Chapter 234 Dunce[1] borrows Leizi’s wedding to propose

Tian Yuan's soft coaxing brought this dramatic scene to a close. Pan Lei's eyes were red, yet he was still as handsome as ever. Tian Yuan assisted him in tidying his jacket hem, adjusted his tie, and smiled at him. Pan Lei was like a well-mannered huge dog who waited patiently.

"That's nice, this is marriage," someone laughed.

"The true essence of love is to work hard for love and be tolerant for love."

The emcee concluded that they stood hand in hand and that no one could deny that they looked good together. This was true love.

Huang Kai fists were clenched. Work hard for love and be brave for love. He felt that he needed to do something.

Just then, the emcee pronounced them married and urged the newlyweds to kiss.

When Pan Lei approached Tian Yuan and wanted to kiss his baby, Huang Kai appeared unexpectedly, startling them both into instantly stopping their actions. What on earth was he doing?

Huang Kai took a large bunch of roses from the ones that were being utilized as decoration. It was a huge bouquet of vibrant red roses. He took a couple long strides towards Pan Ge.

Everyone took notice of Huang Kai's unusual behavior. What did his abrupt movement mean? Did he intend to kidnap a bride?

Who would have thought he'd run in front of Pan Ge? Pan Ge was taken aback as well. What was this missing-strings[2] guy up to?

Huang Kai got down on one knee and offered the roses to Pan Ge.

"Pan Ge, I, I’ve always been timid, and I was afraid to tell our families about us. I’ve led you astray, taken you to bed, and let you continue to accuse me of being weak, useless, and cowardly, daring to do but not daring to be. I've had a clear thought: be brave for love, work hard for love. Pan Ge, I love you, and I know you love me too. Please marry me. If both my and your dads punish us…well, let's elope. Marry me."

Everyone was in an uproar. Damn! No way, no how. Is this wedding going to turn into a double wedding?

"Oh my! I told you we'd become relatives, in-law. Following the wedding, our two families will also plan such a wedding for them. Let's discuss gift money, bride price, and the like."

Second Aunt Pan gently patted Huang Kai's mother's hand and addressed her as her in-law. Huang Kai's mother nearly passed out. What's this situation? What did her son mean when he said he'd ruined Pan Ge and took him to bed? What have you done, son?

"I will make sure my family’s Xiao Kai takes responsibility for Pan Ge."

Mama Huang was unequivocal. A big gangster had an affair with the Chief of Police? Oh God, when did her son become so promising?

Pan Ge smiled as he accepted the roses.

"You little sonofab*tch, I didn't expect you to be so brave. Okay, I accept your marriage proposal. However, you must follow the family rules, and I believe there are a few gaps that must be filled. Come over to my place tonight and we'll go over the family rules again."

Huang Kai scratched his head and consented.

"Family rules? Haven't I always been honest?"

Pan Ge pulled him up and rubbed his hair.

"I remember a woman calling you yesterday, honey. You must explain what happened. Tonight, we'll revise the family rules. If you don't follow it, be prepared to be spanked."

Huang Kai turned pale and touched his buttocks in panic. Now he wanted to say: I regret it; I shouldn't have proposed. If he said the proposal just now didn’t count, would he be slapped to death? He’d surely be hung and whipped.

"Damn it! Why the hell are you proposing during our wedding, you f*cking ba$tard? You’re looking for a fight! Tut!"

Pan Lei hugged Tian Yuan and gave Huang Kai the middle finger in his heart.

"Baby, let's continue."

Zhang Hui reached for the roses, pulled one out, and broke off all the petals, leaving only a bare stalk that he pinned to his chest pocket.

Chen Ze grinned at Lin Mu, but Lin Mu entirely disregarded him.

"Laoniang is also looking for someone to propose to."

Tian Yuan pushed Pan Lei away and moved closer to Pan Yue.

"Do you see the man in the last row on the left, Big Sis? He's had a crush on you for a long time and has always wanted to marry you. He is the captain of Pan Lei's commando unit's operations team, and he is highly promising. He's a good man, and we get along great. He's also an extremely attentive person who has a university degree."

Pan Yue's eyes lit up. She picked up a bouquet of roses, and went to the assistant instructor to chat.

"Hey, my sister-in-law told me you wanted to marry me. If you don't mind, let's talk alone in the evening. We'll get the certificate tomorrow if possible."

The deputy instructor's heart shook. It was the first time in his life that he experienced a forced marriage proposal. And it was none other than the black rose.

Aunt Pan gasped and rushed over with small steps to sit beside the assistant instructor. The more the mother-in-law gazed at her son-in-law, the more she liked him.

"Yes, have a good talk tonight. This young man is really nice. YueYue, jiayou! Mom believes in you."

She’s finally getting married. Aunt Pan was overjoyed as a mother.

The assistant instructor wanted to cry. He didn't really want to marry this tough girl.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the banquet is ready. Please move downstairs. The feast will begin in half an hour."

Mama Dang Hong was the ideal parent at this time, and everyone went downstairs to wait for the meal to begin.

Zhang Hui approached Xiaji and offered him the bald rose stem.

"Will you marry me?"

Xiaji whacked Zhang Hui's head with the flower stem.

"Marry your uncle's head. Get lost for laozi! Do you realize I'm allergic to pollen? But you're still giving me this damned thing. It would be better to send some money directly. I prefer the scent of copper to the smell of flowers. Besides, don’t you know that flowers are plant reproductive organs? What do you mean by giving me genitals? You’re such a pervert."

Zhang Hui burst out laughing. Ouch! This fairy’s poisonous mouth can choke someone to death. Xiaji threw him off and glared at him as he hooked Xiaji's shoulders.

"F*ck off! You smell like pollen. You’re trying to make me sneeze, aren’t you."

"Oh you, didn’t you eat any sugar today? Why is your mouth so poisonous? It doesn't matter. I'll ask them to give you a dessert today that is sure to sweeten your mouth and make you say good things."

Xiaji didn't say anything in response. With some awkwardness, he let Zhang Hui take him to the rear kitchen to enjoy the dessert that was supposed to be particularly sweet.

Chen Ze walked silently beside Lin Mu.

"They're all getting married or proposing. Why are you acting so awkward? I finally fell for someone, and I believe I've met the confidant and partner of my dreams. You're still awkward with me. You're being coquettish with me while keeping a frigid face?"

Lin Mu pulled a scalpel from his pocket and waved it, allowing chilly light to enter Chen Ze's eyes.

"Don't mess around with knives. What age are you? What if you hurt your hand while playing with this? Give it to me quickly."

Lin Mu coldly slashed the dagger at Chen Ze, who dodged and reached his arms out to clasp Lin Mu's waist.

"Darling, you will be widowed if I die."

Lin Mu drew another scalpel from his pocket and pointed it at Chen Ze's lower body.

"If you molest me again, I'll instantly make you a eunuch."

Chen Ze let go helplessly of his hands, moved behind him, and began babbling.

"Why is your temper so awkward? I told you earlier that you are exactly the same as my first love. You look like my future boyfriend. This is a match made in heaven. You're going to scare me like this. You are aware that I am a logistics worker who does not usually exercise. I don’t have much skill. Won't you feel sorry if this actually chopped me up, cut me off? It will injure my body, but it will break your heart."

Lin Mu snorted and picked up the pace.

"Hey, hey, did you just throw me a flirtatious look? It’s so seductive."

Pan Lei and Tian Yuan were unaware of these developments. They were back to being all lovey-dovey.

"Baby, we're going to toast our guests at the table next. Remember, I'll pour the wine which is actually water for you. If someone hands you a glass, you must not drink it. There are so many people that we’ll be drunk before we see half of them. That’s not cool."

How could Tian Yuan forget? Pan Lei would hug and kiss him after drinking too much, kissing him nonstop. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Absolutely can't drink too much.

Zhang Hui was, to put it mildly, a black-bellied individual. He organized all of the seats normally, but he just happened to arrange Xiaji's seat next to him.

Pan Ge, Huang Kai, Xiaji, ​​Zhang Hui, Lin Mu, and Chen Ze were all at the same table.

Who knows with whom Chen Ze had switched. He most likely squeezed Pan Zhan out and sat next to Lin Mu.

Zhang Hui ordered a few plates of desserts. None of these big men liked eating them, but Xiaji devoured them.

The service had finally begun. Pan Ge extended his chopsticks and served Huang Kai some side dishes. When Huang Kai ate them, Pan Ge gave a rare gentle smile, as if he was looking at his own son. Zhang Hui shivered. Pan Ge spoiled Huang Kai so much? When did they first get together?

The dishes were served one after the other, and Chen Ze took something from each and served it to Lin Mu, who did not use chopsticks. He began cutting the food on his plate and putting it in his mouth with a scalpel in each hand.

"Would you mind putting that thing away? Just looking at it makes me nervous."

Zhang Hui couldn't take it any longer and asked Lin Mu to put his scalpels away. It's just food, so please don't cut vegetables with the expression of someone being dismembered, okay? How can we eat when you're acting like this?

"What's wrong with my scalpels? What’s it to you? I’m not eating your food. I don't generally perform surgery, but I'd like to experience the feeling of wielding a scalpel."

Lin Mu grinned and tossed a scalpel at Xiaji.

Xiaji caught it and stabbed the chicken in front of him.

"Extremely sharp."

Zhang Hui felt like he'd been stabbed in the bones. His ribs hurt from seeing the scalpel on the chicken's body, but this heartless thing was still praising the scalpel's sharpness.

"You like it? I'll give you a set, and I'll give Tian Yuan a set as well. Tian Yuan also said that it’s excellent. It was imported from Germany. I like to peel fruit with a hand knife, eat, and deal with people I dislike. If any skinless and faceless person dares to keep appearing near me, I’m going to throw him on the dissection table and skin him alive."

Lin Mu's expression was sinister and his gorgeous face contorted when he said those few words at the finish.

Unmoved, Chen Ze leaned down and removed a military dagger with a pine green leather case from his leg, placed it on the table, pulled out the dagger, and smiled at Lin Mu.

"It's better to make the most of everything. Scalpels are used to save people, while my military dagger is used to kill them."

He severed a chicken thigh from the chicken dish, placed it in his bowl, and looked at Lin Mu with mirth.

"Let's eat."

Eat your uncle's head!


[1] èr huò: fool; dunce; foolishly cute person.

[2] Refers to people who are short-sighted and do things poorly.


It's raining proposals! Lin Mu's threats are falling on deaf ears. 

Xiaji saying flowers=genitals is hilarious