Chapter 1273 - 1273: Undercover Appears

Chapter 1273: Undercover Appears

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“H-how is this possible?!”

Lu Ying exclaimed, “The lab used for the photolithography machine is completely confidential. Moreover, Ms Liang has arranged for armed police to guard it, and they signed a confidentiality agreement. It’s impossible for such a thing to happen!”

Among the three of them, Sun Fuyu was in charge of the mobile phone business.

Thus, this had nothing to do with him.

However, he and Director Shen had always been in charge of this project.

After such a thing happened, the two of them could not absolve themselves from blame!

Lu Ying could not accept this. She even thought of killing herself to prove her innocence.

“President Lin...”

Shen Tianzhuo was also stunned speechless.

This was a huge blow to him!

After spending more than a year, hiring hundreds of researchers, and spending hundreds of billions...

At this moment, everything was for naught.

“Don’t say anything, I trust you guys,” Lin Yi said.


Lu Ying could not help but cry. This female scientist with a high IQand poor EQ. could not control her tears at this moment.

“This happened once before, and now it’s happened again. President Lin, I’ve let you down.”


Lin Yi took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

If he couldn’t calm down, their emotions would overflow.

“You’re all in the scientific research field. You’ve never seen the type of deception that goes on in the business world. It’s not your fault that something like this happened. I’m also responsible.”

“I’m different from Little Lu.”

Shen Tianzhuo sighed. He seemed to have aged a few years.

“I’ve worked at Microsoft before, and I’m also the head of security at the laboratory. I’m fully responsible no matter what angle you look at this from.”

Shen Tianzhuo could not control his emotions.

Over the past year, he had poured his heart and soul into the photolithography machine.

To him, the machine that was about to be assembled was like his child.

Now that it had suddenly been stolen, he could not accept it.

Seeing that the matter involved the photolithography machine, Liang Ruoxu’s heart tightened.

This was the most core and secretive project in the entire Lingyun Group.

If something went wrong, the consequences would be unbearable.

“Don’t ask anything. Just do as I say.”

“I’ll arrange it now.”

After talking to Liang Ruoxu, Lin Yi looked at Lu Ying. “Call the lab now and see who’s missing. The faster, the better.”

It was four o’clock in the afternoon. It was not time to get off work yet. Moreover, the people in the laboratory worked overtime by default. Under normal circumstances, they would be in the laboratory at this time.


Lin Yi took Shen Tianzhuo’s cigarette packet and smoked a few cigarettes silently.

Sun Fuyu, who was very perceptive, asked the hotel receptionist to send a few boxes over so that he wouldn’t run out.

Almost an hour passed.

“President Lin, five people are not in the laboratory,” Lu Ying said.

“Alberken took leave and returned to Meiguo. His wife is due in a week, so he took a month off. He left four days ago.”

“Fris and Liu Wenru. They called in sick yesterday.”

“Because we would soon receive a batch of imported Ruxian equipment, Irina was assigned by Director Shen to oversee this project. She left for Ruxia three days ago and hasn’t returned yet.”

“Qiu Xucheng applied for a week of bereavement leave two days ago. At this moment, only these five people are not in the laboratory.”

“Qiu Xucheng?”

Lin Yi had no impression of the first four.

However, Qiu Xucheng had left a deep impression on him.

He seemed to be He Yuanyuan’s ex-boyfriend.

Suddenly, Lin Yi thought of something.

A few months ago, she had accompanied Du Yao to Zhonghai to buy revision materials. She had met him at a bookstore with several Sunrise Landese and English-language books.

At that time, he did not pay it any attention. Now that he looked at it, there seemed to be some connection between the matter.

“Contact these five people and see what’s going on. I want to see if their alibis are true,” Lin Yi said seriously.

“I’ll make the call now.”

Following Lin Yi’s instructions, Lu Ying called the five team members.

However, four of them answered and confirmed their current state.

Only Qiu Xucheng could not be contacted!

Although there was no concrete evidence to prove that he was a spy in the laboratory, the four of them had a faint premonition!

This person called Qiu Xucheng was the most suspicious figure!