“Ah, so it’s like this here as well… Is there some kind of rule that the Demon King must create such a door?”

“Well, who knows? But there might be some kind of obsession.”

In front of us stood a large, black double door. Now that we had thoroughly explored every corner of the Demon King’s castle, this was the only place left to go.

“Finally, it’s time to face off against the Demon King… Are both of you ready?”

“Of course!”

“Let’s go!”

With a smile, we nodded, and Gou placed his hand on the door. The large door, which didn’t seem like it could be moved by a human hand, opens, and beyond it, a room with gray pillars and red and black cloth hanging everywhere spreads out.

We walked into that room without any hesitation. After advancing for a while, a middle-aged man sitting in an excessively tall chair addresses us with a dignified voice.

“You’ve finally arrived, Hero and his party. I am the true king ruling over this world, the Demon King Zamahagen!”


“What’s wrong? Are you so terrified of me that you can’t even speak? It’s understandable…”

“Wait, the Demon King has a name?!”


From Gou’s silence, there was a shout, and this time the Demon King was at a loss for words. Twitching the temples of his somewhat bat-like face, he crossed his legs with an appearance of composure.

“Ho, ho? Despite being a hero, you don’t know my name?”

“I don’t. This is the first time I’ve heard it.”

“So, so it is… well, um. Thinking about it, all the heroes who’ve heard my name from me have been killed by me on the spot, so it’s natural that my name isn’t well-known. Then I will kill you, and this time, I will make my name known to the world!”

“Huh? If I die, then there’s no one left to spread your name, right?”

“Gah!? Shut up! Then… that’s it! I’ll rename the Demon King’s army to the Zamahagen army, and attack the human towns with that name!”

“There is no record of the Demon King’s Army ever calling itself the Demon King’s Army when they attacked.. Or are you planning to announce your name before you attack this time? But if you’re going to annihilate everyone in the end, your name still won’t get passed on…”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up! Whatever I say, you argue back! What a cheeky hero you are! Someone like you… huh?”

The Demon King, leaning forward from his throne and shouting, suddenly looked behind Gou… in other words, at me. So I gave him a light wave, and the Demon King startled upright.

“Wha-!? Why!? Why are you… no, um, you! Why are you here!?!?”

“Why not? I’ve been working with Gou-san as part of the Hero Party for two years now. Didn’t you realize that until now?”

“Ngh!? No, no, no… there’s no way… that’s impossible! Don’t be ridiculous! I noticed, I definitely noticed!”

With a completely startled voice, Demon King Zamahagen insisted, puffing out his chest. But his rapidly moving eyes clearly indicated his agitation. It’s obvious, even to a child, that he’s shaken.

But in response to the Demon King’s attitude, Gou turned slightly toward me and started a conversation.

“Ed, do you know the Demon King?”

“We’re not exactly acquaintances. As far as I’m concerned, this is our first encounter. That being said, he is a nemesis. Didn’t I say? I’m with Gou-san because I want to defeat the Demon King.”

“……I see, is that so?”

Upon hearing my words, Gou nodded in agreement and turned his attention forward. I think he probably misunderstood in a good way, but at least I’m not lying. Honestly, it seems difficult to explain properly to Gou.

“Huh, Huhuhu… That’s right. I was fully prepared. I don’t care about your or God’s intentions! I will continue to reign as the Demon King of this world, toy with mankind at my whim, work tirelessly for environmental destruction, and indulge in the company of my favorite succubus! Now, Brave Hero and his companions, come at me! I’ll personally end your lives!”

“The one who will die is you, Demon King! Let’s go, both of you!”

As the Demon King rose and took a combat stance, Gou charged in with his sword. Naturally, we supported him, but in the middle of it, Tia glanced at me.

“What is it, Tia?”

“Nothing? Just, that thing is also part of you, right? So do you also want pretty girls to serve you?”

“Didn’t we conclude nicely with John that even though we have the same origin, we are different entities?”

“Well, yeah, but that’s one thing… Should I have dressed in that string-like armor for you?”

“Okay, let’s beat the Demon King to death”

This guy, like John, seemed to have gained intelligence and self-consciousness over a long period of time, but its existence was polar opposite to John’s, and it was all harm and no good. I absolutely have to avoid being seen as having the same preferences as this Demon King.

“I’ll support you, Gou-san!”

Calling out, I inserted myself between the two who were fighting from the front. The Demon King, reacting to this, swung his left hand, and the black claws extending to about the length of a longsword caught my sword.


“Ha! I didn’t claim to be the Demon King for five hundred years just for fun… well, companion number one!”

“Who’s companion number one! I’m Ed!”

“Ed? Houu, That’s an… amusing name you’ve been given. Then die as the clown Ed!”

The Demon King’s hands quickly vibrated, and Gou and I were driven on the defensive. Regardless of his appearance and words, as expected, the his attacks were sharp and fast.

“Damn, this is… more than I expected.”

“Tsk. He’s strong after all.”

“What’s the matter!? Is that all!?”

“Not yet… Tia!”

“―Manifest, [Star Hastu]’!”

The moment Gou and I leaped back, a star cloaked in a storm was shot from the clear line of Tia. It was headed straight towards the Demon King… but however.

“Nu, guh… gah!”

“You’re kidding!?”

The Demon King crossed his claws and received Tia’s magic from the front, knocking it aside. Tia was surprised and raised her voice, while the Demon King chuckled with an abundance of leisure.

“Hahaha, did you think you could defeat me with just that? The Demon King’s nickname isn’t just for show!”

“Ngh, but we’re just getting started!”

Against such a Demon King, Gou charged in again. But I remained in place, observing his movements closely.

Despite the disappointing aura he gives off, his abilities are real. Absorbing three shards to become stronger, then weakening as a result of connecting with John, my current power was almost the same as it was before I started collecting the power.

So am I going to make a fool of myself like this? Ha, as if. Quietly calming my heart, honing my soul, I house its chill into my blade. The moment to aim is a split second. The swing is a flash. The moment to see it is… right now!


The Demon King caught Gou’s sword with the claw of his left hand and thrust the claw of his right hand in a counter-like move. Before his force can fully carry through, my [Dawnbreaker] striked his claw at a perfect angle.


His proud claw cut off, surprise crossed the Demon King’s face. As he thrusted his right hand out, the shortened claw naturally coudn’t reach Gou.

“It’s over Demon King! Lunaritia!”

“―Manifest, [Volcanic Lancer]!”

Gou’s raised sword received Tia’s magic and flew. His sword burned brightly as he leaped into the range of the Demon King, which would usually be lethal, and stabbed deeply into the Demon King’s chest.

“Burn, and be gone!”


The Demon King screamed as he was burnt not only on the outside but also inside.