For a little while starting from this time, the third-person perspective will continue.

“It finally came, huh…………”

Drasdon, the fortified city. Amelia, standing on top of the wall, could see a black giant, perhaps 30 meters tall, approaching with loud footsteps.

“Hahaha, no matter how many times I see it, the overwhelming pressure is amazing… It seems foolish to fight against something like that, but…”

Amelia looked down and saw a large number of mercenaries and regular soldiers in position along the ramparts. All of them look determined, waiting impatiently for her command, as she has been officially appointed as the commander of the unit.

“We can’t just ignore his achievements and not reward him.”

Saying this, Amelia unsheathes the sword from her waist. It is a sword with a blade like the dawn, entrusted to her by a mercenary who went alone to scout for the source of the evil lurking deep in the Black Forest and had been out of contact for two months.

—The root cause that has created such a large number of demonic beasts is just one entity, and it arrived in Drasdon in just about two months

The information brought by the mercenary Ed had a significant impact not only on the upper echelons of Drasdon but also on the military of her homeland. Charles Brown, the commander on the front lines, recognized the validity of the information and requested a reinforcement of troops from the country about a month and a half ago.”

However, contrary to such preparations, the frequency and quantity of demonic beast attacks actually decreased day by day, and the mercenary who was supposed to be out scouting did not return at all.

Did he just say something random and run away? Or did he end up in a fight with the master mind for some reason and couldn’t avoid it? Amidst various speculations, a reconnaissance unit was dispatched to the ‘Black Forest’ which became accessible due to the decrease in demonic beasts activity, and they ended up finding something unbelievable there

That was a Titan. The Titan, its entire body covered in a black miasma, was surrounded by a large number of demonic beasts that followed it, and because its forces were concentrated there, the number of attacks decreased. …. In other words, the intelligence department compiled a report that an unprecedented large-scale attack would occur together with Titan.

Once that happened, it was hellish days from there on. No more battles with demonic beasts, but instead, Amelia was busy gathering forces to prevent the slowly approaching end times.

Using every conceivable means at her disposal, she piled up mountains of gold coins and gathered a force at any cost. Months flew by,…. and now the Black Titan was finally within sight of Drasdon.

“Hey, Tia-kun. Are you really going?”

“Yes, of course.”

In the midst of all this, an elf girl stood beside Amelia with a strong look of determination on her face. She was one half of the mercenary sent out that day and the one who was left behind.

“Because …… that’s where Ed is.”

“… I see.”

Lunaritia stared straight at the black Titan and nodded with conviction, but Amelia’s gaze was somewhat pained. From Amelia’s point of view, Lunaritia had lost a close friend and seemed to have lost her ability to think properly.

Well, of course. As long as he has not returned by now, common sense tells us that Ed is long dead. Seeking revenge would make sense, but believing he’s still alive is nothing but a delusion. However, Lunaritia didn’t hesitate listening to Amelia’s words. Something far more certain than common sense was tied to her little finger.

“I’m sorry for being so selfish. But it’s not that I’m desperate or anything. It’s just that there’s a reason that I can’t explain to others no matter what……..”

The thread extending from Lunaritia’s pinky finger was connected to that Black Titan. However, only she and Ed could see it. Even for Lunaritia, it was tough to explain by saying ‘There’s a red thread that only we can see that connects us. It would be better to be considered crazy than to be comforted by lukewarm gazes, which would be quite unbearable

However, she did not have the skills to make up a convincing argument like her trusty partner, and all Lunaritia could do was to try to convince them with a wry smile.


“Well, it’s okay, Captain! We’re mercenaries! As long as we get paid, we’ll do the job properly!”

“Exactly. Besides, if it’s Tia-chan’s request, I gotta listen to it, you know?”

“Well, no matter how hard Thomason tries, I don’t think Tia-chan will fall.”

“Shut up, Jonathan! I always remember to take a chance!”

At Lunaritia’s side were a group of mercenaries who knew each other. These were the men who listened to Lunaritia’s story and offered to help her get to the Titan.

“Thank you, everyone. Especially you, Gastor-san… Was it really okay?”

In response to Tia’s question, the seasoned mercenary who had returned to his hometown but came back to Drasdon after hearing about the recent commotion, answered with an ill-fitting smile, holding his sword with his one and only arm.

“Hmph! If I continue stayin’ in the countryside like this, It’s the end of me, But I ain’ got enough strength left to fight at the “Death Line”. I’m going to get my ass out of here as soon as I drop you off, Jou-chan, Don’t worry about it. But, if you wanna buy me a drink….”

“Sure, that’s fine. I’ll treat you to the finest sake.”

“What the… wait, really!?”

Gastor, who had thought that he would be rejected in the usual way, was dumbfounded by Lunaritia’s words of acceptance with a smile on her face. And to Gastor, Lunaritia replied with a mischievous smile.

“Of course! Shall I pour you a drink while sitting next to you?”


“O-Oh! What’s this, is it finally my time?”

“Unfair! It’s all about Gastor! Me too! Let’s drink together, Tia-chan!”

“You guys are really …. but well, sure, let’s all have a drink together again sometime …… with Ed.”

Lunaritia just smiled gently at the three different reactions. Watching them, Amelia couldn’t help but press her hand against her head and shake it sideways.

“Good grief, I can’t understand what you guys are thinking. But… here,”

Amelia, smiling bitterly, handed the sword in her hand to Lunaritia.

“Huh? Is it okay?”

“Yeah. Ed-kun’s information was delivered to us, and the request has already been fulfilled. Ideally, I would have preferred to return it directly to him… but if you’re returning it on my behalf, then there should be no problem.”

“I understand. I’ll take it then.”

With her partner’s sword in hand, Lunaritia walke out of the defense wall, with the mercenaries following behind her. Not long after that, the black Titan stopped—-


An earth-shattering cry rang out, and the demonic beasts that had been huddled in the forest began charging toward the Drasdon all at once. Amelia sent out a flurry of instructions from the top of the defensive wall to deal with them, and at last the fierce battle began. At the moment, the battle was split 50-50. The “Death Line” that had been constructed was writhing like a living creature, but no part of it has yet been breached.

But that only lasted until the Titan moved. If even a swing of that arm were to hit, the area would suffer catastrophic damage and a horde of beasts would come pouring in. To prevent that, the Titan must be defeated, but it seems that neither arrows nor magic from a distance are inflicting any damage on the Titan.

The front line must push and start attacking the Titan before its legs start moving again… but Amelia couldn’t give reckless instructions even if she was anxious. While anxiously waiting for the right moment, a powerful sideways tornado suddenly emerged from a part of the “Death Line”, creating a large gap in the swarm of beasts in front of Amelia’s eyes.

“Is that you, Tia-kun? All hands, rain arrows and magic down on that area! Don’t let them close the opening!”

At Amelia’s words, the long-range attack that had been saved for the second wave exploded. Perhaps thanks to this support, Lunaritia managed to reach the foot of the Titan.

“What are we gonna do now, Jou-chan!? We can’t last even five minutes!”

“Don’t worry, it won’t take long! So take care of my body!”

“Your body!? Tia-chan, what are you–“

“I’m coming, Ed!”

Without waiting for the mercenaries’ reply, Lunaritia activated [One Heart Engage] without hesitation. At that moment, Lunaritia’s body crumpled to the ground, and the mercenaries were very agitated.

“Oi oi oi oi oi!? What’s going on!?”

“I don’t know, man! Damn it, if it wasn’t for this situation, I’d take it home…”

“Thomason, ……, that’s just not right.”

“T-this is a joke, right!?”

No more noise could be heard. Following the red thread, Lunaritia entered the Demon King’s body.