“What do you think?”


Master was staring at the sword I had forged. I’ve experienced this many times before, but I always get nervous at this moment.

“………… not bad.”

“Haaa, another ‘so-so’ … hmm?”

Thinking I had received the same response as usual, I shrugged my shoulders again today and decided to work hard from tomorrow. I was prepared to do so when I heard an unfamiliar word, and my body stiffened.

“M-Master!? You said it’s not bad now. …..!.?”

“Yeah, it’s not bad at all.”


It has been a few months since I graduated from the Iron Sword and started forging Steel Swords. I was so pleased with the recognition I received for the first time that I let out a squeal of joy. I even stood up on the spot and struck a gut-pose with all my might.

“Finally! Finally, my master gave me an evaluation other than ‘so-so’… ah, just to be sure, it’s not like it’s gotten any worse, right?”

“Yeah! You, Do you not even realize if your skills have improved or not?”

“No, you see, there is a difference between self-evaluation and other people’s evaluation. You think you’re growing up, but there are things that can go wrong, right?”

“….Well, yeah.”

Even if you think you are moving forward, it does not necessarily mean that you are moving in the same direction as the rest of the world. Just a slight tilt of the toe can easily cause the front to turn sideways, and you may even find yourself moving backward.

“Relax, your arms have grown properly. Ah, really properly… Just like normal.”


Suddenly, Master’s expression clouded over. As I was feeling uneasy because I did not understand the reason for this, he let out a small breath and slowly began to speak.

“Hey Ed, do you remember when we first met?”

“Huh? Yes, of course. I asked you to be my apprentice, and I showed you my sword.”

“Yes, that’s right. When I saw that, I thought you were a genius. I was so scared inside that I wondered if such a young guy could forge a sword like this. But, in fact, it seems that the skill of the guy was raised considerably by some strange ability, but even with that, your skill was still quite impressive. If you are 20 years old now, that means you haven’t wielded a hammer for 10 years, right? If you’re that good with a hammer, you’re a genius.”

“No, that’s–“

“But your growth since coming under my supervision has been normal, to say the least. It’s not like you’re a genius who’s stagnating because you can’t break out of your shell, nor is it like you’ve exhausted your talent and you’ve hit the ceiling. It’s the same as a blacksmith who is not blessed with any particular talent, but whose skills grow through honest effort. To be honest, I don’t get it. How did such a person become so skilled at that age? You should have been able to achieve the level of proficiency equivalent to someone who has been swinging the hammer for more than 10 years in just a few years, so why are you only growing normally now?”


I had no answer to my mentor’s question. The reason for this aws simple: I have spent decades honing my blacksmithing skills, but my body was constantly rewinding to the state of a 20-year-old, but if I were to tell him that truthfully, he would not believe me.

Like a child being pointed out for cheating, I gritted my teeth as he pointed out the … truth, or rather, the truth exactly as it was. Then, perhaps misunderstanding my attitude, he hurried to follow up.

“No, I get it. You swing the hammer diligently every day, so you are not at fault in the slightest. If there is anyone at fault it is me. It is my fault for letting you grow to an average level. That means my skills were not good enough to bring out your talent and let you grow to your full potential.”

“No way!? That is absolutely not true! For me, my master is the best master!”

Those were undeniably my true feelings. Thanks to my master, I had grown not only in my blacksmithing but also mentally. If I had not met my master here, if I had traveled around the world in the original order, I feel I would have made some fatal mistake.

“What my master taught me is a treasure for me! I am grateful to have met you, there is no way that I will ever regret it!”

“… Che, what are you trying so hard to do! It makes my ass itch!”

As I desperately appealed to him, he turned his back to me. He was not drinking alcohol, but his cheeks looked a little red, and it was not only because of the furnace.

“Hey Ed. What are you going to do now?”

“What do you mean?”

“So, are you going to stay here and continue blacksmithing forever? Or are you going to … somewhere else?”

“!? Master, How….!?”

I revealed my surprise at his words. It has already been half a year since I came to this world. So if I could see some kind of growth, I would set off on my journey after that… I had decided that, but I never dreamed that he would be able to see through it.

However, seeing my surprise, my master continued to speak with a wry smile saying, “What are you doing now?”.

“Of course I know that. If I don’t know that much, how can I teach you? I’m your Master , aren’t I?”

“Master ….!

“If you stay here, there are still many things I would like to teach you. Including that strange ability, you could be a blacksmith on par with me in 20 years. But you won’t choose that, will you?”

“…………………… Yes.”

It was a clear word of farewell. A willingness to reject someone who expects more from you.

Ah,. I wonder if all the people who expelled me felt this way. Did they send me off, overcoming such feelings?

And yet, on the first round, I acted incompetent, betrayed expectations, threw everything away, and was kicked out of the world… I was running away huh.

“Haha, I don’t know what to do…”

A self-mocking smile appeared on my face as I instinctively panicked and got down. I’m glad he turned his back on me. I couldn’t let my master see my face like this. But then I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder—!?

“Guha!? M-Master, what are you doing!?”

“Shut up! You deserve to be hit for being such a pussy right now, you know!”

“Urghh, what’s with that kind of a response ……?”

I was grabbed by the shoulder and forced to lift up my face, and suddenly I was hit by a strong fist on my cheek. I was blown away and my head was spinning, and in front of me was the face of my master, who looked … annoyed but warm in some way.

“There are two kinds of worries: the worry to make a decision or the worry to escape from something. And in my life experience, most of the troubles of the people who look like you now are usually troubles to run away from something. If you’re my disciple, don’t make that face! For youngsters like you, It’s not about what you should have done, it’s about what you’re going to do! Answer me, Ed! What are you going to do now!”


My cheek was still throbbing in pain from the beating I received with no restraint. It would be easy to heal it with “regenerate,” but there is no way I’m letting go of this pain …. Master’s love.

“I… want to be a person who doesn’t feel ashamed of  those who sent me out.”

“What, you mean that? Then I’ll be the first. You’re my pride and joy, Ed. You’re my proud disciple.”

“…. Thank you, very much, Master.”

I stood up slowly and bowed my head deeply and profoundly under the weight of the tears that welled up in my eyes. I couldn’t see the face of my master, who was probably witnessing the most pathetic face of the most pathetic disciple… but I could clearly imagine his shy, sour face in my mind.