Athotheus jumped his eyelids and held the machete in his hand, which was not worth mentioning to the dragon. He was wary in his eyes, "... I, I will go out to find food for you now. I will come back soon, soon!"

Xie Yu fell in love with eyes again.

Ahsothes breathed a sigh of relief and walked out quickly.


an hour later, Athos returned with three extremely large boars.

He also tied a row of rabbits around his waist and carried a large pile of dry firewood on his back. The dry firewood was as big as two of his.

With bloodstains on his face and a lot of bright red blood on his body, he looked as if he was in a mess.

After he left, Xie Yu had been sleeping. When he heard the news of his return, he opened his eyes slowly.

Xie Yu feels energetic.

Ahsothes looked at the huge golden pupils and said, "... Baby, I'm back, you, you wake up."

The food has not been baked, and can't eat for the time being. Xie Yu doesn't mean to change back to the dragon shape. He closes his eyes again and says, "well."

Ahsotes quickly put down the dry wood on his back, dragged the boar in and said, "wait, I'll bake it for you now."

Xie Yu had closed his eyes and went to sleep again.

While he was putting up firewood over there, he noticed Xie Yu's movement. Seeing that he was asleep again, he immediately relaxed and quickened his movements.

He quickly plucked the rabbit's skin, took a knife to deal with the internal organs, and then put them on the fire.

Roast rabbit first, rabbit is easier to cook than wild boar.

Ahsotes took a breath, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and went to drag the boar.

His knives are very small, so it's very hard to cut wild boar.

It took a lot of effort to get rid of a wild boar. When the first wild boar was almost finished, the rabbit on the fire was already emitting a strong fragrance.

Athotes looked down at his stomach, then turned to look at the dragon on the golden bed. His eyes fell on Xie Yu's gem like scales. His eyes were complex.

Every Dragon has its strongest scale, which is the most precious thing on them. Now, the king of the Loran empire is looking for a strong dragon scale all over the world. He wants to use the strongest dragon scale to make a armor for his favorite little princess. Any dragon slayer who offers scales can become a duke.

The eyes of azotes revolved on Xie Yu. Which one was it.

How can there be so many golden scales on the body.

Just as he watched Xie Yu meditate, the Dragon slowly opened his eyes.

Aesotes' eyes were shocked, and he withdrew them abruptly.

Xie Yu didn't pay attention to his eyes. There were only a few roasted rabbits in his huge golden pupils.

The dragon on the bed slowly shrinks and turns back to the cool and beautiful boy.

He got out of bed, walked slowly up to Athos, looked at the rabbits and asked, "OK?"

Athothes quickly nodded, dropped the knife in his hand and took the roast rabbit down, "OK."

Xie Yu bowed his head and sniffed it. It was delicious.

His mood became happy, and he reached out to pick up the rabbit, but arthos suddenly moved his hand away.