As soon as we finished all the kobolds, we had to continue dealing with a group of goblins and dwarf zombies swarming for an hour.

A dwarf zombie, who had bizarre slender arms and was as tall as a child, attacked my neck.


I hurriedly pulled my upper body back and killed the dwarf zombie. Before I knew it, dwarf zombie corpses were all around.

“Wow, that’s great.”

“Please raise your hand if anyone is hurt!”

“Does anyone have a thousand left?” (천 남는 거 있는 사람?, not sure)

The guild members who had a break sat down with tired expressions on their faces. Meanwhile, the measuring ability and Park Geon-ho checked the number of dwarf zombies.

“It dropped from 67.2% of B grade to 11.32%.”

“At this point, it is clear that there’s an abnormality.”

Park Geon-ho, who was worried by tapping the corner of his mouth, said.

“Let’s keep measuring… If you find a monster with a lowered rating, let me know.”


Hearing the conversation between the two nearby, I thought as I tapped my toe at the dwarf zombie corpse that almost fell to the C-grade.

‘There’s a high probability that there will be other problems besides the downgrade.’

In this gate, the level of monsters that appear on each floor was different, and once you went upstairs, you couldn’t go down.

‘I want to take a look by myself before going up to the second floor.’

I glanced at Kim Woo-jin, who was sitting next to me. He’ll definitely be against it. But I couldn’t even take him with me.

“Wh, what?”

While looking at him intently and contemplating what to do, Kim Woo-jin, who felt my gaze, withdrew his body and frowned.

“I didn’t do anything!”

“Who said what? I just saw you.”

“You two, aren’t you hungry? Would you like some peanut butter bread?”

Min Ah-rin handed me and Kim Woo-jin a bag of bread.

“Thank you.”

I was really hungry, so I put the bread in my mouth right away. Min Ah-rin, who was standing next to me eating bread, smiled and said.

“This reminds me of the time when we went to an SS-grade gate.”

“That’s right.”

Once again, I realized that it had been quite some time since I entered Han Yi-gyeol’s body. It’s been about two months.

“Come to think about it, the three of us don’t really have much contact points, but it’s amazing that we’ve become so close.”

At that, I smiled bitterly. Both Kim Woo-jin and Min Ah-rin reminded me that Cheon Sa-yeon deliberately bound me to catch my weakness.

Pushing away the bitter thoughts, I deliberately answered lightly.

“Well, what does that have to do with getting close? Even if you have a lot of contacts, it’s hard to get along if your personality doesn’t match.”

Min Ah-rin looked behind me and added a word.

“Like those two?”


When I turned around, there were Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk, standing glaring at each other. No, what happened in that brief time?

“I can’t understand that.”

“Is there any reason I need to convince Secretary Woo Seo-hyuk?”

“Are you saying it’s a plan that won’t convince even a single member of your team?”

“In such a situation, I think it is right to check thoroughly. Secretary Woo Seo-hyuk didn’t look like that, but he must be very scared.”

“It’s not a good idea to act hastily at a time when the team has to move together.”

“Do we need to be more careful than this? It’s safer to turn everything inside out.”

“Once you enter the gate, you should always be prepared for the unexpected. If something goes wrong by touching the inside of the gate, who is responsible?”

“Of course, I am responsible for it. Are you afraid I’m such trash that doesn’t even do that?”

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. They are fighting in earnest…

“Oh, they’re fighting. They’re fighting.”

“Secretary Woo Seo-hyuk was very patient.”

“But, isn’t the Team Leader right? If it’s an anomaly, you have to find out.”

“In a proper way, the Secretary is right. You don’t need to be fussy. It’s better to just break it roughly and leave.”

“Is he going to grab him by the collar? Should we make a bet?”

“10,000 won for the Team Leader to win. Who can beat that person’s stubbornness?”

“It was no joke that the Secretary was stubborn, too. I have 20,000 won for the Secretary.”

“Once you go into close combat, it’s hard to beat the Secretary. Secretary, 30,000 won!”

“If the Team Leader throws an iron ball with the intention of self-destructing, the Secretary can’t easily win.”

The guild members only watched the fight between the two with interest, and there was no sign of stopping any of them.

I’d really want to grab the collar and punch them.

“Shouldn’t we stop them…”

“I think they’ll fight properly if we leave it alone.”

Min Ah-rin agreed with me, but she didn’t seem to bother to come forward. Kim Woo-jin… was indifferent as always.

‘Am I the only one here…’

I really didn’t want to join, but if I left it alone, I thought I would have big trouble.

“Stop it, both of you.”

The onlookers were even more enthusiastic when I stepped in between Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk, who were staring at each other.

“Oh, the mercenary interrupted!”

“Mercenary, 10,000 won!”

“I’ll bet, too. 20,000 won for mercenary!”

“I’ll get 20,000 won and go for 30,000 won!”

“Look at that dignified figure. I bet, too. 40,000 won.”

“What? Isn’t he an A-rank mercenary? Why is the stake the highest?”

“I feel like I’m going to win. I feel it.”

Oh, my.

I ignored the guild members’ conversation and opened my mouth.

“Do you want to end up having such a harsh conversation?”

“I’m sorry.”

“That one started first.”

At my words, Woo Seo-hyuk immediately apologized, and Park Geon-ho shamelessly blamed the other party. I asked Park Geon-ho, looking pathetic.

“What are you doing this for?”

“Hm. It’s not something great. I was thinking of going to a place I had been bothered about for a while now.”


“There is a hidden path at the side of the stairs going up to the second floor. It’s the only place I haven’t been able to check since there is a clear time limit.”

“…do you think it has something to do with the gate anomaly?”

“It’s not necessarily like that. The situation must have been like this, so it’s not bad to go.”

“Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi, are you against it?”

“It would be fine if the gate had no anomalies, but it is dangerous for now.”


Woo Seo-hyuk is right. It was a lot of pressure to go to places we weren’t sure about.

However, that was only when the whole team moved.

“Then how about this?”

After thinking about it for a while, I said to the two stiff people who didn’t give up their opinions.

“I will go to the place the Team Leader said by myself.”


The atmosphere around me became cold in an instant. What is this reaction? I quickly added an explanation.

“It’s a burden if we all move together, as Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi said, so if I go and check it out, isn’t it good in many ways? I can fly, so it’s easy to run away.”

“You cannot.”

Before Park Geon-ho, who had a surprised expression on his face, could say anything, Woo Seo-hyuk shook his head with a clear firm face.

“It is very dangerous to walk around unconfirmed sections by yourself. I absolutely cannot agree.”

“Um, I’ll let you know if it’s possible… That’s a bit too much.”

“Han Yi-gyeol!”

Among the onlookers with subtle expressions, Kim Woo-jin and Min Ah-rin rushed towards us. In particular, Kim Woo-jin opened his mouth with a ferocious look that I had never seen before.

“What are you talking about, now? Where are you going alone?”

“Oh… No, that’s…”

“Yi-gyeol-ssi. But this is not right.”

Even Min Ah-rin helped Kim Woo-jin. When I saw it, I was sweating in a cold sweat.

“Don’t do it and listen to me. I didn’t come here just to clear the gate. However, moving as a group is risky. So I…”

“But there is no reason for Han Yi-gyeol-ssi to handle it alone.”

I laughed awkwardly.

‘I can’t handle it…’

Even if it wasn’t, I wanted to take a look inside the gate by myself, so it was a good opportunity for me.

I didn’t know there would be so many people against it.

“…Team Leader.”

“It’s not an easy matter to think about wandering around the gates alone. If you’re unlucky, you won’t even be able to find the body.”

“It won’t happen.”

“Still, you cannot. I’ll give you permission then I ask Master what he will say.”

Why are you suddenly acting like Cheon Sa-yeon? I went crazy.

“That’s… I understand.”

Woo Seo-hyuk nodded his head with an expression of realizing something at Park Geon-ho’s words. What’s up, what the hell?

“Don’t make weird excuses.”

“It’s not an excuse. I mean it more sincere than ever.”

“It’s not an excuse.”

“It’s a bit scary to think that the Master will nag like a mother-in-law.”

Is he nagging because of me? Cheon Sa-yeon? I don’t know what kind of conversation this is.

Min Ah-rin opened her mouth to me with her worried face.

“I am against going alone. Even this is an S-grade gate. Yi-gyeol-ssi already comes in injured when he enters the gate.”


“Everyone is against Yi-gyeol-ssi because they are worried about you, so please understand this time, Yi-gyeol-ssi.”

…I don’t think you’re worried about me, but you’re afraid you’ll be nagged by Cheon Sa-yeon.

Still, I couldn’t keep insisting on talking like that. In the end, I had no choice but to give up my opinion and follow it.

“I understand. Then let’s think about another way.”

“Okay. Let’s keep an eye on the situation for now.”

“That would be nice. There is a possibility that the rating numbers will return to normal.”

In response to my answer, we gathered opinions as if when Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk fought.

‘I guess I’ll have to look for another opportunity… Ask Cheon Sa-yeon to come in alone and see it later.’

Since I found out that there was a hidden path, I wanted to check it out if possible.

“Then… shall we finish clearing the first floor and talk again?”

Still, coming twice was a waste of time, so I’d like to fix it this time. When I asked with a smile while hiding his true intentions, Woo Seo-hyuk looked at me and answered with a hard voice.

“No matter what the circumstances, I will not make the decision to send Han Yi-gyeol-ssi alone.”


It meant not even to dream about it. You’re too quick. I clicked my tongue inside and nodded.

“What… Why such a happy ending?”

“What happens with the bet?”

“Can’t you see? The Healer is the ultimate winner.”

“Um. You can’t beat the Healer.”

The onlookers were extremely disappointed by the situation that ended without any problems. I think they really wanted Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk to fight.

It was amazing how only people similar to Park Gun-ho gathered. At this point, it was enough to change the name to a fun-loving group rather than special operations.

“After some rest, let’s go again.”

Park Geon-ho ordered a piece of bread that he couldn’t eat because he was fighting with Woo Seo-hyuk. Having become a reckless person for no reason, I was dragged by Min Ah-rin and Kim Woo-jin with both arms grabbed.