I’m not a hero, so my attacks don’t have much of an effect on the Demon King. However, the “Dawnbreaker” sword I wield is undoubtedly a hero’s sword, and it can penetrate the Demon King’s defense… the black miasma.

That’s why my sword grazed John’s cheek and pierced deeply into something approaching from behind him.

“Ga… gi…”

Sparks scattered from the spot where the sword pierced, and a golem about the size of a child appeared in a place where there was nothing before. When I forcefully swung the sword still stuck in it, the golem was yanked out from the tip of the sword and slammed onto the floor, not moving as smoke billowed from its entire body.

“W-What is this!?”

“Hey, hey, being caught by something like this, you’re a bit too careless. What is this anyway? An invisible golem?”

“It’s a golem for guarding important people. It seems to be illegally modified for assassination… I can’t believe it was targeting me…”

“If our information was being rewritten, then of course the only target would be you. Seriously, you let your guard down because you were thinking of something boring?”

“It seems so. I apologize.”

As I said this lightly, John dropped his shoulders. It’s just a little annoying that it’s my own face.

“Hey, John? What do you call that… the original? I don’t know if ‘original’ is the right word, but can you return your face to John’s face for now? It’s unsettling to talk to someone with my face.”

“Is that so? Alright.”

At my words, John’s face returns to its original John D. Jones appearance. It’s probably someone else’s face, but since I’m not planning to meet the real John, this should be fine for now.

“Then, once again, the final stage―”

“Didn’t I say we don’t need that?”

“…Does that mean you want to defeat me, who is unreliable, right away?”

“No way! I’m saying you don’t have to be defeated.”

At my words, John furrowed his brows.

“So you’re letting me go?”

“Is that the flat way to put it? Sure, I certainly am defeating the Demon Kings of each world and gathering power, but I’m not thinking of wanting to regain all my power and revive.”

That’s right, I don’t want to revive as the Demon King Of The Endl. In fact, there are already several worlds where the recollection has failed, so I can’t fully revive unless I enter the third round.

“The reason I’m defeating Demon Kings is because the power of an outsider like me is messing up their worlds. But you’re different, right? Over 8,000 years, you’ve become a resident of this world instead of an outsider. So there’s no reason for me to do anything about you.”

“…Is that okay?”

“It’s not about being okay or not. Besides…”



“…Ha, never mind. If I had to say, it’s because I am the true Demon King Of The End! Deciding how to end things is my privilege alone, and since I’ve decided not to end you, you can do whatever you want.”

Saying that, I walked away from the railing toward the stairs. John’s face behind me was no longer visible.

“…Thank you.”

So, with a small whisper, I waved my hand lightly and left the place.


Ever since that incident, we went back to our daily lives. We continued searching for cats and conducting background investigations as usual, and for some unknown reason, Canal was constantly involved in various incidents. We helped rescue the president’s daughter, who was like a king without hereditary succession, from being kidnapped, disarmed bombs planted all over the city, and crushed an organization called the True Demon King Army that had been lurking under the radar. In the blink of an eye, about a year passed.

As the seasons changed and something new was about to begin, we finally brought up saying goodbye to Canal.

“Are you really going back? I thought we were good friends…”

“Don’t be unreasonable, Canal. They have their own circumstances.”

“Well, it seems we can’t defeat the Demon King with things as they are now.”

In front of Canal’s office building in the early morning, I said that with a bitter smile. Of course, the Demon King I was referring to wasn’t the real one in front of us, but the mastermind behind the S.E.E.D incident. We explained to Canal that for now.

“But it seems John will do something about it. That’s why we’re going back, right?”

“Yes. The enemy is formidable, but I cannot ignore S.E.E.D. It will take some time, but I will definitely…”

“Me too! I’ll do my best to cooperate!”

“I’d appreciate it if you just stayed out of it… But I know you won’t, Canal. Just try not to get in the way.”

“John, always saying that! I’ve grown too, you know! I even got my agent license, ninth grade!”


John let out a dry laugh, deliberately avoiding Canal’s proud gaze. The agent license she mentioned was required to possess weapons, and the ninth grade was obtainable by any adult who fulfilled their tax obligations.

“Good luck, Canal. But don’t do anything too dangerous, okay?”

“Thanks, Tia. It’s not like I want to do dangerous things, though.”

Tia held out her right hand, and Canal firmly grasped it. So…

“See you, John. Good luck.”


As I held out my right hand like Tia, John looked confused. But I ignored it and forcibly shook John’s hand.

“Guh… Well, we’re connected now. How about you?”

“Uh, yes. I feel the connection… But why? If you don’t take me in, you’ll only weaken yourself, right?”

“Heh, it’s no big deal. And by being connected like this, we can always become one. If you ever get tired of living, or despair of the world, I’ll be there to collect you. So live your life to the fullest, John D. Jones, until the day it all ends!”

“…I promise. On my soul.”

A warm sensation flowed into me from our firmly clasped hands. It was a power that was part of me but not mine – the shining proof of John’s individuality, the soul of John, which he had acquired over 8,000 years.

“Goodbye, Ed and Tia. I’ll dismiss you two from your temporary positions at the Caroline Detective Agency! Don’t forget about me, even in another world!”

“We won’t forget! Take care, Canal!”

“Bye. You two, take care of each other.”

We waved at Canal, who had tears in her eyes, with smiles on our faces. But it would take about ten minutes for us to be sent to the “white world.”

“…Um, you’re not going back yet?”

“Ah, yeah. We’ll be sent back ten minutes after being expelled.”


“I-I see… “

The ten minutes after the emotional farewell felt quite long. We stood there with awkward smiles, and then Canal suddenly spoke up.

“Oh, I almost forgot! Wait here!”

“Hey, Canal!?”

We watched Canal run off, though we could have chased her, disappearing in a crowd would be a problem. As we wondered what to do, Canal came running back with a white box in her hands.

“Here! My favorite coffee beans and a chiffon cake! As a souvenir… Kyaa!?”


As Canal stumbled, John quickly ran over and caught her. However, the white box flew into the air, and with only ten seconds left before we were transferred to the <White World> it was more than enough time.

“Got it! Thanks, Canal! Tia!”


I caught the box in mid-air, quickly put it in the [Strange Box] and landed, reaching out my hand to Tia. She took my hand, and the time came.

[Really, it’s hectic until the very end, isn’t it?]

[I know right]

Just before disappearing from the world, John and I exchanged similar thoughts with our eyes, and we shared an indescribable bitter smile.