She knew very well what caused the change in the sea of time.

The people of the Zhong family at the ends of the earth are very happy. There is only one place in the world where there are strong people around the age of 20.

Lord hall!

Now, there is also an evil spirit in his Zhong family, a 20-year-old God gathering strong man.

The Zhong family can finally be proud in front of people all over the world.

Liao Yan also came out. He was confused in his eyes, as if he had forgotten something. He looked at Zhong Miao, who was high above, and thought in his heart, if he went to the Zhong family to propose marriage now, would the Zhong family still agree to their marriage?

Huoyun failed to enter the sea of time. Now, finally, when Chen Ping and long Qingqing came out, he went there at the first time.

The vibration of the ends of the earth has just begun.

There are many monks entering the time sea this time, and some of them have been completely unable to return, but these people who come back have their own harvest.

There are also many monks trying to find the entrance to the sea of time.

Many people are talking about what happened in the sea of time.

Chen Ping didn't stop. After huoyun and Longqing came to him, he was ready to leave immediately. He collected the time. If he was found, tianjimen wouldn't let him leave easily.

Chen Ping can't guarantee that no one will notice the abnormality. When these people find that the sea of time disappears, they will certainly have doubts.

It's better to leave this place of right and wrong early now.

Chen Ping had agreed with Jiao Jun before. When he found the island, he knew that Jiao Jun had something to do and had gone back to Tianji gate first.

The sea of time is gone!

The news came out on the same day.

Time sea, one of the most mysterious secret places in Zhongzhou, disappeared inexplicably. All monks who came out of time sea are suspected.

Tianji gate sent a powerful person to investigate, and soon came to a conclusion. The sea of time has indeed disappeared!

After the news came out, the whole world was shocked!

Especially as the news came out, there was another bigger secret.

This is a secret message from the super power. It is said that the friar who can control the sea of time is the friar who practices the avenue of time, which is also the way of life.

The son of fate has appeared. Since ancient times, the disaster of world destruction is coming.

So all the monks who came out of the sea of time were suspected. After being eliminated one by one, they came to the most likely people.

Chen Ping, on the list!

And it's the most suspected one.

When Chen Ping knew the news, he was already on Qinhuangdao.

The Qin family hasn't done anything since Qin Shulin was killed by Chen Ping.

Even this time, none of the Qin family's children entered the secret land of the time sea.

Chen Ping came to Qinhuangdao to say goodbye.

This time, Chen Ping was not stopped from entering the Qin family, and no one in the Qin family stopped him.

At the last place, Qin Chen saw Qin Yu.

"Are you leaving?"

The Qin family naturally knows what happened in the sea of time.

Qin Yu knows more than others. In her heart, Chen Ping can only get the sea of time.

"I'm leaving. There are still many secrets in the world waiting for me to explore." Chen Ping spoke seriously.

"I......" Qin Yu felt reluctant.

Chen Ping stretched out his hand and tightly hugged the girl in front of him. At this moment, everything was silent between heaven and earth. It seemed that everything had disappeared. Only this picture was left in the whole heaven and earth.

"Go, this world belongs to you after all..."