“A different world…?!”

“Yes. It might be difficult for you to believe, but…”

“No, I believe you.”

I could tell that my words surprised Harris, but he immediately relaxed, his statement so casual that it took me aback. If anything, his candid response was more confusing to me.

“Um, it might be strange for me to ask, but why are you so willing to believe me?”

“It’s simple. The idea of another world seems more credible to me than the notion of some place in this world still adhering to old norms… that’s all.”


Harris gave a tired smile at my puzzled reaction. I would naturally assume there’s still a safe place somewhere in this world… Hmm?

“Fufu, is it strange for me to think this way?”

“Yes, it is. I mean… not that it’s really my place to say!”

As I, who personifies absurdity, wore a perplexed expression at the paradoxical phenomenon of doubting rational judgment, Harris settled himself and took a deep breath before beginning to speak.

“I was born in a small seaside village. When the hero’s call was rescinded due to the world being engulfed in a blizzard, I returned to my village and lived as a fisherman. I married a girl from the village and we had a child… I was far from the hero I once dreamed of becoming, but I was content, living peaceful, happy days in a world on the brink of its end. But it didn’t last. As tough as the blizzard was, it couldn’t freeze the ocean, so we could still catch fish and shellfish if we dived deep enough. So, I kept diving every day to bring food back for my family… but of course, as we caught more and more, the amount started to dwindle. One by one, villagers started to die from hunger and cold… and in the end, only my family was left. By that point, there was probably no hope for the future. But I had a wife and daughter. I could overcome any hardship if it meant keeping them alive. So I kept on living…”

Harris’s voice faltered, his knuckles white as they clenched. His eyes seemed to gaze at something far away.

“One day, out of the blue… they both died. I’d left the house for three days trying to secure enough food as it was getting harder and harder to catch fish… and when I returned, I found my wife and daughter fallen on the floor, clinging to each other. I still don’t know the reason. Did they collapse from hunger, or freeze from the cold? Did they catch a disease, or was it the curse of the blizzard… As someone who’s not a doctor, I couldn’t understand. In a world that had forgotten decay, their bodies lay there, still beautiful…”


Unable to say anything in response to Harris’s agonizing voice, we fell silent. Offering consolation as if we understood his sorrow would be too arrogant, even for a god.

“I cursed the world’s absurdity. And then, I swore to kill the Demon King who caused it all. Fortunately or unfortunately, I’ve had a peculiar constitution since I was a child. My body is surprisingly tough and full of stamina. I can eat a lot but function perfectly fine even if I don’t eat much. So I spent a decade preparing. I dived to the depths of the ocean, shoveled frozen snow, gathered food from every possible place by every possible means, and prepared enough preserved food for a long journey. And then I traveled for ten years to get here. Along the way, I passed through numerous towns and villages… but not a single living human was left. Do you understand? Ten years. I moved across the continent from the sea to this mainland, and yet, there was not a single living human anywhere! Hence, I began to wonder. Perhaps I was the last human in this world.”

“The last, human………………..”

With the weight of those words, Tia’s lips trembled. At some point, our hands had intertwined, and she squeezed mine tightly, as if confirming my existence.

“When I met you two yesterday, I was really surprised. I was overjoyed to see that there were still other people living in this world besides me, and that there were places where young people could grow up properly. But… yes, that’s right. The closer one is to the mainland and to the Demon KIng, the stronger the power of the blizzard becomes. I found it easier to accept that you two had come from a different world than to think that you could live here. Perhaps there really are no other survivors left in this world other than me…”

“Harris-san… Hey, Ed, is that really true?”

In response to Tia’s questioning, I was unsure of what to do. Yes, I have a way to check whether Harris is the last human or not. But should I confront him with the truth here? Of course, the result could potentially lead to hope, but probably…

“Ed. If you know something, tell me. I’d rather… I’d like to know the truth, rather than cling to false hope.”

“…Understood. Manifest, [Akashic Compass]. What I’m looking for is… the nearest living human in this world, excluding Harris-san.”

With a determined look in his eyes, he asked me and I activated the [Akashic Compass]. However, nothing was displayed within its metal frame. That meant there was no such person.

“…What’s the result, Ed?”


I couldn’t put the result into words. So I simply shook my head, and Harris, whose expression seemed to have realized something, looked up at the sky.

“I see. So I really… I’m really the last one. Haha, haha…………”

A dry laugh echoed through the room. But as it subsided quickly, Harris turned his face back towards us.

“Thanks, Ed. But this helped me make up my mind. Well, I had already made up my mind… Should I say it gave me more of a push?”

“‘Resolve you say…”

“Yes, I will defeat the Demon King. Even if there is no future ahead, to end the past here, I will stake my life and defeat him without fail. No matter what means I have to resort to, no matter what sacrifices I have to make. Definitely… definitely.”

“…We will too.”

Interrupting my words, Harris thrusted his hand forward. His eyes are shimmering, and something akin to a killing intent is overflowing from his whole body.

“I want to say ‘no’… but you guys have your own reasons. I agreed to this yesterday, so I won’t complain about you coming along. But, as I mentioned yesterday, I absolutely cannot yield the finishing blow to the Demon King. That’s something for me, who lives in this world, to do. Is that alright?”

“Yes, that’s fine. But we’re not just outsiders. We’re here with a purpose, not out of sympathy or anything like that. Please understand that without misunderstanding.”

“Fair enough. If you don’t get in my way, I’ll consider your circumstances too. I’m Harris. The last human, the last warrior living in this world. Pleased to make your acquaintance again.”

Saying this, Harris reached out his hand. At first glance, his face seemed to be smiling. But underneath it, I could clearly sense a viscous emotion that seemed about to break… or rather, it felt as if he was already broken, but he just hadn’t realized it yet.

“I’m Ed. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Lunaritia.”

I shook hands with such a Harris, and next Tia shook hands… but for some reason, Tia didn’t let go of Harris’ hand.

“? Lunaritia?”

“…I’m sorry, it’s nothing.”

Tia apologized and let go of Harris’ hand, who was tilting his head. Her awkward smile that appeared on her face clearly showed her distress, even to someone other than me. I’m sure she’s hurt by the circumstances of Harris… but that’s exactly why we can’t talk any further here.

“So, shall we go? It’s not far now to where the Demon King lives.”

“Yes. Let’s go, Tia.”

“…Yes, let’s.”

Harris stood up and left the hut. I pulled Tia’s hand to get her to stand up and followed him into the blizzard.