CH 104

Name:I Don't Want to Be a Lady Author:
The expression disappeared from Grand Duke Federut’s face for an instant. At the same time. Grip. His hands, holding the armrest of the sofa, turned pale. 

“I don’t know her.”

Bein stared at him intently. It was an overly emotional reaction to hearing the name of a stranger. It must mean that he knows exactly who she is.

“I see. She doesn’t know Grand Duke either. She probably doesn’t even want to know. She hates people who can’t pay for their meal.”


Grand Duke Federut’s eyes widened and narrowed instantly, then blazed like boiling lava.

“Now… are you saying that I can’t pay for my own meal?”

Bein managed to move his mouth that didn’t want to move, trying not to make eye contact. “Yes. You maintain your position and wealth as a grand duke but neglect your responsibilities and duties.”

“Huh? Hoho. That’s true. What a bold fellow.”

Grand Duke Federut’s eyes glared at Bein as if he were going to tear him to death. Bein’s skin tingled at his intense glare, but he didn’t stop talking.

“The Baroness. She wasn’t given land. Even though she was given a title that wasn’t different from an honorary title, she decided to participate in the war before anyone else and actually participated. With a woman’s body.”


The force emanating from Grand Duke Federut noticeably diminished. Bein took a deep breath and lifted his head, staring directly at him as he spoke. “Even with the title of grand duke, are you going to act more irresponsibly than a baroness who only received an honorary title?”

* * *

“So you’re saying that we hide the troops at the back of the canyon and confront them at the entrance, then strike them back with the hidden troops?”


Paku stroked his chin still and looked at Arianne with subtle eyes. “No way. Have you already figured out the structure of the canyon and made this plan?”

“Yes.” Arianne readily replied that she did.

That’s amazing. He couldn’t help but think that she was really amazing. The canyon that Arianne was talking about was, in fact, a bit unusual in structure. Moreover, she was from Harpion Empire. He was sure she had never been there before. Didn’t she only look at the canyon’s entrance when she confronted the Chewin Kingdom army? But how did she know the structure of the canyon…

“I saw it on the map.”

“Did you say map?”

“Yes. It was fun to choose and imagine where you want to go while looking at the map of the continent.”

As Arianne spoke calmly, recalling the past, Charter’s eyes sank darkly. Because it was clear to his eyes what kind of feeling she would have imagined looking at the map.

“Hmm. Is that so?”

While Paku seemed to be moving on, Charter hadn’t yet shaken off the lingering feeling.

“Actually, I was really surprised. I didn’t expect to use a crescent-shaped structure like this. With that structure, the troops behind us would be completely covered.”

Arianne nodded and said, “Instead, we will need to properly draw their attention at the entrance. It can be perfectly successful only when the enemy has no time to look away.”

“I’ll take kare of that.”

It was Dondon. Dondon, who only nodded her head pretending to understand, was just waiting for the right time for her to step out when she understood roughly what the plan was.

“I’m confiden to catch people’s atention with my fiery gaze.”

“Okay then. You said they were after you anyway.”

Dondon’s eyes changed sharply at Arianne’s unintentional words.

“How do yu know that?”

Arianne’s eyes blinked quickly. Uh… did I make a mistake? Arianne began to sweat in the suspicious gaze of Paku and Dondon.

It was at that time.

(I can speak the Kelteman language. It was me who told her.)

Everyone’s eyes were on Charter.

(What! You! Then you pretended not to know even though you understood everything we were saying?) asked Dondon.

(There is no need for me to reveal that I understand.)

In response to Charter’s words, Dondon grabbed him by the collar. (Wow. This man is really!)

Dondon gave an expression of betrayal, as if Charter, who was her husband, was coming with an illegitimate child— Even though she was still unmarried in reality— And Paku made a sinister remark, summarizing it.

(So sneaky.)

“I have mastered all the continent’s languages, even the ancient ones.”

Paku frowned at Charter’s sudden boast of himself. Dondon jumped up from her seat with an expression that she would immediately run to hug her husband who had returned from work. Again, she was still unmarried.

“Ancient language?” Dondon couldn’t hide her excitement and asked in a loud voice. Charter just nodded indifferently.

“Wait! Wait for a sec!”

Dondon began to poke around her tent, looking for something.

“Were did I put it? Not here! Argh! Not here either!”

Dondon, who opened the chests and drawers decorated with gold and jewels, took out all kinds of shiny junk from inside, then shouted as if she had finally found something.

“Hir is it~~~!”

At that time, everyone wondered what was going on at her shout of joy as if she found a vein of gold. Dondon held out something to Charter with a bright smile.

“Try translating dis.”

On her hand was an old scroll decorated with colorful gold patterns. Charter’s long black eyelashes gently went down and then came up.



Dondon nodded her head, facing Charter’s bewildered face.

“This is… Am~ azing! Dey said it was an ancient document dat was hard to find. He gave me only for 20,000 gold! Maybe it’s about treasure maps or relics? Dere must be more valuable things on it…”

“The account payable record book.”




Dondon let out a gasping sound with a blank face. “What… did yu say?”

“The account payable record book.”

“A-account payable?”

Ignoring the bewildered Dondon, Charter continued to read. “The 83rd year of the continental calendar. △ 1 goat, ○ two tree fruits, □ one land fruit, ▼ 30 arrows…”

His mouth began to list the items on it. Dondon became increasingly contemplative, Paku pressed his forehead, and Arianne’s mouth started twitching.

“Pfft! Account… ahem! Ah… no. I can’t… Ahahahaha!”

Eventually, Arianne couldn’t hold back and burst out laughing. As a result, Dondon turned red up to her neck and shouted in a fit of fuss.

“Dun’t laugh! Dun’t laugh! Yu devil!”

At Dondon’s shout, Arianne laughed even louder. “Uahahahaha! What to do~ You bought an account payable record book for 20,000 gold!!!”

“Shut up! Yu’re devil worse than the trash!”

Tears filled Dondon’s eyes with sadness and betrayal. Seeing this, Charter spoke with the intention of comforting her.

“Still, this document has its own values as a historical source. The items and methods of the transaction at that time—”

“Enough! Yu’re making things worse, yu idiot! Huhu.”

Huhu. Sob.

In the end, Dondon burst into tears.

* * *

“Have you calmed down now?”

When Charter asked with a very little apologetic face, Dondon looked at him with a grim face, pouting her mouth and grumbling.

“I shuldn’t have promised to help someone like yu.”

“Why are you taking out your frustration on us when you bought the document yourself?”

Arianne’s sarcastic remark made Dondon’s eyes flare up, and she growled.

(You’ll have a hard time surviving tonight, you devil.)

“What was that? Shut up, and let’s get moving. Don’t forget to raise the dust.”


Dondon looked upset, but she was going to do what she had to do. It would be beneficial to take this opportunity to get rid of one troublesome problem. After all, Are was an obstacle that had to be cleared for Paku to become the emperor.

“All troops, move!”


At Dondon’s command, 20,000 soldiers plus one tiger began to move. The soldiers in the rear raised dust as they signaled the army’s movement. They headed towards the Are’s army, which could be seen from a distance.

As they approached the entrance of the canyon, Dondon shouted. “As instructed, half of yu pass through the entrance along with Paku. Turn back and stand by!”

Half of the army at the entrance split and headed toward the back of the canyon. Dondon, who was watching, approached Arianne, who was standing next to her, and said, “Would yu like to wash up first?”

What does this mean?


When the battle is just around the corner?

“Yes. Now.”

Arianne wondered what was in her head. Whether she did it or not, it looked like Dondon had an incredibly amazing plan in her mind, looking at her twitched mouth while raising her hand to secretly cover her mouth. It would be troublesome if that guy noticed.

Feeling somewhat uneasy and puzzled by Dondon’s behavior, Arianne widened her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. Well, there must be a reason she’s offering me to wash up, right?

“You’ll give me hot water, right?”

Dondon nodded. Of course~ I’ll even prepare some beautiful clothes for you.

* * *

“Dondon, that brat. Is she really afraid of the emperor? Why can’t I see her nose yet?”

It wasn’t only once or twice that she got beaten by the emperor. Even if it was his own blood, he couldn’t figure out why the cold-hearted emperor believed in her.

It was then.

“Your Highness! I have a call from the front! Her Highness’s army is said to be on the move.”


Are took a bite of the dried fig he held in his hand and jumped up from his seat. “Now, I have to prepare to receive the guest.”

His aide, who had been watching Are’s sneaky smile, looked at him with a face that seemed to be very sorry.

“What is it?”

At Are’s question, his aide lowered his head as if he had committed a crime and told him. “That’s… It is said they’re not coming toward us but are going back.”


Are’s mouth opened slightly in bewilderment.

“Huh! Look at this!”

Did she notice? No, even if she noticed, there would be no reason to back, right? That Dondon refused to fight and retreated? That Dondon? Eventually, Are’s grayish-brown eyes were distorted.

“She makes things troublesome. Follow Dondon’s army. Prepare for battle.”

It seemed like he would finally get a proper battle. 

Are was sure. There must have been a change in Dondon’s mindset. The brat who only knew how to fight aggressively suddenly retreated out of fear of facing me? What could be the reason for her sudden change?

What on earth are you up to? Don’t tell me, is she going to become the emperor herself? Dondon.