“The curse of sterility, the Demon King of Winter…?!”

I was at a loss for words at the overwhelming power of such a malicious Demon King. Tia, who was next to me, was the same, looking back and forth between me and Harris with a worried expression. And in front of us like that, Harris continued his story.

“The first to notice the curse were the researchers in the royal capital. Even though the blizzard continues, there are crops that can grow in cold climates. In fact, for the first year only, they were able to harvest plants that seemed to grow in the snow mountains as usual. But when the next year came, not a single seed sprouted, even though the temperature had not dropped further than before. A researcher who found this suspicious used the seeds he had saved, used a vast amount of fuel to create a greenhouse, and conducted research. Then he discovered that no matter how much he adjusted the environment, the seeds that had once been exposed to the blizzard did not sprout at all. From there, it was like dominos. The types of bugs that were thought to be dwindling due to the cold, and the types of beasts that were thought to have disappeared due to overhunting when the crops failed, all of them were being eaten away by the curse. The dead trees that people were happy to use for firewood because they were dry and easy to burn were the final forms of trees that had lost their power to sprout new buds, and even the demonic beasts that attacked people died out due to the curse. From the time when its power was vaguely revealed, various methods were considered to try to break the curse. But all attempts ended in failure… And then, finally, the curse began to affect humans as well. The last time I saw a newborn baby was more than 20 years ago.”

“That means…”

“Yes, no babies have been born to mankind since then. Depending on the circumstances, you two might be the last babies born to mankind. Haha…”

Harris’ dry laugh sounded oddly clear amidst the loud noise of the blizzard. But even after hearing all of this, questions still flooded my mind.

(What does that mean?! I’ve never heard of such a Demon King before?!)

Even if I, as a human-like being, do forget things, there’s no way I could forget the existence of such a powerful Demon King. In fact, this Demon King is by far the strongest I’ve ever known.

Of course, it would be. If Harris’s story is true, then this world is already over. There might be a slim chance of surviving in the sea or underground, where the blizzard can’t reach, but it’s too late for that. Even if there were someone who had been shut away for decades without showing any interest in the world’s changes, it’s unlikely they could sustain the human race.

That’s why it’s strange. Even though the game is already decided, why were we transported to this world at this timing? Is there a way to turn things around from here by our coming? Or――

“That’s the end of my story. So, do you understand how the world ended up like this?”

“Yes, I… I don’t know what to say…”

At Harris’ words, Tia’s expression clouded over and she mumbled. I understand her feelings. I don’t know how to respond to his explanation either. Seeing our thoughts, Harris once again showed a tired smile.

“You don’t have to push yourself. And today, I saw a new hope. I haven’t met anyone in a decade, but I met beings like you. You both look healthy, so I assume you’re eating properly? Oh, I’m glad. I’m truly glad. If there are beings like you… if there are places like that, then there’s still hope in this world! Thank you. Thank you! Because of you, I can move on. It seems I can add a new meaning to this journey.”

“What do you mean by ‘meaning of the journey’? What are you trying to do, Harris-san?”

“…I’m going to kill the Demon King.”

In response to Tia’s question, Harris opened his eyes wide and asserted. He put his hand on the rusty sword at his waist, and a piercing murderous intent began to emanate from him.

“Even if I defeat the Demon King, I don’t know if the curse will disappear. But at least the blizzard should stop. That would prevent a new curse from spreading, and the world might eventually return to normal… No, that’s not it.”

Harris’ hand gripped the handle of the sword tightly. Thick veins stood out on his hand, like a dried up branch, and his mouth was gritted so tightly it seemed his teeth might break.

“This is personal. My wife and daughter’s lives were taken unfairly because the world turned into this. I can’t forgive that, and I want to avenge them… This is the dirty desire of a man who once missed out on becoming a hero. That’s my only wish, and the motivation that’s kept me alive until today.”


Harris’ fierce voice, like a candle flame about to burn out, resonated around us. His voice, filled with a strong will but also fragility, could only lead to one response from me.

“Harris-san. Can we join you on your journey?”

“You two? Don’t be foolish, I have no intention of involving young ones like you in such a reckless journey.”

“But, Harris-san, you are going, right? Even though you know it’s reckless?”

“…Yes. This is all I have left. I’ve come this far over a long time, just to kill the Demon King. It’s because I have neither a place to return nor anything to protect, that I can challenge the Demon King. So, that’s why–”

“We are the same, then.”

Despite Harris trying to dissuade us, I met his gaze head-on.

“We also have reasons why we must defeat the Demon King. Even if Harris-san refuses, we will continue our journey alone. So why not travel together?”


“Please let us join you.”

To the conflicted Harris, Tia pleaded as if delivering a finishing blow. But something about Tia seems different than usual, more desperate. Well, Tia is always serious, but her desperation seems to have a different direction this time… Hmm?

“…All right. Let’s go together. But I want you to promise me two things. First, if I say run, you must run. I can’t stand the thought of you two, who have a future, dying in vain. Understand?”

“We understand. And the second one?”

I responded to show that I understand his point, but I don’t say that I’ll keep the promise. Smiling inwardly, I nodded and Harris’ expression changed again.

“The one to kill the Demon King is me. I won’t give that up.”

“…We understand. We leave it to you.”

To Harris’ flaming red eyes, I swallowed lightly and responded. Ah, these eyes are not good. I’ve seen many people with such eyes.

Whether for revenge or pleasure, they shine like they were possessed or mad. If I deny that, Harris would never accept us.

What kind of life has Harris lived? How much was the life of a hero I don’t know distorted by a Demon King I don’t know?

I can’t do anything about that. However, if we defeat the Demon King, we can accomplish Harris’ revenge in this world, and if by any chance it were to happen again, we can eliminate the very cause of Harris’ distortion in the subsequent world

A journey heavier than ever in a world harsher than ever. Preparing for that, Harris extended his right index and middle fingers straight, touched his forehead with the tips, and then pointed towards us.

“Fufu, I’ll be counting on you both.”

At that gesture and the smile on Harris’ deeply wrinkled face, a flash of light runs through my mind. Harris… Harris… that gesture and this face…!?

(Could it be…!?)

The young swordsman, Harris, who dreams of becoming a hero, who I was supposed to meet in the 22nd world. If the two are the same person—

(Did the transfer time shift by 40 years…!?)

At that unexpected possibility, I had to do my best not to collapse on the spot.