It was him who realized that the person who had entered the terrace was Fabian Yersil and was overcome with panic.

He didn’t seem to be able to keep Fabian alive, even if there was a sliver of affection between the two of them. However, Celia treated him coldly and seemed displeased.

Through the open glass door, music was flowing into the terrace. The attendant was nowhere to be seen as if he had already run away, and it seemed that someone was peering inside the door.

Celia was a long way away from the front entrance.

That was why only one person had witnessed Leonis grabbing Fabian by the neck and hurling him away.


Fabian tried to call Celia again, but his eyes met Leonis.

He was looking back like a lion.

Fabian quickly bent his head in dread. He was desperate to flee, but he couldn’t do so in front of Celia.

“Let’s get out of here.”

Leonis moved forward after hearing Celia’s whisper.

Fabian was forced to sit on the floor and watch Celia leave the balcony while she leaned on Leonis’ arms.

✦ ✦ ✦

‘Ah……there are too many people.’

Amelia hesitated, unable to reach the Duke and Duchess of Cardian.

She understood she shouldn’t be the first to approach him because of her position. So she pretended it was a coincidence and approached him before striking up a conversation.

However, there were far too many people around the Duke and Duchess of Cardian. It was almost as if there was a competition to see who could gather the most courage.

It was hard to pass directly in front of him while pretending to be a coincidence. It’s only a coincidence that she was passing through a crowd of people like clouds…. no idiot would think otherwise.

Amelia took a breather before returning to the table with supper. She planned to eat a little and then leave when the party atmosphere began to cool down gradually.

When the Duke and Duchess of Cardian entered the balcony terrace, she was merely seeking an opportunity. Time has passed.


Unfortunately, the opportunity had passed. Amelia had a melancholy expression on her face as she stared at the closed terrace door.

The door then swung open. When the Duke of Cardian appeared, it was obvious that he was there to get her wife a drink.

Amelia saw this as an opportunity.

It was difficult to get in because she didn’t know what the couple are doing when they’re in the terrace, but now the Duchess will be alone. Despite the fact that it was a shameful act, she was able to speak to her.

Amelia was the one who rushed to the terrace, but there was someone faster than her.

‘Young Marquis Fabian Yersil?’

‘Is this okay?’

And he took scary, nearly flying steps back to the balcony. The servant was afraid at his demon-like face as he hurriedly opened the door.


Amelia, who had followed him out of curiosity, was surprised by what she the scene found inside.

Fabian Yersil clearly did not come in for a secret rendezvous with the Duchess.

Because when the Duchess looked at Young Marquis Yersil, her eyes were too cold to see him that way. The difference between them was significant.

When he heard the Duchess murmur something to him, he spotted a duke and threw Young Marquis Yersil away. Amelia was intrigued by the scene. He was also on the Duchess’s side.

He was both handsome and gorgeous, but the dignified Duchess of Cardian seemed to be the kind of beauty who could soothe a fabled monster.

“…..Your Highness?”

As she stared at the Duke and Duchess of Cardian, she had no idea they were approaching. Amelia then backed up in fear.

“I apologize, I didn’t mean to see it……”

“No. Princess, please accept my apologies for my shameful behavior.”

Despite his stiff expression, Leonis replied in a smooth voice. While Celia acted courteously by holding Leonis’ arm.

“I’m sorry for the delay in greeting you with only Prince Mikhail’s news. I’m not sure if I’ve gotten the Princess into any trouble….”

“Oh, no, that’s not the case.”

Celia smiled warmly as Amelia waved her hand hastily.

Amelia was captivated with her beauty, but she prevented herself from staring at her for too long. Leonis’ menacing stare was the reason.

“I’ll send you an invitation as soon as possible. Please take it without feeling burdened.”


They caught her eye without realizing it because of the natural way they greeted each other and left.

Just a few minutes ago, the Duke of Cardian looked like he was about to kill that man.

They seemed like a normal couple now. 

It wasn’t strange or terrifying; it was just amazing. The fact that Celia had reached out to him had had such an impact on the Duke of Cardian.

‘Can I do it too?’

Amelia shook her head, remembering the face of someone she had forgotten about. She didn’t think she’d be able to help her. She doesn’t have a single insignificant power.

✦ ✦ ✦

The walk home from the ball was tortuous and long. It wasn’t because the road was poor or the carriage was uncomfortable;  it was because she’d been standing and walking for quite some time.

The imperial court ball went on until midnight.

The Emperor and the three empresses departed the ball in the middle. The emperor’s concubines remained at the ball, but there were few people who didn’t want to have a good time while the emperor was away.

In the place where the tiger had left, it was also the fox who took the role of king.

It was noticed that Prince Michael had taken the lead, and Phil was seeking to reclaim it. Even if they had no idea of the problem, no one wanted to include the Duke of Cardian in the fight.

When Leonis noticed Celia was tired, he quickly grabbed her and escorted her out of the ballroom.

Some of the nobles rose to leave their seats. Only those who wanted to meet princes, high-ranking nobles, and young people captivated by the splendour of the imperial palace ball remained.

As he walked out the door, Leonis held Celia. Some young ladies in the hallway looked surprised but didn’t seem to care.

Celia didn’t seem to bother because she was so exhausted at the moment.

Leonis’ astute servant awaited the carriage’s arrival. Even with tight schedules, it was the shortest way out of the ballroom because it was the duke’s carriage.

She sighed softly as she entered the carriage in his arms.

Leonis sat down and placed Celia on his lap. She stared at Celia, who was clutching her in his arms.

“…Are you all right?”

Celia wrapped her arms around Leonis’ waist and laid her head on his chest.

“I’m fine now.”

The servant hurriedly closed the carriage door and climbed aboard with zeal. She could feel a slight shaking, as though the coach had pulled the carriage.

Then Celia fell asleep. 

He used to be uncomfortable with it, but now he can feel her warmth and certainly fall asleep while smelling his perfume.


Leonis was the only person who realized how swayed he was by her mumbling.

Leonis cradled Celia in her arms and stared at her as she slept.

How lovely, how precious she was…… Even if he held her in his arms all day and confided in her, it didn’t seem like that would be enough.

“I love you, Celia… … .”

Celia had already fallen asleep when Leonis’ confession landed on her head. Whether Celia heard it or not, she smiled softly on her lips.

✦ ✦ ✦

He knew those eyes. She was once his, and he was proud of that fact alone at times. As a result, he became increasingly jealous and worried that he was losing his mind.

‘She belonged to me!’

Celia, the most beautiful girl in the social world, was his.

The Montagues were the most prestigious, with no flaws found.

“Get out right of here now.”

But just thinking about Celia, who spoke with such a cold face, made his heartache. Celia had never looked him in the eyes or given him such a look before.

Celia was heartbroken when she learned he couldn’t be with her.

‘Have you changed your mind? How could that be?’

He was itching to ask those questions and become enraged. How could her heart, which had once loved him, so easily change? Even if a woman’s heart is a reed, isn’t it too harsh?

Celia, greeting the princess as if she would not see him, came to his mind.

She was the perfect duchess. 

He clenched his teeth at the prospect of her not even squinting at him, as if she was so far away that he couldn’t touch her.

‘Are you implying that the duke is superior to me, the marquis’s successor?’

Celia insisted on running away with him at one point, but Fabian only saw his refusal to be inevitable.

Don’t you think so? They were nobles, and she is so precious that couldn’t take the hardships of life. This implies that Celia is succumbing to material desires as well.

‘In the end, she ended up in the hands of the Duke of Cardian.’

He was really disappointed in her since she was such a hypocrite.

Despite his anger, Fabian resolved to put up with it. That’s how things turned out, and he couldn’t change it, but he couldn’t protect Celia either.

‘What can I do to make Celia come to her senses?’

Perhaps she did it in front of him to make him jealous. Or perhaps he was intimidated by the monster and faked up.

But to dismiss it in that way… Celia’s eyes and expression seemed to be looking at her lovely person, but Fabian shook her head to dismiss the thought.

The balcony terrace was dimly lit, and he thought he had seen it wrong.

Celia could not possibly have fallen in love with such a monster.

‘But Celia, after our engagement…. you quickly fell in love with me. She was an innocent woman.’

Perhaps he had betrayed her, and the monster had found its way into Celia’s frail heart.

Unlike Fabian, the monster duke could protect her even if the emperor requested it.


Fabian slammed his fist furiously against the hallway wall when he had thought about it that far.