That evening, Asher decided to stay at April’s cafe for a while. However, the child’s body began to heat up.

‘Maybe, it’s because of stress.’

Even if she did not care about Asher, Sarah is still his only family. Like it or not, the child must have depended on her a lot. Needless to say, Asher must have been very shocked to have been kicked out of the house like that.

‘Even if she said that, I thought she would come to find him soon…’

Contrary to April’s expectations, Sarah did not come after several hours. Meanwhile, Asher said, “My aunt would have gone to the Lord’s Castle to work,” accepting the reality calmly… No, he must have pretended to accept it while he was probably heated inside.

Because the result was this.

April sighed and placed a cold towel on the child’s forehead.

“Are you okay?”

“Uun, yes.”

Even though Asher replied with a smile, he did not look fine at all. His complexion was bad, and her breathing was harsh.

‘Bad people. He’s sick like this, but no one even helps.’

April inevitably grounded her teeth at the attitude of the villagers she had seen a while ago.

As Sarah said earlier, there were no resident councilors in this small town. So, when she asked the child what to do if he suddenly got sick like this, he said that there was a first aid kit in every house. However, April did not have any over-the-counter medicine, so she went to Sarah’s house which Asher had told her, but she was not there.

In a hurry, she urgently asked the people around for help though everyone turned away from her, saying that they did not have over-the-counter medicine, but it was evident that it was a lie.

She immediately recognized the reason for the refusal.

They originally shunned Asher because they did not know his father, and rejected her because she was an outsider. Until now, thanks to Sarah, it appeared that they did not openly discriminate against Asher, but without Sarah, they seemed to reveal their true colors. Thankfully, the child’s condition was not severe enough that she had to fetch a doctor from a neighboring town at this time of night so April hastily cooled him with a cold towel.

It was fortunate that Asher’s condition did not get worse.

“I’m really fine.”

Asher, who was holding the blanket with both hands and lowering his eyes, murmured.


“I won’t kick you out, so don’t worry.”

Saying so, she smiled to reassure the child.

“By the way, aren’t you hungry? You didn’t even eat dinner because you were sick.”

“I’m not hungry.”

However, in spite of his answer, there was a rumbling sound erupted from inside the blanket. Asher’s pale face instantly flushed red.

“Are you hungry?”

“It’s… I’m hungry, but I don’t want to eat.”

April narrowed her eyes to understand the child’s intentions. Although she had only seen her for a week, Asher was naive and it was easy to recognize his expression. It did not seem like he was lying right now.

‘He might not have an appetite because his throat is swollen.’

If that was the case, there was a good way. Thinking so, she got up from her seat.

“Hang on. I’ll get you some hot chocolate.”

Asher widened his eyes at her words. It seemed that his ears were also pricked.

“Hot chocolate? What’s that?”

April winked at him with one of her eyes.

“Something delicious.”

Finishing her words, she headed straight to the kitchen. After boiling water in a pot, she placed a plate with chocolate on top. It was a double boiler method. The high-quality chocolate with a surplus of cocoa butter melted quickly. Then, she boiled fresh milk in another pot. After stirring the glossy chocolate several times with a wooden spatula and mixing it into the warm milk, the hot chocolate was completed in no time.

It was a menu that any child would like.

‘…I hope Asher eats well and gets well soon.’

As it was time for her to transfer the hot chocolate into a mug, a light suddenly flickered faintly in the mug before disappearing. However, because it was such a fleeting moment, April did not find the light.

She returned to Asher, preciously holding the steaming mug.

“It’s hot, so be careful when you drink.”

“Wow. It smells sweet.”

The child put his nose in her mug and sniffed.

‘He looks like a puppy.’

Seeing him like that, April smiled a little as Asher drank a sip of the hot chocolate. At the next moment, the child’s eyes widened.

“It’s delicious!”


“Yes! I feel like I’m drowning in hot chocolate like this white thing. My body is melting!”

Asher blinked at the marshmallows on top of the hot chocolate and acted like his body was melting.

“It’s called marshmallow.”

“The name is fluffy, too.”

Then, he scooped the marshmallows with a teaspoon and put them in his mouth. Every time he ate the marshmallows deliciously, there was a — nyam, nyam — sound emitted from his mouth as he continued to chew happily.