Inside the gate of the G5 Area, which belonged to the Jayna Guild, was filled with collapsed buildings, empty streets, and cloudy smoke.

As I looked around the ruins that smelled foul, Cha Soo-yeon took out a ring from the inventory I had previously saved and wore it.

“What is that?”

I knew Cha Soo-yeon’s tendency to carry so many different items, so I was curious about what effect the ring would have. She grinned at my question and showed her ring to her hand.

“Isn’t it pretty? This little one is quite expensive. It is an A-class buff item.”

“If it’s a buff item… Does your ability get stronger?”

“That’s right. The fire gets stronger. The gates here are all cement and buildings, so there’s nothing wrong for me to be wary.”

Cha Soo-yeon, who could not control the burning fire, seemed to like this place quite a bit.

“Would you like to borrow something? Wait. The wind ability is useful…”

“No, thanks. More than that.”

Shaking my head, I lightly grabbed Cha Soo-yeon’s shoulder, who was rummaging through the leather bag. At that action, Cha Soo-yeon opened her eyes and looked up at me.

“As you may already know, the two of us met for the first time today. Because we’ve been meeting secretly until now.”

“Uung. Right.”

Maybe Cha Soo-yeon, like Ha Tae-heon, was nailed to it because she was afraid that she would go and say something else later. I glanced at Woo Seo-hyuk, who was at the forefront and was having a conversation with Hong Si-ah, and continued.

“I don’t want to do such a nuisance, but… I can’t help it because Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi is here. It’s because he was given to me by Master Cheon Sa-yeon.”

“Then, did you say that the person who ordered you to kidnap me is Master Cheon Sa-yeon? To get an SS-grade gate.”

“That’s right.”

Cha Soo-yeon knew that it was Cheon Sa-yeon’s work because she overheard the conversation between Ha Tae-heon and me at the time she was kidnapped.

‘It’s fascinating again. That you don’t hate me. Even if I gave you the item in return, it is true that I kidnapped you.’

…am I pitiful? When I remembered Cha Soo-yeon, who often looked sad for me, I had reasonable doubts.

“If there’s a person named Woo Seo-hyuk, are you saying that we pretend not to be close?”

“That’s right, but somehow it feels a bit…”

Cha Soo-yeon smiled proudly and nodded her head, I wondered if she could even see my uneasy expression.

“Don’t worry! I’m good at acting.”

“It does look like that. When I see the interview video appearing, you look so sweet even if your personality is different from the real one… ouch!”

I was immediately hit in the back when I remembered a video of her interviewing with a kind smile in the world and answering honestly. It hurt a lot more than I thought. What hand is so hot?

“It hurts…”

“I hit you because it hurts.”

While rubbing my tingly back, Woo Seo-hyuk returned after talking with Hong Si-ah.

“Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

When Woo Seo-hyuk found me rubbing my back, he tilted his head slightly and asked. Rather than worrying, it was a voice closer to confirm.

“No, it’s nothing.”

“Hm, hm.”

Cha Soo-yeon, who was watching Woo Seo-hyuk, secretly went to another place. Woo Seo-hyuk said to me as I looked at Cha Soo-yeon’s back.

“I have been ordered to keep Han Yi-gyeol-ssi safe, so please tell me if there is any discomfort or injury.”

“The order to keep me safe… Did Master Cheon Sa-yeon make you do that?”


It’s not about guarding, it’s about monitoring. As I sighed, Woo Seo-hyuk opened his mouth with a calm face.

“Even if it’s not an order, I will try my best not to let Han Yi-gyeol-ssi get hurt.”


“From what I’ve seen, Han Yi-gyeol-ssi is overworked every time you enter the gate.”

I smiled awkwardly at the unexpected words and stroked the nape of my neck.

“That much…”

“That much is right. I remember you coming back with serious injuries at every gate you entered recently.”

Umm. Come to think of it, both the gates of the N42 Area and the N23 Area that Woo Seo-hyuk and I went into, I came out with fainting. That’s right. It was understandable that he reacted like this.

“I will be careful this time.”

“Yes. Don’t overdo it. I also told Master Hong Si-ah in advance.”

I was a little embarrassed by the serious reaction. What kind of conversation did you have with Hong Si-ah for such a long time?

“As long as no abnormalities are found anyway, I don’t see any need to step up. There are two S-rank people.”

“I think so too, but there is a high probability that an anomaly was found in the gate where Han Yi-gyeol-ssi participated.”

“Yes? How can you…”

“I checked the list of gates in which Han Yi-gyeol-ssi participated. I apologize if I offended you.”

Why were you looking at that? I took a step back and opened up distance with Woo Seo-hyuk due to more interest than expected.

“Uh, um… I understand.”

“Yes. Don’t fall away from me. In case of an emergency, I or Master Hong Si-ah will handle it.”

If my answer was not trustworthy, Woo Seo-hyuk asked me not to come forward again and again. Is it because he is doing this after receiving orders from Cheon Sa-yeon, or is it his personality who has a lot of worries?

‘I don’t know what it is…’

In the meantime, the team that finished the personnel check and weapon check started moving in earnest. At the middle of the line, I followed the team and looked up. The cloudy sky, obscured by grey smoke, fluttered depressed.

* * *

Krrk, Kirk!


Zombies covered in dust rushed at random, jumping like monkeys between the collapsed buildings. It was an A-grade grey zombie. It was a monster with a clear appearance for a zombie, fast running speed, and incredibly strong power.

A-grade close ability monsters had excellent physical abilities, so all of the long-distance team had to step forward to support. The person who showed the most outstanding performance among them was the talented Cha Soo-yeon.

A swarm of zombies rushing in was all fired up by Cha Soo-yeon’s ability.

Guaaak, kuak! Zombies on fire screamed in pain and went back and forth. Meanwhile, the close team quickly beat the zombies.

Zombies were weak against fire, I knew it before but…

“I didn’t know it was that bad.”

In this gate, several zombie-type monsters exist throughout the city destroyed by disaster, and the level of the monster increased towards the centre. Zombie monsters would unconditionally attack from all directions when their opponents come within a certain radius, so they had to look around without taking time to relax.

“Okay~ it’s over, it’s over!”

Cha Soo-yeon, who succeeded in dealing with even the last zombie, smiled and waved her arm. With my ability, I gathered the roaring zombie corpses in one place.

“As expected of our Soo-yeon. Is it a good thing I brought her?”

“Aww~ it hurts!”

As Hong Si-ah smiled slyly and pulled Cha Soo-yeon’s soft cheeks, Cha Soo-yeon frowned and grumbled with her aegyo. They looked like real sisters. Maybe it was because Hong Si-ah was older than Cha Soo-yeon and taller than her.

A person with a measuring ability who checked the monster rating near the burning zombie corpse reported to Hong Si-ah with a bright face.

“There is no big problem. The numbers are also stable.”

“That’s a relief.”

Perhaps because Jayna Guild also experienced the anomaly several times, Hong Si-ah, who was listening to the report with her slightly nervous face, nodded her head in relief. Cha Soo-yeon, who was standing next to her, pouted her mouth.

“Anyway, there are only zombies in the gate, so what are you so worried about?”

“Uh-huh. If it’s S-grade, the more careful you are, the better it will, don’t you know?”

Hong Si-ah poked Cha Soo-yeon’s cheek, which was slightly red in the aftermath of the pull, and looked back at me.

“Even the Talented Han Yi-gyeol suffered. As I said back then, the ability is very useful in many ways. Please take care of me until the gate is cleared.”

“Leave it to me.”

Hong Si-ah, who had controlled Cha Soo-yeon’s fire from going to a harsh place, smiled contentedly at me, she said.

“It’s worthy of a request from Master Cheon Sa-yeon. Thanks to you, I will be able to clear this gate with ease.”

…who’s doing what? I asked, reflexively frowned.

“What did Master Cheon Sa-yeon do for you?”

“Ung? Did you not hear it?”

“Yes. Just about go to the gate…”

Hong Si-ah tilted her head.

“Really? Looks like you didn’t. Indeed. He’s not the kind of person who can do something like that.”

“…could you please tell me more about it?”

Anxious feelings flooded like a tsunami. I felt Woo Seo-hyuk, who was standing next to me, looking at me.

“Umm. I don’t have much to tell you in detail. Last week, after the management headquarters meeting, Master Cheon Sa-yeon talked to me. He asked me a favour. I was a little surprised because this was the first time Master Cheon Sa-yeon asked me to do something.”

“That request… is participating in the gate?”

“What, you knew? If there is an empty seat at the gate, he asked about hiring Talented Han Yi-gyeol as a mercenary.”

Something hot caught my throat. I remembered Cheon Sa-yeon’s shameless face, who said that he would only deliver the documents given by Hong Si-ah.

‘…what the hell do you want me to do?’

Resentful feeling now poked my head out at the actions I couldn’t understand. As a storm raged in my chest, my heart flipped over at random, and strength entered my clenched fists.

To me, who could not properly answer my shaking emotions without knowing what to do, Hong Si-ah lightly shrugged her shoulders and added an explanation.

“I’m just saying, just because Master Cheon Sa-yeon asked me to do so doesn’t mean I just hired Talented Han Yi-gyeol as a mercenary. Hearing what he said, I thought it wouldn’t be bad, so I accepted it. Don’t get me wrong.”

“…of course. I don’t misunderstand that.”

After barely coming to my senses and smiling softly, Hong Si-ah gave me a refreshing wink at me and turned her back to the close team. Cha Soo-yeon, who was restless while watching the conversation from behind, could not come closer because of Woo Seo-hyuk and followed Hong Si-ah.

“Han Yi-gyeol-ssi.”


I’m tired. I was standing blankly by the fatigue that came over me in an instant, and Woo Seo-hyuk, who was standing next to me, called me with a low voice.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh… what is it?”

When I answered awkwardly while stroking the nape of my neck, Woo Seo-hyuk, who was worried about something, continued.

“Did something happen… with Master?”

“Haha, no.”

No way. I waved my hand and quickly turned away from him. I didn’t want to show my face to the quick-witted Woo Seo-hyuk.

An excruciating pain ran up the palm of my hand. As I opened my fist, which I had unconsciously clenched as hard as I could, I saw a mark on my fingernail that was deeply pierced.

As a positive thinking person like me, I think Sa-yeon requested such a favour because he indeed would have a benefit (information) but he also cared about well-being Yi-gyeol. Sa-yeon, as a regressor, didn’t want to see someone just died so easily like ori!Yi-gyeol. Maybe he also was fond of ori!Yigyeol without he realized it and wanted to try again to save this Yi-gyeol?

It’s understandable tho if you’re in Yi-gyeol position. They have partner relationship with benefits to each other. But somehow I dislike this part…

I know it’s the cause of Sa-yeon giving him bad impression in the beginning but damn it, could you not think so negatively at least once? ಠ︵ಠ

I’m in bad mood after reading around chapter 130… Excuse me. *Sat at the corner

Thank you for following us tho!