“So, this is Ed’s younger sister, Eda-chan!”

“Uh, hello. I’m Eda. Nice to meet you.”

Leaving the inn for a bit, I rendezvoused with Rain at the meeting place and, after being introduced by the smiling Tia, gave a somewhat strained smile as I introduced myself.

According to the backstory that Tia and I came up with, I was supposed to be Ed’s sister, and after my brother Ed left home, I aspired to be an idol like Rain and came to this town, but I was blocked by the wall of talent and reality and was sulking here when I happened to meet my brother again and heard his story.

Honestly, it’s quite forced, but there’s no point in worrying about the details. There’s no need to put on a perfect performance, and as long as we can make Rain an idol, the rest can be improvised.

By the way, making Rain an idol is a confirmed goal. If not, there would be no reason for us to be with her, and depending on the situation, we might not be recognized as the “Hero Party”.

If we change the position or profession of the hero so much, I don’t know what kind of impact it will have on the world in the future. I want to try my best without compromise there.

“Eda-san, huh? Wow… you look like an adult woman! But if you’re Ed-san’s sister, that means you’re younger than Tia-san, right?”

“We-well, yeah. I’m 18 years old, I guess.”

“Really? Do you think I can be as voluptuous as you in four more years?”

“That’s… hard to say? But Rain, you’re fine just the way you are. It’s fine to naturally get bigger, but everyone has their own preferences, so there’s no need to be envious.”

“Wow, that’s a mature comment… But usually, the people who say that are aware that they are on the ‘having’ side, so it’s a little irritating!”

“Oh, uh. Sorry about that.”

With a good smile, she spat out a light poison, and I unintentionally apologized. As expected of the hero, she’s still got guts.

By the way, I initially thought about speaking in feminine language, but I quickly gave up. Changing my language use won’t help but feel odd, and above all, I’m not in disguise but in transformation… in other words, I’m in a real woman’s body.

So, regardless of how my tone was, the fact that I was a woman didn’t change, and there’s nothing to be exposed that I’m actually a man. So, it’s easier to do what you want from the start.

“So, now that we know that Eda-san is a super cool older sister, is it okay if I just show you two around today? Eda-san, you live here, right?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about that. It’s fate that we met, and I… well, you know. I’ve been a little down and holed up in the inn, so I actually don’t know much about this town.”

“So, Rain-chan will show us around the town in the morning, and after we have lunch, we’ll listen to her song in the afternoon… that’s okay, right?”

“Yeah, no problem. I’ve got the practice venue secured… thanks to my brother.”

The inn I’m staying at has a practice venue in its chain of businesses. So, it was easy to rent if I just asked the landlady. Of course, it also helps that I paid a generous deposit. But I have money, so it’s much better than competing  over cheap places. This is where my knowledge from the first round comes in handy.

“Understood! If both of you are okay with that, I’ll show you around the town to make up for yesterday’s pancakes! And I’ll also sing!”

“Fufu, I’m looking forward to it.”

Tia gave a cheerful smile to the spirited Rain. And so we went around the town… In reality, we just went to a bunch of clothing stores, got dressed up to the point of exhaustion… Had a quick lunch at a stall, and then in the afternoon.

“Wow! It’s so spacious and beautiful!”

The place I brought Rain to was a quite large practice room, about 5 meters vertically, 10 meters horizontally, and 3 meters high, with one wall fully mirrored.

“I haven’t seen such a spacious and beautiful practice room since the audition! Um, is the usage fee… very high?”

Rain looked at me hesitantly, her bubbly mood changed, and I replied with a wry smile.

“Hahaha, don’t worry about it. It’s just the money my brother paid.”

“Eh? Eda-san, won’t your brother stab you in the back one day?”

“No way! What do you think my brother is!?”

In reality, I’m both, so I can’t stab myself even if I want to. By the way, the fee is one silver coin per hour, and I rented it for three hours. It’s about ten times the price at cheaper places… But frankly, it’s really a small amount for the Hero Party’s activity funds. Even buying a simple healing potion would easily cost a silver coin.

“Anyway, this place has perfect soundproofing, so you can sing as loud as you want. I’m really looking forward to hearing your beautiful voice.”

“I’ve been looking forward to it since yesterday, and now I can finally listen!”

“Wh-what!? I… I’m not so sure it’s worth all that anticipation… hehehe.”

Upon hearing Tia’s and my words, Rain blushed in embarrassment. But she quickly pulled herself together, turned her back to the mirror… meaning she faced us, and stood tall and straight.

“I’m sorry that the song I’m going to sing in this magnificent practice room is by a country girl like me… but please, listen.”

Rain crossed her hands in front of her chest and closed her eyes. With her body in a prayer-like posture, she took a deep breath, opened her mouth– and in that moment, the world changed.

“Sleep, sleep, child of gold. Drooping ears of rice, drooping eyes.

Sleep, sleep, to the sound of the chisel. Nodding off, striking the hammer.

If it’s sunny tomorrow, during harvest time, catch the running child.

If it’s rainy tomorrow, while staying indoors, cradle the fussy child in your arms.

Sleep, sleep, precious jewel. Beyond the moon, the sun rises.

Sleep, sleep, peacefully, until tomorrow.”

It was just a simple, rustic lullaby. But beyond that singing voice, I saw my mother… actually, a smile and warmth that shouldn’t exist. And I guess Tia saw the same. I glanced at her, and a tear was spilling from her eyes.

Ah, this is it. This is the true value of the Hero Rain, a popular idol and an idol to adore. It’s a genuine miracle that shakes the hearts, the souls of those who listen. It’s not that the idols we saw yesterday were bad… but this is on a different level.

“Ehehe, how was it… wait, why are you crying!? Eh, was my song that bad!?”

“Eh!? N-no, that’s not it! It was just so wonderful, it moved me. Rain-chan, you’re very good!”


“Ah, it’s something. With this, you could seriously aim for the world.”

“Eeh? That’s too much, even for flattery! Uu…”

To our thunderous applause, Rain blushed even more than before and squirmed. Hm, it seems that the Hero Rain’s talent isn’t gone. In that case…

“This is harder than I thought.”

“? What is, Eda-san?”

“Of course, the way to make Rain an idol.”

“Eh? Really? But she sings so well, she could become one right away, right?”

To Tia, who looked at me with genuine confusion, I could only respond with a wry smile.

“Hey Tia, do you get it? To be an idol, you need to be a trio… or else it won’t work.”

“That is… oh.”

“Eh, what do you mean?”

Tia, who had just realized, gasped, and Rain, who hadn’t, looked puzzled. Of course, she wouldn’t realize… and even if she did, she wouldn’t know what to do about it.

“The point is, Rain’s singing is too good.”

Therefore, all I could do was tell her this with a bitter smile.

Author’s Note: There’s of course a melody to this song as well. I managed to compose it quite well, so if it ever gets turned into an anime or something, I’d love for you to hear it (lol).

T/N: I sure as hell want an anime of this.