“At last it’s over…”

“Yeah, it sure is.”

After that, we ran out of the Demon King’s chamber, which was rapidly becoming unstable, and we evacuated to the outside of the castle. At about the same time, the protective wards covering the castle disappeared, and the majestic castle was transformed into rubble just like the surrounding townscape. Feeling moved witnessing this, Reil once again bowed deeply and called out to us.

“Thank you very much, Ed-san, Tia-san. Thanks to the two of you, I was able to accomplish the feat of defeating the Demon King. As a human being living in this world, let me offer my heartfelt thanks.”

“Ah, it’s fine. Right, Tia?”

“Yeah! We fought together, and it feels quite lonely if you treat me with such respect.”

“Is that so… Fufu, Alright then.”

Reill smiled softly at us, and we smiled back. The sky was blue and clear, as if to celebrate the new beginning of this world.

Incidentally, the arm that was cut off by Tia had already healed. It would have been difficult with only Reil’s magic, but since I was able to use my banishment skills after his death, I was able to regenerate it by [Regenerate].

I had never healed an injury this large before, and to be honest, it was a little scary to see the flesh rising up from the amputated surface and becoming an arm. I was convinced that this was indeed the power of the Demon King. … Let’s return to the present.

“Besides, it’s not completely over yet, right? There are still remnants of the Demon King’s Army.”

“Yes, that’s right. But the majority of them are already gone, so it’s just a matter of time.”

“Well, it wouldn’t take long for 100,000 soldiers. Ah, if we had that many reinforcements at that time…”

“Then I’d be wondering how I was ever going to get expelled.”

I chuckle and get on board with Tia’s joking statement. If a similar coalition force had been formed in that world, what would … really have happened?

“I know right. If we had managed to get to the Demon King this quick at that time, it would have been difficult to even leave the party with an injury on purpose. …… Worst case scenario, I could peek in on you changing just like I did the first time?”

“Ed no ecchi!”


Tia slapped my nose and puffed up her cute cheeks.

“Ah, So Ed-san really is a pervert after all! But now that he has defeated the Demon King, I may at least offer you my body in return. ….”

“Ed no ecchi!!!!”


Tia’s fist exploded on the tip of my nose in front of Reil, who swayed her hips with her cheeks stained. It was three times more painful than before.

“Isn’t that unreasonable, Tia-san?”

“Hmph! I have no mercy for the enemies of maidens!”

“I-I’m sorry! It’s my fault….”

“It’s not Riel’s fault… No, it’s Riel’s fault? Let’s leave it at that, since thinking about it too deeply doesn’t seem to do any good, but now that we’ve defeated the Demon King, it’s time to say goodbye.”


Reil’s eyes widened in surprise at my words. But that reaction was also a surprise.

“Why are you surprised? We’ve defeated the Demon King, so our journey ends here, right?”

“But, you know, we could at least have a victory celebration, or at least a report to everyone in the world that we defeated the Demon King? And I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who would love to see the two of you as Heroes.”

“No, that would make it difficult for us to return home, you know? If the ‘banishment’ fails, so be it, but if not, now is the best time. Me and Tia fought the Demon King, but during the battle both of us died and not even our corpses were left behind, it does make sense, right?”

“That’s not true…!”

While she looked at me condemningly, Reil kept her mouth shut there. She was not just a saint with a title. Because of her power, she has taken countless lives, and her youth and beauty have been used politically beyond the Arlene Church to which she belongs.

Then, of course, I know what will happen when we return. Naturally, we would be cheered by the general public, and with the cooperative relationships we have built with various countries, we would not be treated so negatively.

But the closer the relationship is, the harder it will be to sever. We are simply leaving this world, so it can be said that it doesn’t matter, but for Riel, who remains here, it would be different. If we were to suddenly disappear one day, it was inevitable that inquiries would flood in to Riel as our comrade who helped us defeat the Demon King.

“Is my position or existence …… dragging the two of you down?”

“That’s not wrong either, but the root cause is the fact that we defeated the Demon King in the first place. Well, in life you meet people and you have to say goodbye. It’s no use worrying about it. So, you have to do it.”

“…Are you sure?”

“Yes, please.”

“……………….. okay.”

Seeing me and Tia gently holding hands, Reil folded her hands in front of her chest as if she was praying and looked straight at us.

“Through the power of these brave warriors from another world, the Demon King of this land has been vanquished, and peace has been brought to this world. For your courage and humanity, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. And good-bye. As long as I live, I will never forget you both.”


–Conditions met, Ten Minutes Remaining Until Return.

I heard the usual voice in my head as I heard Riel’s words, as if she was forcing a smile.

“Oh, It worked!”

“Does that mean that you were able to ‘banish’ without problems?”

“Yeah, Right. With—-!?”

Suddenly, Reil jumped on my chest. Her arms were firmly around my waist, and her eyes were filled with tears.

“WHY!? Why are you  getting ‘banished’!? Even though I am so, so grateful to you… am I not even allowed to send you off wishing for your happiness!?”

“Haha, thanks Reil. But that’s OK. I can’t do anything about the concept of ‘banishment’ itself. It’s a lot of progress just to be allowed to expand on this stupidity. And now, thanks to you, we’ve taken it a step further. We can… now go home after defeating the Demon King.”

“That’s right, Reel. Thanks to you, I’m on track to leave the world after doing what I need to do. So thank you. You are the catalyst that will allow us to save all the worlds we will visit in the future. You were definitely a saint.”

“Tia-san, ……!

Reil, who had just left me, now embraced Tia. Tia’s face as she rubs Reil’s back was ever so tender, like a Holy mother holding a saint in her arms.

“Tia. It’s about time…”


Tia, who had moved away from the groggy Reil, held out her hand to me as I called out to her. Then we held hands, and I called out to Reil for the last time.

“You know, Reil, thanks to you, the Demon King has disappeared from this world! Even if I had to do it all over again, no Demon King would ever be born in this world again! Be proud! You saved this world forever!”

“Ed-san… Yes, I understand!”

“I had a great time, Reil! I know we won’t see each other again, but we will always be friends!”

“Tia-san! Of course! But don’t say I won’t see you again! I’m sure I’ll get to see you both again, based on that skill!”

“Fufu, really? Then I’ll look forward to seeing you again. Oh, but don’t be reckless, okay? I won’t forgive you if you shorten your lifespan like I did!”

“Understood! I might end up becoming an auntie or an old lady…”

“That’s fine! See you—“

“See you!”

–3…2…1… World Transfer Commences

For the first time, while seeing someone off. For the first time, while being seen off. The bodies of Tia and I, holding hands, turned into light and were ‘banished’ from this world.

(T/N: Man this goodbye hit hard)