
Immediately after the world transfer was completed, I couldn’t help but shout. Again, I know there existed a special blank space in between the white world and the world I was transferring to, but still this was unexpected.


In front of me, a large number of children approximately 12 years old, dressed in matching outfits, were lined up in a row. And among them, the boy in front of me was staring at me with the biggest look of surprise on his face. Wait, isn’t this….!?



I spontaneously held my head down, and the boy in front of me exclaimed and reached out his hand towards me.

But I didn’t have time to worry about it. This scene, this boy, certainly looks familiar …, or rather, I remember. I remember this…

(Why am I here? Why did I come here!?)

This was the 28th world. I was puzzled by the fact that my memory retained it, but I soon realized that it didn’t really matter.

(Tia is gone!?)

I felt no warmth from my hands that were supposed to be holding her hands. The fact that I was the only one who was sent to this place almost made me black out, but I held my frustration inside myself with steel willpower.

(Calm down. It’s true that what’s happening right now is absurd, but it is meaningless to think about it. First of all, I just need to calm down and figure out what’s going on. To do that….)

There was a boy in front of me looking at me with a face saying he didn’t know what to do. Now that I remembered what happened during the first time, there was only one thing I could do.

“My name is Aidos, A Human Spirit. What do you want from me?”

“A-A H-human spirit!?”

The boy in front of me was again surprised when I announced myself. In addition, people around me were like, “A human spirit?” “Is there even such a thing?” I ignored them and called out to the boy again.

“What’s wrong? Did you have something to do with me?”

“Ah!? Uh, uh, … my name is Miguel! I am the summoner who summoned thee, and I seek a contract with thee! In my power and my name, follow me and kneel. O Aidos, Human Spirit!”

Following my prompting, The timid-looking boy with soft brown hair thrusted a cane in front of my face. Then a pale light from the tip of it shone down on me …. and nothing happened.

Well, I wasn’t really a spirit, so naturally it didn’t have any effect on me. But to Miguel and the students around him, who weren’t aware of this, this scene would be a total failure which in the first place should not be.

“A-Are? Failure? I-If that’s the case…”

“The contract is made. What do you ask of me, my Lord?”

Therefore, I knelt down in front of the impatient Miguel as if the ritual had succeeded. I was treated so badly by Miguel in the academy during the first round because I had not known this etiquette and had simply been dumbfounded, but I would not let that happen in order to secure my freedom in the future.

Miguel, who thought he had made a contract with me, was innocently happy … and tilted his head.

“Y-Yay!! Well then… What can a Spirit do?”

Aside from the ordinary spirit such as fire or water, there was no way Miguel would know what a “human spirit,” which as far as I know didn’t not exist, could do. I responded to Miguel’s question with a formal tone that was as spirit-like as possible.

“As a Human Spirit, I am only capable of doing what other Humans can do.”

“What can people do … So how about burning that tree or building a wall of dirt …?”

“If you want me to burn the wood, allow me to make a fire using a flint. If you want me to build a wall, allow me to dig the ground and pile the dirt on top of it. Is that alright with you?”

“Yes. …?”

Miguel was blatantly disappointed by my answer. A spirit was something that was capable of wielding supernatural powers that others could not imagine, but he was told that I was only capable of doing what a mere human servant could do, I could understand why he was disappointed. 

But it was not appropriate for me to show my true strength here. Until Tia’s safety was confirmed, it would be difficult for me to move if I stood out too much.

“Yes! Attention everyone!”

And then the only adult woman present clapped her hands together to get the children’s attention. After confirming this, the female teacher looked around once again at the faces of the students she was in charge of before continuing.

“It seems that some of the children have made a contract with a slightly different spirit than the other day, but anyway, everyone’s ‘spirit contract’ is now complete! This is the end of today’s class, so please go back to your dormitories and have a long talk with your contracted spirits. If you have any questions or feel that you are in danger, please call the teacher immediately. Understood?”


“Nice, a good answer. Then, dismissed!”

With the words of the female teacher, the children dispersed en masse in small groups. But Miguel was the only one who returned to the dormitory alone. Well, technically there were two of us, since I was following him, but I was a spirit here.

“Ha. Why is my spirit like this …”

“Isn’t that a little rude?”

I frowned lightly at Miguel, who complained as we walked along. But Miguel looked back at me with a resentful expression on his face.

“Because Aidos can only do what other people do, right?”

“Mm. I can only do what normal humans can do.”

“Then why don’t you try flying?”

Miguel’s words made me jump lightly on the spot.

“…Don’t… No, definitely, Nooo”

Miguel said this right away when he saw me slowly reaching for my crotch. Of course I didn’t mean to do it seriously, but I couldn’t deny that Miguel’s eyes became even colder when he looked at me. …

“Ha, I knew it, it’s useless.”

“What’s wrong with that? I am able to do everything My Lord is able to do, you know? And what I can do, My Lord can do. Don’t My lord understand how great that is?”

“I can’t! A spirit that can only do what I can do is useless!”

“… So, My lord thinks he is useless?

“……………………, that’s right.”

“What a self-deprecating Lord you are. In that case, I think you should eat a full meal, don’t you?”

“If that was able to solve every problem, life would be a lot easier.”

“My Lord’s life is hard because he doesn’t think he can fix it.”



We walked side by side in silence. The loneliness of the us was even more apparent when we were surrounded by people who were happily talking and showing off their contracted spirits to each other.

“……. Ha, I get it. I lost. I won’t say it again.”

“Mm-hmm, that’s a great attitude. You are my Lord, after all.”

I nodded in satisfaction and answered Miguel, who couldn’t stand the silence and uttered. Not a bad way to start off, I guess.

“Then let’s go to my room. Let’s talk about each other there.”

“Mm, Alright. I, too, have questions to ask my Lord.”

“I’ve got too! Hey, what’s the world of spirits like?”

“Uh, that’s … well, Let’s go to your room first.”

“Yeah! Fufu, Can’t wait for it.”

Miguel’s eyes lit up with anticipation, but of course I knew nothing about the world of spirits. As long as I didn’t get caught, I could say anything vaguely…. Hmm

(If only Tia was here…)

If we stayed away from Miguel the Hero, we would not be able to return later. So, I had to keep my composure and be cautious. With impatience bottled up inside my chest, I followed Miguel as we walked through the beautifully maintained grounds of the academy.