A long, long straight road that gradually sloped upwards. As we advanced along it, we were greeted by a scenery resembling the end of the world.

The earth abruptly disappeared, revealing a vast expanse of pure white mist or clouds. Despite that, the road continued onward, leading to the endpoint, about 100 meters before a triangular-pointed cliff.

“…Is this the end?”

“Seems like it. Well, there must be something… Whoa!”

As we nervously looked around, a gigantic figure suddenly appeared right in front of us. It was the upper body of a metallic humanoid, resembling a golem or something, floating above the mist.

[Congratulations on making it this far, Chosen Hero and his companions.]

“Oh, it spoke!”

Excitedly, Gou raised his voice upon hearing the figure speak. But without reacting to it, the metallic humanoid continued.

[I have understood the way you live. Now, I shall commence the final trial.]

“Gahaha! Fine by me! I’ll overcome anything!”

Encouraged by Gou’s enthusiasm, I focused my attention on carefully assessing what our opponent would do. The metallic humanoid raised its palms, and familiar jars appeared on each of them.

“Hmm? Jars? What are they… Ah!”

Right in front of us, the left hand of the metallic humanoid turned around. As a result, the jar that had been on its palm fell and smashed onto the ground.

“What is this? I was supposed to break that jar!”

“Huh, really?”

“Yes, damn it! Having someone else break the jar is a lifelong disgrace!”

“Is it that serious!?”

While Gou expressed deep frustration, Tia raised her voice in surprise. But without reacting to that, I calmly analyzed the recent events.

(There were two jars, and one was broken. There was no way I could have prevented that just now, so…)

“Gou-san! Another one is about to fall! Catch it!”

“What!? Right!”

Upon hearing my voice, which had grasped the intention of the trial, Gou immediately started running. However, at that moment, the ground in front of us emitted a flash, and a road appeared, twisting and turning like a snake.

“Damn, what is this!? Damn it!”

Since the road had appeared, Gou had no choice but to go there. However, the winding path required dozens of times more distance to travel compared to a straight path. At this rate, the jar would fall from the slowly tilting hands of the metallic humanoid much faster.

“Damn it!!”

“It’s no use, we won’t make it! Tia, can you interfere with magic?”

“It’s impossible to support the jar without breaking it. Or should we attack that golem?”

“No, that’s a last resort.”

Throughout this Trial Mountain, no traps or demonic beasts that directly harmed us appeared. And that metallic humanoid wasn’t directly attacking us either. So attacking it from our side would be a bad move.

(Then what do we do? Think, think!)

While watching Gou, who continued to run desperately on the deeply twisted path, I desperately wracked my brain for a solution.

The characteristic of this mountain was that even though there was a path in front of us, it was difficult to pass through it. Ignoring the road seemed much easier, and even now, if we ignored the road and ran straight toward the metallic humanoid, we would reach it well before the jar fell.

But we had persistently followed the road. However, it wasn’t because the trials were designed that way, but it was solely Gou’s obsession.

So what now? Just running on the road won’t make it in time. Well, if I use [Hermes Dash] I could make it in time, but that wouldn’t be the answer since this was a trial specifically for the hero.

Is ignoring the road the correct answer? If it implies developing adaptability, it could be possible, but then the previous trials should have had time limits or similar restrictions. However, until now, we were allowed to take as much time as we wanted. Is this the first trial where ignoring the road is the only way to make it in time? It feels inconsistent.


Amidst my wandering thoughts and my eyes frantically scanning the surroundings, I heard Gou’s yell. Even though there was no chance of making it, his expression didn’t show a hint of resignation. Yet, there was no sign that he would ignore the road and go straight.

That’s right, that’s the Gou I know. That’s the kind of hero Gou is. If there’s something lacking, we will…

“I see! Tia, wait there! If anything happens, please take care!”


Without explanation, I ran straight toward the metallic humanoid, without using the expulsion skill. The road immediately started curving, but… I ignored it and stepped into the grassy area.

Instantly, a strong resistance coursed through my entire body. It was as if it was telling me that I couldn’t deviate from the road, but I fought back with all my strength, breaking through that barrier.

“Uwoooo! Gou-san!”

“Ed!? What are you—”

“I’ll create the road!”

Despite repeatedly colliding with invisible walls, I broke through them with all my might. Thus, the path I took became a road, and Gou followed it, rushing straight toward the metallic humanoid.




At the final step onto the grassy area, I exhausted all my strength and squatted on the spot. Without using the expulsion skill, this was the extent of my abilities.

However, the path connected. It connected to the road that had been there from the beginning, allowing Gou to make a final sprint… and the jar fell from the metallic humanoid’s hand.

“I won’t let you!”

With a triumphant yell, Gou slid underneath and raised his hands. The jar that had fallen made no sound of shattering, as it landed perfectly in Gou’s arms.

“We got it! Ed, Lunaritia!”

As if proudly displaying a medal, Gou showed it off to us with a radiant smile. Tia, who had arrived after following the path I created, joined us. Then, we heard another mysterious voice from the metallic humanoid.

[Congratulations on overcoming the trials, Chosen hero and his companions.]

“Thank you. Um… Are you a god?”

[Fufu, no. I am not. I, too, am a reflection of the hero’s innermost thoughts, as are all the things within this mountain.]

“My thoughts… I see…”

“What do you mean?”

Curious about Gou’s satisfied expression, Tia asked. Gou, still holding the jar, turned his serious gaze toward us and began to speak.

“It’s just as it is. Take, for example, that maze. As I’ve told both of you, I was troubled by not being able to accept the idea of going straight. If my dilemma manifested as a twisting and turning maze, I can understand that. It applies to the other trials as well. The roads that appeared and disappeared depending on the time or whether a person’s will could pass through them. I believe they all expressed my indecision and weakness.”

“I see. So, if we deviated from the road, everything would have been easily achievable?”

“I had a childish notion that if I abandoned my current way of life, it would become easier. Nobody knows if it would really be easier, but at least that’s how it felt to me.

And finally… in that trial that questioned my belief of ‘not abandoning someone even if I can’t make it in time,’ Ed broke through my limits for me. Ed created a path that I alone couldn’t achieve, a path that allowed me to make it without abandoning anyone. Thank you, Ed. It’s thanks to you that I was able to stick to my conviction until the end.”


Gou, looking directly into my eyes as he expressed his gratitude, made me feel somewhat embarrassed, causing me to scratch my head. While I was doing that, Tia, with a mischievous smile, nudged my side with her elbow. I casually brushed her hand away. Smiling, Gou continued stroking the jar in his arms and spoke.

“Furthermore, this jar as well. When I was appointed as the hero and gained the privilege of breaking jars and rummaging through chests, I couldn’t fully discard the guilt of breaking someone else’s jar. That guilt manifested as an unbreakable jar from an unreachable place… but now, it’s finally over!”

Gou lifted the jar high and slammed it onto the ground. Before Tia could say, “Wait, isn’t that one not supposed to be broken!?” it was already too late.


With a satisfying noise, Gou’s guilt trigger shattered. And from within it emerged a golden bracelet adorned with a large red gem.

“What is this…? Ooooooohhhhh!?!?!”

Gou picked it up and put it on his wrist, suddenly shouting and looking around. 

“What’s wrong, Gou-san?”

“Light?! I see lights in various places! What is this!?”

[That is the true proof of the hero that you sought. It is a magical tool that, when worn, reveals the locations of unbroken jars and untouched chests.]

“What?! What an amazing magical tool! Ah, this is truly the greatest magical tool that all the previous heroes sought! Thank you, Ed! Thank you, Lunaritia! I was able to obtain this because the two of you cooperated with me! I sincerely appreciate it!”

“Ah, ahaha… You’re welcome…”

“Hehe, that’s so like you, Gou-san.”

Feeling even deeper gratitude in Gou’s words, both Tia and I wore wry smiles. Gou, smiling while putting on and taking off the bracelet, radiated the brightest shine we had seen so far.

(T/N: This is so dumb lmao, but amusing at the same time)