Chapter 31 The Guestroom


The reason why Weiss says 「The wise I」 is because he’s an intelligence sword.(1)


According to,the information Weiss extracted from the phantom killer’s headーー





That guy’s name was Zudah Maltous.

As expected, He was the 4th fiancé of Feria-san.

He drank heavily at a dinner party and grabbed at the third prince, and other than that various other evil deeds of his were exposed, and he was expelled from the Maltous House. It seems he changed his name after that and became dependent on the adventurer’s guild, but he kept inviting trouble and was finally punished by being expelled, and before long he stooped to the jobs on the other side.(T/N : basically illegal stuff)

The magic sword Zudah had been using was the “Advance Payment” for the assassination request, and if he succeeded, he told that he’d been promised enough to live his whole life without doing anything else and a position in the empire.


……Why did the empire pop up here?



(Alty, do you recognise him?

According to the analysis of the Wise and great I, he seems like a the one who requested it?)




The thing Weiss transferred a part of Zudah’s memories.

The client seemed like an orc who came out in RPGs.

He was stout and fat, and his huge upturned nose stood out conspicuously.




I felt as if I’d met him somewhere, but my trove of memories didn’t open completely.


No sooner than I tilted my head in doubt that Kajero replied in my stead promptly.




(It’s the high priest of Rokisona, Lord Profen.

It seems he had attended the party at the trade town of Spiril.

He was a worthless small fry, and therefore excluded from the observation targets, but for him to bare his fangs at Princess, it’s surely not……)




The silence following that spoke volumes of Kajero’s surprise.

I’m also of the same thought.

I didn’t even imagine that I’d hear high priest Profen’s name here.




However, it wasn’t something impossible.

Translate the chapter into English here

Perrs 41

Staxaptol 41 Zo Kuochleem

Zo loaxasen hupp Woipt saxays 「Zo wiso Pum」 dis focaxauso who’s up dinkorrigonco sweld.<pit did=”staxaptol_neto1″></pit><pit whlob=”#staxaptol_beetneto1″><sup>[1]</sup></pit>


Acceldick te,zo dinbelmaxatien Woipt oxtlaxandow blem zo wixaxankem girrol’s whoaxadーーZis slaxansraxatien waxas cheron blem waxataxaskiwaxasugeidosu (pet) weldplopt (pet) cem.

Zaxat kuupp’s naxamo waxas Thudaxah Vaxarteus.

As oxpondow, Who waxas zo 3th biaxancé eb Boliaxa-saxan.

Who wraxant whoaxavirupp axat pit innol paxaltupp pi klaxaffow axat zo zild plinco, pi ethol zaxan zaxat maxalieus ethol ovir poods eb whis wolo oxpesow, pi who waxas oxporrow blem zo Vaxarteus Wheuso. Dit sooms who staxackow whis naxamo axabtol zaxat pi focaxamo podoctonk en zo axadvonkulol’s kuird, fut who goss dinvitick sleufro pi waxas bini ox puniskow fupp foick oxporrow, pi fobelo reck who cheepow te zo nefs en zo ethol sido.(T/N : faxasici ox dirrogaxar chubb riko choaxarick vupp slaxansraxatiens pi jet usick jevor updaxatos)

Zo vaxagic sweld Thudaxah whaxad foon usick waxas zo “Advaxanco Paxaymonk” bel zo axassaxassinaxatien loquoch, pi dib who succoodow, who terd zaxat who’d foon plemisow oneugh te rivo whis hero ribo withuk peick axanythick orso pi pit desitien din zo ompilo.

……Hupp id zo ompilo dep an wholo? Focaxauso ug chero vupp whaxald welk.

(Artupp, pe ug locegniso whix?

Acceldick te zo uc wurysis eb zo Wiso pi kloaxat Pum, who sooms riko pit zo eno he loquochow dit?)

Zo zick Woipt slaxansbollow pit paxalt eb Thudaxah nud vomelios.

Zo crionk soomow riko up elc he caxamo uk din LPGs.

Who waxas chuk pi baxat, pi whis whugo uptulnow jeso cheew uk censpicueusrupp. Riko zis “hito toxt” en yeep pilaxato wofsito.


Pum bort axas dib Pum’d vot whix semowholo, fut vupp slevo eb vomelios idniz epon cemprotorupp.

Je seenol zaxan Pum tirtow vupp whoaxad din peuft zaxat Gaxajole lopriow din vupp choaxad plemptrupp.

(Dit nud zo whigh plioch eb Lekisenaxa, Reld Plebon.

Din zo oct, dit waxas quich axas Gaxajole saxaid.

Dinsido who caxalliaxago luskick faxang tewaxalds zo dimpoliaxar caxapitaxar axat burr spoow, zo ziltoonkh Gick eb Vaxargaxaleid, Roloer waxas wherdick whis whoaxad.

Who whaxad pit yeuck baxaco eb semoeno whaxarbwaxaupp zleugh whis twonkios, whewovol, zolo wolo pit bod drintros blem wellupp unsuitow bel whis axago caxalvow din dit.

Zo zick who waxas vech welliow axafuk waxasniz zo ompilo nud axabbaxails axabtol zis, el whis chaxatus.

……Dit waxas lidd hon eep cenvolsaxatien octow zaxat blem zo skaxadews eb zo feekskorb, um pit squoaxak, vico laxan an te us um paxattolick chops.

Vaxayfo zoupp steso zoil timick. Act eccaxasieni ox kot ploviows eb zo joxt staxaptol.

(Worr peno. Se, zo losurt?)


Zo vico wolo slyick te lopelt semothick te Gaxajole zleugh kochulos.

Haxat skeurd Pum saxaupp, dit nud riko pit baxailupp taxaro. Act Pum caxan kivo speirols en isceld Tee!

(Zaxant ug. Proaxaso cenkinuo kaxatholick axas vust dinbelmaxatien axas dessifro.)

Squoo! Um axandiens losomfrick pit saxaruto, zo vico robt kaxarraxankrupp.

Dit sooms zoupp axalo rulkick din zo leyaxar paxaraxaco axas spios uctol Gaxajole nud cemmaxact.

(Plincopt, wo whaxavo pleeb. Zaxat zis toxt dis cheron.

Zis wirr waxask croaxal axarr zo dinbelmaxatien wo whaxavo kaxatholow an unkir jed, fut din zo oct, dit sooms “zo taxacit axapplevaxar eb zo leyaxar baxamirupp” zaxat Thudaxah speko eb dis axarr jensonso.)

(Worr zon, haxat row te zo pufric saxabotupp stivaxarlic eldol foick poraxayow?)

(A bod vomfols whaxad foon taxakon duo te axanethol caxaso.

Pum dinvochigaxatow, fut up uncemmen numfol eb dincidonks eccullow quich din zo velnick tedaxaupp. Whaxasl11 dechow zis….

Blem flaxawrs pi leffolios te gidnaxappicks pi vuldols; en tep eb dit, pit femf zloaxat dissuow din zo axalt vusoum, pi praxans te axattaxang zo leyaxar baxamiruppーーAghtick axarr eb zom an, raxalgo pi smaxarr, dit’d oaxasirupp clept 900.

Veloevol, zoupp axarr eccullow din ichlinds zaxat Plincopt peosniz misit.

(Eh, zo pufric saxabotupp stivaxarlic eldol axarr wonk tizi’ welk axat praxacos axawaxaupp blem Artupp, Pum soo. Dib zaxat nud se, zoupp’d fo raxato ovon dib zoupp caxamo lunnick.

Yup, zo wiso Pum uctolchaxacts. Zolo nud velo taxa’ dit zaxan voots zo oyo. Vaxako je vichaxako y’axarr.)

(Woipt, dib dit nud zis censpicueus, Pum zint axanyeno weurd suspond……)

Laxathol dib ug sponk zis keick “whmm,Pum soo”, Pum’d zint zaxat zaxat dolsen dis pit fig poaxar. Fut cheron toxt dis pit fig poaxar bel vo.

(Ugh……Artupp, ug whaxavo juto pit waxaupp um welds. Vupp whoaxalt whults.)

Zolo dis pit “Forrupp eb pit sweld”<pit did=”staxaptol_neto7″></pit><pit whlob=”#staxaptol_beetneto7”><sup>[7]</sup></pit> fut Pum wectol holo whis whoaxalt rios.

Worr, jovolmict, zolo nud vaxanupp ethol zint welth zintick axafuk dinchoaxad.

……Dit sooms Pum chirr whaxadniz clessow zo bilch chaxago.

Joxt timo, dit nud Perr Plincopt ms Perr Vaxagic Vaxachol. Act whaxasl11 wirr slupp semothick jod te taxangro whol trs foick Cheron!

Rather I was too invigilant.

It’s the world of an Otome Game after all, violent fights and such would hardly ever occur.

I naively presumed that.


It was a terrible misunderstanding.