing combat boots, smoking a cigarette, carrying a gun, and your face is covered in dark brown and green camo paint. Based on that frowning and gloomy face of yours, those in the know will recognize you as the commander of the special forces squad. Those who don’t will suspect you of being a human trafficker. That height, that scary appearance… how could the bright yet timid child not cry?

Tian Yuan likes me like this. He likes it so much that he fondles me admiringly. But Pan Lei, if you test it on someone else, they will be scared away.

Speaking of my family’s baby… Pan Lei took out his phone and discovered that there was no reception at all.

F*ck! I miss my baby. I need to find a high point to look for a signal. The current situation was worse than it had been while Tian Yuan was overseas.

This was a genuine 'mobile' phone call. Pan Lei held the phone high, moving it to the left and right in an attempt to pick up the signal. He took a step back and nearly tripped over someone. When he turned around, he saw a boy standing behind him. He was staring at him with big black eyes.

"What are you doing following me?"

Weren't these terrifying creatures scared of him? Didn't he just scare a kid into crying? Why was this small brat following him so fearlessly? Pan Lei's voice was harsh. His attentiveness and patience had all been given to Tian Yuan, and there was nothing left. You couldn't get him to be patient even as a child.

Pan Lei inquired impatiently, his tone unpleasant and annoyed.

"Candy, I want candy."

Whoa, this little brat has a lot of guts to eat.

"You bring me to the back mountain, and I'll give you candy."

The little boy gazed at Pan Lei and began walking in front of him. Pan Lei gave a devilish grin. Hurt your body for the sake of your mouth, and revere your father-in-law for the sake of your wife[1]. This was an excellent argument. For candy, this little brat wasn't scared of him.

Pan Lei was led to the back mountain by the child. It was labeled as the back mountain, but it was basically just a modest soil slope. A large mountain with pristine forest stood behind the soil slope.

Pan Lei took out his mobile phone and saw a full signal bar. Nice! This is a good place. He phoned Tian Yuan right away.

"Is my baby there? Call my baby and say his lover is looking for him."

Pan Lei and Tian Yuan were laughing and exchanging jokes. Tian Yuan had just taken a break when he received Pan Lei’s call. He was overjoyed.

"Your family’s baby is wondering what you’re busy with these days, you ba$tard."

"You know I can't disclose anything. Ge misses you so much, baby. You have no idea how difficult these last few days have been for me. I had to walk about ten minutes to find a location where I could make a phone call. I really want to go home and wrap my arms around my baby and sleep peacefully. Have you been busy, honey? Did Mom bring you dinner?"

"It's business as usual."

The child on the side started tugging on Pan Lei's jacket. Pan Lei would immediately forget everything else once he called his baby. He wouldn’t care even if a bullet came at him. He was completely absorbed in his conversation with his beloved. He stretched out and pushed the boy away when he tugged on his jacket.

The child staggered but continued to pull on Pan Lei, unyielding.

"If you make any more noise, I'll throw you up on the mountain to feed the wolves!"

Pan Lei yelled at the child while covering the phone's microphone.

The child gawked at him blankly, neither crying nor making a fuss.

"What are you doing? Who are you tossing up the mountain? How can you say that! Are you exploding at your subordinates again? They're your comrades in arms, so can't you keep your cool a little?"

He was always cursing at others in a loud voice. Could he not be a little milder? A dutiful son is not always found under the stick. There would be rebellion if the high-handed policy was too severe.

"It’s nothing. By the way, where's our son, dear?"

"He's dozing off at my feet. Today, Lin Mu gave him a chicken leg. This little rascal fell in love with Lin Mu and followed him around all the time."

Tian Yuan remarked as he stroked Jindouer's fur. There was now one more topic the couple discussed. Their phone calls used to be rambling and endless, but now they talked a lot about Jindou’er. Because they couldn't call each other whenever and wherever they wanted like previously, and they couldn't video chat like before, the call time was extremely long. Pan Lei now had a long-life battery, and he would hang up only when the phone became too hot.

The little boy suddenly screamed into Pan Lei's ear.

"I will toss you up the mountain to feed the wolves, you son[2]!"

Pan Lei smirked as he bared his teeth. He was lucky he was still a child, since Pan Lei would have really booted him down the hill. You need a spanking, you little ba$tard.

"Get lost, you little gangster!"

"Give me candy!"

Tian Yuan believed he had finally grasped what was going on. There was a young foodie at Pan Lei’s side, and Pan Lei, this mature a$$hole, was arguing with a kid.

"Pan Lei, can you have some shame? What are you quarreling with a child for? I believe the two of us should never adopt a child. If our family has a child, I think you will beat it up and toss it out on the street. There's no way to provide him/her with a happy childhood. You have such a bad temper! Quick now. Coax him and give him some candy. Don't yell at him again."

Tian Yuan was at a loss for words when it came to Pan Lei. He was loud, drank, and kicked up a racket with his men like rogue bandits all day. He was now causing trouble with a child. Why was a big guy like him getting into an argument with a kid? They were clearly unsuitable for adopting children. They were doomed to disappoint Mama Dang Hong. It wasn't so much that they didn't want to adopt a child as their temperaments were unsuitable. Tian Yuan reasoned that if there was a child, he or she would have to deal with domestic violence.

If Pan Lei was a ferocious lion capable of eating people, Tian Yuan was an animal trainer who could subdue him in one sentence.

Pan Lei groped around, looking through his pockets while holding the phone between his ear and shoulder.

"Crap! Laozi can’t possibly have candy on him."

The little boy grew enraged when he heard this. Adults are liars. They deceive children. The boy puffed up, and despite how scary Pan Lei was, and regardless of the fact that he'd scared a little friend to tears, the boy raised his foot and kicked Pan Lei.

"Grownups are liars!"

While glaring at Pan Lei fiercely, the lad tightened his fists and waited for his reaction. Pan Lei rubbed his lower back, where this little brat had kicked him.

"Baby, this kid is just like an alien product. Damn it! Laozi is dying to beat him up."

Tian Yuan couldn't help but touch Jindou'er as he heard the kid shout that adults are all liars. In comparison, their dog son was better. At the very least, it would not become angry with them.

"Coax him."

"I’ll only coax you, never others."

Pan Lei patted his pockets, fished out a pack of cigarettes, pulled one out, and placed it in the child's mouth.

"Give it a shot. It’s fantastic stuff. It can make you forget unhappy things."

The child was skeptical, but he accepted it. Pan Lei personally lit it for him, then took another one out and lit it for himself. He took a huge drag and expelled a smoke ring to demonstrate. The kid similarly took a deep drag and promptly began coughing.

Pan Lei rocked with laughter. He’d never seen such a silly child. He was too amusing.

"Pan Lei! What great deed did you do this time? You’re an adult. Even if you usually make fun of me, you’re not allowed to mock a kid."

"I'll send you a photo to show you, baby."

The child's coughing had stopped. Pan Lei reinserted the cigarette in the child's mouth, took a drag and exhaled in the boy's face, snapped a photo, and sent it to Tian Yuan. Tian Yuan phoned him two minutes later and abused him roundly.

"How dare you do such mean things, you rascal! See how I beat you if you dare to teach the child messy things again. The whip Dad gave me is still in my hand, you hear? I'll thrash you when you come back, and if you dare to do such an a$$hole thing again, laozi won’t spare you."

Pan Lei laughed heartily. He hadn't heard his hubby scolding him in some days and was feeling uneasy all over. He felt relieved after being lectured like this by Tian Yuan. Listen, his family’s little hot pepper had caught fire. He felt he was making chili oil. The aroma had spread with a sizzle. He was the only one who could hear his darling’s angry yelling as his hair exploded. Tian Yuan reprimanded him and cursed him, making this dull day - a day when he could only hear but not see his man - exciting and causing him to mobilize all of his emotions. He imagined the expression on Tian Yuan’s face and entertained himself.


[1] Obvious, but here you go. This expression implies that you are willing to suffer in order to get something you desperately want. For example, eating something unhealthy because you appreciate the taste of it. In this context, PL is hinting that the kid is brave since he wants to eat candy and is ready to overlook PL's scariness.

[2] You know how the Chinese use grandpa, laozi, and other words to express arrogance. The kid refers to PL as "son" to show that he (the kid) is the boss. lol