Chapter 222 The dumb duo

Tian Yuan didn't want to be hooked up to an IV any more. A typical cold usually recovers in a week, so why bother going through the misery again? Antibiotic overuse is bad. He'd simply take some cold medicine at home.

Pan Lei was not convinced. He was worried that Tian Yuan would get a fever again at night. Having a high temperature in the middle of the night was a nightmare!

"Let's go to the hospital and get you checked. We'll return if Xiaji says you don't require an IV. We haven't purchased invitations cards yet, so we'll also go meet with the wedding planner. We'll do the minor preparations ourselves. I lost my phone and need to replace it. By the way, let's get a new quilt in a festive bright red."

"Was your head squished by the car door? Bright red? You don’t think it’s embarrassing?"

So vividly colored? He wasn't heading to the countryside to marry a wifey.

"Let’s go. I'll buy you some chicken BBQ on the way back."

Tian Yuan's interest was stirred. BBQ sounds delicious. Me likes. He reluctantly allowed Pan Lei to assist him in putting on the coat, shoes, and tying the shoelaces. Tian Yuan kicked Pan Lei in the ass when he moved to carry him on his back.

"Get lost! You're acting as if I'm disabled."

This living ancestor has a very nasty temper when he’s ill. Pan Lei shut the door behind him and took him downstairs. Tian Yuan spoke with him while going.

"Ten skewers. I'm dying to snack at a roadside stall. Barbecue and beer go well together."

"Those things are unhygienic. You're not usually a big fan of food. Why are you drooling over it today? I've heard that pregnant women have food cravings. Are you expecting my child?"

Pan Lei smiled wickedly and touched his belly.

Pan Lei jumped down three steps as Tian Yuan lifted his foot towards him. Tian Yuan pursued him, frightening Pan Lei to death.

"Please, my ancestor, don't play with tricky moves. The fall could make you stupid."

Pan Lei grabbed his waist and told him to walk properly, asking him not to mess about because they were on the stairs.

When they got to the second floor, a door opened and a husband emerged, his arms placed around his pregnant wife. They slowed their pace to allow the couple to pass first. The lady walked slowly, and her husband was beside her, supporting her lower back and repeatedly urging her to be careful.

"Slow down, slow down, don't fall, pay attention to the steps."

Pan Lei turned to face Tian Yuan. Moments ago, he'd also wrapped his arms around Tian Yuan's waist and cautioned him about talking a tumble.

The attitude, tone, and even the arm around the waist were all identical.

Exactly the same.

"Husband, I really want a hamburger."

The pregnant lady spoke coquettishly.

"That's not healthy. You didn't care for it before. Why do you like it now?"

Tian Yuan's face darkened. Wtf! How come this dialogue and this scene were so familiar?

Pan Lei laughed uncontrollably. He was laughing so hard that he held his stomach and leaned down. Oh my goodness, this is so strangely similar! Tian Yuan had just acted coquettishly with him, stating he wanted to eat BBQ and he'd also hugged his baby. The couple stimulated him immensely.

He swore he was gentler and more caring than that husband, but why was his darling so similar to that woman? This time, his little lord's ego had taken a critical hit.

Tian Yuan hit Pan Lei with his elbow.

"Keep a one-meter distance between you and me! You're treating me like a woman, your grandma!! I'm going to kick you downstairs!"

Tian Yuan was so enraged that he would almost certainly act on his statements. He had no qualms about the entire situation when there was no comparison. But when he met the pregnant lady, he felt he was being too sissy. He was also a man, a real man, okay?!

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. This is also a show of love. Don't be angry. Instead of going to some random bbq joint, I'll take you to a Korean barbecue restaurant. It's hygienic and clean, and you'll like it."

Only then did Tian Yuan feel content and proceeded down the stairs. Who knew the man in front of them on the stairs had something more to say.

"Okay, okay. Wife, let’s go get a Chinese hamburger. It’s the same, and the donkey hamburger is more nutritious than the western hamburger."

Pan Lei sat on the ground. The poor chap was unable to take another step. Let him laugh for a bit before saying anything. His belly hurt from laughing so hard.

"Pan Lei, go to hell!"

When they arrived at the hospital, Tian Yuan was infuriated, and Pan Lei was still rubbing his chin. Ow, ow, ow; it hurts. He couldn't stop laughing, and to his surprise, his hubby punched his chin, warning, "You're laughing at me! I dare you to laugh once more. Just try it."

My jaw hurts, so no thanks.

When Xiaji finally had some spare time, he noticed the pair seated in the IV zone.

Tian Yuan had no choice but to continue the treatment after another bottle of IV drip was pierced.

Pan Lei sat alongside him, the hand pierced with the IV drip on his lap, and stroked Tian Yuan's arm to keep him warm. Tian Yuan's shoulders were covered by Pan Lei's overcoat. It was the end of spring, yet Tian Yuan was dressed in a thick coat that had been specifically brought for him to keep him warm.

Tian Yuan's complexion had improved significantly, and he was no longer bluish white, but pale. Tian Yuan was reclining on the chair and fiddling with his phone with his free hand. He was fatigued after a while of leaning on it, so he slumped on Pan Lei's shoulder. Pan Lei turned his body and spread his arms out to hold him in his arms, allowing him to lean on more comfortably. With nothing better to do, he sat and watched Tian Yuan play on the phone.

There were a number of folks there getting IVs. A parent accompanied their child, a child accompanied their parent, and young couples were also present, but none were as close as the two of them. There was a couple next to them, and instead of being half-hugged in his arms, the girl just rested against the boy's shoulder.

They were being absolutely high-profile. I am happy, and I want everyone to see it. This is my lover, who is better than anybody else and loves me more than anyone else.

Outsiders' gaze has no effect on us; we simply live this way. I enjoy spoiling him, which is completely essential.

Xiaji grinned and approached them.

"Oh, is this small thing dying? How about I give you a full-body examination. Especially your kidneys. You’re so loving that you might have a kidney deficiency."

"You don't have anything pleasant to say?"

Tian Yuan shot him a dirty look.

"It's alright. He's drinking TCM. It’s good for his health."

"Oh~ TCM tonic, that’s good. Keep taking it. It’s very good for kidney deficiency."

Tian Yuan sat up straight, moved out of Pan Lei's arms, and put his phone away.

"When are you getting off duty? Please join us for dinner."

"Yes, join us. Tian'er wants to eat barbecue. Let's go pick a barbecue spot. Have a few drinks, then go home and sleep soundly."

Xiaji agreed with a nod. Someone was inviting him to dinner, so why not go.

"I'm not in the mood for BBQ. I'm not going to eat it ever again. Let's go to Zhang Hui's place. I'm craving seafood."

Pan Lei suppressed his chuckle. He understood why Tian Yuan was unhappy. The couple upset him.

"Okay, anything you want to eat, we'll eat. Come on then, let's go eat together. Dr. Xiaji?"

Xiaji frowned, perplexed as to why he was feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Let’s also contact Lin Mu and the others. After all, they were also worried and troubled because of the mix up this time."

After Tian Yuan said that, Xiaji reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Go finish your work. You'll be done with work by the time I finish my IV. Let's go together."

Xiaji nodded and walked away.

"Do you think these guys are all acting strange?"

"Of course they are. When are they not acting strange? Is this the first time you’ve seen Lin Mu with a scalpel? You’ve been working with him for a long time now. He always has a scalpel. Zhang Hui is also not what he appears to be. I'm not familiar with Xiaji, so I can't comment. Does it hurt? It took two pricks to get it in. Seeing it breaks my heart."

"My blood vessels are slightly thinner than average. That's why I hate drips. Everything began with the fundamentals when I was studying medicine. To pass, we also had to demonstrate injection administration. You can't practice on a patient's arm, so I did it on myself, and I couldn't even lift my arm."

Pan Lei took his other hand and kissed it numerous times, his eyes filled with pity.

"My baby had a rough time."

Tian Yuan shoved him while smiling. That was a long time ago; he was only twenty at the time. Indeed, the more you're spoiled, the more you regress. Pan Lei now grasped his hand in his palm and treasured him like a child.

"Hey, be careful! If the needle is crooked again, you will suffer again."

Pan Lei carefully placed his palm on his knee, ensuring that there was no issue before continuing to hug him.

They spoke about which phone to buy. Pan Lei was interested in Tian Yuan's wishes. He intended to give the newly purchased phone to Tian Yuan to replace the old mobile phone he was currently using.

People came and went, but they were in their own world, a warm and loving one. Nobody could get in; all they could do was look in and envy from the outside.

Finally, the IV bottle was depleted. Tian Yuan intended to extract the needle by himself. He could perform such a simple task on his own.

Pan Lei didn’t let him.

"I'll call the nurse. You’re not allowed to do it yourself. Active blood vessels bleed."

"Then come. You've also learned some basic first aid. Why bother calling a nurse for something that can be done in a matter of seconds? They are also extremely busy."

Pan Lei desperately shook his head.

"I can't. Seeing them puncture you with the needle made me feel like my heart was being stabbed. Isn't pulling out the needle the same as pulling out the knife? Even if you beat me up, I won't."

He’s not afraid of killing people, but can’t do such a trivial thing. Is he a man?

Tian Yuan despised him.

When Pan Lei noticed a nurse approaching from a distance, he hastened to summon her. The young nurse trotted over, took care of it in a flash, rolled the tube over and over again, and smiled as Pan Lei raised Tian Yuan's arm, gingerly stroking the pricked site.

"Doctor Tian, ​​you are so lucky."

A woman would envy such meticulous care.

Tian Yuan nodded and smiled. He was really fortunate to have Pan Lei by his side.

They were waiting for Xiaji, who hadn't arrived yet. Pan Lei wrapped his arms about Tian Yuan’s shoulders and examined the needle holes on the back of his hands, which hurt him more than a knife stab. Sigh, I really hate to see him with even a minor wound.

When he looked up, he noticed the advertisement on the wall. It was playing on the television screen. Infertility? No children? Visit XX Hospital. Get treatment this year, and get pregnant the next year.

Pan Lei laughed again when he remembered the pregnant lady.

"Honey, you said you're healthy, so why can't you become pregnant? Do you want to go there and do some tests?"

Tian Yuan followed his eyes, saw the advertisement, and kicked him.

"F*ck you, Pan Lei. Laozi is a man, a pure man."

"How about I go get a checkup?"

"You can go to hell!"

I’m going to kick him to death. He angered him every single day.