With the new goal of acquiring the true holy sword, we immediately began to move. However, since I knew the location of the holy sword with my [Akashic Compass], all we had to do was to go in the direction indicated by the compass.

Two weeks had passed since we left the town of Atorumtein. We saw a holy sword standing on the ground in front of us.

“Wow, it’s really stuck in the stone. Amazing,” I exclaimed.

After passing through a deep, foggy forest, in the center of the open space that emerged, there was a stone protruded like a pedestal. Then, there was a sword that seemed to be a holy sword stuck in it. It didn’t show a trace of rust even though it had been exposed to the wind and rain.

“I mean, how could it be in a place like this and we haven’t found it until now? I didn’t see any reaction in my body either?” Alexis asked.

“I don’t know about that, but the whole forest was under a spell of deception,” Tia said.

“What? On the contrary, wouldn’t that stand out?” I asked her.

It was like shouting out that something was going on, that the whole area was covered with illusion-type magic, even though it was just an ordinary forest at first glance. I couldn’t think of a reason why no one would check out such a place, but Tia answered my question with a grin.

“Yes, it’s very noticeable. However, when the magic of the forest was broken, another magic would be triggered. This time, on some of the trees. Also, it seemed that it was leading those who thought they had broken through the illusion to a lake that looked like it might have something. See, we just passed it, didn’t we?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah, …”

Tia’s words reminded me of a lake we passed by on the way here. A perfect circular lake filled with clear water with not even a single fallen leaf in spite of being in the middle of a forest. It was obviously suspicious, but my [Akashic Compass] told me that there was no holy sword there, so we passed by without examining it.

“If you see something like that at the end of the Lost Forest, anyone would think there’s some secret there, right? In fact, it seemed to be filled with the power of spirits, so I think the water had a special power. I think if you made a recovery potion out of it, it would be highly effective. But I think the power of the spirits interfered with it and made it impossible to get to this place. If you hadn’t led me here and I didn’t know there was more to it, I probably wouldn’t have noticed it either.”

“I see. After getting past the first illusion, there are rewards that are well worth it. But, if you get it, you’ll never get to the real deep end. … That’s a trick.” I muttered.

I don’t know where was the one who set this up, but it was quite vicious .. or cunning. Not even allowing the Hero to reach this place was a bit too much, though.

“Hey, Alexis. Didn’t you know anything?”

“…There is a pure spring hidden deep in the forest. In its innermost depths lies the power of the Hero in eternal slumber.”

“There is!? Then, go look for it!” I said, shocked.

“I looked for it at the bottom of the lake … And this is what I found.”

As I pouted, Alexis pulled out a jade pendant on a gold chain from around the neck of his armor and showed it to me.

“It has the power to heal the wounds of those who wear it. I’ve never been here myself, but the fact that the survey team brought this back to me completed the story. I had no idea that the real holy sword lay beyond that. …”

Alexis giggled tiredly, and I was speechless as well. Well, yeah. I know. If we ourselves went through the difficulties, explored as the lore stated, and got such a nice treasure, We would be satisfied with that. .. Really, whoever thought of this was really malicious. Why were they even trying to trick the Hero?

“Well, that’s it. Stay strong?”

“Hmph! I don’t need you to tell me what to do!”

I patted his shoulder but Alexis snorted and pushed it away. Hmmm, pretending to be cheerful is fine.

“… Ed, when did you really get so friendly with Alexis? Why so much all of a sudden?”

“Fufufu~, Tia. Time is of the essence in male friendship, right?”

“I agree. You get naked, do muscle to muscle contact, and from that moment on you are muscle buddies!”

“Ehhh, did Ed and Alexis really do that …?”

“I don’t think so! Don’t be so cocky, old man!”

“Gahaha! Muscle solves everything!”

After Alexis recognized me that day, I started having normal conversations with him. Then, the old man Gonzo heard this and said, “How can a man who speaks normally with Alexis speak politely only to me! My lonely muscles will cry!” So, now I talked casually with all the members of the hero’s party.

…… but of course muscles were not involved or touching each other. As someone whose body rewinded back in time every time I returned to the <White World> I had a longing for a well-trained body, but that was a different story.

“Anyway, Quickly come here, Alexis!” I urged Alexis.

“Mm…… no, you’re right. Hey, Ed, why don’t you pull it out for me to try?”

“What!? Me? I don’t mind.”

At Alexis’ suggestion, I grabbed the hilt of the holy sword that stood out against the stone and pulled it with all my might. But, of course, the holy sword was unaffected, and the question was, “Do I actually have the aptitude to be a hero?” Something like that won’t happen.

… Furthermore, using the [Stranger Box] and other banishment skills, it seemed possible to just get it, if not pull it out, but I would not lose my manliness. No, though I would consider it if Alexis by any chance couldn’t pull off the Holy Sword.

“I can’t… pull it out.”

“I see. …”

“Then, I’m next!” Old man Gonzo said.

“Oh, I want to try it too!” Tia also chimed in.

With Alexis a little relieved for some reason, old man Gonzo and Tia also tried to pull out the holy sword, but they both failed to pull it out.

“Noooo, even my muscles can’t pull it off. …”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but it’s not surprising. Here, now it’s Alexis’ turn!” I said, while looking at Alexis.

“Oh …”

Alexis stood in front of the holy sword and put his hand on the hilt as Tia cheerfully gave up her place. Taking a deep breath, he then applied pressure on his hand and …

“It moved! Great, it’s slipping out!”

“Whoa! Hang in there, Alexis!”

“Go! Do it! You can do it, Alexis!”

“Oh, shut up! Just shut up and watch me for a minute! Hooo, Haahhhhhhh….!!”

Slowly the holy sword was pulled out, little by little, and soon the tip of the sword left the stone. When Alexis raised the holy sword, which was finally revealed in all its glory, his body was suddenly enveloped in light.

“This …!? Power is overflowing in me…!?”

“Hey, hey, what’s that floating around there?” Surprised, I said pointing to where Alexis was.

“Oh, it’s true! Alexis is floating!” Tia said.

“Is that what the muscles of the Holy Sword are capable of, to levitate in the air that even an eagle can’t do?”

“The Muscles of the Holy Sword…?”

I looked at Alexis, who was floating in the air, even if it was only a few centimeters, with a shiver in my heart at old man Gonzo’s words that even inorganic objects require muscles. It was as if Alexis was wrapped in a cocoon of light, but the light was gradually absorbed into Alexis’ body, and soon after all the light was taken in, Alexis’ body fell to the ground with a thud.


“Hey Alexis. You okay?” I asked.

“… yeah, no problem.”

Saying this, Alexis swung the holy sword sideways toward a nearby tree. The trajectory of the sword became a shining blade, and about three trees as thick as an adult’s torso were cut down together.

“Whoa!? Was that  [Moonscraper]?”

“No. I was not conscious of anything, I just swung the sword. … I see, so this is the true power of the Holy Sword and of the hero.”

Alexis stared at the hand holding the holy sword. His expression was filled with joy and exuberance that couldn’t be hidden, was different from the usual Alexis, who looked like a child who had received a new toy.

“I will need to become proficient with this power for a while. As it is now, there’s a chance that I might unintentionally hurt you guys. But once that’s over, …”

After saying that, Alexis broke off and turned his powerful gaze on us.

“Yosh. We’re going to get through the demon lord’s domain and defeat the Demon King in one swoop!. I know We can do it now!” Alexis said.

“Oh, we’re finally going!” Tia exclaimed.

“With Ed here, surely we can make it now! Hey, don’t you think so, Ed?”

“Oh, yeah. Yeah.”

I smiled vaguely at the three of them, who were getting excited. Surely, with such strength, we could at least get out of the demon’s territory. and there was no way an incident like in the first round would happen because I was here. …

(Yikes, If I missed this chance to get exiled, I won’t ever get it again!)

This was a problem I couldn’t share with anyone, and I was left to contemplate it inwardly.