Lily: [Ding - you have successfully broken away from the plane. 】

xiaobaihe: [attribute panel:

Name: Xie Yu

points deducted from the second plane: 10 (pain screening)

points obtained from the second plane: 20

total points: 10]

when Xie Yu opened his eyes again, he saw a large blue sea with gulls flying, big waves beating on the black reef, sea breeze blowing gently, and ten minutes later It's very comfortable.

"Si --"

Xie Yu lowered his eyes and saw a large amount of blood and a pair of silver white fish tails. The scales on the fish tail were arranged in order and glittered in the sun like a gem.

But his beautiful fish tail seems to be injured, the tail is hung with bright red blood, the injured place scales slightly turned up, looking startling.

Xie Yu: [baby, the story. 】

Little Lily: [Ding - introduction of the plot. 】

the plot of this plane flashed in front of Xie Yu like a movie.

The original owner has no name, is a mermaid in the deep sea.

There are many mermaids like him in the sea. Most mermaids are good-looking, but few are as beautiful as the original owner.

He has silvery tail, fair skin, golden hair, ice blue eyes, long eyelashes, and now he has a scarlet tear mole. His nose is high, his lips are thin and beautiful, and he has a bit of demon in his purity. When he drops his eyes, he is very innocent, which is very lovable.

This deep sea Mermaid seldom goes ashore. One day, he was attacked by a big fish in the water and bit his tail. The big fish was very agile in the water. If he stayed in the water all the time, he might be in danger of death, so the mermaid chose to go ashore.

After landing, he could stay on the shore for a short time and not die, but the big fish couldn't, so he was saved temporarily.

But the beautiful mermaid attracted the attention of the fishermen at sea. They all wanted to catch him and sell him for a good price.

At the critical moment, mermaid was rescued by a prince sailing on the sea. The prince's name was itas, which was mermaid's first love.

He bandaged the wound for the mermaid, placed him on his own boat, took good care of him every day, and didn't put him back to the sea until the mermaid was well hurt.

The mermaid who returns to the sea misses the prince very much. He has changed from "seldom going ashore" to "going ashore every day" just to see his prince more.

But gradually, the mermaid began to feel that this was not enough.

He wanted to see the prince every day, every minute and every second, and to stay with him forever.

So the mermaid found the wizard deep in the sea and made a deal with him.

Mermaid agreed to the conditions of the wizard, allowing the wizard to take his Mermaid heart when he died.

The wizard turned the mermaid's beautiful tail into a pair of straight and slender legs. Finally, the mermaid was able to go ashore and stay with his prince every day.

He thought that he could be happy every day, but it turns out that both human and Mermaid are greedy species.

He didn't want the prince to be close to other people except him, and he began to have a strong possessive desire.

So, the mermaid, who had already had a pair of long legs, went back to the sea again. He found the omnipotent wizard and promised him that he wanted the prince's heart and love.

The wizard agreed to him without saying anything.

After landing, the mermaid really got the prince's heart. The prince really fell in love with him, just like he was possessed, and fell madly in love with him.

The prince is not close to other people. He ignores state affairs every day. As Mermaid wishes, he stays by his side and accompanies him all the time.

Mermaid is very happy, very happy, feel that they have nothing to ask for, but the good scene is not long