Translator: “Ashita”                             Editor: “Weasalopes”

The rain that pours down for a while absorbs the pollution in the atmosphere and falls all over the surface including my body.

It also fell on the buildings of the Royal Capital and its stone pavings or perhaps even on the carriages and the people.

(What a dirty rain)

I think as I look at the fine dust and sand that has collected at the window frame while the golem carriage shakes.

They will no doubt turn into speckles the color of ocher after they dry.

The carriage I am on proceeds to head North of the Royal Castle and turns into a land belonging to the Knight Order Headquarters.

I gazed at the rustic honey-colored building that was hazy due to the rain while the coachman and the gatekeeper carried out their question and answer session.

(It is plain when compared the image I had of it in my imagination)

The golem carriage I am on was allowed to pass through the gate, it then proceeded to enter the premises.

It stopped at the end of a turnaround path with a shelter over it.

I got off and headed for the entrance.

I am not dressed in my usual civilian clothes. I am dressed in a pilot’s formal uniform with an aiguillette and an epaulet.

It is an important outdoor clothing so I take care not to drench it in the rain.

I then remembered the reason I came here today, making my heart pound.

(I wanted to visit it at least once)

Seeing a humanoid golem that is eighteen meters high is any man’s dream.

I want to see Knights lined up together. I got invited by a gentleman from the Knight Order while I said that on a daily basis.

The sentinel opened the gate; there is a person waiting inside the hall. I then passed by a person I recognize.

The other person also realized it and came closer.

「What are you doing at a place like this?」

That person is a fierce-looking young woman.

Putting both hands on her hips as if she was about to tackle me, her trademark ponytail behind her shakes.

The Knight Order pilot’s insignia at her collar sparkled.

(So you have been formally employed, congratulations)

I congratulated her in my heart.

I do not say it out loud as Ponytail is a very prideful woman.

By becoming a member of the Knight Order, her position has become higher than that of a person like me who is a member of the Knight Order of the Merchant Guild.

I get a headache from her belittling attitude.

(Ohh, so Busty-chan is here as well)

The cannon class giant boobs that have had a late appearance.

Her boobs shake up and down when she sees me.

「Now that is quite polite of you」

I returned a greeting to those boobs.

「Don’t you dare ignore me」

Ponytail frowned as she took a step forward.

I shrugged, seeing as she is still the same.

Just then, the person in question who is responsible for inviting me appeared.

「Thank you for waiting Tauro-san」

A perverted macho who is slightly ugly. He is the holder of the nickname – 『Skewering Whirlwind』 – given by those at the red-light district. His name is Corneal.

After he gave me an amiable smile, his face became stern as he looked at Ponytail.

「Surely you have not done anything impolite to the guest」

Ponytail immediately straightened her back and stood up straight.

I could not suppress my snicker when I looked at her acting like that. Ponytail has finally understood the position she is at.

Corneal is now an A-rank pilot. It can be said that he is in the upper echelon of the Knight Order of the Kingdom.

「No, she was just kindly offering to show me around」

I looked at Ponytail with one eye as I lied.

Glaring back at me suspiciously, she merely formed a forced smile with one side of her mouth.

That reaction, that has not changed at all since then, made me feel both nostalgic and ecstatic at the same time.

「By the way, I hear that there is a new pilot who was hired, that person must be quite skillful I expect」

Hearing the question I asked with a purpose in mind, Corneal caught my drift and played along.

「Nah, that person is still very much a fledgling. That person has been granted the pilot’s insignia but on the inside, that person is still very much on a level that cannot be called a pilot」

He let out an exaggerated sigh, shrugging as he shook his head.

「My oh my, that is quite harsh」

「Nah that is only the truth. Only the attitude of that person is similar to that of a competent but pretentious Knight Order member. That really is troubling」

「Well, that person managed to be a member of the Knight Order which that person has always looked up to. There is no helping it if that person is somewhat merry」

「How very kind of you」

We then laughed in order to insinuate Ponytail.

Moving only my eyes, I looked at Ponytail to find that she was shaking perhaps due to her heightened emotions.

(Indeed, she does live up to my expectations. It really is worth instigating her)

Instigating her just like this and enjoying it when she is brought all the way up to her limit is the right way to enjoy Ponytail.

However, she has already quit her part-time job at the brothel. It is an extreme let down that I can probably no longer enjoy it.

That is why I decided to conclude things here and let her off.

「Now if you will excuse me」

Ponytail bowed and turned her back toward us.

She then stomped off, her legs shaped like that of a bowleg*. A pair of giant shaking boobs chase after her from behind, jogging in a pigeon-toed** manner.

[*TL note: A condition where a person’s legs arches outward. In this context, it is used to show the way she stomps off. To find out more, visit] [**TL note: A condition where a person’s toes point inwards when walking. In this context, it is used to show the way she walks. To find out more, visit]

(The way she carries herself. I wonder what to think of it seeing as she is a young women)

As I was thinking that, I felt a new possibility from her walking in a bowlegged manner in a mini-tight skirt.

(Now is not the time to make my imagination run wild with thoughts about such unexplored territory)

Moving on, I greeted Corneal once again.

「It has been a while. I am glad that you are fine. And congratulations on becoming an A-rank pilot」

Corneal blushed while scratching the back of his head.

While giving his thanks, he commended me for my exploits at the Northern League of Nations.

But the topic quickly changed to the upcoming matter regarding the Empire.

「It is helpful that the Empire has pulled back. I honestly think that the situation was dangerous on a national level」

He then made an unsatisfied expression as he continued speaking.

「However, I don’t know the reason that made them pull back. Did something happen within the Empire」

He is probably probing to see if the Merchant Guild has any idea as to what it might be.

I folded my arms and tilted my head, making a troubled expression, I think for a while.

「I do not know. It seems like our Guild Chief does not have the information as well」

Corneal dropped his shoulders when he heard that answer.

「I see. If that old man does not know, then nothing can be done」

Any insights as to what will happen in the near future cannot be attained if the reason for that is not known.

It seems like Corneal is worried about another invasion within a short span of time. He ponders as he put his hand on his chin.

But he soon returned from his sea of thoughts.

「I apologize. I can’t help but think」

He then turned to face the inside of the hallway and took a step, beckoning me to come over.

「Please follow me. I will guide you to the hangar」

Unlike the Merchant Guild, the Knight Order’s headquarters has a hangar on its own premises.

I came here today as Corneal wanted to show me his new Knight – an A-rank Knight.

At the other end of the long hallway, there is a separate building made of bricks that looks like that of a spinning mill factory.

(As expected of the Knight Order of the Kingdom)

An extremely huge room with a high ceiling crowded with Knights that are lined up neatly.

And there is a pathway in between each Knight like that of corridors in mid-air.

As I am heading deeper in while being captivated by the spectacular view when a golden sparkle caught my eye. When I looked up, I saw a Knight standing upright that looks like it was made out of gold.

Translator: “Ashita”                             Editor: “Weasalopes”

「This is an A-rank Knight from the Knight Order, its name is Golden Knight」

Corneal stretched his right hand and pointed at it.

He then leaned closer to me and said in a low voice.

(How is it? It is quite terrible right. It is a design that suits the taste of the Gourmet of Gold)

He probably wanted me to agree with him, unfortunately, I could not reply at all.

That is because I felt a shock as if I was hit by lightning.

(There is also a genius in this world)

The Golden Knight’s head and both of its shoulders.

There lies the exact shape as the objet d’art* that I saw in my previous life at the Sumida river bank**.

I still cannot forget that shock that ran through me that shook my very core.

[*TL note: Is French for “art object”. In English, it is used to mean a miniature object that is decorative or artistic in nature. To find out more, visit] [**TL note: A famous attraction that is golden in color and looks like an elongated slime with a tail. It is located near the Sumida River. To find out more, visit]

(Too awesome)

How do I even begin to explain it?

A round and thick pointed end that got pushed out by the pressure and finally shows itself to the outside world.

Continuing on is the torso and somewhat of a waist halfway through for a change.

And, regretfully, lastly, a sharp edge like that of some whipped cream.

Taking its golden color into consideration, it seems to suggest that everything belongs in one package.

(They installed this at the rooftop of a company?)

I doubted my very eyes at that time.

That is because that company is not a fabric company that uses morbid humor to seek attention from the media.

A first-class company that is peerless worldwide. Furthermore, they handle foodstuffs.

(A designer that recommended this despite knowing all of that)

There is no doubt that that person is a genius.

(And the company’s management that accepts this)

As expected, there is no doubt that they are both geniuses.

They say geniuses know one another. These are people who live in this world that commoners such as myself cannot bring ourselves to understand at all.

「Tauro-san! Mind your step」

Corneal’s voice brought me back to reality.

「I’m sorry, I was slightly absentminded」

I let out an embarrassed grin as I stared at the stairs.

There is a sign that urges caution with the words 『Be wary of falling!』 and an illustration of a person falling and sustaining injuries.


Something linked up in my head at that moment.

The objet d’art that I saw on the rooftop of a company in my previous life. That sign that was supposed to be unrelated to it has brought forth something within me resembling a revelation.

(Is that objet d’art the same as that?)

Safety marks that are put up at various places to prevent injuries and accidents.

Most of them only have illustrations of accidents on them.

Be careful not to become like that! – that is the kind of strong message they are made to send out.

(……I see)

That object d’art draws attention in order to prevent a tragic accident from happening.

Watch Out! A person must pay close attention to his or her own health!

That is always right above their heads, shouting at the employees at all times.

All the pieces fit together if I think of it like that.

(So it was like that)

Why is that? – that is the doubt I have been troubled over for a long time.

But the mystery has now been solved.

I nodded many times, extremely touched.

「Is something wrong?」

Seeing a mystified Corneal, I waved my hand in reply.

「Nah, it is just that it is also important to look at things from a different angle」

He makes a puzzled expression but that is all he did.

「Let’s move to the next one then」

He descended the stairs as he said this.

On the other hand, my heart feels light as I have just solved one of life’s mysteries.

I descended the stairs with light steps and walked further in.

And the Knight in question finally appeared. It is the Knight that Corneal wanted to show me.

「This is it」

I looked up after he said those words.

A beautiful Knight that is painted a deep blue.

(Eh, but this is)

I am also a pilot. Thus, I am interested in Knights.

I have lent the 『Empire’s Black Smith Guild Yearbook』 many times and have enjoyed the many illustrations of the Knights from all over the world.

By the way, the reason why it goes by 『Empire』 is because she is the only nation publishing these yearbooks.

「This, isn’t this the Royal Blue?」

Corneal nods when he hears those words.

「Yea, it is the Knight that his highness has been piloting up until recently」

He is referring to the second prince who has passed away the other day due to the injuries he has sustained by participating in the engagement at Landbarn.

「I kinda know what Tauro-san wants to say」

Glancing at me, who was baffled, from the side, he too looked up at the Royal Blue.

「However, I have no leeway to play around with an A-rank Knight. No matter what the reason is」

And also, he said as he turned to me and closed one of his eyes.

「This Knight has high specs. It is not a bad idea to leave my life in its hands」

The Royal family and Corneal, if both of them are fine with that then that is probably alright.

There is also the fact that this is a critical moment for the survival of the nation.

Having finished today’s objective which was the sightseeing of the Knights, we left the hangar and walked towards the cafe.

I asked something that I was curious about on the way there.

「Will you not change the name of that Knight?」

Isn’t it bad that the name still remains as Royal Blue even when the person who is not from royalty is piloting it?

That’s true, he says as he makes a troubled expression.

「I can’t think of anything. Will Tauro-san also help to think of something」

A nostalgic peer appeared while we were having a discussion about the name after we arrived at the cafe.

「So you were here upperclassman Corneal」

A handsome young man with wavy hair.

A child of a noble who I competed with when I was attending the Pilot School.

After he was shocked when he saw me, he fixed his tone and greeted me.

「It has been quite a while」

He probably sensed that I am here for formal business from my formal wear.

As expected from someone who is born a noble. He acts way differently from Ponytail who immediately snarls at me.

「Come to think of it, Tauro-san and this guy were together at school」

Corneal sat beside me.

And the topic became that of the engagement at Landbarn.

「And so, this guy has debuted in actual combat but the other over there hasn’t」

The child of a noble got embarrassed at Corneal who is coarse in his use of language.

「Tauro-san, will you introduce some good ones」

That is a request that is right up my alley.

I am a beast that is always starving.

Leave it to me, I accept his request with my chest puffed out.

The face of the child of a noble became crimson red as he flared up at Corneal. I cast a sidelong glance at this sight while I ponder.

(The child of a noble is different from the old man of the rental bookstore)

A refined young man with a handsome look. There is no doubt that he is popular.

「……Come to think of it, what have you come here for? Were you not looking for me」

Corneal, who was stumped by the menacing look the child of a noble was giving him, said.

The child of a noble came to a sudden realization when he heard this.

「That is right. A sudden meeting has been set up with the Royal Capital’s security, I have come here regarding that」

Corneal explains, seeing as I harbored doubts about the phrase – Royal Capital’s security.

「It seems like a cease-fire agreement will be forged this time. So there is stuff like the people from the Empire who are coming to the Royal Capital. And so, from security plans to others, there are many things that need to be done」

The child of a noble made a face that clearly implies: 「is it alright to speak of that to an outsider」. In reply to this, Corneal said 「it’s fine」, with an irritated expression on his face.

That said, it seems like Corneal’s busy schedules still look to continue.

With that schedule, it seems like the restarting of the Adult Gourmet Club can only be done sometime in the future.

With this, both of us parted ways at the cafe.