Cloud crane looked at the floating clouds outside the window and whispered, "it's quiet today."

The subordinates were stunned slightly and gave a blank "ah".

God fixed to look out, did not speak, drooping eyes continue to write.


triple day.

Surrounded by clouds, the youth's white sleeves are also integrated into the white clouds.

He looked at the clouds floating around and raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Compared with the cloud of the 19th heaven, these little things are not fierce, but they are very difficult to grasp. They are like quicksand. Even if they are caught by him, they will soon slip away.

Two hours later, Xie Yu felt tired.

Cloud catching turns out to be not only a high-risk occupation, but also a very hard one.

Between two hours, he tried every means, but still did not catch one.

Xie Yu has a bit of a breakdown. Who said that the cloud of triple heaven is easy to catch?

"Hoo --"

Xie Yu took out the Yellow pamphlet in his arms, looked down at the words on the first page, muttered in a low voice, and then complained in a low voice, "what a mess..."

the low voice of the "hissing" cloud suddenly stopped in an instant, from near to far, very obvious... Silence It was quiet.

Xie Yu's eyes fell on the pamphlet. After two seconds of silence, he raised his eyes slightly.

I saw, the clouds around all stopped in place, not floating around, looking at all very clever.

Xie Yu's eyes narrowed, and he held the book and slowly widened his eyes. "It's not a formula, is it

He took the pamphlet carefully and went forward. He was about to reach out and throw the nearest cloud to him. But before his hand reached up, the cloud in front of him suddenly dispersed in an instant, and then converged in an instant to open a distance with him.

Other clouds around him also moved at the same time, and returned to the same state when Xie Yu didn't read the pithy formula. He ran to the left and floated, "hissing and hissing".

Xie Yu's head was about to be blown up. He looked down at the book, looked at the formula on the first page, raised his voice and read it.

"Hua --"

all of a sudden, all the clouds in a hundred Li radius stopped.

The "hissing" sound that made Xie Yu's brain explode also disappeared completely, and the surroundings became quiet instantly.

With a yellow book in one hand, the young man stood in the cloud with a negative hand. He looked at the white cloud stopping in front of him with a smile, "I caught you, little thing."

Xie Yu closed the book, inserted it in his belt, held out his hand and grasped the biggest white cloud in front of him. He said with a smile, "Xiaobai, you are so soft that you will be bullied outside. Come home with me."

As soon as he finished, the soft clouds on his hand suddenly dispersed, and then slowly gathered not far away, and hissed at him twice.

Xie Yu: "it is...

" hiss. " Suddenly, a very light smile came from behind.

Xie Yu suddenly turned back, facing a pair of amber eyes.

The man looked at him with a light smile, "can't you catch the clouds in the triple sky?"

Xie Yu suddenly turned black. He was very happy when he just turned around, because he was very good-looking. Although he was not as good-looking as Yun Hejun, his appearance was also very exciting.

"Where did you come from, xiaoxianjun? Why are you so stupid?"